
When there was no answer Mikey frowned and tried the door, surprised to find it locked

"Donnie? Donnie open the door." Once again he was met with silence.

With a sigh he made his way into the main room, finding Leo running through some basic Kata with the bokkan that Mikey had gotten him years ago. He couldn't help but smile.

Ninjitsu didn't exist in the Kame clan, and Mikey had been teaching him as best as he could. Katas and meditation had helped Leo to control his anger a lot better, and his lover seemed to enjoy it too.

"Your arm should be straighter." His tone was soft and slightly teasing, loving when he could feel that he knew than his alpha lover.

Leonardo adjusted himself slightly but didn't say anything. And Mikey knew then the Leo was trying to calm himself down and think.

"Couldn't meditate?" Mikey guessed, and the brief look that Leo gave him told him he was right.

Mikey could fell how tense the leader was, even from across the room. Something was worrying his lover and the other either didn't know, or didn't want to tell Mikey what it was.

Without another word he came up and lowered Leo's swords, wrapping his arms around him gently and kissing his neck neck softly.

Leonardo could feel his anger slowly washing away, eventually letting the practice swords fall to the floor as he returned the hug. Michelangelo just hugged him in silence until Leo was ready to talk with him.

"How is it that you always know how to calm my mind?" Leo mumbled against Mikey's neck. Something about the other always seemed to help him. "You always know what to do or say."

"Because I know you as I know myself." The pseudo Slave laughed, gently stepping back so he could see his lovers face.

"Why is Donnie's door locked?" He didn't miss how Leo tensed up at that question.

"I had need of him before your return." Was the cryptic reply as he distracted himself by picking up the booken to put them away.

"I know, I can tell." Mikey could smell his brother on Leo when they'd hugged. "That's not what I asked."

He knew Leo well enough to know that he was skirting around the question. Crossing his arms and giving the other a pointed look, Mikey let his lover know that he wasn't going to drop the subject.

"I didn't want you to see him upset." The honesty in Leo's voice made mikes arms fall to his sides, there was more, but it was good enough for now.

"I'm not a child, Leo. You don't need to protect me from everything. I understand more than you give me credit for."

"I know." The leader admitted, and there was a little guilt showing through. "And you can talk to him about Raphael later tonight."

"Is that what this is about?" Mikey shook his head and gave a heavy sigh. It was an old argument, and one that he was sure they were always going to have where Raph was concerned.

He gently took Leo's hand and led him down to the sofa so he could curl up against his side.

"Of course I'm worried about him. He's my brother. But I'm not stupid either, I know how badly a prisoner of war is treated. And I understand that he's being beaten. Not letting me see it doesn't change that. I've seen Raphael pretty beaten up over the years, I won't think less of you when I see the state he's in."

He could tell that Leonardo didn't believe him. The young Leader always saw fault in himself, carrying the weight of the settlement and yet still trying to take any burden from Mikey as well. He probably felt guilty, thinking that Michelangelo would leave him if he knew how badly his brother was treated.

Eventually Mikey decided to break the awkward silence by getting up and making them both a cup of tea, passing a cup to Leo was a soft smile.

"I'm not going to push you, but you can't keep me in the dark forever. Bottling it up isn't going to help. At least promise you'll talk about it to Venus?"

When Mikey wasn't around, or the other refused to talk to him, Venus was the only one that seemed to be able to get her brother to open up to her.

Leo sat further back as he sipped the sweet tea, Mikey had made it just how he liked it. He gave the other a reassuring smile, promising that he wouldn't keep it to himself forever.

Feeling a little better Mikey settled comfortably next to Leo again, just enjoying each others company for a little while while they worked through their own thoughts.


When he heard the sound of the lock turning Donatello instantly tensed up.

But it was Mikey and not Leo who came into the room that night, slipping in quietly since Leo had retired early to bed.

"Hi." He muttered awkwardly, seeing how Donnie was curled up under his blanket like he wanted to hide away from him. "Sorry... I guess I should have knocked."

Donnie took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm, Leo's 'punishment' still clear in his mind. "No. It's ok." He was still angry at Mikey after seeing Raph, but his voice was only slightly frosty.

"So..." Mikey rubbed the back of his head, shifting on the spot nervously before sitting on the opposite side of the be to his brother. He wanted to ask about Raph, but the look on Don's face was like nothing he'd seen before. It really un-nerved him to see his brother like that, he couldn't read him for once and it was a little scary. Was this why Leo had stopped him from seeing him earlier?

With another deep calming breath Donnie broke the awkward silence. "Raphs... holding up." He couldn't say he was fine. His lover was in a terrible state, but luckily his spirit hadn't been broken yet. Though Donnie was worried what would happen when he learnt that Mikey had betrayed them.

Mikey was glad that Donnie breached the subject, he felt to awkward to start the conversation himself. "He... He can handle a beating. I've seen it before."

Donatello wasn't sure if Mikey was talking to him, or trying to convince himself of his words. Either way his little brother was probably in denial and it made his blood boil. Michelangelo had no idea what Raph was going through.

He had to bite his tongue though feeling the need to shout and scream about how his brother could take a beating, but not the rapes. Leonardo's punishment had left so much pain that he held back, fearing what Leo would do if he let it slip.

"Did you get in a fight?" Mikey suddenly asked, noticing the bruising around Donnie's neck.

"No. Leo..." A cold wave washed over him at the memory. " 's guards had to pull me away from Raph." He lied.

Michelangelo looked sceptical, but didn't pull him up on it. Usually it was easy to tell if Donnie was lying, but today he was guarded and closed off, making it hard to read anything from the stoney features.

"Mikey." Donnie's voice suddenly seemed stronger, and he stared straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with his brother. "I want you to send your stuff back to Master Splinter."

"What!" The youngest's face fell, his mind whirling between anger and sadness. By sending his stuff back he would be telling their father that he was dead. "Why the hell..!"

"You're never going back home so let him move on." Donnie's voice was icy, eyes narrow but refusing to look at the other incase he faltered.

"I told you... I was going to but... You were supposed to be there to help him." Mikey sighed, feeling guilty and curling up tighter. "He'll be so heart broken."

"Father would feel ashamed if he finds out what you've done."

"Shut up..." Those words cut through Mikey like a knife, turning his already cold blood to ice. He couldn't stop the tears as he jumped up. "Just, SHUT UP!" He screamed, running out and slamming the door behind him.

Donnie ignored his own tears. He would rather his father grieve for Michelangelo than him finding out what he had done. At least then their Master could live believing that his son had died in honour, instead of learning how he'd betrayed their clan and trust.