A/N: So Yes here is yet another story that I had to get out. This is an idea given to me by zeejack and I was so excited about it I had to write it. I am pretty much the ghost writer for this story so if you like it send love to zeejack if you don't tell me about it. First let me say ya'll know I am a HARDCORE Samcedian and they will always be ENDGAME in my mind. But lately Glee have been giving me MikeCedes feels. I curse Glee for giving me these feels and totally stripping my Samcedes feels in the Wonder-ful episode. As a TRUE SAMCEDIAN I had some difficult times writing some parts of this story but I made it through and I hope you enjoy it.

As always I do not own Glee or anything else mentioned in this story.

Much Love


Mercedes Jones had graduated from McKinley High School after an interesting senior year. She found her way back to her first love after many months of running from her true feelings. She had spent the summer trying to make up for the time she lost with Sam. Time was not on their side because Mercedes was off to LA leaving Sam behind in Lima. Even though they wanted to try to make the long distance relationship work it became more and more difficult to maintain the kind of relationship they both wanted so Sam broke up with her. Mercedes was sad when she lost Sam but was even more heart-broken when she saw he had changed his Facebook relationship status to being in a relationship with Brittney S. Pierce two weeks later. He didn't even give her a heads up, not that he needed to but it would have been nice. She sat in her normal spot by the window in the coffee shop she comes to everyday. She was trying to get some writing done for her creative writing class but was failing because she could not get her mind off a certain blonde. How could he move on so fast? Was I that forgettable? What happened to fighting for each other? Why would he come back and do all that to win me back to just decide it was too much for him being apart? Her thoughts were broken by someone tapping her on the shoulder.


She looked up to see a familiar face who she had not expected to see here in LA "Mike, what are you doing here?" She jumped up and hugged him and he hugged her back.

"I live here now" he said sitting down across form her.

"What? I thought you were going to school in Chicago?"

"Yeah I transferred to the campus here because I also wanted to take extension classes at UCLA so I can have a back-up plan."

"Wow really what made you decide that?"

"I saw one of the best dancers in the school go down with a career ending injury and he had no back-up plan and I did not want to be that guy. I know that I love dancing but things happen and I don't want to be that guy not having something to fall back on."

"I think that is a great idea Mike" she said "you need to have peace of mind."

"Exactly" Mike said "and I like it out here and I can do a bit more dancing here."

"So true" she said "I see post about dancers needed all the time at the studio and online in the entertainers wanted website."

"I need to get on that site" he said.

"Yeah you should" she said "so how long have you been here?"

"For about three weeks."

"Where are you staying?" she asked.

"I have an apartment right around the corner from here,"

"So do I" she said.

"Really" he said "I stay at Del Roy Apartments."

"SHUT THE HELL UP" she said "that is where I stay."

"WHAT" he said "I am in 405."

"I'm in 410" she said "how is it that I have never seen you till now?"

"I have been in the studio every night since I've been here and trying to get caught up with some classwork so I have only been home to sleep."

"I do understand that" she said "I have not been home that much either between classes and recording."

"How is that going?" he asked.

"So far so good" she said "my producer has been helping me get my record done and hopefully I will have it finished by the end of the year."

"That is awesome Mercedes" Mike said "if anybody from glee deserves to have an album out it's you. Your voice is amazing and needs to be shared with the world."

"Oh Mike you are very sweet to say that."

"I only speak the truth Miss Jones. So speaking of glee have you spoken to some of the guys?"

"I talk to Kurt, Blaine, and Tina when I can but that's about it." She noticed how his face dropped at the mention of Tina and she wouldn't be her if she didn't ask. "How are things between you and Tina?"

"She has moved on" he said sounding a bit dejected "She hooked up with Joe this summer. She said since I decided not to stay with her this summer she was not going to sit around and wait for me."

"Wow" she said "she didn't tell me any of that and I just talked to her last week."

Figures she wouldn't he thought. "Yeah she is not the Tina I fell in love with" he said "but I am ok with everything because now I am free to be here in LA as a single man."

"And I am sure there are plenty of women here who would love to be all up on the newly single Michael Chang Jr."

"That's what I'm hoping" he said "speaking of dating how's things with you and Sam?"

"We broke up" she said dropping her head "he's dating Brittney now."

"Wait what?" he said shocked "I just talked to him yesterday and he did not mention any of that. He talked about you like you guys were still together."

Mercedes was a bit shocked at what Mike was saying. Why would he talk about us like we were together? He broke up with me not the other way around. "Well we are no longer together. He said I was always too busy for him and he was tired of me missing phone calls and Skype dates he said it was too much for him and he broke up with me."

"Well I guess we are two sexy single people in LA ready to mingle."

"I guess we are" she said laughing did he just call me sexy?

"I am so glad I ran into you Mercedes."

"Me too Mike"

"We should go out tonight" he said "let's celebrate being in LA going after our dreams and most importantly being single."

"You know what I have not been out since I got here and I am overdue so yes I would love to go out and get my groove on" she said dancing in her seat "and the fact that I get to go with you makes it even better."

"Same here so I will pick you up at eight and we could go grab a bite before we hit the club."

"Sounds great" she said "well I guess I will go since I got no work done here today."

"Where you headed?" he asked.

"Home" she said.

"Me too I'll walk with you."

"Cool" she said gathering her things.

They walked back to their apartment comfortably talking about anything and everything. From school, work, and glee club days. They both admitted that they missed those glee club days but were so excited to be able to show the world what they were able to do. They got off the elevator on their floor and Mike walked Mercedes to her door.

"So I will pick you up at eight" he said.

"I look forward to it" she said.

"So do I."


"Well I'll see you at eight."

"Yeah" he said "Cedes why are we acting like we don't know each other."

"I don't know Mike" she said laughing "we're friends and the awkwardness ends now" she pulled him in for a hug which he gladly accepted.

"Much better" he said "I'll see you at eight."

"Ok bye Mike" she went inside and closed the door let out a breath that she did not know she was holding in. She smiled and went in her room starting to look for something to wear. Who would have thought that I would be going out with Mike Chang?

Mike made his way to his apartment smiling and whistling all the way down the hall. He was really excited about running into Mercedes. He had to admit he was a bit lonely when he first moved here and that is why he stayed working so hard so he would not have to hang in his apartment all alone. Eight rolled around and right on time Mike was knocking on Mercedes door. He could hear her moving around inside and heard her say 'coming' slightly through the door. When she opened it Mike had his head down. "Hey Mercedes you-" he looked and saw the vision that was Mercedes Jones "Damn" he said softly while his eyes took all of Mercedes in.

"Mike is everything alright" she asked starting to feel insecure under his glare "do I look ok or should I change?" Mercedes had on a red and black low cut shirt with sheer sleeves and a red form fitting skirt that stopped mid-thigh and black five inch heels.

"No, No Hell no" he said "you look great, you look beyond great. That outfit is hot and you in it make it even hotter."

"Oh Mike the things you say" she said playfully hitting his chest. Mmm his chest feels like Sa-….no Mercedes you will not think about him. "I'm glad you like it."

Like it he thought I wanna rip it off you….wait hold up Mike this is Cedes your friend who you don't think about that way. "Yeah I do so are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let me go grab my purse" she said. Damn he looks good. I see what Tina meant when she said the shirts he wears should be banned for causing sex riots.

Damn her ass in that skirt should be illegal….damn that friend shit I am go be dancing all up on that ass tonight.

"I'm ready" she said.

He extended his arm to her and she looped her arm in his "then let us go get our groove on" he said.

"Yes let's do that" she said.

They took a cab to the restaurant and enjoyed a great meal, good drinks, and great conversation. Then they headed to the club right up from the restaurant and the music was pumping, the atmosphere was great, and the people were beautiful. They went straight to the dance floor to work up a sweat. Mike of course was the star on the dance floor. He had many women surrounding him wanting to be his dance partner. Mercedes had her fair share of admirers as well she had gotten several invitations to dance by some really cute guys. Mike noticed it to and decided that he was going to be her only dance partner tonight. He walked over to her not even acknowledging the guy she was talking to and grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor "we are dancing now" was all he said. Mercedes was stunned at how bold and forceful he was being but she was also a little turned on. The DJ announced that he was taking it back a little bit and he started playing Juvenile Back That Ass Up. They got out there on the dance floor and she began to sway her hips back and forth and Mike was in front of her dancing keeping a safe distance between them at first then Mercedes turned around and started backing that ass up on Mike and he almost lost it instantly but calmed himself down. She wanna go there I will take her there he thought. He grabbed her hips and pulled her in closer to him and they danced closer and closer to each other. She had her back to his chest and she wrapped her hands around his neck and they moved very rhythmically together. She knew by watching Mike dance all those years how good he was but the way he moved his hips on her made her body melt a bit. He was moving his hands up and down her waist and her skin tingled at his touch. They continued dancing for the rest of the night neither one of them wanting to be out of the others arms. They finally decided to call it a night at about 2am and caught a cab back to their apartment. The ride home was quiet but not in an awkward way. Once they made it home Mike walked Mercedes back to her door.

"I had a great time Mike."

"Me too Cedes you're a great dance partner" he said.

"Hmm better than Brittney?" she said

Mike looked stunned at what she said but he knew where that came from. She had been drinking and her mind wondered to Sam and how much he hurt her by dating Brittney. At that moment Mike wanted to kick Sam's ass for hurting her like that. Yeah Sam and Mike were friends but so was he and Cedes and he was looking at the hurt Sam caused right before his very eyes.

"I didn't mean to say that" she said "I just-"

She was cut off by Mike's lips on hers. Is this happening right now? Is Mike kissing me? His lips feel really good on mine. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to return the kiss.

I don't know what made me kiss her but the pain in her eyes made me want to make her feel better. Her lips on my lips are sure making me feel better. She's kissing me back, she actually likes it. He moved his hand to the one place he wanted to touch all night on her ass. He gave it a little squeeze and she moaned against his lips. Mental note she likes the squeezing of the ass.

Mercedes finally pulled back from the kiss and looked at Mike in the eyes "What are we doing?"

"Kissing" he said.

"I know that Mike but why are we kissing? We're friends and your ex is one of my best friends."

"And your ex is one of my best friends so what. They are dating other people and we are free to do whatever we want with whomever we want."

"I know but are you sure you wanna do that with me?"

"Mercedes why wouldn't I, you are sexy, smart, fun to be around and you are already my friend so I don't have to waste time getting to know you because I already do and I like you."

"Since when" she said with her hand on her hip.

"Since always" he said "all the guys in glee liked you at one point or another and not just in a friendly way but in a romantic kind of way. We just admired you from afar because we were sort of scared you would turn us down. You were always talking about how you didn't need a man so we figured we didn't stand a chance and you dumped Puck so we knew we didn't have a chance. Then Sam came in and swept you off your feet and that was that but please know we all really liked and respected you."

Mercedes stood dumbfounded at the words that were coming out of his mouth. She could not believe all the guys liked her in a romantic way well maybe Artie because he was never shame to say he wanted all up on her but the rest of them no way. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Mike trying to get her attention.

"Mercedes are you listening to me?"

"Huh oh sorry Mike I must have zoned out."

"I was saying I want to hang out with you more and see where this goes because I like you and I would love to see if we have a real connection because judging by that kiss I say we do."

"I would like that" she said "and you're right we don't have to waste time trying to get to know each other because we already know a lot about each other."

"And I am eager to find out all the things I don't know about you" he said whispering in her ear.

Her breath hitched feeling him so close to her "so am I."

"Well Miss Jones I am going to let you go get your rest" he said "I had a wonderful night from start to finish and I hope for many more wonderful nights with you."

She giggled "I had a wonderful night as well Mr. Chang from start to finish and you can count on having more wonderful nights with me."

He smiled and grabbed her hand and kissed it "goodnight Mercedes" and turned to leave.

"Oh no Mr. Chang that just won't do" she pulled him in for another steamy kiss when she released it she looked onto his eyes "goodnight Mike" she turned and walked in her apartment leaving a stunned but happy Mike standing in the hallway. He stood there for two minutes when he heard through the door "Mike."

"Yes Mercedes."

"How long are you going to stand outside my door?"

"Until my legs start working again" he said.

"Boy go home" she said smiling.

"Ok but for the record you did this to me."

"Goodnight Mike."

"Goodnight Mercedes."


They were inseparable after that night. Mike would come over to her place every day after classes and she would cook sometimes or he would bring something over. They would watch movies and talk and of course make out. Three weeks into their "hanging out" Mike asked her to officially become his girlfriend and she was very happy to say yes. LA didn't seem so lonely anymore since they got together. They were hanging out at his place watching TV when Mercedes phone rang and she saw it was from Artie.

"Artie" she said "oh my goodness I haven't heard from you in forever."

"I know right" Artie said "I miss my boo."

"I miss you too boo. How are you?"

"I'm good" he started telling her about school and how different glee was since everybody left. He also told her that he was directing the school play again "and that is the reason for this call. I need you boo."

"What do you need from me Artie?" she asked hesitantly.

"I need you to be the music director and whip these singers into shape. There is nobody I trust more than you to have them sangin not singing but sangin."

Mercedes laughed she knew how sincere he was but she still had to mess with him "was Rachel not available?"

"Ouch Cedes that hurt" Artie said "you know you were my first choice. I would never let Rachel loose on these kids nobody would want to be in the play if she was in charge."

"You got a point" she said "when do you need me?"

"Can you get here in two weeks?"

"I think I can work that out" she said.

"Remind me when I see you to give you a big kiss."

"I will definitely do that" she said laughing.

"Thank you so much Cedes I owe you one."

"And I do plan to collect."

"I am sure you will" he said "I gotta go I have to call Mike."

"Mike" she said looking over at him and he looked up at her at the mention of his name "why are you calling Mike?"

"I want to ask him to choreograph the play."

"Oh ok that's cool. By the way what play are you doing?"

"Grease" he said "I'll see you in two weeks Cedes love you girl."

Her smiled faded and her voice dropped "love you too Artie."


"Bye" she hung up the phone not saying a word.

Mike sat up "babe you ok?"

Before she could say anything Mike's phone began to ring. He answered and was talking to Artie. Mercedes was thinking about going back to McKinley and seeing her friends but then she remembered she would see Sam again happy with Brittney. Out of all the plays in the world why did they pick Grease? I don't want to have to hear Summer Nights because then I would think about him again. That was our song. She didn't even know she was crying until Mike wiped the tear that was rolling down her cheek.

"Cedes are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm gonna be. I guess you talked to Artie."

"Yeah looks like were going back to Lima" he said.

""Yeah looks like it" she said.

"So are you going to tell me why you were crying?"

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Babe you know you can talk to me about anything" he said grabbing her hand "even if it is about Sam."

"How did you know it was about Sam?"

"Because since we have been dating I've noticed when you start thinking about him you get this far off look in your eyes like the one you just had."

Mercedes was impressed at how well he knew her already also a little embarrassed that she had been thinking about Sam that much for him to notice that "I'm sorry Mike."

"What are you apologizing for?" he said "he was your first love I know that and you guys have a history. I know with going back to McKinley and seeing him again is not going to be easy. I have to see Tina again and it's not something I'm looking forward too but, I'm with you now and I will be there with and for you every step of the way."

She pulled him in for a kiss "Mike you are incredible and I am so lucky to have you in my life."

"So am I" he said.

"I still wanna know why Grease?" she said.

"What's wrong with Grease?"

"Summer Nights was me and Sam's song."

"Oh" he said "yeah that is going to be rough, but I'll be there for you" he sang.

"No you are not singing the theme song from Friends."

"Hey it fits this situation" he smiled.

"Boy you are a mess."

"And you are going to be fine I got your back" he said pulling her in his lap so she could straddle him "and your front and your side" he began kissing her and she returned the kiss.

Up unto this point they never went pass making out but tonight felt a little different. They began to do a little more exploring each other's body. He removed her shirt and she removed his;

"Mmm Mike" she sighed "those abs oh my God."

He laughed "stop acting like you haven't seen nice abs before. Sam has nice abs."

"Yeah he does and I will never deny that fact but seeing both up close like I have yours are definitely better" she said rubbing her hand up and down his chest "and he has crooked nipples."

Mike cracked up laughing "what?"

"He does" she said "we used to laugh about it all the time."

"Wow the conversations you guys must have had about crooked nipples."

"Enough about his crooked nipples" she said "I would rather focus on kissing and licking and nibbling on my boyfriend's perfect abs."

"By all means have at it" he said "as long as I can kiss and lick and nibble on my girlfriends perfect everything" cupping her ass and giving it a squeeze. She moaned against his lips and was grinding against his erection. "Cedes I wanna taste you, can I taste you baby?"

She nodded because she couldn't get the words to come out her mouth. In her mind she was screaming YES but the words would not reach her lips. She wanted him and she needed him. She hadn't had sex since she left Lima and her body was aching for it. Even though she was a little nervous to go there with Mike since the only person she had ever been with was Sam she trusted Mike to not push things any further than she wanted to go. And by the way Mike was making her feel she would not be stopping anything anytime soon.

He laid her down and kissed her lips, cheeks, forehead, neck, each breast, stomach, each thigh as he pulled her leggings down. He smiled seeing that she was already wet for him. He pulled her purple lace panties down and smiled again at the sight of her core dripping her essence and it was all for him. He took his index finger and slid it inside her and pulled it out and licked it "mmm you taste delicious." She giggled at his actions and he went back in and swiped her slit with his tongue. She moaned with the feeling of his tongue on her lips. He dove deeper and deeper in her core sliding two fingers inside her as he sucked on her clit.

"Ooh Mike that feels so damn good baby"

He began humming against her clit and the vibrations drove her crazy. She started riding his fingers.


He felt her walls clenching around his fingers and he wanted her to cum so he could taste her so he was thrusting his fingers faster and sucking her clit harder. Her leg began to shake and she screamed out;


He licked up all her essence "damn baby you taste so good mmm" he said licking his fingers "they need to bottle you up and sell you in Wal-Mart."

She propped herself up by her elbows "Wal-Mart? Not some high price store?"

"No baby" he said kissing her lips "everybody should be able to taste this because it's that damn good. Especially since I will never allow anybody else to taste it directly from the source."

She laughed so hard at how silly he was being but was so turned on at the sincerity in his eyes "well I can't let you have all the fun" she said licking her lips "I need to find out if you need to be bottled and sold in Wal-Mart. Pants off now."

"Yes mam" he said following directions and sliding his pants off.

"Underwear too" she ordered.

"Whatever you want baby" he smiled and slid out if his underwear.

Mercedes was very pleased with what she saw. He was a very beautiful man and she had to admire him for a few seconds. "Mmm you are fine." She didn't even give him time to respond before she had his hard erection in her hands stroking it up and down. He hissed at the feel of her warm hands on his dick. She began to lick the tip of his dick like it was a lollipop. She licked up and down the shaft before sliding it into her mouth.


She loved hearing him scream her name out in pleasure it made her want to hear it more and more so she began to go deeper on his dick humming to relax her throat. Mike went nuts over that;


She began sucking his dick harder and faster feeling him get harder in her mouth. She started massaging his balls and that took him completely over the edge and a slew of expletives came pouring out;

"MERCEDES FUCK SHIT DAMMIT TO HELL." She swallowed every drop of his essence. He laid back to catch his breath. "Oh my, oh my" he sighed "that was amazing." Tina never did it like that before. I knew I should have tried to get with her first. I should have known she would be good at it with those plump gorgeous lips of hers.

She came up and laid on his chest smiling "I'm glad you liked it."

"Liked it no baby I loved it" he said "I think you ruined me."

She laughed but didn't say anything. Hmm I heard that before. If that is true I hope he's suffering without it.


"Yes Mike."

"I want to say something to you but I don't want to freak you out."

"Just say it Mike."

"Ok I know we've only been dating for a month now but I could really see myself falling for you hardcore."

Mercedes sat up to look into his eyes. She could always read his eyes for sincerity and there it was written all over his face. He truly meant what he was saying. "Mike I-I-"

He held up a finger to her lips "you don't have to say anything Mercedes. I just wanted to let you know how I was feeling. No pressure on you to say anything back."

"Even if I want to" she said.

"Well if you want to say something you can."

"I want to say that I could see myself falling for you too Mike" she said "like hardcore" she cupped his face and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.


Two weeks later they were on their way Lima to go help Artie with the school play. They were about an hour from landing and Mike noticed how quiet Mercedes was.

"You ok?" he asked grabbing her hand.

"Yeah" she said "no I'm nervous."

"About seeing Sam?"

"Him and Tina" she said "I mean we haven't told anyone about us except our parents and it's easy in LA because it's just us but what about when we get to Lima, do we act like nothing is going on between us or do we just tell everybody."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"I don't know Mike" she said "I don't want to hurt Tina she my friend and I know you have told me over and over again that you are done sparing her feelings since she didn't feel the need to spare yours but she still is my friend. Do you know how hard it is to be so happy with this amazing person in your life and not be able to tell your best friend about it?"

"As a matter of fact I do" he said "if you forgot Sam is my best friend and I talk to him on a regular basis."

"Well then you know my pain and despite what he did to me I don't want to spring this on him" she said "I am so happy with you Mike and I don't want you to think anything different but I think we should not tell people about us just yet."

"Hey I totally understand and like I said I will do whatever makes you comfortable" he said "but I am going to have the hardest time keeping my hands off of you."

"You will not be suffering alone sir" she said "but one good thing our parents know about us so you can come over to my house on my parents date night and we can make up for the moments we can't touch each other."

"That sounds good to me" he said leaning over to kiss her "this is going to work out I mean it's only two weeks."

"Yeah only two weeks" she sighed.

"Maybe we could go a few cities over on the weekend and get us a room maybe a bed and breakfast" he said.

"You read my mind" she said "I am going to need my man's kisses to get me through this."

"And your man is going to need his woman's lips on his as well to make it through this."

"We'll be fine."

"Yes we will" he said.

Mercedes mom picked them up from the airport and drove them to her house. Mercedes put her things in the house as Mike put his bags in Mercedes car. She drove him to his house and said hello to his parents. They adored Mercedes just as much as Mercedes parents adored Mike so now that they were dating their parents were very pleased. They left Mike's heading to McKinley. When they pulled into the parking lot they looked at each other;

"You ready for this?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be" she said.

A/N: So there you have it. I really hope you enjoy this journey I will take you on. This will be a short story so things will develop rather quickly. I plan on making this no longer than five chapters.