Your Name is Karkat Vantas and you are currently asleep. You awake to the sound of your phone buzzing from your bedside. You sluggishly reach over to grab it and when the screen lights up you notice the time is 7:57 and you overslept. Damn. Clumsily, you crawl out of bed and hurry to dress yourself. You throw on a pair of gray sweats and a black tee. Gathering your things, you rush out the door quietly, making sure not to wake up your sleeping father on the couch. You leave without thought of breakfast or lunch. Sollux is waiting for you at the bus stop down the street. You check your phone realizing you forgot about the text you received earlier that awoke you.
"KK, where are you, thought you'd be here by now."
"Shit" you mumble to yourself as you hastily make your way down the street to meet your long-term boyfriend, Sollux.
"Hey KK, Thought you'd be too nervouth to thow up on the firtht day," he greets you with a smirk and pats you on the head.
"Sollux, shut the fuck up." you reply plainly.
He giggles, kisses you on the forward and ruffles your hair. You blush a little averting your eyes sheepishly. The bus arrives soon after and you take a seat behind your good friends John and Dave.
"Greetings, asshats," you mumble settling into your seat by the window.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the homo-wagon this morning, what's the matter crabcakes?" Strider jeers at you, smirking amusedly.
"Come on Dave, stop teasing him so early, he'll only get grumpier!" John giggled playfully.
"I guess nobody can be as cheery as an Egderp this early in the morning." Dave smirks.
"Oh yeah? well you know what, stridork? Your face. Your face is what." John laughs and they seem to forget you and Sollux's presence as they dive into their own conversation.
"Ith it me or are they totally flirting with each other?" Sollux whispers to you.
"Why don't they just fuck already and get it over with so we all don't have to deal with this ridiculous sexual tension, it's sickening." you sneer back, quietly, so the two boys don't hear.
"You theem particularly agitated thith morning, everything alright?"
You figure you might as well tell him what's up, he deserves that much. " Dad came home pissed, drunk off his ass and yelling complete and utter horseshit at me last night. didn't get much sleep."
Sollux pulls you into a one-armed hug "Well fuck. You can jutht thleep on my thoulder 'til we get there."
You do as he suggests without complaint and awake only a few short minutes later. Well that was a pointless sleep. You're even more tired than before. The bus pulls up to Alternia High and the teens file out to start their day of misery as grad students.
Approaching the main entrance, you see Gamzee accompanied by Tavros. Why are you even friends with this guy? He's a pothead with bad taste in soda. But you're friends anyway because he's always there for you and he's one of the few people who can tolerate your grumpiness.
"Sup my bro, how's it motherfucking hanging, best friend?" he smiles at you lazily, eyes red already from his morning fix.
"Uh, hey Karkat, what's your first class?" Tav asks, sounding as unsure as always.
You fumble around in your pockets to locate the crumpled slip of paper with your schedule on it.
"English with Professor Scratch. you?"
"Uhh, Drama, Vriska's in that class too..."
"Well good fucking luck with that," Sollux intervenes with a smirk.
"Taaaaaaaavros," a dramatic voice comes from behind the paraplegic boy.
"Well speak of the devil," Dave says in a hushed tone.
"Vriska! long time no see! how was your summer?" John's dorky grin stretches across his face.
"Oh you know, boring as ever, it's no fun without my little john around hahahahahahahaha!"
You glance over at Dave in time to catch a jealous scowl, hard to notice but easy if you knew Dave as well as you do. You smirk to yourself and look up at Sollux to check if he caught the same thing. He did, and you both giggle and swing your joined hands a little.
The first bell rings and you all grimace at the noise. You give a quick goodbye kiss to Sollux and make your way down the hallway to find your assigned locker, which so happens to be placed beside Eridan Ampora's. Fuck.
"Oh hey kar-"
"Don't even." you could swear you heard a faint 'wweh' coming from your annoying prick of a locker-neighbour but choose to ignore it.
Slamming the locker door you leave without a backwards glance. You head to your English class on the second floor hoping this Professor Scratch isn't a huge douche bag.
As you enter the classroom, you are pleased to see you're not alone in this hell hole as you spot Rose and Kanaya seated near the black of the classroom.
You make your way over to the girls and smirk at their seductive glances at each other. They are totally fucking.
"Hello Karkat, I'm glad to see you've pulled yourself out of bed. Although tomorrow, call me in the morning before you make another bold decision for your wardrobe choice." Kanaya so blatantly stated, giving you the up and down before turning her eyes back to rose and smiling.
"Well Ha. Ha. For your information, I was running late this morning." you explain, taking a seat in front of the girls.
"That's no excuse for poor fashion, I expect more from you even if you are running late."
"So how's things with the boyfriend, Karkat?" Rose asks raising her brows questionably up and down.
A slight blush tints your freckled cheeks, "What's it to ya, Lalonde?"
"Oh just wondering, you guys are very cute you know," Rose stated matter of factly.
"Alright students, enough chitter-chatter, time for class." Scratch interrupts. Time to start the miserable year.
The first few classes pass by slowly, but lunch finally comes around and you remember you didn't pack anything to eat. Sitting at the lunch table, your stomach growls loud enough for Sollux to notice.
"You didn't pack anything, did you?" he posed with an unimpressed expression in his mismatched eyes.
"I was kind of in a rush this morning..."
"Have thome of my thandwich then, numbnutth," he says, offering you a half eaten sandwich. you accept gratefully with a thank you smile before inhaling the food. You have the best boyfriend anyone could have. Of course you'd never voice that out loud but it was true none the less and he is perfect.
Spoiling your moment of happy-Sollux-thinky-times, you see Eridan has chosen the spot across from you to eat his own lunch. Gosh this guy's a dickwad.
You scowl across the table at him, "what the ever-loving fuck are you doing here?"
"Come on Karkat, it's just Eridan, let him sit with us!" Jade interjects, pouting cutely in your direction.
You scoff, rolling your eyes, continuing to eat your sandwich viciously.
One of your favourite things about eating at the lunch table, is listening in on all the juicy gossip around you within your group.
You zero in on a conversation between John and Dave.
"Come on Daaaaaaaave!" he pleads, "you know you love the Cage! everyone loves the Cage!"
"Nic Cage sucks ass, and so does his shitty movies, con air is no exception." Dave retorts.
"I am truly hurt, Dave Strider, truly and utterly insulted," he states dramatically, clasping at his heart.
"I apologize with utmost sincerity my princess," Dave teases, a slight smile tugging at his lips.
John frowns, "but really Dave, it's my favourite movie! please?" he begs.
Dave ponders the request and finally states flatly "fine."
John practically leaps out of his seat with excitement.
You're amused by their obliviousness of their obvious infatuation for each other. It astounds you sometimes.
The rest of the school day passes by more painfully slow than the first half. When the last bell sounds, you're not sure whether to be relieved or dispirited to go home. After all, your father was probably there waiting for you to return.
You meet Sollux at his locker, and greet him with a hug from behind, mumbling "hi Sollux" into his back. He turns around to return the hug and gives you a quick kiss on the nose
"Hi KK."
You kiss, ignoring the strange looks you get from the other students, because fuck them.
The two of you catch up to you other friends and load onto the bus. The trip home is all too short and you soon find yourself staring at the door to your house hesitant to enter. But you know you will have to face your old man sooner or later, so you open the door.
Author notes
Thanks so much for reading the first chapter. We will be aiming to update every week on ether the Saturday or Sunday. Next chapters Daves POV so look forward to it.
Please review we would really appreciate it XD