Chapter 2: Psychological Scars

A small unicorn colt, looked no more than 7 years old, wandered aimlessly around the village that is now in ruins. As he passed through the decimated houses, he then begin to see corpses of dead ponies Where ever the colt goes, he only sees death, destruction, madness and chaos. He then turned around, calling his parents until he saw a glimpse of his mother's body.

What he saw caused the colt to dropped on his hooves and stared at his mother's corpse, becoming unresponsive to his surroundings as he didn't care on living without his loving. The colt let out a scream and weep until he noticed that his father could be still alive. Encouraged by this, he decided to look for his father until he finally found him. But what he saw made the colt's determination shattered, and his personality and his how he see's the world was forever changed.

One bandit spotted the young colt and made the attempt to kill the foal. The young colt dodged the attack and ran as fast as he could and as far as he could. After running of a few minutes, he managed to lose the ruthless bandit but he continue to run out the forest, never looking back. Eventually, the young colt entered the mountains where he collapsed on the ground in front what it looks to be an abandoned temple.

Before he'd blacked out completely he could hear from a young foal. "HEY! SOMEONE IS ON THE GROUND!"

Snowflake open his eyes and shot up like a cannonball, with his hood still covering up his face. He then flinched upon feeling blood trickling down his body. "Ugh!"

Upon calming himself down a bit, It occurs to Snowflake that he is in a house and not dead, so he thinks. He try to lean foward and can't, though Snowflake was rewarded for the effort with blood streaming from one of his wounds into his eye.

Snowflake's eyes close on their own out of reflex. "Tch... Shit... Can't believe my injuries was this bad..." Just as he was about to made an effort to move he hear a noise coming from his left, a soft quiet voice full of concern.

"Oh my, your awake. are you okay?"

Snowflake then opened his eyes and turn his head where he made eye contact with Fluttershy. Even though his hood was covering his face, he could see Fluttershy clearly. To be honest, Fluttershy's appearance made Snowflake blinked of how innocent looking she is.

"Can you talk?"

Snowflake nodded his head and spoke. "Yes I can speak..."

Fluttershy let out a sigh in relief. "Oh... g-good. Can you move?"

Snowflake try to move, but it only ended up his wounds bleeding even further. "Shit... No I can't... not without risking me bleeding more..."

"Oh okay... let me help you..." Fluttershy offered.

Fluttershy dabs at Snowflake's blood with a cloth, trying to clean him up.

"You just need some time to recover, I'm sure you will be fine once you get some more rest, you should sleep." Fluttershy said.

At first Snowflake was going to reject on the idea of getting rest, but since he was fatigued from blood loss, he complied. "Alright..." Snowflake try to do as Fluttershy says he but can't seem to fall asleep, but at the very least the pain is gone for the most part though.

Snowflake then watches Fluttershy leaves to get more bandages and then told him not to move, when she gets back she replaces the bandages he have on (An not completely comfortable experience to say the least from his perspective and then hears someone knocks on the door. Fluttershy goes to answer it and Twilight steps in. Fluttershy managed to give a frail smile and she returns the favor, as it turns out she brought along her friends that Snowflake haven't met.

"Morning Fluttershy. Is the person awake." Twilight asked.

"Why yes. Come see for yourself." Fluttershy nodded.

Twilight then has her eyes on Snowflake and approached him to introduces herself, with her friends following her. "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah... A bit tired but otherwise stable..." Snowflake somberly replied.

"That's good. Anyway... I've brought some friends with me that would like to meet you." Twilight smiled.

Snowflake then raised his eyebrow a bit. "Oh?"

Twilight nodded her head. "Yep!"

Then, as she let her friends begin to introduced themselves Rarity leaned over to Twilight.

"Do you suppose he's alright?" She whispered.

"He's still awake and talking, so he must be." Twilight replied.

Pinkie Pie bounced up beside Snowflake and sat next to him. Pinkie Pie is a female earth pony that has Pale, light grayish raspberry coat, Brilliant raspberry mane and tail and Light cerulean eyes. Pinkie Pie's cutie mark is two blue balloons with yellow strings and one yellow balloon with a blue string. "Hay mister, could you take off your hood?"

Snowflake at first refused. "That won't be a good idea. You'll laugh at me due to my androgynous appearance and wouldn't if i'm a stallion or a mare..."

"Huh? Androwhat? What does that mean?" Rainbow Dash asked completely confused on what Snowflake said about his appearance.

"Androgynous, also known as Androgyny and androgyne, is a term referring to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics. For ponies, it is a in terms of gender identity is a pony who does not fit neatly into the typical masculine and feminine gender roles of their society. Androgynes may also use the term "ambigender" or "polygender" to describe themselves. Many androgynes identify as being mentally between mare and stallion, or as entirely genderless. They may identify as "non-gendered", "gender-neutral", "agendered", "between genders", "genderqueer", "multigendered", "intergendered", "pangender" or "gender fluid". Twilight explained.

Rainbow Dash couldn't absorbed all the information so she just let out an irritable sigh. "Can't you cut to the chase?!"

Twilight sighed. "It means that a pony possessed both a mare and stallion traits and characteristics." She then turn to Snowflake who still have his hood on. "I never have seen a pony who have have both mare and stallion characteristics. Anyway, can you please remove your hood? I promised that we won't laugh."

Snowflake hesitated at first but in the end, he decided to comply them and take off his hood. "Okay." And with that, he remove his hood and the the mane six stared and look what Snowflake looks like: Snowflake had bleached white coat, pale blue-white iris eyes, that matched the color of a "high mountain glacier" and possessed very long aquamarine mane with a sea green color stripe located in the middle of both his mane and his tail. His mane is very long, even in unicorn standards. In fact, so long that his mane covers his left side of his face and covered his left eye. Unlike most ponies, his ears are pointed down and Snowflake has 4 jewelry on all four of his hooves; 2 gold rings with light emerald jewels and 2 slightly dark grayish silver rings with slightly dark grayish emerald jewels. They are saw a horn sticking out his mane, which proves that Snowflake is a unicorn.

All and all, Snowflake wasn't kidding about his appearance being "androgynous". But despite this, none of the main six had laughed at his appearance. In fact, quite the contrary they were quite shocked as this is the first time ever meeting a pony who has an androgynous appearance.

Twilight paused for a moment until she spoke. "You're a unicorn?"

Snowflake nodded quickly. "Yes I am."

Applejack then rubbed her chin in curiosity "Well I'll be..." Like Pinkie Pie, Applejack is a earth pony who had Light brilliant gamboge coat, Moderate sap green eyes and Pale, light grayish olive mane and tail and both of them were tied into a ponytail. She also wore a brown cowboy hat. Applejack's cutie mark is three simple red apples. "Never thought I'll meet a pony like this..."

Snowflake then looked at them in slight shock. "Your not laughing at me...?"

"Not at all darling! In fact, I'm quite amazed by your androgynous and unique appearance dear." Rarity said with an accent that closely sounds European or Mid-Atlantic as she clopped towards Snowflake.

"I... I...em... Th-thank you I guess...?" Snowflake said as he could felt his face getting heated up and couldn't tell that if the mares knows his gender already.

"The name's Rarity darling." Rarity shook Snowflake's hand.

Snowflake felt a complete nerve of snapping at Rarity for touching his hoof, but decided to suppressed his anger and slowly shook back. "The pleasure is mine Rarity."

Applejack then begin to greet Snowflake. "Howdy! The name is Applejack. Nice to meet you!" She said with a thick southern accent. She extended her hoof and Snowflake shook it.

"Nice to meet you too Applejack." Snowflake replied. He Snowflake then turn and looked at Rainbow Dash.

Snowflake let out a small smile. "Hello there."

"Hello! I'm Rainbow Dash! Equestrian's fastest Pegasus and only able to perform the Sonic Rain boom." She said with pride in her tone.

"Ahh... I see... Well, nice to meet you Rainbow Dash and I hope I would see you do the Sonic Rain boom." Snowflake said with a small hint of enthusiasm.

Rainbow Dash smiled brightly by Snowflake's enthusiasm to see her do the Sonic Rain Boom. "Nice meeting you too dude!"

Snowflake then turn to Pinkie Pie, whom she was sitting next to him. The second that he turned around, he saw a set of blue eyes were staring right in his face. Snowflake, now feeling a little uncomfortable and awkward for being so close to Pinkie Pie, begin to speak. "Uh... And you are...?"

"HI! I'M PINKIE PIE SILLY FILLY! I NEED TO THROW YOU A PARTY SINCE YOUR NEW HERE!" Pinkie Pie replied with a smile and in a jolly and happy mood. "And for a unicorn with an androgynous appearance, you're so adorable!" Pinkie pie added.

"Pinkie!" Twilight groaned in irritation before she focus her attention again on Snowflake. "I'm sorry about Pinkie Pie. She can be a little... well... Wild? I guess...?"

Snowflake paid no heed and shrugged it off. "It's no big deal... Really..."

Twilight then nodded her head. "Okay. Well, My name is Twilight Sparkle. But you can call me Twilight." Twilight then turn to Fluttershy. "And lastly... This is Fluttershy. The person who found you on the grass injured."

Snowflake nodded his head and let out a small smile on his face. "Nice to meet you both and thank you Fluttershy for taking me in your house from which I presumed that were in right.

Fluttershy did nothing but nodded her head. Snowflake then try to move some more but only ended up injuring himself further. "OWWW!"

"Dude! I think you should rest! You had a lot of arrows inside you. It still surprised me that you survived that." Rainbow Dash spoke.

Snowflake snickered a bit. "Please... I've been in much worse condition than this!" Before he could speak further he stopped as he didn't want to tell them about his past. To find an excuse not to talk he then flinched. "Ugh! Damnit!"

The main six were taken back upon Snowflake swearing. "I see you have a habit of swearing like a sailor huh?" Twilight asked in curiosity.

"Sorry... can't help it... you know what they say, old habits die HARD ya know... Anyway, I'll try to refrain myself from swearing too much... I'll need some rest for the time being... It was nice meeting you all. Snowflake said as he then laid his head on the couch.

"WAIT! What is your name? Meaning... if you have one..." Twilight asked in caution.

Snowflake thought quickly about what should these mares call him by. For self-conflicting and obvious reason he will not give them his birth name. After a few seconds of thinking he spoke with a small smile on his face. "Call me Snowflake."