Freeman's Odyssey

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters in Half-life or any other genres as they are owned and created by someone else this is strictly just for fan fiction purposes only.

AN: reviews welcomed.

Chapter: 1

Prologue: The Odyssey begins.

Borealis: Artic Circle

It is total darkness as he couldn't even breathe or couldn't speak as a Caucasian male felt like he is dreaming, however he has experienced this before….damn him thought the man what the hell that son of a bitch wants now. His eyes blinked as another man who appeared out of no where from a door in which he is carrying a briefcase.

That man that very same man who deposited him right smack dab in the middle of the Combine invasion, the very man who would not allow him to die due to the fact he would not take the deal in the first place. Was he given a choice in the matter? No it is because the very man who chose for him, his eyes narrowed as he thought he was sleeping or dreaming.

However, he is wrong.

As he has been a few times before!

The man looks like appears to be a middle-aged white male with a tall and thin physique, pale/chalky skin, dark brown hair shaped in a military-style crew cut with a prominent widow's peak, blue-green eyes, a red tie and usually holding a briefcase. He is conservative in appearance, dressed in an ordinary gray/blue two-piece business suit.

He is known as the G-Man.

"Hello there, Misster Freeman." said the G-man "Once again we meet and such a tragic loss in losing your friend Eli Vance…..but that is life for you." The G-man smiled.

"Wondering why you are here…well Misster Freeman." said the G-man "It is a not so simple solution considering the Combine won't be returning to your dimension, now that your friends have closed it off to the Combine."

Gordon tried to speak but he couldn't.

"Oh my apologies….you are allowed to speak now." said the G-man "My employers allowed it anyway."

"Why me?" asked Gordon.

"Please spare me the mellow drama Misster Freeman." said the G-man "Lets get to the point shall….we!" he continued to speak "My employers have grown disappointed with the Combine due to certain incidents….that is not important at the moment."

"What do you mean?" asked Gordon.

"I mean you simple minded ignoramus" said the G-man "The combine are everywhere Missster Freeman, what is left of them is here in your dimension now it has been closed off to them."

"I see." said Gordon

"Indeed, you do ssssee or understand better than anyone else." said the G-man "Misster Freeman, the solution is this you will be doing some traveling."

"Oh no not again" said Gordon.

The G-man laughed.

"This time you are on your own in ways of traveling." said the G-man "Your friend Doctor Kliner has the solution, but it is not a simple one….once you do travel would the people believe or think you are crazy. A solution can be solved by showing the truth."

"I'm beginning to understand your employers are assholes." said Gordon.

"Their methods are their own, it is not important right now." said G-man "Think of it as the grand Odyssey and you are on that Odyssey to self discovery… many possibilities of un-limitless potential."

Gordon Freeman is well aware of the poem by Homer the poem mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus (known as Ulysses in Roman myths) and his journey home after the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to reach Ithaca after the ten-year Trojan War. In his absence, it is assumed he has died, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus must deal with a group of unruly suitors who compete for Penelope's hand in marriage. He wondered how long it would take Gordon to go on this Odyssey.

"Let me guess a deal." said Gordon.

"This time there is no deal," said the G-man "just go where you see fit"

"Anything else I should know." said Gordon.

"Rise and shine Missster Freeman." smiled the G-man "The adventure is about to begin."

Then everything faded into black as he hears a voice in the background.

"Gordon" said a female voice.



"What?" Gordon woke up

"Gordon you can talk," said the female voice

Standing before him is a half-Asian/ half-African American woman in her mid twenties. She has brown hair with a brown headband, a blue jumper shirt with a brown jacket and blue jeans along with a pendant around her neck. Gordon Freeman knows her as Alyx Vance as the one free man got up and wondered what is wrong as he can see the concern look in her eyes. Flanking to her right is D0g her robotic body guard made out of spare parts.

Right now they are on the Borealis a ship that is fully intact with unknown technology as Eli warned him before about the ships cargo as it has been only a few days since he has died. Borealis is a large ship that is stuck in the ice in which it had much technology that is unknown before the combine invaded. Outside it is cold, windy and snowing as the Combine has left the artic circle untouched due to nothing of value, although the rest of the Earth's resources have been depleted to almost nothing, even the land masses have changed as well.

"Of course I can talk," said Gordon "Don't ask why I couldn't before."

"Sorry, but I heard you talking in your sleeping." said Alyx

"D0g heard too, D0g heard." spoke the robotic voice of d0g.

"Its nothing." said Gordon "So, what's up?"

"Doctor Kliner wants to see you it is important." said Alyx.

"Oh" he raised a brow at this "Know what is it about."

"All right I go talk to him." said Gordon "Alyx are you ok." He looked at her. She wipes the tears from her eyes knowing her father is dead.

"Thanks for asking." smiled Alyx "I miss him already."

"So, do I." said Gordon "Don't beat yourself up in what happened, it wasn't your fault….we'll make the combine pay, mark my words they will pay." His eyes narrowed through his glasses.

"I hope so." she nodded and hugged him.

Gordon Freeman left her alone with D0G as he had wandered the Borealis in wondering what Kliner wanted and also wondering what the G-man is going on about. After what the G-man did to him by keeping him in time and space for decades, he does not trust him one bit.

His eyes narrowed at the man in which some day Gordon will find a way to bullet in the man's head. Gordon spent the day wandering the ship as it is a huge ship with a large lab full of unknown technology. He did wonder what to do next after Eli had died, as so many questions and so little answers. The large lab is in the center of the ship as Gordon opened the door and found Kliner giddy as a fat kid in a candy story.

What is he up to? thought Gordon.

"Simply amazing." said Kliner.

"I wouldn't know." said Gordon "I just got here."

"Hah, funny Gordon." said Kliner "I mean the technology is simply amazing."

"You called me here." said Gordon.

Kliner nodded as he went over a chamber that reads VIII in Roman numerals in which something is inside that looks a lot like his armor. Kliner presses a button as the chamber door opens and mist flows out until finally disappearing in which Gordon can see it is his armor, but there is something different that does not make any sense at first.

He understood this must be the next generation Hazardous Environment Suit, along with that it has the same Lambda symbol embedded upon the armors chest like his armor. It seems someone went out of their way to build an armor this advanced. All he could do is whistle at this for he is impressed.

"Nice armor." said Gordon.

"Indeed, it is." said Kliner "And it is yours Gordon as I have run some tests on it to confirm this is the most advanced Hazardous Environmental Suit ever created."

"You want me to try it on." asked Gordon. "Anything else I should know."

"Yes." said Kliner.

Gordon takes off his mark five suit and puts on the mark eight suits it is a perfect fit for him. Kliner goes onto detail in how it works as it comes with its own portal creator as the user can create a portal by traveling to one dimension to another. Self adapting armor with replicating weaponry like the Gravity gun as Gordon demonstrated by pressing a button on his left forearm, along with his personal weapon his trusty crowbar, also the Magnusson Devices and other assortment of weapons.

Then he is going over in detail the personal force field that is voice activated by a simple voice of his and only his. It comes with a built-in flashlight, a radio, various tracking devices, a compass, and a Geiger counter. The suit contains an on-board computer system and a self replicating power source as the suit never runs out of power. Also, a personal log to create a log of his adventures and copies the portal coordinates in what dimension he has been too. Gordon liked this armor.

"Most impressive, Kliner." said Gordon "Let guess you want me to use this technology to travel to other dimensions to warn of the Combine threat."

"Correct Gordon." said Kliner "I don't know what is out there, but you will manage you are a survivor Gordon like always."

"There is something else you are not telling." said Gordon.

Kliner sighed a bit "We're the last generation of Humanity, Gordon. I've been doing tests on a lot of people to conclude that all of our decades to exposure to the Combine suppression field to the point that humans can't have any kids. I know the field is down for good."

Gordon snarled at this, damn them. "Is there a cure." asked Gordon. "How many humans are left on Earth?"

"According to my calculations….no." said Kliner "As for humans left on Earth there is roughly only 500 million of us left, billions more are dead, missing or transformed…so we are indeed the last generation. As you know after the seventh hour war the Combine gathered all the worlds' children and slaughters them all"

"Great just great." said Gordon "However, I wasn't effected by the suppression field so I can mate correct."

"Yes that is true." said Kliner "I suggest you say your goodbye in a form of a log a Freeman's log before you leave."

"I'll come to visit from time to time." said Gordon, as he nodded. "We'll swap stories."

"Along with a bottle of wine," said Kliner "We'll toast to this odyssey"

"That we will," said Gordon

The one-free-man started to walk out of the ship called the Borealis and to the outside of the ship, for miles and miles around in all directions for he can see is white and the skies are semi-blue that has pollution. He begins to pondered on what has transpired so far in the past.

A native of Seattle, Washington Gordon Freeman's life had always had it's ups and downs since he got a job to join Black Mesa research facility, he was an orphan with no parents in which the only thing that people found on him at when he was found on the door step of an orphanage is his name and nothing more.

He was already regarded as the quiet type and willing to adapt to any situation until he was in his teens as the orphanage at first put money away for him to go to college considering how smart Gordon is who is willing to learn and grow upon in life. His childhood heroes were Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Richard Feynman because books were his friends in which that is all he had.

Gordon exhibited an early interest in theoretical physics, especially quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. After observing a series of teleportation experiments conducted by the Institute for Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbruck, the transmission of matter became Gordon's obsession.

Gordon has no known dependents. He graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics. His doctoral thesis on the teleportation of matter through extremely dense elements was titled Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked Source Array.

He took up residence in Black Mesa however his job in general in regards was nothing more than a joke like manual labor, despite his qualifications. Consisting of little more than pressing a button and pushing a cart as he found that to be a little embarrassing at times, but it paid well and Gordon often wondered if he would be doing this utter nonsense for the rest of his life. At time he spent in Black Mesa he only said a few words and kept his mouth shut most of the time, he considered himself a little anti-social being an orphan and all.

Finally, that faithful day his world changed forever. An inter-dimension rift in space time happened and his world changed forever, he became something he would never thought in becoming. A hero, he never dreamed he was one. In which Gordon survived all the challenges and got the respect of a few people for his acts of bravery. Then he wound up in another dimension called Xen and doing battle against an alien warlord named Nihilanth.

After slaying the alien warlord he was confronted by a being he despises the most, the G-man. He was given a choice to live or die in a form of a deal. Gordon did not want to do either, then all of sudden the choice was made but not by him. No it was the G-man himself. Damn him. It wasn't until two decades later he had learned the G-man put him in a place far from time, space, thought and even Earth itself.

The G-man stated the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world it wouldn't be an understatement it is a fact as Gordon found himself in the middle of the occupation by an inter-dimension alien empire known as the Combine. They in fact conquered the Earth in seven hours thanks in part to a traitor named Dr. Wallace Breen, that name alone made his blood boil. Then the uprisings began as Gordon helped in many ways often doing battle against combine forces.

Still, the G-man would not leave him alone, Gordon pondered as in why the man with so much power would want anything to do with a mere mortal that defy the odds in Black Mesa, defying the odds of the combine in which they have been purged from his home dimension, but their legacy remains and now will or might defy the odds in going to other dimensions to warn people of the Combine.

Even defying the odds can take a toll in which a great friend Eli Vance at the hands of the Combine. Will more people die, he does not know, but that won't stop him in spreading the word about the threat of the Combine. Now he is wearing a mark eight suit that is the most advanced suit there is.

Now he is off in which he is reaching toward the future or whatever dimension he may come across.

Then he starts with his log.

Doctor Gordon Freeman here: Beginning log.

As I Begin my Odyssey, I am left to wonder where I am going and where it this adventure will take me, I have overcome the odds before. But traveling to other dimensions is insane…hah I have done insane things before but this tops it off. I say goodbye to all of you for now including you Alyx, Adrian and so many others...know this the one-freeman will return mark my words. Fight on for humanity like I have, fight on for a better future. I say this goodbye to all of you at least for now

End log.

He left the recording with Kliner as he makes his own log. Then Gordon activates a portal as a small portal opens up in front of him.

Doctor Gordon Freeman: Continuation.

I truly wonder what Odysseus felt during his journy home after the fall of Troy, too bad one one will ever know. Will this be the same or will it be something different something completely different. I don't know like the quote in the bible reads I walk in the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil…I don't fear the Combine, I've got to take the fight to the Combine…I got to try, will the people of other dimensions believe we, I am not a fortune teller so I will see what I will see.

End Log.

Walking slowly Gordon Freeman walks into the portal as he and the portal disappear into thin air as Doctor Kliner, Alyx, and D0g looked on and thoughts to themselves God speed Gordon. Then they went right back to work gathering what they needed from the ship for it will, take several trips to get it all to the white base.

Meanwhile, in a place of no where in which time and space does not exist not even thought a door slowly opens and the G-man steps inside as his walking echoed all around until he stops near three silhouettes of eyes who are looking at him.

"Your report." said a male voice

"As predicted Misster Freeman has begun his quest." said the G-man "With Kliner's help he is now wearing the armor."

"Very good." said the female voice "The combine have grown into a considerable problem for our interests, interests that is beyond the feeble minds of mortals."

"Agreed." said the third voice who is male "Gordon Freeman should be watched, continued to monitor his progress from a distance, has the potential to do so much more beyond imagination"

"Understood." said the G-man "I shall return in time to let you know about his progress." The G-man nodded and simply walked slowly as he opened the door in the middle of no where and then closing it.

Chapter: 2

Old School Bats