The Hall of LOVE

AN: Hey everypony (geddit cuz I'm a pegasister lolol) so this is my first fanfic and I hope that you really like it. But I have to warn you that this story will have serious issues l;ike abuse, teen mpreg, asphuyxiaction, hot yaoi action (and a steamy bath scene ;-) I hope you will enjoy this because I put a lot of thought in this. Okay let's begin! Hajimemushta!

I don't own Naruto or any of the characters.

The sun was shining in through the classroom window and the birds were singing away as Naruto Uzumaki was staring through the window bored out of his mind. He was also tapping his pencil on his notebook to no particular beat.

"Naruto-san, Naruto-san!" His teacher called.

Naruto looked up to his sensei Kakashi. Kakashi-sensei was glaring at Naruto with his one good eye, the other was covered with an eyepatch. The reason that Kakashi-sensei has this eyepatch is actually because of his countless battles at see as a reveered (however feared) sailor captain. So not only does Kakashi-sensei have an eye patch, but he also has a claw for a hand!

Dist Orshun whispered to Naruto-kun "Hey Naruto, he was telling us about how we need to prepose it and is to it's." Naruto-san was happy to have this told to him so that Kakashi wouldn't know he wasn't paying attention. "We were learning about it's as a preposition." Kakashi got mad and told him that it was wrong.

Dist Orshun is a very rowdy boy and has a lot of trouble getting along with others. The only one that truly understands him is his best friend, Naruto Uzamaki. (Besides of course his stuffed animal he's had since he was very young((but nobody knows about that)))

Dist decided that today was the day he was gonna make a ruckus! He was gonna set things off! The fan was getting hit, with shit! It was time. He got out of his seat very abruptly and ran up to Kakashi-sensei, grabbed his claw and ran away! The classroom burst out with mass chaos.

Kakashi looked at the nub of his hand and decided to let out a sigh and contact the school office to bring up his aspirin, although he had trouble dialing with only one hand.

Naruto went back to staring out the window, and then he let out a gasp. Outside on the school yard was a boy that Naruto has never seen before. It was a boy around his age, with such beautiful raven-black hair that it almost seem to sparkle in the sun, he wasn't wearing the uniform, at least; not in the way it was supposed to be worn. He had the shirt unbuttoned all the way to his chest , and it was also untucked, his black pants were baggy and he was wearing a bunch of bracelets on his wrists and some black rings on his fingers. He was wearing black eyeliner and eyeshadow making his eyes all dark and mysterious and edgy.

Naruto just kept staring at this new boy, and suddenly he felt a warmness creeping up in his face. He was blushing!

Just as Naruto was getting caught up in thinking about this new boy, Kakashi-sensei had called in the security gaurds and they were searching everyone in the classroom for the claw. They found nothing but some drugs on Ino who used to be pretty but now her eyes were hollow and sunken and she was gross. They decided to take her with them into a secret room. No one knows what happened to her or anyone in the secret room.

The classroom was filled with an aura tenseness and fear after the guards made their entrance. Kiba had wet his pants which was bad for Akumaru. And Choji was now nowhere to be seen! But who cares!?

Meanwhile as all of this was going on, in another classroom, a foreighn student by the name of Takamoto Hireisatomaru was pulling a prank in the boiler room. He already had wrenches and other various tools.

He made one last adjustment to a knob "Should do the job perfectly!" he stated with clear confidence.

Just then, all of the water in the pipes of class 205 of Kakashi-sensei began to burst out and drench every last student with water that dampened them a bunch.

Takamoto snickered to himself michivosly in secret.

After Naruto was padded down and frisked several times they preceded to do a cavity search, only one him!

Ah! It hurts, but it feels so good! AH~ I just want them to keep their hands inside me, now I want to bite that kid's butt, that kid who was beautiful from earlier. KIMOCH!I

After his cavity search Naruto sat down in his chair heavily, his breaths coming in pants and hoarse. He closed his eyes and thought about that beautiful bishie from earlier.

I wonder who he is, he's so beautiful and so- oh kami I don't know! So Smexy hawt! 3

Dist was then brought back to the classroom by Yamato-sensei. Dist was punished by having to cleaning the classroom and the bathroom all by himself. Yamato-sensei was then pushed out of the classroom and locked out because he was a pedo and liked to talk to young girls. And that's creepy because he's really ugly and all ugly old men who talk to pretty girls are all pedos. (AN: Just like Mr Miller from down the street! He's such a icky pedo, I saw him looking at me when I was walking outside in my shorty shorts and my tub top. EWWWWWWWWWWW!)

Takamoto saw Yamato in the hallway and smiled at him. They kissed in secret when they passed, but Takamoto wasn't gay. Yamato made him have to kiss him and hug him and stuff but Takamoto liked girls even though he was skinnier than all the girls, he liked green busty plant girls like Zetsu. Yamato left Takamoto alone and returned to reading doujinshi.

Dist got his wrist slapped by Kakashi after he put his claw back on and the slap on the wrist scratched Dist's hand because of the claw. Dist cried out in pain and put a band aid on. He returned to sit next to Naruto and was confused why Naruto was keeping his hands in his pants and making weird noises. His face was very flushed.

Dist just shrugged it off and sat down, say "Naruto, doshde?"

Naruto looked worried like he'd been found out of doing something wrong. With no reasonable answer and nowhere to turn, he burst into tears, ran, he was off, gone!

The bell rang and everyone left the chaotic day behind them. Especially Kiba.

Naruto didn't take the bus because he was picked on too much there. So he had to walk 12 miles home up hill both ways everyday, and it was hilly!

Today was different though. Naruto wouldn't be alone. He was with a very pale young girl. She wore a short black dress with rhinestones and tights. She had black eyeliner, pink lipstick, purple eyeshadow, and peach blush. Naruto was a little attracted to her.

He was staring offinto space.

"Doshde Naruto?" yelled Sai

This broke Naruto from his state of dulliriem. "What's going on, um what's your name, I can't believe we've been inttoduced." Said Naruto

"OH! Hahahahaah! Silly me! I can't believe we've never met!" "Name's sai, nice to meet cha Naruto!"

"Waah! How do you know my name Sai!" Screamed Naruto at the the top of his lungs!

"Don't worry Naruto, these things just happen. Heheh!" Sai said cutely

"Oh alright, I hope we have a great year together, because I think you're really hawt." Said Naruto

Sai blushed and changed the subject

The two were now in a routine and had developed a new bond of friendship. Things were changing for the young Naruto.

AN: So what do you think? I know it's a bit of a rough start but give it time and I know it will turn into something that is beautiful! It is life! Kisses.