Hello! Before I say anything else, I would like to apologize. I know I have kept a bunch of people waiting for many years, and even though I kept saying that I would finish this story, I lack the motivation to continue writing for the Elsword fandom. Thus, I will stop prolonging this ridiculously lengthy hiatus and cut it off here: My two Elsword fanfictions, The Dark Days: El Lost and Grace Born on April Fools, will be discontinued.

I'm really sorry to the readers who have supported me thus far, and I'm extremely grateful for all of the feedback, whether positive or negative, that I received while I was writing for Elsword. As for my reason for stopping, maybe I should begin with my reason for starting.

I first started writing fanfictions for Elsword in middle school because it was my favourite game at the time, an escape from a period during my life when I was slightly depressed, and my main connection to the only friends I had at that time. Initially, I was inspired to write The Dark Days: El Lost after reading ShiraCirca's The Breathless World and some other stories by authors such as RubyCrusade, Rosamanelle, Desuchi, xSnowflakesx, etc. When I began writing, I wrote The Dark Days: El Lost primarily for myself; the story was my means of picturing how the characters in Elsword would interact with each other, and overall, it strengthened my attachment towards the game. However, after receiving so much positive feedback from readers in the Elsword fanfiction community, I began wanting to write for others, too—nameless and faceless strangers on the internet who, nevertheless, were still connected by their mutual passion for a game. Everyone's kind compliments encouraged me to continue writing DD:EL, my first attempt at a narrative fiction, and I was, at that time, extremely proud of the work. While I am now aware of the poor quality and infantile nature of my writing (which was only corrected and assuaged by my friend and editor, Penny), I will not say that I regret writing DD:EL. That story was my first step into the world of writing fiction, and I am tremendously grateful for that opportunity.

Ever since writing DD:EL, I've had a bunch of other strange story ideas:

- Grace Born on April Fools, which I started writing after reading One for the Murphys

- a crossover between Ace Attorney and Elsword in which Aisha is defending Add Kim from Eve, the prosecutor for the case and also the dear friend of the victim supposedly murdered by Add

- a horror one-shot involving Rena, Raven, Seris's vengeful ghost, and forget-me-not flowers

- a crossover between history and Elsword (Elstory) that involves the duel between Raven A. Burr and Alexander Hamelton

- an AU school life fanfiction in which the two friends, Raven and Add, develop a device for their science project which ultimately backfires and brings them to Rurensia

- a Frankenstein and Elsword crossover in which Rena is the product of Raven's attempt to revive Seris, and the man must cope with his regret and accept responsibility for trying to bring someone back from the dead

Clearly, I did not execute a good amount of these ideas, but whenever I thought of one, no matter how ridiculous it was, it always filled me with the excitement and desire to write.

With all that said, I will admit that I struggle when I am obligated to write for topics that I am not passionate about. I started playing Elsword because of my friends, and I also stopped playing Elsword because of my friends (and the horrendous updates the game had in 2014 onwards). Naturally, I lost interest in the game overall, including its stories and characters. Even if I were to conclude DD:EL now, the ending would probably disappoint everybody, including myself, so I will not waste the effort. Maybe, sometime in the distant future, I might change my mind and finish up the Altera arc, but as of now, my Elsword fanfictions will be discontinued.

While I will no longer write fanfiction for Elsword, that does not mean I will quit writing altogether. If I ever come up with other stories, I'll make sure to post them on this site, under the same account. Again, I apologize for leaving everyone hanging for so long and then cutting the story off so abruptly. Thank you for all of the support you've given me these past few years.

P.S. If any of you are writing stories—whether they're for Elsword or some other obscure fandom—let me know! I highly enjoy reading other people's work and watching them develop as writers :-)