Author's Corner: For those who don't know who Krampus is, then this chapter will not make a whole lot of sense. Basically he's the bad cop to Santa Claus's good cop, who looks sort of like a satyr from hell or a hobgoblin on steroids. While Saint Nick gives gifts to good children, Krampus punishes the naughty with rusty chains, birch whips, and for the especially naughty he carries the bad child off in his sack never to be heard from again. To me Krampus always struck me as more goblin than demon, as Krampus has Pagan origins and not Christian. In my little fic, Krampus is Jareth's job during the holidays, anything that means he doesn't have to hang around his goblin subjects. It seems to fit the Goblin King well enough, as both goblins and the Krampus are well known for stealing children.

Disclaimer: I do not own Labyrinth, that belongs to the awesome late Jim Henson and awesome still kicking it Brian Froud and the still sexy David Bowie. Thanks guys for such an such a wonderful movie! Oh! Also the McCallister family from Home Alone is not mine. And no I'm not quite sure why I'm crossing these two together.

Warnings: This story is rated for mild language, some violence, David Bowie's Area, and of course sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Oh yeah and David Bowie's Area, I mention this twice because there is going to be a lot of it.

Current Music: Starman by David Bowie

And a special thanks to my beta, HippieAthena!

Chapter Thirteen

He'd Like to Come and Meet Us

It was nearly nine months since Sarah and Jareth consummated their love and Christmas was fast approaching. Sarah had gone back to leading, as much with Jareth breathing down her neck, a normal life. At night when she wished her parents and her brother goodnight, it was not the small bed of her childhood she slept in, but the magnificent bed in Jareth's chambers. Jareth promised her parents would never notice any change, and Sarah doesn't think that they ever did. At school or with her family, she was the kind, but odd, Williams' daughter. When she wasn't under her parent's watchful gaze she was dancing with the goblins and kissing their king.

Jareth never quite remembered his past before he met Sarah. She made sure of it. Sarah embraced her duties as the Goblin Queen and the Keeper of Memory. She dealt with the goblins when Jareth's tolerance ran dry and she sifted through the memories she keeps locked from Jareth. It was her job to remember what Jareth forgot. "I'm like most wives in that, save instead of remembering the location of car keys I remember who and what Jareth pissed off in the past."

Though Jareth could perfectly recall every moment they spent together, his past before that night they met in the park would forever remain a mystery to him. Jareth would occasionally remember something, and Sarah would delightfully hear the story he told. Then he would forget what he remembered. It was for the best, and from what she heard from others and saw of those memories best forgotten, Jareth was a monster. Jareth's permanent loss of memory was his redemption and his second chance. Sarah would be there to ensure that he doesn't turn back. 'If he does, there's always Granny's frying pan.'

Sarah started to piece together his past and his faces. His time as Loki, the brief peaceful time as Peter the disciple, then that flicker of light and faith he had was extinguished by the crusades. He became the Krampus after that. Sarah remembered very well the face of the dark, beast-like Jareth with horns, claws, teeth and a long tongue when Jareth was split in two. Sarah now knew a name to label that creature: Krampus. Santa Claus, or Odin as he once was, told Sarah that Jareth once rode on his sleigh as Krampus who dealt out punishments to naughty children while Santa rewarded the good. Santa said that he wanted to channel Jareth's anger to something more productive, but it went a little out of hand.

Eventually even his goblins got fed up with him and he was 'impeached' and 'egg-xiled', which in goblin terms meant that he was banished to earth as a powerless human, naked and covered in eggs and peaches. It was in these few years that Jareth decided to get what he called a 'normal human job', which to him was rockstar. Sarah remembered how her friends told her that the famous rockstar 'Gareth Kingsley' was yet another face of Jareth's. When Sarah got home she looked through her father's Gareth Kingsley records and she still didn't know how she didn't connect the two sooner. Jareth decided to go back to his 'human job' as he called it.

Sarah stifled a giggle when Jareth told her that he 'wanted to look like a respectable man with strong moral fiber when I meet your parents.' Sarah didn't have the heart to tell him that the occupation of a rockstar did not bring up the words 'respectable' or 'strong moral fiber' to the minds of most parents. Sarah did think that rockstar suited Jareth really well and she loved listening to him sing on the radio. Her parents were astounded by the return of Gareth Kingsley as the rockstar suddenly disappeared one day and was never heard from again, until nine months ago that is. Sarah knew that it was because of her, he disappeared the night they met and he reappeared after they made love for the first time.

Jareth did tell Sarah that this year that he would be working for Santa as the Krampus. Ol' Saint Nick need the Krampus back because the naughty list has become longer than it had been for centuries. Of course the punishments would be a bit tamer than what it used to be. Sarah remembered with a shudder of what Santa told her, that the punishment for some of the children was death and the child's soul offered to his estranged daughter Hel. Sarah slept soundly knowing that Hel would not be bothering her, Merlin and the animal sons of Loki all told her that there was a magical restraining order.

Nowadays, with a sigh of relief, most punishments were to simply scare the kids, like something the boogie man would do and spring out of closets and beds and threaten to turn them into goblins if they didn't behave. To the worst of children was simply a few days of torment in his Labyrinth and a swim in the Bog of Eternal Stench that the kid would never forget. The kid would show up a few days later, stinking to high heaven and parents calling off searches, and the kid would appreciate their life a lot more. Sarah didn't mind that some of the bratty kids suffered a bit, she herself used to be a brat and it was her trials in the Labyrinth that forged her into a better person. 'You need to face a villain or turn into one yourself. You need that battle, that conflict, that trial by fire to get stronger as a person. How else can one learn kindness and compassion if they do not learn what it means to feel pain?' Jareth was stuck with the role of a villain, a tyrant, and a nightmare. It was a thankless and a very important job, but now it was one he took up less unwillingly because he had Sarah and he knew that she loved him.

Sarah saw less of Jareth since he reluctantly took up the mantle of the Krampus, in these days of parents not discipling their kids Jareth had a long list of naughty kids to scare. When she did see him, he wore the form of his dark half. At first she was a little unnerved sleeping next to Jareth when he looked like that, but now he looked, to her anyway, less like a child's worst nightmare and more like a mostly harmless wild thing from a book she read as a kid, Where The Wild Things Are. Sarah wondered, not for the first time, how her parents would react should they ever meet her 'Wild Thing' of a husband. 'I hope daddy doesn't get the shotgun... At the very least Granny likes him. I just hope Jareth puts on his human face, even the tight pants and glittery face of the Goblin King would be better than the face he uses for Krampus.'

After Sarah's parents had come home the morning after she became Jareth's Queen, they brought Granny Williams with for a visit. Sarah loved her grandmother, she always told her stories of magic and fantasy. Sarah wondered just how much her granny knew of all the hidden magical worlds hiding behind the banal illusion Sarah's parents walked through. Sarah remembered what her Granny told her the moment she saw Sarah.

The sound of a car horn and the crunch of car tires under gravel warned Sarah of the imminent arrival of her parents. Sarah looked around, her husband and guests were still here and the place was a wreck. Jareth tossed a crystal in the air and the place was magically clean and everything in its place again. Sarah heard the door downstairs open and her parents walked in shouting, "Sarah! We're home! And look who came with us!"

All the goblins and Jareth hid from sight, but Sarah felt them close by. She walked down the stairs with a smile on her face with Toby behind her, when she saw her parents and her grandmother. "Granny!"

Many hugs were exchanged, Sarah's parents looked relieved that the house was in one piece. They went off to inspect the house, leaving Sarah alone to catch up with her grandmother. Granny Williams looked at her granddaughter with a knowing twinkle in her eyes. "Sarah, I heard you got yourself a man, but now I know!" Granny leaned down and whispered to Sarah, "You're covered in glitter and You smell like the King of the Little People! He made you his Queen, didn't he?" Granny laughed excitedly, almost bouncing with joy when she saw Sarah's jaw drop with surprise. "So when can I meet him? Is he and his little people gonna come out?" Granny asked.

Jareth came out of his hiding place, as did the goblins and peered curiously at the old woman. "What matter of being are you that you can sense me?"

Granny Williams eye's were impossibly wide and misted with unshed tears. "I knew you were real! I knew that there was still magic and great spirits left in this world!"

Jareth took in the old woman's features of brown leathery skin that told a story of a life well lived and life lived hard. Around her neck were beads and charms of wood, stone, feathers, and bone. Jareth recognized this woman. "You are of the First People of this land, a medicine woman."

Granny Williams smiled. "Yes, very few of my people cling to the old beliefs of magic, of Raven Mockers, of Horned Serpents, and little people. My son hasn't an ounce of belief, that all skipped over to my granddaughter there."

Jareth bowed his head in respect to the old woman. "I am honored to meet you, and I will not apologize for stealing your granddaughter's heart, after all she stole mine first."

The old woman laughed. "You sure do talk pretty, don't ya? But are ya hubby material for my granddaughter?"

Granny Williams circled around Jareth with an appraising eye, inspecting him like livestock at the market, much to his indignation. Sarah merely gave him a look that said, 'Just bear with it.' Jareth's tolerance of the old woman's prodding ended when Sarah's grandmother grabbed his crotch. Sarah never knew that Jareth could jump that high, nor get his voice at such a high octave. "Sarah! Your grandmother is trying to violate me!"

Sarah knew that she shouldn't laugh but she did anyway. Granny Williams seemed to find the now traumatized Goblin King acceptable as she chirped happily, "Sarah, this one's definitely a keeper!"

Sarah laughed at the memory, Jareth still cringed and covered his royal parts when Sarah mentioned her grandmother. When her parents wondered where Merlin went, Sarah's downcast and teary eyes told them everything. Merlin leaving to go back to his duty to his grandson King Arthur, still hurt and was still quite fresh, Sarah told them that he ran away. They wouldn't believe the truth. They searched for five months before giving up. Sarah felt okay, she knew Merlin was okay, she did get together for the occasional cup of tea.

Sarah curled further under her sheets, she had no school to go to, since its the holidays and wanted to sleep in. She would not get much sleep with her aunt, uncle, and their five kids visiting for Christmas. It was a full and chaotic house. Sarah could tell by the feel of the cheap cotton of the sheets that Jareth had already transported her back to her childhood bedroom.

Sarah's desire to sleep in was disrupted by a very long tongue snaking its way between her legs. Her eyes shot open as the long tongue found that bundle of nerves hidden in her folds, before thrusting deep inside of her passage. She knew it was her husband, this was usually how he woke her up. 'And what way to wake up too! Oh my!' Sarah moaned in the delight Jareth was bringing her and she parted her legs for him. It didn't take very long for that tongue to bring Sarah over the edge. Sarah, now wide awake, threw off the covers to see her husbands horned head buried between her legs. He was still in the form of the Krampus, grinning widely at her with his fangs visible. Sarah jumped back, she still found that form Jareth wore to be unnerving. "Ah! Jareth! You know I love you, but do you have to do... you know...stuff to me while you're looking like that?"

Jareth laughed, his fangs glinting. "You were not complaining about this shape just a moment ago. The tongue is quite useful wouldn't you say?" Jareth leered and flicked the abnormally long tongue against Sarah's cheek.

Sarah flushed. "I still can't get used to making love to you when you look like that. Could you change your form to something less hairy? I do like the tongue, but I don't like the hair you leave everywhere."

Jareth's horned feral visage melted into the familiar glitter and wild mane of the Goblin King Sarah knew so well. "Fair enough, does this suit your fancy my wife?"

Sarah nodded and looked at Jareth with eyes glazed with a lustful hunger and beckoned him to her. Jareth slid his body on top her. He thrust himself inside of her with great ease, both of them sighing with pleasure at being physically joined again. They made love once more, taking flight again to the plateaus of ecstasy. The feeling of their souls being whole, stayed with them as they embraced each other in the afterglow of their love-making. Sarah preferred some her husband's other faces to this one, but she loved Jareth for Jareth no matter what face he decided to put on. Sarah rolled them over so she was on top of him, she grinned down at Jareth. "Ready for round two?"

Jareth hardened again, his interest revived as his beloved Sarah impaled herself on him and rode him. A knock at the door and Sarah's father calling for her interrupted them. Sarah quickly shouted, "Don't come in! I'm not decent!"

Mr. Williams shouted through the door, "Alright, but could you get dressed and join us downstairs? You've been in there all morning."

Sarah looked down at Jareth, who was still inside of her, and felt him buck his hips a little causing her to gasp. "I'll be down in a little bit, daddy! Just give me some— Ah! Some time."

Sarah's father sounded concerned. "Are you alright in there?"

Sarah had to stifle another moan as Jareth's talented hands decided to play with her bundle of nerves. She gave him a withering glance. "I'm fine daddy, just exercising!"

Mr. Williams sounded unconvinced but let it go. "Okay, honey, just come down when you're ready."

Jareth smirked up at Sarah and whispered, "Yes, Sarah do come."

Sarah glared at Jareth and when she heard her father's footsteps fade she smacked Jareth. "You ass! What the hell were you thinking?!"
Jareth laughed. "I wasn't. I was making love to my wife, for the second time I might add, this fine December morning. I could stop and simply go back to the Labyrinth, settle disputes among the goblins, or work on that naughty list ol' Nick gave me, or —"

Sarah silenced Jareth with a kiss and they fell back into the rhythm of their love-making. They rose again quickly to the peaks of pleasure. Reluctantly Sarah got dressed and headed downstairs, but always she felt Jareth close by.


It was the night before Christmas in the Williams' house and all was so much louder than a mouse. Robert and Karen Williams were in the kitchen talking to Robert's sister Kate and her husband Peter MacCallister. In the living room was Sarah and Toby and the MacCallister family's five kids and Granny. The four adults in the kitchen were deep in conversation, it was serious. Robert Williams was deep in the eggnog, "Kate, you're not a bad parent, even if you left Kevin alone for Christmas last year and two burglars got in the house, you're not a bad parent, I am. My own daughter... I can't believe it. I used to think that Sarah was scarred from Linda abandoning us and she made imaginary friends and this imaginary boyfriend Jareth. I see her talking to things that aren't there, but the funny thing is I sometimes hear voices from her bedroom. Just this morning I heard Sarah..." Mr. Williams paused a part of his brain knew what the sounds that emerged from his daughter's room were, but the rest stayed in denial. "...talking to a man, she called him Jareth. I don't know if she's crazy or if I'm crazy!"

Mr. MacCallister clapped his brother-in-law on the shoulder. "Robert you can't blame yourself, I mean how do you even know Sarah's not dating anyone? She could be sneaking around with some boy from school." He winced feeling awkward. "I guess its not a much better alternative."

Karen shook her head near tears, Kate MacCallister tried to consul her. "I wish she really was sneaking around with someone. I've talked to her teachers, Sarah eats by herself and she doesn't hang around with anyone. Sarah's completely alone. She just goes off to the park, dressing in her costumes. I'm worried about her. What if she turns into one of those crazy homeless ladies or a drug addict?! I don't know what to do with her, the sons of clients I set her up with refuse another date with her. The only good change is that she's taken a liking to Gareth Kingsley music, remember Robert?"

Mr. Williams gave a half smile. "Yeah, the three of us finally have a common ground and we dance to our favorite rockstar when he came on the radio or shows up on TV. I'm glad the guy crawled out of whatever hole he was hiding, thanks to him we have moments where we can act like a happy family."

Kate had an idea. "Robert, why don't we all sit down and talk to her. That's part of the reason we came in the first place. You've put off this intervention long enough! She needs help."

Robert slammed down his drink. "You're right, sis. This is something I should have done more. I've left her alone too long! I'm going to go talk to her right now!"

Mr. Williams exited the kitchen and saw Sarah engrossing the kids and Granny with a story about a creature called Krampus. "And! If you're especially naughty he carries you off in the sack on his back never to be heard from again! No one really knows for certain, some say he cooks the bad children, others say he dumps the child into hell itself! But do you know what I think? I think he turns the children into nasty little goblins, to serve forever as his lowly minions, trapped in his labyrinth!" There was a collective gasp among the younger kids, especially Kevin, but Sarah's older cousin, Buzz, however said it was bullshit.

Mr. Williams cleared his throat. "Sarah? We all need to talk."

There was a thick tension in the air, as Sarah looked at her father, her stepmother, and her aunt and uncle. Granny glared at her son and daughter. Mr. Williams continued. "Sarah, I know you've had it rough these past years, what with Linda taking off. I know how tempting it seems to escape reality and make up a magical world with goblins and faeries and make believe boyfriends, but you can't keep lying like this. Worse still, Toby is picking up your bad habits. Please Sarah, I don't want to go to doctors."

Sarah stood up, feeling her blood boil. "What is this? An intervention? There's nothing wrong with me!"

Granny cut in. "She ain't crazy! There really are little people and she does have a man! His name is Jareth, their king! He's real! I've seen him with my own eyes! You're just too blind to see it, all of you!"

Mr. Williams lost his temper. "Don't encourage her mother! Its all in her head, figments of her overactive imagination. Its nonsense!"

Sarah lost her temper. "It's not nonsense! Jareth is many things, but I will never believe that he's just imaginary!"

A vein throbbed in Mr. Williams head, a dam seemed to burst, months of his sanity ebbing away. Months of hearing voices in the wall and telling himself that it's only rats. Months of hearing moans and flesh slapping against flesh from his daughter's room and telling himself that she is simply exercising. He finally snapped. "For the last time JARETH DOESN'T EXIST!"

Ding-Dong! The sound of a door bell chime evaporated the tension in the air. They didn't expect anyone, so all had wondered who was at the door. Mr. Williams marched to the front door. "Who on earth could that be?"

It was blond man with mismatched eyes, dressed in classy expensive attire and holding a large platter covered in tinfoil. Behind him was a red Lamborghini glinting seductively in the streetlight. He smiled amicably and spoke with british accent. "Hello! You must be Sarah's father, I'm her fiancee."

Mr. Williams looked taken aback and gave the man claiming to be his sixteen year old daughter's fiancee. A man that looked far too old for her. "Who the hell are you?"

Jareth's smile vanished at Mr. Williams brusk attitude. "Look, are you going to let me in or not? Its bloody cold out here!"

Jareth shoved his way past Mr. Williams before he could refuse as he invited himself in. He shoved the platter into Sarah's Stepmother's arms, the woman's jaw slack in shock. "And you must be Sarah's wicked stepmother. I made a roast chicken, with my own homemade barbeque sauce, do enjoy!" Jareth chirped with wide grin.

The entire family watched in shock as the strange man made a beeline for Sarah and kissed her passionately. Sarah smiled up at the man. "Jareth! What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you..."

Jareth sat himself down on a plush armchair and pulled Sarah into his lap. He smiled broadly and nuzzled her. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your parents, precious? After all I am planning to steal their little girl away." Jareth leaned in closer and whispered into Sarah's ear so only she could hear, "And to prove that I do in fact exist, my queen."

The shock Mr. Williams had at seeing that Jareth was not a figment of his daughter's imagination wore off. As saw this man who looked around his age pawing his daughter, he snapped. "You're Jareth? You're the man my sixteen year old daughter has been seeing? How old are you?"

Jareth looked up at Mr. Williams, seemingly unfazed and answered his questions in quick successions. "Yes, yes, and forty." Though the last answer Jareth left off the word centuries.

Mr. Williams felt his blood boil. "Karen call the police! I want them to arrest this..." He paused realizing he didn't know the other man's full name. "What was your name? I never asked." He asked feeling a little awkward.

Karen had picked up the phone when Jareth calmly answered, "Gareth Kingsley, but my closest friends call me Jareth."

There was a double take and Sarah's stepmother dropped the phone. Mr Williams looked at Jareth more closely and his eyes boggled. "It's him! Oh my god Karen! Its Gareth Kingsley! I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan! Can I have your autograph?"

Suddenly all disapproval of Jareth evaporated and objection to him dating Sarah vanished as everyone squealed in excitement of having the famous rockstar in the living room. Jareth calmly signed Mr. Williams's collection of Gareth Kingsley vinyls. "So, Mr. Williams, I want to ask you for your blessing. You see, I have fallen for your daughter and I'm determined to take her as my wife."

Karen squealed in delight. "Of course we won't object! Will we, Robert?"

Mr Williams seemed to remember his previous objection to the man but he saw the way Sarah looked at Jareth. It was obvious even to Mr Williams that his daughter was in love with Jareth. Now he could not make up his mind. "I don't know... What about the age difference?"

Karen gave him a decisive look and whispered to her husband. "Robert! This man is the catch of the century! If this man loves Sarah for all her oddities and she loves him, than I say marry them off!"

Jareth saw Mr William reluctance and stepped in. "If you agree, I'll give the Lamborghini out front. Not to mention all the perks of having me for a son-in-law." Jareth jingled the car keys temptingly.

That got Mr Williams attention and looked out the window at the shiny red car gleaming in the streetlight. That cinched it for him as he smiled broadly and shook Jareth's hand. "Welcome to the family, son!"

Sarah frowned and whispered to Jareth, "Did my dad just trade me for a car?"

Jareth smiled at his beloved. "I'm not objecting, I get the better end of this deal."

The family moved to the kitchen to sample Jareth's cooking. Everyone shocked and excited that Sarah was marrying the famous rockstar Gareth Kingsley. Karen was already making wedding plans. Sarah ripped off a chicken leg and took a generous bite. "This is good Jareth! Where did you get a chicken this large anyway?"

Jareth smiled mysteriously. "Your brother helped, he's very good at chasing birds. Do you remember your request for one treasonous rooster, roasted and served on a platter to be eaten as an example? Well, your husband delivers on his promises."

Sarah looked at Jareth with a raised eyebrow for a moment and then looked down at the barbequed chicken on the table and understanding dawned. "I gotta say, the barbeque sauce you made really makes it, do I detect a hint of peach?" Sarah took another bite.

A scream erupted grabbing everyone's attention. Dozens and dozens of goblins were crying and looking at Sarah utterly horrified. One was bawling, "Queenie ate chicken!" and another was stuttering fearfully, "Queenie is cannib-bi-bal!"

Sarah's family were looking at the goblins, as horrified as they were. Mr Williams asked his daughter. "Sarah? What are those?"

"Those are goblins." Sarah calmly replied, taking another vicious bite of the once treasonous rooster, making one goblin faint. Sarah knew that the goblins won't be spying on her and Jareth's 'special alone time' anymore.

Mr Williams was in shock, everything he thought he knew of the world was thrown out the window. "Goblins?! But they don't exist! They can't exist." Mr Williams slumped in his chair. "If goblins exist then what else exists?"

Granny patted her son on the shoulder. "It'll be alright, son, you're just in shock, it'll pass."

Jareth stood up and crystal appeared in his hand with a flamboyant flair and a twist. The crystal flashed, blinding everyone momentarily and Jareth stood there in his Goblin King regalia and his human guise fell away to something that was far more. Sarah's family looked at Jareth, utterly entranced. He bowed like a dancer after a performance. "Allow me to re-introduce myself. While is Gareth Kingsley just a mask I wear in the mortal world it is not my true face. I am Jareth the Goblin King..." He opened the garage door, but what everyone saw was not the garage but an intricate labyrinth with a great castle in its center. "...And this is my labyrinth!"

The Labyrinth was much lusher and greener than when Sarah first ventured into it. It was bejeweled with many flowers, a carpeted with a verdant green carpet, making the Labyrinth look like a paradise. It became like this when Sarah and Jareth consummated their marriage, the land sprang to life at their union. A sweet perfume of flowers and ripe peaches wafted from the labyrinth, inviting Sarah's family to explore its twists and turns. They all walked through lured in by the warm summer breeze. As Sarah walked through they watched, amazed, by the transformation she took on. The plain jeans she wore dissolved into Goblin Queen regalia, a match to her husband.

Mr Williams looked in awe of the labyrinth and realized something. "You're not forty, are you?"

Jareth chuckled. "Yes, I am. Forty centuries that is."

Mr. Williams's eyes shot up and collapsed on a moss covered boulder. "Wow. Suddenly the age difference is too vast to matter anymore."

There was awed silence for a moment before Karen spoke up. "How did you and Sarah meet?"

Jareth smiled and turned to his beloved. "Precious? Would you like to tell this story?"

Sarah nodded and grinned broadly. "Take a seat, everyone and I'll tell you a story. There was once a beautiful, but spoiled princess whose parents made her stay home with the baby..."

The End

Author's Corner: Whew! Finished at last! This fic took quite awhile to finish and I had so many ideas running in my mind for it. Probably one too many. Anyways I had more than one idea to finish this fic. One was for Jareth to make a menacing entrance and scare the crap out of Sarah's family only for Jareth's dramatic scene to be ruined by a chicken dropping an egg on his face. Another, I was going to end it twenty years in the future and Sarah and Jareth had seven kids together and Sarah goes back in time to Jareth's very beginning. There she would discover a baby abandoned in the snow and coddles him and tells him, "It'll be alright, you'll have quite a few hardships, but eventually you'll find true love and a family. We'll meet again, Jareth." She would then give baby to a bunch of wandering goblins to raise as their king. Those were some of my alternate endings, but I think I like how this one turned out. Thank you all for reading!