Chapter three

Bella POV

When I shared my schedule with everyone, it turns out that I had a class with each of the Cullen's. My first period class is English, and I had that class with Emmett. I had to admit, it was nice to have someone to interact with in that class, and he was nice enough to let me sit in the seat next to him. We didn't talk much because to teacher was a butthole and wouldn't let us speak to each other. But I did have to introduce myself to the class…

"Ms. Swan, could you come up to the front of the classroom so you could introduce yourself?" Mr. Butthole said (A/N I COULDN'T THINK OF A NAME, SO I JUST USED MR. BUTTHOLE.)

"Good luck," Emmett whispered. I slowly got up and walked to the front, slowly. Since I was sitting in the back, everyone looked at me as I passed. The boys gawked at me, and the girls glared at me, probably because I was stealing all the boys' attention. Oh well.

When I reached to the front, I crossed my arms and began my introduction, "Hey, I'm Bella Swan, I am from Forks but moved to Los Angeles When I was ten, and then I moved back here to finish my senior year. I enjoy singing, and acting. I dislike whining girls and stuck up people, and before you jump to conclusions, no I am not stuck up. I love Italian food, and my favorite color is purple."

I looked at the teacher to find that he wasn't even paying attention to me; all the guys looked like they were more in love with me, besides Emmett of course. And the girls continued shooting daggers at me.

"Can I go to my seat now?" I asked

"Huh, yeah… sure," Mr. Butthole said. I walked back to my desk and slid casually into my seat, I noticed that a couple of boys were still looking at me with lust in their eyes. I was about to snap till Emmett let out a deep growl, like he wanted to protect me. He's like the big brother I never had. I looked at him and gave him 'thank you' smile and he just gave me a smile back.

The rest of class went by smoothly, all we did was read a couple pages from Wuthering Heights and answer a few questions. Nothing too hard. After class Emmett said that I could sit with him at lunch, and of course when Emmett gives you a puppy dog look, you can't resist.

Next period is Algebra, and it is the best thing I am good at. My teacher's name was Mrs. Warwick and she looked like she was in her late thirty's but she still looked pretty. I gave her my slip so she could sign it and then I went to my seat. The only chair available was in the back corner. I was the first one in class so I just started to listen to music. I always get new inspiration from listing to other artists. After two minutes people started coming through the door, and of course all the guys looked at me with lust. Gross.

"Uh, hey." I looked up for my phone to see where that voice came from. There standing in front of me was a boy with blonde hair and baby blue eyes; he looked like he was only a couple inches taller than me. But he was nothing compared to Edward…ugh stop it Bella!

"Can I help you," I said, a little too harshly.

"Uh, I'm Mike Newton, and uh… I just uh… wanted to introduce myself," he stuttered.

"Well it's, nice to meet you Mike, but class is about to start and I really want to pay attention to the teacher, ok?"

"Yeah." After that encounter, no one else came up to introduce me, which was perfect. It's not that I don't like my fans, it's just that I really want to get my senior year over with without people treating me different because I'm famous.

All we did was go over equations and functions, again nothing too major. After the bell rang I got out of my seat and put my ear buds back in my ears.

It didn't take too long to find the cafeteria since it was down the hall. When I opened the doors everyone put their attention towards me, but that didn't faze me. I put my head up high and walked towards the lunch line. I didn't really want to eat since I was so used to my mother's cooking, but I didn't want anyone thinking I was starving myself, so I got a tray full of grapes and strawberries, my favorite fruit's. I paid for my lunch and just when I was about to find the Cullen's, I was stopped by none other than Mike.

"Hey Bella I was wondering if you wanted to sit at my table with my friends?"

"Sorry Mike, but she can't," A velvety voice answered. I looked up to see Edward staring down Mike. I looked behind Edward to see the rest of his siblings staring at us, trying to depict Edward's next move.

"Oh, maybe some other time then?" Mike asked, hopeful.

"Maybe, later Mike." I said walking next to Edward, who was still glaring down at Mike. "Hey guys," I greeted once I was at the Cullen's table.

"Hey Bella," they all said at once. I sat down and started to eat my grapes and strawberries. No one was talking, but of course Emmett broke the silence.

"So Bella, what are you doing after school?" he asked. But I really didn't know what I was going to do. Whenever I finished writing a song or something, I usually took a nap. But I can't do that anymore since I am no longer in the music business, temporarily of course. I looked at all their faces. Oh what the hell, it's time I made some friends who aren't famous and all the other shit.

"Oh, I don't know. But my mother goes all around town and comes back at midnight, so would you guys like to come to my house and keep me company?" I asked, and I really wanted them to come too. I needed to interact with people more.

"Sure we'll come Bella!" Alice screeched, causing some heads turn in our direction, I even saw Rosalie smile a little.

Okay, meet me in the parking lot after school." And at perfect timing, the bell rang. Just as I was about to leave my seat, I felt warm breath at me ear. "I can't wait to see your house Bella." Edwards said as he gave me a wink and leave me standing there alone.


Oh yeah, I can't wait till after school.