A/N: Okay, this is my very first LxOC AU fan fiction...Actually, its my first Death Note Fan Fiction. I made a second profile, since my other one is basically my Harry Potter stories. They are...em, pretty successful? I suppose. Anyway, that account is: Radiant Innocence.

This is mostly just an experiment. I absolutely adore L, and I couldn't resist writing a fan fiction about him :3 Now, if no one really likes this idea, or it just flat out sucks...I may not continue it. We'll just have to see! I hope you do like the first chapter, though. Btw, if I continue, this is about the length all my chapters will be.


Chapter One:

"Oh, come on! How is this any different than before?" Ellora wailed at her brother.

"I told you, Ellie," Johnny snapped at his bright-green eyed sister. "You cannot come with me today! I repeat: cannot come with me! So just drop it already!"

Ellie huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at her older brother.

"But I can help," she reasoned testily. "I always help! I need all the practice I can get if I'm going to become a detective!"

"You're going to have to wait until you turn eighteen and can do an internship to be involved in a case like this." Johnny said in a calmer voice. "But its just too dangerous! If something were to happen to you..." he trailed off, a worried frown crossing his face.

He couldn't lose her. If he did, they might as well throw him in the grave with her. His sweet, baby sister that he'd taken care of for the past three years. No, he couldn't bear it. Not after their parents...

"You can't keep doing this," she said, shaking her head and making her mahogany curls bounce around her face. "You can't keep sheltering me...I'm almost eighteen. I know you love me, but you have to let go a little and let me make some of my own choices!"

Johnny shook his head. He was a detective in the LAPD, and he was currently investigating serial murders that had taken place over the last few weeks. They had been dubbed the Murdoch murders from the first victim—but people just kept dying. None of the deaths were satisfactorily linked. The only thing that tied them together was a message—a message in blood on the wall of every victims house. It had dumbfounded them so much that the great investigator, 'L' was even starting the case with them. Of course, he couldn't tell his sister about that. He wasn't allowed to. She knew he was after the serial murderer, but that was a given. He was one of the best detectives LAPD had.

Recently, she had started going with him to his office on her free days, and he had found that she was even more observant than him. She was a great help, and she had definitely helped him solve quite a few cases. Of course, he wasn't surprised. She was valedictorian and was sharp as a tack. He never let her go past paper work, of course, but he sure as hell was not going to bring her into the meeting where they conversed with L. There was no way – not that it would be allowed in the first place.

"Look, Ellora-"

"URGH! Don't call me that!" she cut him off waspishly, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him. "Brother or not, I will smack you!"

He couldn't help but to roll his eyes at her. He didn't see what the big deal was with her name. He thought it was adorable, but she insisted on everyone calling her, 'Elle' or 'Ellie'.

"It is your name, isn't it?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at her.

"Unfortunately," she snapped, rolling her eyes and letting her arms fall down. "I just hate being called that, and you know it."

Her eyes narrowed, and he gulped as he saw a flash of intuition spark in her eyes.

'oh, no...' he thought to himself.

"Why is this case different?" she asked slowly, giving him a suspicious look. "I've helped you on cases with murderers before, so what makes this one any different?"

"Well..." he said, racking his brain. "Its serial murders and I do not want you-"

"What else?" she asked, interrupting him and narrowing her eyes even more suspiciously. "That's not all of it—I can tell. What are you hiding from me?"

"Hiding from you?" he asked indecorously. He hated that she knew him so well. She was extremely observant as it was, and her knowing him like a book didn't exactly help matters.

"Yes, hiding," she said flatly. "Come on, you tell me everything!"

'Sorry baby sister, I can't tell you that we're working a case with L.' he thought to himself. He was tempted to tell her, seeing as she looked up to the guy—It would definitely make her get excited, and he loved to make her smile.

He looked down at his watch, raising his eyebrows as he saw he only had thirty minutes to get the department.

"I have to go, Ellie," he said sharply, picking up his briefcase. "I'll see you when I get home."


"No buts, Ellora!" he snapped, making her snap her mouth shut. He hated being testy with her, but she was so damn stubborn he didn't have a choice sometimes.

Her face pulled into a slight look of hurt, and he turned away. He couldn't stand to see that look on her face.

He marched down the hallway, and out the front door. He couldn't waste any more time arguing with her or blubbering apologies at her – which is exactly what he would have done, had he stayed any longer.

'I'm sorry, Ellie.' he thought to himself as he pulled out of the driveway.

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you angry.


He smiled as he walked into the department, holding his phone and reading the text his sister had sent him. Of course, he wasn't really mad at her in the first place.

I'm sorry too. I'd tell you if I could, but I can't. You're smart enough to understand that. I love you, sweetheart. Don't get into too much trouble today...Oh, and please don't attempt to cook. I left money on the counter.

-Johnny, a man who simply wants to come home to a house that isn't burnt down.

He smirked down at his phone. That should keep her moody for a while. Being smart-alecks back and forth was basically a hobby with them.

His phone beeped quickly, and he opened her text as he walked into his office.


He stared at the word for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"What's so funny, Lafleur?" came the voice of a fellow detective and friend, Evans.

"Nothing, Evans," he said chuckling. "Its time to speak with L, isn't it?"

Johnny looked down at his watch, and realized he only had a few minutes to get to the meeting room with a handful of other officers.

"Right, lets go talk to a computer screen."

Johnny admired L—don't get him wrong. After all, he was a genius. But he just couldn't help but to be irritated at L's electronic voice and the fact he never showed his face to anyone. It made it difficult to trust him when you felt as though you were speaking with a robot.

"Hey man, can I use your phone for a moment?" Evan asked as they walked down the hallway. "My battery is still messed up, and I need to text my wife back."

Johnny didn't answer, but merely handed him his phone. He wished Evans would get that damn thing fixed. This had to make the fifth time that he had asked to use his phone.

"Thanks, I owe you!" he said, instantly typing on his screen.

Johnny grunted in response as they walked into the meeting room.

Ellie stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around herself and walked to her bedroom.

She was irritated.

Very irritated.

She wanted to help her brother, and she didn't understand why he wouldn't let her. She had helped him with murder cases before – but then again, the most the killer had had was two. Apparently, this person had killed ten people already in the span of just a few weeks! She could understand him not wanting to let her get involved, but she doubted she could be done much harm staying behind a desk and looking through paper work. Its not like she wanted to go to a damn crime scene! After all, she wanted to be a detective like him. She needed all the practice she could get. Of course, he didn't want her to be a detective. After all, it could be dangerous. He would be much more satisfied if she'd simply become a stay-at-home wife. Seeing as she was extremely clumsy, and slightly vertically challenged – it might be a good idea, but the thought still wasn't very appealing to her.

She crinkled her nose at the thought.

No, she'd become a great detective. Maybe, just maybe, even greater than L himself!

She smiled as she picked up her brush, brushing her elbow-length hair slowly.

Of course, she wouldn't be as picky as L was. She had heard he was extremely arrogant, and wouldn't take a case unless ten or more people were killed—or more than a million dollars was at stake. She admired the man very much, but she couldn't help but to think she wouldn't like him very much as a person. If an innocent was harmed, that was enough reason for her to get involved and make sure it didn't happen again. She couldn't see how he didn't think the same thing.

'I wonder why he won't take any other cases,' she frowned to herself. 'I bet he could solve simpler ones in a matter of days! Then, maybe the body count wouldn't get as high as ten in the first pl-'

She dropped her hair brush on her dresser in surprise at her thoughts.

'Ten people have been killed by that serial murderer...Does that mean L is involved?'

Her thoughts were racing as she bit her lip in thought. Could that be it? Surely, Johnny wouldn't be able to tell her if he was working with the L. The public didn't even know what L looked like, and she was sure that if and when he worked with other investigators, that he kept it quiet. Of course, she didn't have any reason to believe that—other than her brothers behavior, the number of deaths, and L's own preferences...but her gut told her she wasn't wrong.

Smiling to herself, she picked up her iPhone to send her darling brother a text.

"Can't we get more men on this case?" Evans asked sharply, looking around at the two other detectives, a computer, and a cloaked man behind it. He tried not to be irritated at the fact no one knew his identity either.

"Yes, it would be helpful if we had more people," the electronic voice sounded through the computer at the front of the room. "This case is getting quite large, and the more people we have, the sooner we solve this case."

"There are no other men," Johnny's voice sounded. "This is the LAPD. We're very busy, and all other detectives have their own cases going on...We can only do so much."

"I may be able to call on Reynold's or Matherson," Detective Peterson chipped in, scratching his beard. "But it may be a while. They're currently wrapped up in a triple homicide case."

"I suppose if it is direly needed, I could call request the F.B.I. for assistance," L sounded through the computer. "In any case, I doubt they will get involved, not until deaths grow to a staggering rate – Which I would prefer not to happen."

"Well, for the time being-" Johnny said, running his hand through his brown hair. "It looks like we're stuck as it is."

"What about that pretty sister of yours, Lafleur?" Evans voice sounded suddenly, looking over to look at Johnny with a goofy smile on his face.

"A seventeen year old girl?" Peterson said, shaking his head. "I don't believe we're quite that desperate – not yet anyway."

Johnny froze, and tried not to glare at his co-workers. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that L could see them through his web cam – another thing that was highly unfair.

"Yes, Ellora is a minor, but she's highly capable Peterson," he answered smoothly. "As her guardian, I will not allow it. I have already informed her that I will not allow her to assist me on this case."

Evans whistled, clearly not seeing his friends glare and Peterson fell silent.

"She's fiery, that one is – bet she didn't much care for that!" he chuckled, shaking his head.

Johnny twitched.

"She'll get over it." he said, glaring at him and telling him to shut his mouth with his eyes.

Apparently, Evans finally got the message.

"Sorry Lafleur," he said, scratching his head. "I was just making a suggestion since she's kind of brainy, isn't she?"

"Yes, she's Valedictorian of her class and wants to become a detective." he responded, unable to keep the pride from showing in his voice.

"Interesting. She has helped you solve cases in the past?" the electronic voice of L cut in.

"Yes, she is very intelligent. I let her do desk work and that is all." Johnny responded tersely. He didn't like where this was going.

"Impressive..." L's voice said after a moments pause. "I will consider allowing her to join the case if you allow it. Have you told her that I am leading this case?"

Johnny shifted in his seat. Of course he hadn't! He had a feeling L was trying to test him.

"No, I have not," he answered, balling his fists up slightly. "I was under the impression I was not allowed to do so."

"Yes, you are quite right." L's electronic voice sounded, clearly not bothered at all by his tone.

Evans suddenly burst out laughing next to Johnny, making him whip around to look at him in shock.

'What the hell is wrong with that man?' He thought to himself.

His eyes narrowed when he saw he was looking at his phone, which Johnny hadn't bothered to get back.

"Are you sure you didn't tell Ellora about L?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

Johnny frowned. "What? I just said I didn't, and I meant it!"

"Well, that's a smart girl you got there," Evans said, handing Johnny his phone back to him and he saw a new text from Ellie.

"L?" Evans asked, grinning from ear to ear as he looked at the computer.

"Yes, Detective Evans?"

"Ellie says Hello!" he said, laughing to himself.

Johnny looked down at his phone in shock.

Dear brother, please tell L I said hello. Would you? Thanks!


"B-but..." Johnny blubbered, still astounded that his sister figured that out. How could she? Had she been listening in on his phone conversations or something? He knew that that probably wasn't true. His sister respected his privacy...She was probably guessing, and wanted his reaction to prove it.

'Great, now I look like a liar in front of the greatest detective in the world.' he thought to himself dejectedly. He couldn't help glaring at Evans.

L, who had fallen into silence, was making him worry even more – if that was possible.

"Very impressive." the electronic voice said suddenly, catching them off guard.

"I swear I did not tell my sister," Johnny said afterward, determined to defend himself. "Like I said, she's a very smart girl-"

"Is that so?" L's voice cut him off. "Well, then, you wouldn't have a problem with me considering to allow her to work on this case? I'll judge for myself if she knew beforehand, or if she figured it out herself."

Johnny's eyes narrowed. That bastard! He knew he wasn't lying—he was impressed by her figuring that out and simply wanted her brain on the team. He was attempting to back him into a corner, and if he refused then it would look to his colleagues that he wasn't trustworthy. Didn't the man have no feelings at all? Was he that desperate to solve a case that he cared about nothing else?

"I will not put my baby sisters life in danger," he responded, glaring at the computer and unable to keep the anger out of his voice.

"I understand," the emotionless robotic voice responded. "But in any case, there's about a two percent chance that she could be harmed by doing desk work on this case."

"Then that's two percent too high!" he answered, glaring at the monitor.

"Does your sister drive?" L's voice asked for a moments pause.

"Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" Johnny asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Every time she enters a vehicle, there is a thirty percent chance of being involved in an accident." L said slowly. "Also, a five percent chance that the accident would be fatal—Either way, the percentages are still higher than if she were to work on this case."

Johnny stared blankly at his screen. Of course, that sounded logical enough. But it was easy for him to say, he did not know and love Ellora. He knew deep down that he was right, but he couldn't quite shake his protective nature.

"I love Ellora and I want to protect her," he said after a moments pause. "I will consider it, and I will let you know tomorrow."

"Very well." L's voice said, seemingly not bothered by him not giving him a direct answer. Perhaps he already thought he had won – and just perhaps, he had.

How did you know?

- Johnny

Ellie smiled as she looked down at her phone. Excitement ran through her veins. She had been right! He was working with L!

I just figured it out. PLEASE let me meet L!


She bit her lip and anxiously looked at her phone. This was a huge chance for her. I mean, how many people can say that actually worked with L? She was positive she'd get a sarcastic, 'woo' from all her friends if she were to tell them...but to her, it was a huge deal.

Her phone beeped and she excitedly opened her phone. She frowned down at her screen when she saw a text from a restricted number.

Do you wish to be involved in the Murdoch serial killings case?

'What the hell?' Ellie thought, staring at her phone as though it had spat acid at her.

Depends on who's asking. Who is this?

She quickly sent her reply, and waited anxiously for an answer. Her phone quickly beeped, and she saw it was from Johnny.

I haven't even met the guy, Ellie. We speak to him through a computer.


'What?!' she thought. She knew no one really knew what he looked like, but she had assumed that he would show his face to people he decided to work with and they were just trusted and sworn to secrecy. She understood that the general public couldn't know what he looked like. After all, L must have many enemies – as many people as he's put behind bars. He had yet to be unable to solve a case! Saying it was beyond impressive was an understatement.

Her phone beeped again, pulling her out of her thoughts.

That is neither here nor there. Just answer the question.

She glared down at her phone. Who the hell was this? She'd be lying if she said she wasn't getting slightly creeped out. Was it her brother messing with her? It was clearly someone from the force. They had the means to send texts through a restricted number.

How did you get my number? I'm not answering anything I don't wish to, especially if you won't tell me WHO you are. You do realize you're being super creepy, don't you?

She stared down at her phone. Wouldn't that be crazy if it was L himself texting her? That would be amazing, but surely that wasn't the case. The chances that L was contacting her personally was extremely thin and close to non-existent...Probably around five percent – if even that. Her phone beeped, and she instantly read the message.

Was I? I wasn't aware. If I were to tell you who I am, you would have to agree to destroy your phone within the next 24 hours. Do you agree?

She stared down at her phone. Okay, the chances that he was L just went up by about thirty percent.

'Paranoid much?' she thought sarcastically to herself.

Um...How about no? I can't just destroy my phone! I don't know how much money you have, but regular people can't just destroy their phones and go out and buy new ones!

She glared down at her phone. Of course, she was tempted to say she would, just so he would tell her. But then again, if he did say L, and she actually believed him; she'd have to destroy her phone. She wouldn't lie to the greatest detective in the world! It just didn't seem like a good idea, especially when you hoped to meet or work with him one day. Her phone beeped.

How interesting. Most people would have agreed, just to find out a name. They would not even entertain the idea of destroying the phone. You did not lie to me...Impressive.

Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest. Could...could this really be the L? Surely not. Why would he contact her? He was an important person and she was merely a seventeen year old girl. No, it couldn't be him...could it?

Her heart gave a violent leap when her cracked door opened, but she relaxed when she saw it was only her dog, Snowbell. She glared at the little white fuzzball for scaring her in a tense moment.

The tiny Pomeranian seemed to care less as it trotted up to her, trying to jump on the bed. She smiled in spite of herself, rolling her eyes and lifted her onto the bed with her.

"Mama is very tense right now, Belly." she said patting the dog on its head as it curled up in her lap. She focused her attention on back on her phone, hesitantly typing her reply.

Is this L?

She stared down at her phone, her thumb hovering above the 'send' button. Should she say that? If it wasn't him, but someone from the department, she was going to feel like a complete imbecile – and that was a feeling she didn't particularly care for.

She held her breath and tapped the send button, dropping her phone on her bed in case she somehow managed to stop the text if she lost her nerve.

Her phone beeped and her heart jumped violently. She quickly snatched up her phone, making Snowball jump slightly. She closed her eyes briefly before she looked at the new text.

I expect this phone to be destroyed within 24 hours.

Her mouth fell open. That was clearly an admission. Excitement ran through her and she couldn't help it when she actually giggled in excitement and bounced on her bed like an idiot.

Snowball huffed irritatedly, and jumped from her lap. She took up on her plush blanket and stared at her.

'Oh my God...No, he could be lying.' she bit her lip and looked at her phone frantically. She wanted it to really be L, but she wasn't going to be naive about it, she was too smart for that.

How do I know you aren't lying?

She sent it quickly, after all, she could be worked up for nothing. It was just too good to be true. L texting her? Never in her life would she have thought such things would happen. Her phone beeped and she opened it with lightening speed.

You don't. If you automatically believed me, I would have doubted your intelligence. Very well, I have decided to allow you to work on the case with us. Please inform your brother of my decision.

Ellie stared in amazement at her phone...L wanted her to work on a case with him? It was pretty obvious it was him, but just to make sure...She'd wait to talk to her brother.

My brother doesn't want me working on the case. I'll try to change his mind...But, I don't know. He's overprotective. I'd love to get a chance to work with L, though.

She smiled as she sent it. She was complimenting L, but at the same time, she had worded it so that it was obvious she still doubted that he was who he said he was.

He will change his mind. I assure you. I look forward to working with you, Miss Lafleur.

Okay, there was a ninety percent chance he was L. She bit her lip and replied quickly.

Thank you. But please, if you really are L, you can call me Ellie.

She waited a few minutes, but no reply came. She sighed and stared at her phone hatefully. Of course, if he was really L, then he was probably busy and couldn't sit around texting a girl all day.

'I wonder if he's cute...' Her mind suggested, making her groan. Damn teenage hormones. That was gross! L was probably a man in his forties or fifties...She highly doubted someone that successful was even remotely near her age.

Her phone beeped and she quickly looked at it, frowning, for once, when she saw it was just her brother.

Ellie? You don't have class today! Don't ignore your big bro.


She smiled and rolled her eyes. No doubt he thought she was being brutally murdered this very moment.

Sorry, something crazy just happened. A person from a restricted number was texting me, claiming to be L...He told me to tell you that he made his decision and decided he wanted me on the case...Did you change your mind? If that was really L...its so exciting! Was it him?


As expected, her phone automatically started ringing and it was her brother.

"Yes, oh dear brother?" she answered playfully.

"He...text you?" her brother asked immediately, ignoring her sarcasm.

"I think so...How am I supposed to know whether it was really him or not?" she asked testily.

"I had to be," her brother said, sounding irritated and making her heart jump. "He said in the meeting he'd consider allowing you to be apart of the team. The only other people present were Evans, Peterson, me, L's computer, and L's assistant. I doubt it was Peterson, he doesn't care enough – Also, Evans phone is apparently broken," he paused. "And it sure as hell wasn't me-"

"So, it really was L?!" she exclaimed into the phone, bouncing slightly in spite of herself.

"Yes...I believe so, Ellie...That bastard!"

"Hey, he was nice to me!" Ellie exclaimed. Well, he wasn't really nice per-say...but he hadn't been mean. Perhaps he had been a little rude, but she didn't mind that much.

"Really? You're still not working on this case."

Fury ran through her veins. He wasn't doing this to her. She wasn't going to let him strip her of the opportunity to work with L!

"This is an opportunity to work with L, Johnny!" she screeched. "Please, oh please! I may never get the chance to do it again!"

"I don't like the idea-"

"PLEASE?! I'm begging you!" she said hysterically. "At the first sign of danger, I'll quit and won't say another word, I promise!"

She held her breath as her brother fell silent. Apparently he was thinking it over and her heart was racing in anticipation.

"Please..." she whispered, putting on her best pitiful voice.

"I'm going to regret this..."

"YES!" she yelled into the phone, jumping off her bed. "Oh! thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Okay, calm down!" he chuckled at her excitement. "Remember your promise, though."

"Yeah, yeah, okay!" she exclaimed. "You're the best brother in the world! I'm going to bake you a cake!"

He was laughing at her and she ran into the kitchen.

"If you love me, you won't make me a cake." he said. "Even Snowbell wouldn't eat the last one."

She frowned and looked over at her white dog, who coincidentally was walking into the kitchen after her.

"Maybe she doesn't like sugar!" she said defensively.

"She started licking her butt, Ellie," he laughed. "My guess was to get the taste out of her mouth."

"You're a jerk!" she couldn't help but to laugh, though. "I'm hanging up now."

"No cake!" he said, right and she tapped 'End' on her phone.

It didn't matter to her, though. Nothing could bring her down right now. She couldn't believe it! She was going to be working with L! Well...his laptop, technically. But, still...It was exciting, none the less.

"Did you hear that, Belly?!" she exclaimed to the little white dog. "Mama's going to be working with a hot-shot detective. What'd ya think of that?"

Snowbell gave a little yip, and jumped on her legs. She smiled and reached down, plucking her off the floor.

"Well, at least you're excited for me!" she laughed as the dog tried to lick her face.