"Love is the magician that pulls man out of his own hat."
-Ben Hecht

It was crisp Monday morning in the sleepy suburbs of the cul-de-sac. Considering how usually loud and rambunctious the neighborhood was, the fact that one could hear the soft chirping of the birds flying overhead was almost miraculous. Being it a Monday and all, it was just the day to feel lazy and sleep in. Most of the residents were doing such; their soft snores were a rather fitting background to such a peaceful setting. However, one could spot a certain redheaded cap-wearing jock standing adjacent to someone's house with his red motorcycle in tow.

Kevin upstretched his mouth into a long drawled out yawn. Ever since he had offered to become Edd's ride to school every day, he had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just so his punctual boyfriend could follow his ridiculously strict schedule. Of course there was baseball practice but it was offseason so there really was no reason for him to be getting up so early in the morning.

Except for Edd.

Kevin remembered a time when he had 'pulled an Eddy' and arrived at his spot in front of Double D's house at around 15 minutes later than the specified time; he then found a note stating how a slightly peeved Edd had gone ahead of him.

'He's cute when he pouts but I wouldn't want him to blow me off again.' Kevin thought as he yawned once more. He checked his watch.


'Huh. He's usually out by 7.'

"Yo Double D! Are you ready yet? We're gonna be late for school you know?" Kevin yelled into the open door of his boyfriend's house. He was kidding of course. They were an hour and a half early but he knew how easily miffed Edd became when it came to his own punctuality. Besides, he really wanted to see his boyfriend now. They haven't seen each other since Saturday, all because of dumb Eddy and his dumb scams that apparently required HIS Double Dork.

'It's my moral obligation!' Kevin remembered Edd say.

When no immediate response came, Kevin opted to check inside the house but stopped midway when he heard a voice call, "Yes, just a minute!"

He heard shuffling inside the house, to which he raised an eyebrow, but he had nonetheless sauntered back to his motorcycle.


All of a sudden, Kevin's internal clock had started to tick. Over the course of their relationship, Kevin has developed this new sense of time in which every second of every minute seemed to make all the difference. Maybe he was spending too much time with the dork but the more his proverbial clock had ticked, the more his worry grew. He turned away from the house and that door that seemed to be calling out to him. He tried to calm his nerves.

'Relax Kev. He said he'd be out in a minute.'


'Dammit, where the fuck—'

"I apologize for the wait Kevin!"

Kevin sighed in relief as he turned to face his boyfriend.

"Shit Double D did you fall or somethi—"

His relief was short lived as he was greeted with a sight that was quite…strange. Edd stood there in front of him wearing his usual attire; the fresh and neatly pressed blue polo shirt under the brown patterned cotton sweater(that was just a size too big for him), the black jeans that hugged his thin long legs, his shiny polished 'Monday Mocassins', his ever trusty brown satchel hanging by his shoulder. And…

"Kevin, language please."Edd said as he walked past the carrot top trying to pretend as if all was just with the world. Secretly he was just hoping and pleading Kevin wouldn't ask why.


Edd seemed to have stiffened at the mentioning of his name.

"Y-Yes Kevin?"

"Why are you wearing a sombrero?"

From where Kevin stood, he wasn't able to see the bright red slowly creeping up to Edd's cheeks. Edd shook his head.

"W-Whatever do you mean Kevin? Th-This is my usual headwear is it not?" Edd said in a shaky voice as he tried to feign innocence. Kevin wasn't having any of it.

"Edd. You look like you're about to go to a festival."

The redness of Edd's cheeks had spread from across his face to his ears and down to his neck.

'Oh I knew trying to act above suspicion wouldn't work.' Edd thought to himself.

At this point Kevin had given up on trying to get some answers from the quivering boy in front of him. Kevin moved around so that he could properly face him. He tried (he really did!) not to laugh at the sight of the resident genius wearing such a ridiculous hat. But a chortle had escaped his lips before he could stop it.

Kevin's hand flew up to his mouth but this little sound had unfortunately reached Edd's ears and had made the smaller teen pull down his sombrero in utter embarrassment. He let out a barely audible whimper. Kevin immediately felt guilty for laughing. But it was really hard to not feel so amused when his boyfriend was acting so freaking adorkable.

While Edd was obscuring his vision with the hat, Kevin had taken the opportunity to try and calm himself down, pushing down whatever form of guilty pleasure he was feeling to the very back of his mind. He shook his head before looking at his boyfriend endearingly.

'God I love this dork.'

Ever so gently, Kevin had taken Edd's trembling hands that were clamping down hard on his sombrero into his own. The gesture had done a lot to calm the boy's nerves as his tense shoulders visibly eased up. Kevin's slightly larger hands enveloping his smaller ones had always had that sort of soothing effect on Edd. He had dared to look from under the hat only to be greeted with a warm smile from the taller boy. Edd didn't know what exactly it was about Kevin's smile that was so… enchanting to him. He seemed to be under a peculiar spell. Maybe it was how the rising sun behind him had further outlined the frames of his face in a strange warm yellow glow. Suddenly he wasn't so concerned about the sombrero resting upon his head as he was trying not to melt under Kevin's soft but intense gaze.

The blush on his face was no longer because of embarrassment.

Once Kevin had been able to look properly into Edd's wide cyan eyes, he took his time to gaze fondly at them. Edd could have sworn the smile on his lips grew wider. Unable to stop himself any longer, Kevin lifted Edd's chin up, and careful not to poke his eyes with the sombrero, planted a soft tender kiss on his lips. To which Edd had complied without any restraint. When Kevin pulled away, Edd had let out a small whine. Kevin chuckled.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you're wearing that?" Kevin asked as he leaned on the fence of Edd's house. He pointed at the sombrero resting on top of Edd's head.

Edd started getting embarrassed again but at least it was not as fervently as before.

"K-Kevin, please refrain from leaning on the fences. Mother had just gotten them repainted last Saturday you know." Edd said, a light blush adorning his face. Kevin rolled his eyes at Edd's attempt to escape the subject.

"What happened to your ski cap?" Kevin said continuing to lean on the fences. He watched his boyfriend sigh, wondering if it was because Kevin had blatantly ignored what he said or if it was because Kevin asked that question.

"Well, you see, it's quite the mishap really…" Edd started. "Oh, but Kevin, we are already running behind schedule."Edd checked his watch; 7:10.

"Might we continue this conversation on the way to school?" Edd pleaded Kevin with begging eyes.

Kevin took one look at those eyes and caved. He wanted answers. And he wanted them now. But damn it. How could he say no to that face? Kevin sighed.

"Fine, Double Dweeb." Kevin said as turned to his motorcycle. Edd beamed at him happily making Kevin look away and blush.

Kevin started up the engine of the bike earning a high powered reverberation from said vehicle. He proceeded to give Edd his helmet when he was reminded of that one little detail he wasn't particularly keen on. Edd was about to take the helmet from Kevin's hands when he suddenly withdrew it back. Edd glowered at the redhead.

"Kevin, this is no time to—"

"Lose the hat."

Edd seemed to have stiffened at that. When he made no move to comply, Kevin repeated,

"Lose the hat, Edd."

"B-But, Kevin! I-I can't possibly… I-I mean, what if something were to— What if our peers—!"

Edd seemed to ramble in place, trying to spew excuses Kevin knew translated to nothing but fear. He just watched the sombrero boy shift uncomfortably there by the sidewalk, fiddling with the hem of his brown sweater with that absolutely ridiculous hat on his head. He tried desperately to convince Kevin to let him keep his hat. But the more he tried, the more Kevin started to really lose his patience with that damned hat.

"Look Edd, either you lose the hat or I'll go on without you." Kevin said with a stern, slightly annoyed voice.

When Edd had adorned the look of a puppy that had just been harshly kicked in the gut, Kevin had felt remorseful. It's not that Kevin would actually leave him or anything. It's just that if he let Double D go to school like that, people will definitely start poking fun. He couldn't have that. No fucking way. Kevin decided that it was time for some tough love.

Meanwhile, Edd seemed to be in a standstill, debating internally on whether or not he should lose the hat and risk the humiliation at school or keep the hat, piss off Kevin and risk being late for his morning schedule. He checked his watch again.


Kevin seemed to have sensed his distress when he said,

"Look Double D, ye just said that you were already running late. Come on, just lose the hat and we'll get you to school on time, okay?" Kevin said, this time in a less peeved and more coaxing voice.

For a moment, Edd had considered the idea of going to school, dare he say it? hatless. But the many scenarios running through his head, mainly people pointing and whispering things behind his back had made him all too hesitant. He looked up at Kevin hoping that he could bring rest to his uneasy mind.

"Kevin… What if they make fun of me?" Edd said in such a vulnerable voice that Kevin felt his chest clench for just a second.

Rarely did Edd use monosyllabic words. He knew he only used them because he was sincerely trying to appeal to Kevin's thoughts.

'Fuck this tough love crap.'

Kevin looked at a fidgeting Edd up and down contemplating on what to say or do. Again his eyes rested on that dumb sombrero. He just wanted to rip it off of his boyfriend's head and throw it on the ground and burn it. Burn it so it can go to hell where its hideousness could no longer harm his boyfriend's or anyone else's head for that matter.

'Trust me, Edd. If you go to school wearing that, there will be definite fun-making.' Kevin thought, glaring holes into the hat made of straw. He considered actually saying that but decided not to.

There was a long silence between the two, silence that was only filled with the quiet hum of Kevin's bike. Kevin mulled over on what the best thing was to say or do and after a full minute or so, he turned off the ignition, got off his bike and stood in front of Edd.

Edd was about to ask what the matter was when all of a sudden he felt a pair of arms pull him into an embrace. It wasn't a particularly tight hug nor was it too loose. If Edd were to describe it, it was more of a snug kind of hug. The type that was not too tight, not too loose. Just right. It was the type of hug that made you feel…safe. Edd was barely able to react when Kevin started to talk softly into his ear.

"They won't make fun of you. I promise."

Edd stood there in place unable to form words from his mouth. For a while he did nothing. Said nothing. Kevin sensed this slight discomfiture.

And Edd felt the hug tighten.

"If any of them do Edd…" Kevin said. "I swear to God I'll kill 'em. I'll fucking—"

Kevin was cut off when he heard a sniffle. He was about to pull away when he felt Edd's feeble arms wrap around his waist, trembling hands resting upon his back. Edd had his face buried in Kevin's chest. He knew Edd was trying to muffle any pathetic sounding whimpers escaping his mouth. He was failing miserably. Nonetheless, Kevin just let him do so, only stroking the fragile boy's back as comfortingly as he could.

Edd has never felt more like the luckiest person. To have someone love him like Kevin did. He felt like he wasn't worthy of him at all. Kevin shared such sentiments when it came to Double D.



"Language please."

Kevin rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, yeah double dork."

"And also… Thank you… I, um, appreciate your affections greatly."

Kevin smiled. Looks like his Double Dork was back to normal. He pulled away and faced his boyfriend, hands on his shoulders. He tried to see if he was really okay.

'A little teary eyed but looks fine to me.' Kevin concluded. 'Damn...'

The flushed red face. The shy gap-toothed smile. The way Edd's eyes shone like aquamarine underneath the layer of tears. That motherfucking goddamn gap tooth. Words weren't even needed as he cupped Edd's face with those big warm hands of his. Kevin leaned in and kissed Edd full on the lips. He lingered longer unlike before because this time he was trying to tell Edd something, trying to tell him with that kiss that everything will be fine. That he'll take care of everything.

He was there for him.

The kiss ended all too quickly. And Kevin pulled away and turned Edd around only to smack him playfully on his bottom. Edd yelped in surprise.

"Come on Double Dork. You're gonna be late." Kevin said with a sly grin on his mug. Edd pouted.

"Way to ruin the moment, Kevin." Edd said in an indignant tone. Kevin only laughed.

Despite his disdain, Edd was still able to crack a smile. Kevin started up his bike again while Edd dried the rest of his tears with a napkin he had magically formed out of thin air. Once Kevin's motorcycle was up and running, he gave Double D the thumbs up.

"Set and ready to go. You ready?" Kevin said, offering the helmet.

He only then realized that Edd had made no movement whatsoever as to actually removing the hat. He was still so hesitant.

"You don't have to worry about it so much Edd." Kevin said with a gentle voice.

"Uhh… y-yes. Quite. But still… the thought of it does terrify me a considerable amount. I mean if you take into account the basics of high school hierarchy and my supposed social standing, among our peers at Peach Creek, I'm afraid I am just not well-liked enough to pull off such a daring stunt..."

True, Kevin thought. Not about that mumbo-jumbo hierarchy-crap. It WAS a daring stunt. Edd was a bit (in)famous around school. Be it his resident genius status, his association with the troublemaking Eddy, his history with the cul-de-sac kids or the fact that he was dating the captain of the baseball and football team. But what had really made him stand out, more than anything else, was that ski cap.

The hat he was so neurotically obsessed about. The hat he didn't sleep without. The hat he didn't leave home without. The hat he couldn't live without. The hat that had hidden the greatest secret of Peach Creek High has ever had;

His hair.

Heck, a revelation like that would make a much bigger impact than when he came out or when they announced that they were dating to the world. Many have speculated on what the hat had hidden. Some say he was hiding the fact that he was blonde, fearing the ridicule that he might be dubbed as the stereotypical dumb blonde even though that was far from the truth. Some say he was as bald as a baby's butt as a result of some kind of treatment or surgery of some sort. But some of the lucky ones who had actually seen what's underneath the hat knew exactly what the hat was hiding. Under his hat was…

Another hat. Lol jk no.

A patch of soft black hair.

Kevin remembers the first time he has seen it. He once snatched it off from an unsuspecting Edd from just right under his nose. It was just a prank. He was just curious, is all. The action had elicited a 'Kevin, how could you?!' from Edd as he struggled to keep his hair hidden under his shirt. It was a second too late though as Kevin had already gotten a pretty good look at it. He had to admit that Edd had looked pretty…


"Excuse me?"

"Uh, nothin' Double D."

Kevin shook his head and tried to clear his throat. Edd was looking at him quizzically. Yeah, Kevin didn't really want Edd to become a laughingstock because of the sombrero. But damn it he wanted to see hatless Edd again.

'One last push.' Kevin thought.

"Hey uh, Edd."

"Yes, Kevin?"

"Remember that time I, uh, stole your hat from you?"

Edd thought for a while, "I do recall such a moment. I also remember your nose bleeding profusely aft–"

"Yeeeaaah, let's not focus on that." Kevin said with a pained expression. Edd nodded.

Kevin took a deep breathe.

"Look, I don't know what you're deal is with your hat or your hair dorko. I mean, hey, whatever, that's your biz, but that time… that time you…"Kevin paused as he felt his cheeks burning. Kevin was really not good when it came to directly complementing a person. Honestly, he was more of the subtle hint kind of guy. Great, now he was starting to get nervous. He shook his head and decided that, fuck it, he may as well be pretty fucking straight with this.

"You looked fucking cute."

Edd stared at Kevin blankly, not knowing how to react to such a flattering albeit blatant remark. Kevin couldn't take the embarrassment and had to look away from Edd. The smaller boy however could see how red Kevin's ears were turning. He let out a light chuckle as he brought his hands over to the sombrero.

"Language, Kevin."

Hearing him say that had made Kevin feel less embarrassed and as he turned to answer Edd in usual half-assed way but as soon as he saw Edd, he felt his mind suddenly go blank.

"Shall we, Kevin? I'll have to bring the sombrero to school unfortunately as I've already locked up. But rest assured that I will not wear it at any time of the day today. You have my word. That is, I hope so."

None of the words coming out of Edd's mouth was registering in Kevin's mind at the moment. He was too busy…gawking. He wondered why oh why was Edd so embarrassed about his hair. He looked fucking gorgeous.

"Dear lord!"

Kevin snapped out of his stupor. "Wha— huh? What's happening?"

"Kevin! You're bleeding! Oh my goodness. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!"

"What are you—" Kevin was cut off when he felt something wet and hot trickle from his lips down to his chin.

"Shit. Goddammit."

"Language!" Edd scolded for the nth time.

Without delay, Edd had brought out napkins that he put against Kevin's bleeding nose all the while instructing Kevin to lean his head back. However the proximity of their bodies and faces, with Edd lightly pressed up against Kevin and their faces only inches away, has only made the nosebleed worsen. And the more his nose bled, the more hatless Edd pressed up against him. It was torture. Kevin didn't know what it was about Edd being hatless but somehow his hold on Kevin became ten times stronger. He couldn't stop blushing. Edd was, by that time, leading Kevin into his front porch, rummaging his bag for the keys to his house.

"Ohh, this is so going to merit me a tardy!" Edd whined as he used his free hand to shove more napkins in Kevin's nose.

'Something tells me I should have let him keep his dumb sombrero.' Kevin thought as desperately tried not to look at Edd's face. Still, he couldn't help but steal a glance.

But even after the all complaining, the shoving napkins up his nose, the lecture about profanity, Kevin thought, Edd has never looked cuter.

End of Chapter 1


Hi. So it's been a while since I actually wrote anything so sorry if I seem like such a noob lol. Buttfuck it, I had a lot of fun writing this. So I hope you guys like it. :

The quote was so irrelevant hahaha.

Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated~
