After The End

a bionicle fan fiction



My name is Kongu toa of air, member of the toa mahri, protector of the matoran.

I stand on the shore of the sea, in a new world, the new world of spherus magna.

I can hear footsteps coming up from behind me and then a hand grabs my shoulder. "they gave there lives to protect many from evil Kongu" Kopaka the toa Nuva of ice said to me. "You mean Mata Nui and Matoro?"I asked."yes"Kopaka said. "Hows Nuju doing" Kongu asked. "He says he's not going to train a new translator. The pain of losing Matoro weighs down on his mind." Kopaka said. "Oh, ok" Kongu said as Kopaka left him. Kongu was going to Tesara when Kopaka said "the reason for me being here is that Kopeke's gone missing. can you look for him". "thats bad-weird. I'll quick-look around."Kongu said "Thanks Kongu" Kopaka said.

Back at Mata Nui's old body Berix was looking for scrap with Tarduk and they saw a orange matoran with white arms trapped under some rubble. Tarduk ran for the matoran and started to clear the rubble off the matoran when the matoran asked "who are you?" and Tarduk reply "The name Tarduk and this is Berix. who are you?" "I'm Suvine"

(Authors note:who is this new unknown character? What happened to Kopeke? These and more answers in future chapters and in the Bionicle and Legend Of Korra crossover :Across Time)

Kongu's POV

Kongu was walking into Tesara to be greeted by his brother Lewa Nuva and the Le-matoran and Taipu an onu-matoran. Taipu was here to celebrate no longer having to fight rahi and other threats away from the tunnels of onu-koro. Recently Tarduk went looking for scrap with Berix in the old robot body that makuta took from Mata Nui. It had been three days since they left for it. Taipu was currently partying away with Komu,Makani,Tamaru and Tuuli. Kongu walked over to talk to Gresh, Vastus, Lesovikk, Iruini and Lewa to hear Gresh say "I'm staying here in my village not hunting down makuta witch may or may not decide to become giants beasts so they can squish me!" "what-here is this about being flat-squished by a makuta?"Kongu asked "Lesovikk and Iruini want me to go with them to hunt down all the makuta that escaped"Gresh exclaimed "you should all stay in the villages and protect the agori and the matoran I say!" Vastus said. "alright. We won't go."Iruini said "no promises."Lesovikk said "unity, duty, destiny Lesovikk"Kongu said "unity keeps us from in-fight and keeps us strong Lesovikk"Iruini said "our duty is to protect those who can't protect themselves Lesovikk"Vastus said "Every choice we make bends our destinies Lesovikk"Gresh said "alright I won't go"Lesovikk said "Good" Lewa said. All the toa turned toward the matoran to watch them.

Taipu's POV

I was dancing beside Komu, Tuuli and Tamaru while Makani played the flute and the toa were watching us dancing around. But overall what caught my eye was that the sky had darkened . I saw Takanuva but he couldn't absorb light. Turaga Matau was in his hut with the door shut so he couldn't be doing it but who could? Or what? He stopped dancing and so did the others. Why was the sky so dark now?all at once we all thought one thing makuta. We started running away when we saw a figure fly over us. Komu Makani and Me tripped and a light flashed, then darkness filled our sight.

Makuta Vamprah's POV

My name is Vamprah former Makuta of Odin a,member of the brotherhood of Makuta, surviver of karda nui, believed to be dead but I teleported to xia onto the top of the mountain. After weeks of being on top of it my sight returned to me. after a month lying there I flew out of the giant robot to find my enemies had fled when terridax was killed and mata nui died. It suited terridax to die like he left me to. Speaking of enemies was that Lewa's voice I heard just then. I flew toward the voice when mysteriously the sky darkened. I didn't do anything but I guess it doesn't hurt because I'm going to give an old friend a visit.

So what did you think? This is my little brothers fanfiction so don't hate on him and his story PLEASE! And yes I gave him the go on making it back to back my story.