After a breakfast of cheese balls, the chipmunks and Chipettes finished getting ready and waited for Claire. When she came and picked up the Chipettes, this meant it was time for the chipmunks to start planning their playlist and figuring who would go on, so they all followed Dave to his music room. As he picked up a paper that had a list of possible songs, he said "ok now you guys can sing two out of for songs, the songs are Witch Doctor, Funky Town, Daydream Believer, or Undeniable."
They sat for a moment thinking about the songs until Alvin said to Simon and Theodore, "I think we should sing Witch Doctor and Funky town."
"Well I agree with Witch Doctor, however, I think we should sing Undeniable," said Simon
"Well, what do you think Theo?" asked Dave
"hmm?... I think we should sing Daydream Believer," said Theodore.
"Well that got us nowhere," said Alvin. "Why Don't we play rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to pick?"
"That sounds like a good idea," Dave agreed.
"Alright then," Simon agreed so they all put there hands together and said "Rock, Paper, Scissors Shoot!"
Alvin and Simon both picked rock but Theo had scissors.
"You're out Theo," Alvin said. "Now its just you Si." They put there hands together again and said again "Rock, Paper, Scissors Shoot!"
But again, they both picked the same thing. This time it was Paper so they went again. "Rock, Paper Scissors Shoot!" and once again they had the same thing.
"Ugh! Quit copying me Simon!" Alvin exclaimed frustratedly.
"Even if i could i would copy you, Alvin," Simon scoffed. "Besides, it's you who's copying me." they put their hands together again and this time Alvin had Paper and Simon had Scissors.
"what?" Alvin said shocked. "You cheated!"
"Alvin, he won fair and square. You guys will sing Witch Doctor and Undeniable," Dave said.
Simon smiled because he knew he kind of did cheat he knew if he was able to make Alvin mad enough he would be thrown off his game.
"Fine. Whatever," Alvin said reluctantly.
Meanwhile, the Chipettes had just got to the mall. "Ok we need to get Fabric so i can make you guys your outfits for tomorrow," Claire told the girls. They walked into the Fabric store in the mall. "Ok, we will deal with your outfits first girls find two colors each for your dresses."
After a couple of seconds, Eleanor had already found her colors she had a Light green cloth and white Jeanette was the next one ready she had a purple and blue cloths, Brittany was the last one ready and she was still conflicted.
"I.. I think this is what i want" she said she had a pink and black.
"hmm" claire said "I should be able to work with those colors alright now for your next chore, we need fabric for the chipmunks. Brittany you will look for Alvin, Jeanette you can look for Simon and Eleanor you can pick for Theodore."
Once again, Eleanore was the first done. She had Green and black Fabrics. Brittany was surprisingly the next one done. She got his red and yellow "well I guess Alvin's an easy one to shop for," Claire joked after a couple of minutes went by and Jeanette was still looking. Brittany and Eleanor went to see what was taking her so long. They found her by the blue cloth.
Brittany asked, "what's taking you so long?"
"I don't know what Shade of blue Simon prefers?" She replied.
"um are you talking about for his second color?" Eleanore pried.
"no, I'm still looking for his first color," said Jeanette. Brittany hit herself in the face.
"You're only on the first color?" she said surprised.
"Well, I don't want to get him something he won't like it has to be perfect," She said while searching the shelves.
"I'm sure he'll love it as long as he knows you picked it." Eleanor smiled.
"you... you think?" Jeanette asked in a bit of a shocked voice.
"Of course," Brittany said.
"Ok, then this one." Jeanette said holding up a dark blue cloth " now for the second color." Brittany and Eleanor sighed but she was quicker in finding a second color she found a Black to go with the Blue Fabric.
"ok, let's go to the checkout then," Claire said with sigh of relief. They had already been at the mall for two hours, but back at the house the chipmunks just finished picking the two songs for the Chipettes to sing they would sing Call Me Maybe and Three Little Birds now the last thing to do was to figure out the two duet songs they would sing would be dave gave then six options this time they could sing Say Hey, Party Rock Anthem, Living on a Prayer, Get Munk'd, Club Can't Handle Me, or Bad Romance.
"Ok and lets hear what Simon has to say, seeings how Alvin got to pick the songs for you guys and Theodore got to pick for the girls" Dave said
"hm... Say Hey and Get Munk'd" Simon said.
"are there any objections?" Dave asked.
"Nope," Theodore said.
"i guess not," Alvin moaned.
"Good, then we have our songs." Dave said satisfied " we will run it by the girls when they get..." he's interrupted by the door opening and Claire and the Girls "perfect timing" Dave exclaimed we just finished the playlist for the show"Dave showed the girls the songs that had been picked for them and had no problem with them Claire stopped and picked up some burgers for dinner seeing how it was so late already
After they all ate, everyone got ready for bed and Dave said he and claire still had work to do before the show so he expected everyone to go to bed and rest up for the show.