Gotham City


It was dark that night, when the masked man handed two bundles over to Haly. "Raise them to be the Gray son's of Gotham" he said, then left, quickly disappearing into the shadows without another word.

Mr. Haly looked at the two sleeping babies and shuddered.


Haly's Circus, 10 years later


Jeanie Grayson laughed as she did the passes and twists that made up their aerial routine. Finishing it, she joined hands with her brother and made their final bow to the audience. Together they made their way back to their little trailer.

Suddenly a robed man grabbed at her wrist. "Miss Grayson!" the man said, pulling her away from her oblivious twin "I'm a huge fan!" Somehow her brother seemed oblivious as the man pulled her away.

Out of sight behind the lion's cage he lowered his voice. "Have you ever noticed anything… unusual about yourself?"


Nettle Way, 12 years later


Jeanie smiled at the man across the table. "We don't see many British wizards on this side of the pond"

He grinned at her, eyes bright behind the lenses of his glasses. "Thomas Potter is not just any British wizard."


Gotham City, 6 month's after Dick Grayson is taken from Haly's Circus


"One Grayson has been lost to us, but there is another."

"Is it wise to bring our machinations that far beyond our domain? And what skill has the boy shown?"

"There is no harm in preparing him. His ancestor served us well, and it will not do to let anyone think they can escape our grasp"

"Yes. We may ready the boy. There is no need to decide now."


Surrey, 1 year later


The dentist smiled at Harry. "This won't hurt a bit."

"You talk funny" Harry slurred as the sedative began to take hold.

"I'm from America" Harry heard as he began to drift off. "Good old Gotham city…"