Hello everybody, and welcome to my new fanfic! This is my second attempt at a decent story, and I appreciate all kinds of reviews, even though flamers are not so enjoyable. I haven't had the wonderful experience of receiving one yet, but I guess it's only a matter of time...

Anyway, this is a Hook/OC pairing, so please let me know what you think of my character.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or make any money out of, Peter Pan or the characters. Is is my one and only disclaimer, as it's pretty obvious that I'm not J.M Barrie, so I see no point in putting this on every chapter.

Okay, so enjoy!

Manifestations of the Imagination

She wasn't dreaming.

She knew she most definitely was not dreaming.

Jenna Lois had always rolled her eyes at stories in which the character didn't know if their situation were a dream or reality. Granted, you did not always realise you were dreaming in said dream, but nobody could ever truly mistake being awake for even the most lucid of dreams. So why, she asked herself incredulously, had she awoken to shrill bird calls and waves lapping around her body?

Jenna propped herself up on her elbows, grimacing as her shirt stuck wetly to her back. The whole underside of her body was covered in wet sand, as she had been laying in the shallow tide. The salty wind whipped her mousy brown hair around her face, the bright sun making her squint against its rays.

'Where am I?" Jenna pondered. Like she clarified before, there was no question as to her consciousness, so where was she and how on earth did she get here? Jenna stared out at the rippling waves of the sparkling ocean, trying to get a semblance of order in her jumbled brain. She remembered very clearly going to bed in her bed. She remembered staying up too late finishing the novel she had to read for her Advanced English Lit. class the next morning. Yet she had no memory of how, when, or why she was on an island in the middle of nowhere.

Jenna decided that exploring the area could only be a good thing, so she stood, rather stiffly I might add, and turned to take in her surroundings. She was overcome with a strong sense of deja-vu as soon as her hazel eyes scanned the landscape.

From where she was standing, there was a tropical forrest, a lagoon, and there were pillars of smoke rising from behind the trees. That must be fire. Which means there must be people. But they're on the other side of the island...well, I'd better get moving then. Jenna thought to herself. She had never been here before; I mean, who could forget being here? Yet she had a very strong feeling that she knew this place. It was like she'd seen it, or read about it, but never actually been there.

It was hot, but there was a strong breeze, so the air was not so humid as to be uncomfortable. Her wet clothes however, were very uncomfortable. Jenna was not going to walk around in her underwear, but she figured that taking off her buttoned shirt and rolling up her jeans would be appropriate enough. She rolled her somewhat saturated jeans up to her knees, and tied her now not so white shirt around her waist.

"There." She said, as she pulled to tighten the double knot on the sleeves. Suddenly, a bright yellow light flitted past her. There it was again! Jenna tried to follow it with her eyes, but it was too fast. It flew about her head, making the oddest tinkling noise. The creature slowed, and hovered in front of Jenna. It was...no it couldn't be. It was! It was a faerie! The tiny faerie was no more that six inches tall, with beautiful, delicate wings and bright red hair. It was making a frantic movement with its arms. It looked as if it were telling Jenna to run.

"Run? Why? What do you mean?" Jenna asked the faerie slowly. It continued to motion for her to go into the forrest, becoming more urgent. "Slow down! What do y-" A large hand clamped over her mouth.

"Mmmnn! Ahh!" Jenna bit down on the calloused hand, making the man cry out in pain.

"Ow! Quiet, you little chit!" The man gagged her, then roughly tied her hands behind her back. "Come on, Cap'n'll love this." Another man shoved her along the shore until they came to a small boat. The men violently pushed her into the boat, sitting opposite her. There was another man waiting who began to row.

"Now then." One began, "We'll take off yer gag if ya promise to keep quiet." Jenna nodded quickly and turned her head, so the man could untie the gag. She sat in silence for all of about thirty seconds. She couldn't take the lecherous stares any longer, really wishing that she had kept her shirt on.

"Where am I?" Jenna asked boldly.

The men laughed and grinned, baring their rotten teeth. "You don't know where yer are? Guys, she don' know where she is!" They guffawed stupidly then one leaned in, making Jenna wrinkle her nose at the stench of rum and cigars. "You, my pretty, are in Neverland."

Jenna just stared. Not from shock exactly, because it really was a logical answer. The faerie, the pirates, the fact that she knew the land; it was just so hard to believe.

"Neverland..." She repeated in awe. "It's just...I was reading about Neverland...but this isn't a dream..."

"What's you called then?" One of the pirates asked.

"Oh. I'm Jenna...Lois. And you?" She was a little shaken from her kidnapping, and did not expect to be asked any normal questions like that.

"I'm Bobby, this is Duke, and that's Carlos." He gestured to the pirate rowing he boat. "He's a mute. Had 'is tongue pulled out by his dad when he were fifteen." Jenna gaped, then snapped her mouth shut for fear of insulting the man.

"O-okay. Um. What happens when we get to the ship?" She asked nervously.

"We take you to the Cap'n." Bobby answered.

"Who is...?" Jenna urged.

The pirates shared looks saying something along the lines of 'Is she serious?'

"And you say you've read about Neverland? Captain Hook of course! Who else?"

Jenna once again found herself speechless. "But he's dead...Isn't he?" Jenna had just finished reading Peter Pan, and it definitely ended with the demise of one Captain James Hook.

"No no no, he's more alive than ever!"

"But...the crocodile, it swallowed him, and, and-"

The pirates laughed good-naturedly at her ignorance. "Split the beast right open with 'is hook, he did!"

"Er, wow, I guess. So, you're taking me to Hook. Oh my god...Captain Hook. This is insane. This is insane." Jenna began to ramble in her rising panic. "He's going to kill me!"

"Nah, he won't kill ya. Not with Jill on board." Duke commented happily.

"Ah, 'ere we are, up ya get. Oh, and we've been brutal." Bobby said with a wink. With that, Duke slung Jenna over his shoulder and began to climb the rope ladder up to the ship.

"Ah! What the hell? Let me go!" And he did just that, dropping her unceremoniously onto the deck. Jenna pulled herself up into a sitting position, now really wishing she had kept her shirt on. She was grabbed by the arms and hauled up to stand. Jenna raised her chin, trying to have at least a modicum of dignity.

"Get the Cap'n!" Bobby called to no one in particular. A young boy who looked all of about fourteen years of age ran off towards what Jenna presumed to be Hook's cabin. Soon enough the boy returned, followed by the looming figure of Captain James Hook. The whole crew fell into silence immediately.

He was tall, imposing, formidable; dressed in a coat of a brilliant scarlet, his ebony curls cascading down his back and around his rugged features, and, as ever, his lethal hook glinted in the sunlight. He stepped towards where the crew had gathered around her, the pirates parting to let him through. His leather boots clicked dully on the wooden deck as he got closer and closer.

"Well, what do we have here?" Jenna's breath caught in her throat; his voice was deep and cultured- and dangerous. A mixture of feelings swirled around her mind. Fear and...was that attraction? No, that's absurd.

Hook stopped a foot away, smirking. He is far too close for comfort, Jenna thought.

"And you are...?" Hook asked ominously.

Jenna stammered out her name, "Jenna L-Lois."

Hook nodded. "And why are you here, in Neverland, on my ship...especially dressed so...enticingly." Jenna shuddered, though whether it was from the breeze or the fact that the man before her had begun to trail his hook across her collarbone was open to debate.

"If you are unwilling to talk, I may have to simply gut you where you stand." Hook said nonchalantly, though he had reached behind her and grabbed a handful of her wispy hair.

"I-I don't know how I got here, I swear. I just woke up on the shore. I-ah!" Jenna yelped as he yanked her head back painfully.

"Don't lie to me, girl." Hook snarled, tugging on her hair again.

"James!" A commanding, feminine voice called from the higher decks. "Let her go immediately!" He growled and sliced his hook through the ropes tying Jenna's wrists. He shoved her away angrily and turned to face the woman. The crew snickered, but stopped at the glares from their captain.

"What do you want, woman!?" Hook asked impatiently. Jenna rubbed her wrists with bated breath, awaiting what would happen next. The woman in question jogged down the steps to the lower decks, walking right up to the imperious pirate captain.

"And here I was, foolishly thinking that you were a gentleman." Hook opened his mouth to argue but the headstrong woman cut him off, "I don't care who this person is, or what ulterior motives you believe she has for being in Neverland, she is a lady and shall be treated as such."

Jenna could practically feel the tension, and got a fright when Hook yelled, "What are you hanging around for, you scurvy dogs!? Get out of here!" The crew scurried off in different directions, leaving only Jenna, Hook, and the woman.

The woman turned from Hook and walked over to Jenna. She held out her hand with a smile, "I'm Red Handed Jill, and you must be Jenna Lois. I apologise for our Captain's dreadful conduct, as I'm afraid he hasn't had many beautiful young women on his ship for a quite a while." Jenna shook her hand gingerly, returning the smile to 'Red Handed Jill.'

Hook strode over to Jill and turned her to face him. "What did I say about calling me that in front of the crew?"

Jill rolled her eyes, "It is your name."

"Yes, but it is my first name, and you should have the respect to at least call me by my title, Wendy Darling." He hissed aggressively.

Did I hear correctly? Jenna thought incredulously. Wendy Darling, as in the Wendy Darling? She would have to ask later, as now she was being motioned for by said woman.

"So, you have a choice, Jenna Lois." Jill began happily, "You can either take residence with the crew, whom may I remind you have the most ghastly state of cabins, and have no measurable manners, or you can stay with the Captain, in his warm, clean, comfortable room. I would offer you my lodgings, except I am already sharing with Mr. Smee."

Jenna once again found herself speechless.

"There is no way in hell that I am sharing my cabin with this...girl!" Hook spat the the word viciously, as though she were dirt from the heel of his boot, though the unmistakable once over he gave her with his piercing blue eyes said differently. Jenna remembered her shirt and pulled it on defensively, doing up the buttons with haste.

"I'm afraid you'll have to Captain, she has nowhere else to stay. We can't just leave her to fend for herself in the forrest."

"Well why not? I'm sure Pan will find her sooner or later. She can stay with him." Hook said bitterly.

Something akin to hurt and a small flash of anger swept across Jill's face, but it was gone in an instant. "You know perfectly well why Peter cannot...will not, accommodate her. She is staying on the ship and that is final, so you had better prepare your cabin for a guest." And with that she turned swiftly and headed under the decks, presumably to her cabin.

Jenna stood awkwardly, trying to ignore the presence of one of the most fearsome pirate captains ever to sail the seven seas.

"You," Hook commanded, "come with me." Jenna followed, trying to keep up with his large strides, whilst keeping her balance on the swaying ship.

He walked up the steps and stopped at the door to his cabin. "It appears that I am to allow you to take lodgings with me." He said tightly. "Believe me, if there were another option, you would not be here, but as that is not the case..." Hook pushed open the heavy door, "Please, make yourself at home." He said sarcastically.

Jenna stepped into the cabin nervously, taking in the foreign surroundings. There was a large mahogany desk near the back of the room, littered with papers and ink and a box full of broken clocks. Against the wall stood a four poster bed, and right beside Jenna near the door was a piano.

A piano? How can he play...? Maybe I'll ask him... Jenna thought to herself. The room was all colour coordinated in reds and deep browns. It looked sophisticated, and rather comfortable.

"I suggest you find Jill and borrow some adequate clothing." Hook disturbed her musings sharply. "She will most likely be with the rest of the crew." He looked disdainfully at her, hinting that she leave him in peace.

"Er," Jenna began nervously, "Can you, um, actually play?" She asked, gesturing towards the grand piano in the corner of the room.

Hook drew himself up to his full height, "Of course I can play. Why else would I have a piano?"

Jenna shrugged her shoulders, then asked, "Could you...play now? Just a little bit, I mean, if you want to. I'm just curious, how you'd play, you know, because of your hook and everything. Sorry, I'm rambling. I ramble when I'm nervous."

Hook smirked, walking over to the piano and sitting down, preparing to play. "Really, I had no idea that I was making you nervous, Jenna." Her name sounded sultry and sinful from his lips, making Jenna lose focus for a second.

"Let me think, what would you know...?" Hook pondered out loud. "Ah, yes." He brought his hook and hand down elegantly on the keys, and began to play Fur Elise.

Jenna could only listen and watch in awe, as quick fingers and sharp metal danced across the keys. Hook stopped after about thirty seconds, then smirked at her arrogantly.

"That was really good. It was just, wow." Hook stood and walked over to the desk, noticing a thoroughly destroyed pocket watch and tossing it into the box with a loud clatter.

"Well? Clothes, go!" He made a shooing gesture, walking towards her, bustling her out of the cabin. "If she's not with the crew, then she will be in her cabin. Now go!"

Well I hope that you all enjoyed that first chapter. I'm determined to update ASAP, so look out for new instalments!