April met the ambulance outside and smiled when Matthew jumped out of the driver's seat. He returned the smile before turning to open the ambulance door. He partner jumped out and together they pulled the stretcher out.

"What do we have?"

"Eighteen year old female, drug overdose," Matthew said as they wheeled her inside. "Her friends say they were all talking caffeine pills to stay awake and study for their pre-med exams, they went out to celebrate after the exam last night, had a few drinks and sometime during the night she took a bunch of sleeping pills. The bottle of pills was next to her and they weren't able to wake her up."

"Okay," April said and turned to a nurse. "Let's get an IV in."

The nurse nodded and began to roll up her sleeve. "Doctor Kepner?"

"Yes?" April turned and noticed the medical alert bracelet. "What's it say?"

"Caroline Avery, diabetic."

"Avery?" April said sharply as she looked at the bracelet. "Okay, get the IV in and don't say a word to anyone, she is Jane Doe until I figure this out."

The nurse nodded and continued to insert the IV. April worked on her and when she was stable, she transported her to the ICU. She wasn't sure if this girl was who she thought she was, or it was just a weird coincidence, but April knew she had to keep this quiet. An Avery, any Avery, in the hospital is celebrity gossip in the medical world.

It took April about half an hour to find Jackson. She then had to wait another hour until he was finished with his surgery. It gave her time to try and figure out what she was going to say, but when Jackson walked out of the operating room all her plans and ideas vanished.

"Ross here just got to help with his first boob job," Jackson grinned at April as he slapped a hand on Ross' shoulder, who also wore a big smile.

"That's nice," April nodded. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately?"

"Yeah, sure." Jackson said, frowning.

He followed her to an empty on call room and he suddenly became suspicious. "Is this a booty call? Because last time I checked you're back with Matthew, and I'm still with Stephanie, sort of."

"What?" April shook her head, caught off guard. "No."

"Okay, well you already apologized for blaming me, so what's up?"

April hesitated, still unsure what to say. "You know how you told me that your Dad isn't really around, but that he remarried and you have a half-sister."

"Yeah, Carrie, what about her?"

"When was the last time you saw her or talked to her?"

"I don't know, a few months ago," Jackson shrugged. "I went out to dinner with her before she flew home for Christmas."

"Right, because she goes to school here."

"Yeah she goes to Wash U," Jackson frowned. "April, what's this about?"

"Is Carrie short for Caroline?" Jackson nodded. "And is she a diabetic?"

"Yes," Jackson said, angry building in his voice. "April what the hell is going on?"

"I think she was brought in this morning," April said slowly.

"What? Why?"

"Well, it's kind of complicated," April said, trailing off.

"April!" Jackson said angrily, tired of her beating around the bush.

"It was a drug overdose, Jackson." She said softly.

"She doesn't do drugs." He defended. "She's in pre-med April, she's not a low life or an idiot."

"Not those kinds of drugs," April said, trying to explaining. "She was taking caffeine pills to stay awake for her exams and she went out to celebrate with her friends after, they had a few drinks,"

"So it was an accident." Jackson interrupted.

"No," April shook her head. "Jackson, she took a bunch of sleeping pills. They found her this morning."

"It's not her, she wouldn't do that."

"Come with me," April said softly. "To her room, if it's not her, it's not her."

Jackson nodded and followed April upstairs and down the hall to the intensive care unit. April stopped outside the door and he looked in through the glass windows. All the anger suddenly drained out of him when he noticed it was her. He became worried as he stared at her. She looked very pale, had a breathing tube in and an IV hook up. April noticed Jackson's expression and body language change. He went from having his arms on his hips and a scowl on his face, to crossing his arms with a worried expression.

"Is she okay?"

April nodded. "She's stable and we're just waiting for her to wake up."

"How did you know?"

"She has a medical alert bracelet for her diabetes." April confirmed. "I wrote her in as a Jane Doe though. I didn't want to anyone to know before you."

He nodded, the frown deepening on his forehead. "Thank you."

"Do you want me to call your Dad? Or her Mom?"

Jackson shook his head. "No, I'll do it."

"If you want to stay with her, I can cancel your surgeries for the day?"

"No, I uh," Jackson struggled as he continued to look at her. All he could remember was this loud blue-eyed girl with wavy brown hair that always had a smile on her face. He couldn't believe what was happening. "I'm no good waiting around. I need to keep busy. Just come get me when she wakes up and don't tell anyone."

April nodded and watched him disappear down the hall. She knew how he worked; he processed things alone and he was right, he wasn't good at waiting around. April continued to work the Emergency Room but she called up to the ICU every half hour to check on Caroline. After a few house she became stable enough to have the breathing tube removed and she was moved into a private room. April continued to have a nurse check on her every half hour and report back to her, but she had yet to wake up.

April stood at the end of her bed that afternoon and sighed. She figured the main reason she was still asleep was because she probably went a while with little to no sleep each night. April felt sorry for Jackson which caused her to feel angry towards Carrie. She didn't know all the facts yet, but it sounded like his sister overdosed on purpose and April found that selfish.

April continued to glare at the girl until she suddenly started to move. She moved her head slightly and April noticed her frown before she blinked her eyes a few times and her breathing suddenly became heavier. April stepped forward and went to her side when she tried to sit up.

"Carrie?" She said softly as she hit the nurse's button. "I'm Doctor Kepner, do you remember what happened?"

"Uhm," She struggled to clear her throat and April handed her some water. She drank some slowly as she became more alert. "I feel like I got hit by a bus."

The nurse appeared in the doorway and April looked up. "Page Avery 911 from me." The nurse nodded and left the room. "You're going to feel pretty sore and weak for the next few days. You overdosed on sleeping pills, do you remember that?"

"Yeah, I remember." She mumbled groggily.

"We had to pump your stomach and insert a breathing tube," April explained. "You were pretty touch and go for a little while there." April paused. "Did you do this on purpose?"

"We both know it doesn't matter why I did it," She said slowly. "I still have to be evaluated by psych."

"Carrie," Jackson said from the doorway.

She turned to look at him and she suddenly became emotional, although she tried to hold it together. "Jackson?"

"I'll leave you two only," April said as she crossed the room and smiled at Jackson before closing the door.

Jackson pulled a chair up to the side of her bed and reached out to hold her hand. "I hope you feel as awful as you look," He said. "Please, just tell me it was an accident."

"I can't," She said and suddenly the tears started to fall. "I couldn't do it anymore, Jackson."

"Couldn't do what?"

"Be an Avery," She confessed. "It's so much pressure."

"I know it is." Jackson said. "I've been there before, being asked for things and offered things just because of your last name and you're expected to be great. I know how hard it is but I got through it."

"But you got through it because it's what you love to do," She said, still struggling to speak. "I don't want to be a doctor, Jackson. I tried to tell Dad and Grandpa but they wouldn't listen. Our family is filled with doctors. No one understands that I don't want to be one too."

"You've always wanted to be a doctor." Jackson said confused.

"No, I've always been told I should be a doctor," She corrected. "I'm failing some of my classes, Jackson. I told Dad I didn't want to go to med school and he told me not to come home. I felt trapped and overwhelmed and I was drunk after a horrible exam and my sleeping pills were sitting on my desk and I just felt so lonely and I didn't want to do it anymore."

"You aren't alone." He said as he squeezed her hand. "Why didn't you call me?"

"You're a doctor too," She smiled weakly. "And at Christmas you seemed so proud and excited that I was going to be one too."

"I would have understood." He said. "If you're not happy, I would have told you to do what makes you happy."

"You say that now," She said softly as she was getting tired again. "But you don't know for sure what you would have said."

"Carrie, it's not worth losing your life over. I would have helped you, just like I'm going to help you now." He smiled as she struggled to stay awake. "Get some sleep, we'll talk when you wake up."

"Promise you won't leave?" She mumbled.

"I'm not going anywhere, Carebear." She smiled his nickname for her before she drifted back off to sleep. Jackson leaned back in the chair and watched her. He ran through a long list of things he was going to have to do to get her through the next couple days, but one thing was for sure, he was going to be keeping a very close eye on his sister from now on.