Amelia woke and put her pillow over her head, groaning at the sunlight. This pillow was soon moved by her loving husband, who kissed her. "Can't banish the sun all day, m'dear."
"I can try." She mumbled, turning on her side, one arm helping to support her gargantuan stomach. She was nine months now, so big there wasn't a single day that didn't go by that she didn't manage to knock something over. Or someone. Just yesterday she'd whacked a surprised Clara into the wall when she was trying to get some hot sauce for her oatmeal, no matter how much the combonation dissagreed with her digestive track.
"Honey it's 2PM."
Amelia mumbled again and yawned, stretching out her legs, wiggling her padded toes and moving the pillow over her head again.
"I made food."
Her stomach growled. Monsterously. She turned and glared at him. "Damn it, Delbert."
He smirked ever so slightly and helped his moody wife out of bed. She put a hand on her back, moaning. "Oh hell this lot is giving me grief before they're even here."
Delbert gave her a sympathetic smile and rubbed her hips and back for the moment they stood there in solitude, making the feline purr ferociously. She nuzzled his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, refusing to move and refusing to let him stop the massage. It was only when Delbert said the rice might get overcooked that she moved, her body creaking like an old woman as she went down the stairs. Delbert, though feeling sorry for his wife, couldn't refrain from letting out a small laugh as she waddled to the kitchen, complaining all the way and rubbing her stomach. He went to the rice, finding it to be perfect. He turned off the heat and put the pot on the back burner and then stirred the meat gravy and turned off that as well while Amelia got her coffee. She was only allowed one cup a day, which, Delbert deducted, was one of the reasons she'd gotten ever more pissy...besides her aching ankles and rotundness that made the very object of moving a difficulty.
"Food?" She perked her ears, turning in Delbert's direction after saying this. Delbert nodded. "Food."
She sipped her coffee and lumbered over, hugging Delbert-which was quite a feit with her stomach- and then loading up a bowl of gravy and rice. And then another bowl. And another. About five in all by the time Delbert had finished one. Then she sat down and finished her coffee, opening up the newspaper across the island.
"What's going on now, eh?" Delbert asked, washing the dishes. Amelia scanned the page, shaking her head. "A little girl was murdered. Found dead under St. Allan's bridge..." She furrowed her brow in worry. "Things are getting more and more dangerous here, Delbert..."
Delbert sighed. "Only if you arn't careful."
"But...Delbert really I...I'm getting worried." She played with her hair, which had reached her mid back by now, a full bodied mass of silky locks that Delbert had all too much fun playing with. He came over and held her chin up with his hand, looking her in the eye. "Things will be fine, Amy. If things get too close to home, we can move to Arrow's home like you said. But...until then, let's just try and see how things go here? Benbow has had its tough times, and they always pass."
"What if one of the babies gets hurt?" She said fussily, wringing her hands as she always did, hormonal worry taking over as she whimpered. "I don't want the babies hurt Delby."
He kissed her lightly. "I'll be damned if anything happens to our children."
She looked at him for a bit before nodding, brightening almost immediately after and getting off the stool and hugging him. Delbert smiled. It was always like this. One moment she'd be bawling over the news or the lack of milk in the house or a painfully strong craving, next she'd be smiling, giggling, and doing some sort of random activity, or just going into the nursery and looking about. She loved the nursery. All the walls different colors-blue, yellow, green, and red- with a crib on each one and then dressers with clothes already in them and a few little toys and the like. She'd picked everything out and Delbert, Jim and Sarah had put it up. It was quite lovely.
Amelia wandered off to the library and sat down again. Delbert sat with his coffee, reading the paper. Depressing, depressing, depressing, depressing-doorbell ringing. He perked his ears and got up, answering to the sight of Sarah. He smiled. "Hello Sarah!"
"Delbert." She said in equal happiness, entering and putting her shawl and hat on a nearby table and hugging him. "It's been too long."
Delbert nodded, having not seen his dear friend in nearly a month, both busy with their own lives. "It has. How's building the Benbow going?"
"Nearly done! Only a month, maybe two to go." She said, walking with him to the kitchen, where Delbert poured her some coffee and handed it to her. "Brilliant. It looked great the last time I passed by. Never thought it would be that huge."
She nodded, sipping her coffe. "Neither did I. Jim is doing great in his studies, too. And he's made a wonderful friend...Amelia would know him I believe."
"That so? What's his name?"
"Onyx Arrow. His...nephew by marriage or something of the like."
"Hm..." Delbert furrowed his brow. "Amelia's never mentioned him. Might not have gotten around to it."
Sarah shrugged. "He's a nice lad. Bit of a "captain obvious", but he is quite bright. Speaking of Amelia, how is she-"
Just then a scream echoed through the house. Delbert dropped his coffee cup and bounded to the library, finding Amelia hunched over by the wall, one hand under her stomach, the other gripping the edge of the bookshelf. Delbert was about to run over when Sarah gripped the back of his shirt.
"Go get the carriage ready." She commanded. Delbert was about to ask why when it dawned on the idiot that his wife was in labor. Refraining from fainting, he ran out and got Delilah hooked up and ready in record time. He just pulled up to the front door by the time Sarah had Amelia ready and got out, helping his wife into the carriage, who was doing breathing exercises. Soon as she was seated she grabbed Delbert by the arm and hissed, "you did this!"
"I know, I know dear you can break my arm later, ok?"
She continued breathing and nodded slightly before letting out a shriek and grabbing her stomach. This encouraged Delbert to click the reins and sent Delilah off at a run. While he did his best to drown out Amelia's gasps and moans of pain in order to not get pulled over. While he succeeded in not getting pulled over, he did manage to take out three mailboxes, a cart of cabbages, three parking meters, and a man on the scooter.
But, hey, he didn't get pulled over.
Upon reaching the hospital Delbert gained uncharacteristic agility and jumped out of the carriage, running to the other side. Amelia was awful by now, her face twisted in pain as she nearly fell from the carriage. Delbert picked her up bridal style.
"Such a," she mewed like a helpless kitten, "such a heroic m-motion, Doctor."
He couldn't help but smile as he carried her into the hospital. "I try."
Once in the hospital, which was thankfully sparse of people needing attention, Delbert and Amelia were immediately led to a maternity room. Sarah stayed behind and went to the nearest payphone, dialing Clara.
"Clara, it's Sarah. Amelia's having the baby."
"HOLY MOTHER OF SWEET BABY POTATOES!" And she hung up. Sarah blinked and put the phone down and redialed for Aurora, who answered with a comment so vulgar Sarah didn't even want to think about it. "Amelia's in labor."
"Holy fuck cheese. I'll be there in two shakes of a lambs tail." And she hung up. After calling the Academy Sarah found Jim must be at Aurora's, and then got Edmund to come. Then she sat and waited. Everyone soon arrived, and the waiting began.
Soon as they were born the pain were gone, and they were worth every minute of it. Three girls, two boys, all little sweet bundles of joy. Their screaming exemplified their lack of lung problems-which was also a burden and a relief. Amelia now, laying in the hospital bed with her hair as mussed up as it had ever been and her cheeks flushed, held two infants. The only boy, a Canid who was the spitting image of his father in every way-including his chocolate brown eyes, which were wide open and roving around the room. In her other arm was a little Felinid girl with her fur and Delbert's dark brown hair. Amelia kissed one of her rosy cheeks and smiled. Beside her was a proud Delbert, who held two more rosy cheeked Felinid's with their mother's fur color, and one was blonde, while the other was auburn haired like Amelia. None of them had their eyes open, but they were healthy as could be.
Delbert smiled and leaned over and kissed his wife. "You're brilliant darling."
"You owe me so much." She whispered, a grin playing at her lips. Delbert only chuckled and kissed her forehead. Amelia looked to Doctor Lindsey, who had come over a week before for the occasion of the birth of the babies. "Please, Lindsey, tell the others they can come in now."
"Sure. Can I hold one of the kids?"
"You'll drop one of them on their heads. I know you."
"Good point."
And she left, soon returning with Edmund, Jim, Sarah, Clara, and Aurora.
"Holy cheese of cheesiness, babies! MUTANT B-"
"Don't yell!" Amelia hissed. The young puppy looked in Aurora's direction in silent awe.
"Mutant babies!" Aurora said in a loud whisper and came over, giving her friend a hug around said mutant babies and then smiling at them. Edmund came to his father side looking even happier than her. Delbert smiled at him. "Here they are, son."
"They're chubby and adorable, can I hold one?" Edmund cocked his head to the side. Delbert nodded and slowly stood, gently handing him the blonde haired baby.
"Make sure you support the head, Edmund, and don't let her arms or anything fall out the side and-"
"I know, I know Mum." Edmund laughed lightly. "Isn't the first time I've held a baby before."
"Well, well still I just-oh bother." She shook her head and smiled. Sarah came over and started gushing over Sunny. Edmund showed Jim the blonde baby and then looked to Amelia and Delbert. "What're they're names? You never said anything to anyone, did you?"
Amelia chuckled, her and Delbert sharing a smile. "No, we never did...shall I tell them or you Amy?"
Amelia smiled. "The auburn haired one is Mattie, but we're spelling it Matey, the blonde is Tiller...or Tillie really, and the brown is Jib."
"All ship names...really Amelia..." Aurora shook her head and dodged the whack aimed at her. "Shuddup I like ships." Amelia smiled. "And then Delbert named the boy, Sunny."
"And you name him after a star. Great going F-Father." Edmund smirked and poked his father's shoulder. Delbert poked him back and then lightly petted the head of Matey. Sunny moved his mouth wordlessly and looked at the world around him as he was slowly passed from person to person. When he reached Jim, he started bawling.
"I make babies cry." He said as he handed him to Amelia. Amelia just rocked Sunny until he fell asleep, looking over to Jib, who had woken up and was now looking around, her eyes wide like owls. She stuck out her little pink tongue and made a small mewing noise before closing her eyes again and snuggling up against her mother's chest. Amelia chuckled lightly, throatily, and nuzzled her head. Aurora punched her shoulder. "Nice goin', mate." She said in a light tone, smiling. Amelia smiled back and looked down at the children in her arms, feeling stronger and lighter than she ever had in her life, knowing now that, for the rest of her life, she'd have something to be proud of. Always.
Amiss Assumptions and Alternate Endings: The Heart Does Twisted Things: Preview
She caressed his cheek, his breath warm on her face, his eyes never shifting from hers as he slowly rubbed the small of her back. She stretched her legs and wrapped one around his, burying her face in his shoulder, inhaling the scent of his cologne, of the parchment he worked with. The must of the ancient books on the shelves of his observatory and the coffee he drank in the morning. His lips brushed against the nape of her neck as he left butterfly kisses, stopping at her shoulder and then moving his face and rubbing it against hers, a gesture she most appreciated.
"I love you." She whispered, kissing his jawline. He ran his hand through her newly cropped hair. "I love you too...and I always, always will, matter what this does to us."
She looked at him worriedly. "What could this...this do to us?"
He stared at her, his face solemn, chocolate brown eyes absent of their normal light; their happiness and their zest gone. Disappeared. "End us. Forever."
Well, this is the end of it. The end of the first Amiss Assumptions and Alternate Endings. I hope you all have enjoyed this novella of which I have put my heart and soul into over the past few months; the story that is my most popular fanfiction that is not a parody and also the one that I have enjoyed writing more than anything else I ever have. I truly hope you have enjoyed it and will come back to read Amiss Assumptions and Alternate Endings: The Heart Does Twisted Things. I have great plans for it, great plans, and I hope all the loyal reviewers of this fanfiction will come back and review the current one, which I will post very, very, very soon. I also apologize for my absence: School. So, yeah. Enjoy. Thank you all for the reviews, faves, follows, and PMs. I look forward to greeting you all again soon, my lovelies. ;p
I do not own Treasure Planet, but anything and everything else is mine and I place all ownership on it and allow no one else to use ANYTHING or distribute ANYTHING of this story.