I'm back! Sup guys! Here comes the sequel to 'Who To Trust'. It takes place at the end of the season finale, but for those who don't watch DreamWorks Dragons, the Outcasts are bad guys that are trying to train dragons and they are violent and are really annoying. Alvin is their leader.

Enough chitchat, let get on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except Raven and the plot.

Chapter One

When It All Starts

It has been three months since Toothless and I were declared mates. Everybody was so happy, though I swore I saw Gobber wink at Stoick. But it didn't bother me much. And that doesn't mean I've changed my personality.

The rest of the gang has mates already. Not to mention kids. The prospect of having mini Night Furies all around makes me feel weird. Toothless hasn't brought up the subject, and I'm grateful for that. I don't think I'm quite ready for that. It's not like we're in a rush or anything. It can wait a few months… or years.

I sit on the roof patiently waiting for Toothless and the gang to come. Toothless and Hiccup left to go and gather them for the morning sky patrol.

A bird flutters by and I watch it lazily. As it lands on a nearby wood pole I notice its interesting colors. Its chest, belly, head, and base of the wings are a deep, fiery red, which then melts into a light orange, which melts into a gold at the wing and tail tips. It's a foot and a half tall, with a sharp beak and talons.

I narrow my eyes and it abruptly whips its head around and looks at me. Quickly turning my head, I pretend to be looking at something else. I hear wings flapping and look back to see the fiery bird flying away. I tilt my head and snort, "That was weird."

"What was?"

I nearly jump out of my scales in surprise and turn around to see Toothless and the gang at the base of the house. "Nothing." I leap down and playfully nudge Toothless.

"Good morning." Meatlug says. I yawn, "Mornin'." The riders climb onto their dragons (minus me). "Okay, are we all ready?" Hiccup asks. The riders say yes and the dragons roar.

"Let's start at Serpent's Rock." Astrid says. I crouch down and raise my wings. "Last one there's a rotten dragon!" I say quickly before launching myself into the air. "Hey!" Everybody immediately takes off after me.

In about thirty seconds Stormfly, Toothless, and I are in the lead with Hookfang at our tails. Barf Belch and Meatlug are trailing a bit away.

"Better luck next time, Toothless." I say, "Female Night Furies are built for speed." Flattening my wings to my body, I zoom forward a bit as I say, "speed". He looks at me and playfully growls. "You're better in battle, honey." He gives me a mischievous dragon grin, "Flying is my thing."

I roll my eyes, "You keep dreaming," and flap my wings harder.

Suddenly, Stormfly interrupts, "You both keep dreaming because you're about to eat my wind!" She rockets forward, sending her "wind" into our faces. We glance at each other and start flying after her.

Toothless starts to go a bit ahead of me, but I have my secret weapon. Tilting my wings, I start flapping my wings downward, giving me an extra boost with each flap. It makes me go faster, but it uses more energy. Whatever, we're almost at Serpent's Rock anyways.

I speed past Toothless and he stares at me with wide eyes. Meanwhile, Hiccup and Astrid are yelling taunts at each other.

Stormfly grows bigger as I fly closer and closer. Soon, I'm right next to her hind legs. "Wha?" she looks back at me with surprise, "How'd you catch up so fast?"

Smirking, I say sassily, "I've got my secrets and you've got yours." Stormfly narrows her eyes at me, but I'm not looking at her now. Serpent's Rock is about ten Night Fury lengths away.

I fly faster and that's when Stormfly sees it too. Unexpectedly, she whizzes past me with great speed and raises her legs for landing. Three… two… one… Stormfly wins. "Aww." I growl and land next to her. Unfortunately, I was going too fast and I skid across the large mountain of rock, trying to dig my claws in and stop.

Pain shoots up my leg as I stub my claw on a rock and I fall forward, landing only an inch away from the edge. Stormfly leaps to my side, "Are you okay, Raven?"

She helps me sit up and I lick my paw. The rock had nearly split my claw in half. Still throbbing after I lick it, I try to put some weight on my paw. It hurts, but no that much. It's mainly my claw.

Toothless lands a few moments later. "Are you okay, Raven? I saw you skidding across the rock."

I wave my paw in front of his face. "I think you can figure out what happened. But don't worry," I say when he gives me a worried look, "I can still fly."

He purrs and nuzzles my cheek. Soon, the others catch up and it's getting a little squished on the rock.

"Let's get this over with already," Snotlout says, "I have other things to do."

"Sure you do." Hookfang mutters and I snort. "Alright, alright," Hiccup says, "You and the twins take the east of Berk. Fishlegs and I will take the west. Astrid, you take Raven and check the sea."

I wink at Stormfly and say, "You and me, Storm." She rolls her eyes, "You're so weird." I snicker and the others take off, splitting up and flying in different directions. "See ya later, Raven." Toothless says. I say goodbye and flap my wings.

We fly high so we are able to see what's on surface of the water. Once we're out of ear shot, Stormfly sparks up a conversation, "So, you thinking of having baby Night Furies on Berk?"

My wings go stiff for a moment before answering, "You know I haven't." Astrid doesn't pay any mind to us and starts looking around for anything odd.

"Well, ya know," Stormfly stutters, "Night Furies are endangered. And the rest of the gang has kids. My oldest, Zahar, is learning how to fly."

I look down. "I don't want to talk about this. I don't think I'm ready anyways." I mumble. Stormfly gazes at me affectionately and says, "You'll never think you're ready. I didn't think I was, but it just happened."

Suddenly, Astrid calls for the others. I give her a confused glance and look ahead. There's a large boat with a lot of cargo sailing towards Berk. "Trader Johann!" Stormfly exclaims.

In a few moments, the gang is speeding towards us. Puzzled, I fly towards Toothless. "Who's Trader Johann?" I ask as the Vikings talk feverishly.

"He's a human that sails around the world, trading stuff to the people on Berk and other islands. The thing is, he never comes so early."

Hiccup commands Toothless to fly down to the boat. We all follow them. They land, but Hiccup tells us to stay in the air. I see a man with a dark brown beard and mustache walk up to them. "Trader Johann," Hiccup says, "you've come early."

Trader Johann, looking shaken, says, "I need to speak with Stoick." Hiccup nods and Toothless launches into the air. We gather behind the sails and flap our wings to create strong winds that blow the ship faster to the island.

Once we reach the dock, the Vikings help him tie the boat to a pole. I sit down but suddenly, I see a flash of orange and whirl around. The fiery bird from earlier in the morning is perched on a basket of fish. It stares at me and I stare back. "What are you?" I mutter low enough so the others can't hear me.

The bird ruffles its feathers and flashes its colors. A few small flames flicker at its wing tips and I pull my head up in surprise, "Phoenix?"

The bird shrills a short tune and flutters towards me. I stare in confusion as it lands in front of me and sheds a few tears onto my cracked claw. Immediately, the crack seals up and heals completely. The pain fades away and the phoenix looks up at me. "Thanks." I breathe in amazement.

My ears perk up at the sound of heavy footsteps and I lift my head to see Stoick and Gobber walking towards us. But when I look back at the phoenix, all I see is an empty space where it was.

"What's wrong, Trader Johann?" Stoick asks. Trader Johann looks at him with wide, worried eyes, "Th-the Outcasts. They've trained dragons."