"Well, this is it bro. You Ready?" I look over at Howard and nod my head and put the mask on. I sneak Howard and me through an underground tunnel I had heard about from school. I didn't think it was real, but what do you know? I lead Howard up into the basement where it has a blueprint of the building. I point to where I just knew McFist had the Nomicon.

"There. That's where we need to go. The top floor. McFist probably has more robo-apes in the building. We need to figure out a way to get past them." I look around the basement and find the air-vent. " Through there." I point to the air-vent, and both Howard and me go through it.

"So what's the plan?"

"Oh! Well I haven't really thought of one yet."

"You mean you don't even know what you're doing? Never mind, good thing I have one." Whoa! Howard coming up with a plan. That's new. I guess Howard really wants to help me get the Nomicon back.

"Let's here it buddy."

"When we have to come across the robo apes, I'll distract them. While you go and get the Nomicon." I wasn't sure if this was a good idea. What if they captured Howard and brought him to McFist again? It was a big risk, but I guess Howard was willing to go along with it.

"Okay Howard, we're almost there." From the look on the blueprints, it said that we were right underneath the top floor. All of the sudden the vents break and Howard and me both fall into a room full of robo-apes. "Howard! Stay behind me!"

"No! Cunningham, stick with the plan I'll be fine! NOW GO!" Howard pushes me straight through the stairwell, and locks the door behind me. I had to make this quick if I wanted to save Howard. I ninja sprint up the stairs, and find myself in a dark room. Out of nowhere, a huge cage comes falling down on top of me.

"Randy, how nice of you to come back and visit. Why don't you stay for a while, sit back relax." A chair comes from under me and straps my ankles to the legs of the chair, and my wrist to the arms of the chair. McFist! Why didn't I expect this? I'm back where I started two hours ago. In the clutches of McFist Industries.

"I only forgot something McFist. My journal, where is it? And why isn't anyone in Norrisville noticing me? Something tells me that you left the lens cap on the camera lens." I remember looking back when the robo ape took my mask off, and I now remember that it was the lens cap. It was still on! No one knew who I was in Norrisville. Well except McFist and Viceroy.

"What! The lens cap wasn't on, we took it off when Viceroy brought it in the lab." I could tell by the look on McFist's face the he was beginning to feel stupid of himself. Now was my chance to get out of here. I rip out from the chair and try to break open the cage bars but they just won't budge. I pull out my ninja sword and slice the bars. I sprint over to McFist and try to force him to give me the book, but of course he resist. So I take it from him. "SMOKE BOMB!"

I poof up next to Howard and I smoke bomb us out of there. Howard, the Nomicon, and me are now in the tree house. I explain to Howard what happened to me when McFist trapped me. And Howard seemed suspicious at first but he blew it over.

"Wow Cunningham, I'm surprised we both made it out alive."

"Um yeah Howard, there's also another thing I need to tell you, it's about when McFist was going to expose me to Norrisville. Before they were going to turn the camera on, I had a vision."

"A vision about what?"

"A vision about the Sorcerer escaping."

"Cunningham, do you know what this means? You have to train like you've never trained before!"

"I know. I just hope that y vision doesn't come true bro." I sound like I'm about to puke. I don't want to be the ninja who ends up letting the Sorcerer free.

"You know Cunningham, you promised me a Grave Puncher Marathon this weekend. Why don't you take your mind off this ninja stuff." Howard was right, but I hope that while I'm playing Grave Puncher with Howard, the Sorcerer doesn't escape.

This was just part one of the story; the next one is about the Sorcerer escaping, duh! Right reviews and tell me what you all thought about this ending.