Hey guys! So i just wanna apologize for my lack of updating. As I have mentioned before, I got a laptop for the school year but since the school year is over, we had to turn in out laptops. Since I don't have a laptop, I can't really type up anything. My mom is working on getting her laptop fixed so hopefully I can start updating more when she does. Until then, I have been handwriting a bunch of oneshots so those will be uploaded more. I decided to work on this story and First Timers since I can handwrite them. It's been awhile since I worked on this story but here we are. I hope you all enjoy and here's chapter four. Enjoy! : )

Lazy Love - NeYo

Kendall grunts, his senses slowly awakening him as this annoying sound is going off on the side of him. Kendall yawns, stretching his aching muscles above his head as he looks over to his left at the night stand. The digital clock is buzzing off, the block numbers blinking an angry red; the time 11:30 popping up every now and then. Kendall's green irises nearly bug out of his head as he realizes the time. Kendall flops back onto his pillow, running his hands through his messy hair.

"Fuck!" He groans out, hands rubbing over his face. A few seconds later, smooth, tan hands snake their way onto his naked chest. Just moments later, James' brunette head pops up from underneath the covers, wearing a hazy smile. The pretty boy places his head on Kendall's chest, fingers dancing across the blonde's abs. He sighs contently.

"Morning, baby." James says softly, smiling lightly when Kendall begins to rub small circles on his lower back.

"Hey, babe." Kendall mutters, voice raspy from his post sleep.

James feels a shudder run down his body upon hearing Kendall's sexy sleepy voice. The pretty brunette smiles to himself, leaning up slightly to press his lips onto Kendall's. The blonde is fully awaken by this point with his eyebrows raised in amusement as James begins to straddle his lap. Kendall rubs both of his hands up and down on James' sides. James whines softly, breaking the kiss to rest his forehead against his blonde lover's. Their breath mingles together, lips brushing up against one another due to their closeness. James opens his eyes, long eyelashes battering as hazel stares into green with love and passion.

"Last night was amazing." James whispers, a smile gracing his face when Kendall eyes begin to sparkle.

Kendall smirks to himself as flashes of the previous night fills his mind. All night long, the blonde made love to his brunette beauty. Sometimes it was fast and rough, while other times they took it nice and slow, expressing their love for each other. Kendall finds himself beginning to turn hard, just the thought of making love to James turning him on. He slides his hand down to James' exposed bottom, giving the tan cheeks a firm squeeze.

"How about a morning repeat?" Kendall says, a sly smile tugging on his lips.

James gasps fisting the pillow on either side of Kendall's head as the blonde begins to roll their hips together. "Wh-what about your morning conference?" James questions, biting his lower lip to control his moans.

Kendall only shrugs, sliding down on the bed a bit so that the tip of his cock is poking at James' twitching hole. He smirks when the brunette lets out a soft moan. "I'm already late." He says, voice a bit groggy, which turns James on. His bottle green eyes slowly turning a forest green as lust takes over his body.

James throws his head back moaning as Kendall begins to push himself upward. He rocks his hips against his boyfriend, earning himself a delicious growl.

"I could use a little help, Jamie." Kendall huskily whispers.

James looks down at him through half lidded eyes. He smirks before crashing his lips onto his lover's.


Kendall pops his neck as he stands in front of his full length mirror, buttoning up his dress shirt. He had gotten a call from his company saying the CEO hasn't made it to the meeting yet so they were pushing the conference two hours back, something Kendall was extremely thrilled about. It just gave him more time to make love to James. And on top of that, he technically wouldn't be late for work.

Kendall beamed at his reflection, running a hand through his spiked up, wet hair. He was feeling rather confident for the day's events. The blonde gave himself a quick wink before turning on his heels, only to be stopped mid step at the sight before him. James was leaning up against the bathroom door frame, the steam from an obvious shower passing by his body. His hair was wet, water dripping down his tan body before disappearing into the towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. Kendall licked his lips, eyes ranking over James' half naked body as said brunette stared at him with a hungry gaze.

The pretty boy smirks to himself when he say his boyfriend's frozen gaze. He takes a step forward, towel dropping from his hips, leaving him completely exposed for Kendall. A sly smile tugging at his lips when his blonde lover visibly swallows, eyes darting around the room nervously. James seductively stalks up to his boyfriend, a hand traveling down his chest when they were only inches apart.

"Leaving so soon?" James whispers, voice low and inviting. He looks up at Kendall through his wet bangs, hazel eyes wide and shining mischievously.

"Uh-uh, y-yeah. The-the-the conference. I gotta b-be there." Kendall stutters, mentally cursing himself as he begins to sweat.

James smirks at the other fluster male. Leaning forward, he captures Kendall's bottom lip between his, before pressing little butterfly kisses along side the blonde's strong jaw line. Kendall's breath hitches, hands gripping at James' naked hips, eyes fluttering shut.

James hums softly. "I want you." He says, eyes wide as he begins clawing at Kendall's collar.

Kendall shivers; James' hot breath ghosting over his pale neck. "B-but baby I gotta go, I got responsibilities I gotta take care of." Kendall argues which results in James pouting.

"But I love you." The pretty boy pouts and just one look at him has Kendall craving in.

He lifts the brunette up, James' legs wrapping around Kendall's waist as he is backed against their bedroom wall.


Kendall snatches an apple from his fruit bowl resting on their kitchen counter. He's running super late for work since he and James went at it again. The blonde shoves the fruit into his mouth as he rushes around the counter to grab his briefcase. He spins around, getting ready to book it out his house when he runs into another body. Kendall bounces back, apple dropping from his mouth as he stares at James, whom is wearing a green laced thong and a seductive smile. Kendall hangs his head, sighing. He reaches into the pocket of his dress pants to pull out his phone. He sends a quick text to his secretary saying he won't be able to make the meeting. After that, Kendall tosses his phone and briefcase onto the living room couch before gripping James under his thighs, carrying him into the kitchen. He lifts the pretty boy on the nearest counter where he ravishes the tan body.

So I hope this makes up for my lack of updating. I had fun writing this and I hoped you all enjoyed this. I'll try my hardest to up date more, but until then, please review.

~Kaylah : )

P.s. Sorry for any mistakes. I typed this out on my phone and it took me FOREVER!