A/N: This is a silly little follow up to A Knight's Task. These are just some story ideas I couldn't get out of my head. First chapter will be some snippets, and the second chapter will be a short story. I hope people enjoy them!
The pairing here is Male Avatar/Frederick. Don't like, don't read.
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Chrom doesn't knock
"Planning new strategies already? We won the battle today." Frederick, his hair wet from his bath and clad in loose fitting clothes with a towel over his shoulders, sat down on Robin's cot. Robin looked up from the map, pushing away the drawings of the terrain and the list of names.
"Sort of." He smiled with gratitude when Frederick got up and began massaging his shoulders. "Since we've entered Valm, our army has grown. I need to learn as much as I can about our new comrades."
The knight dug his hands into Robin's back, a knot of tension the tactician hadn't known was there loosening under the forceful touch. "I feel our new comrades, despite their strange origins, will be quite helpful," Fredrick said.
"I agree." Lucina, in the few short weeks he had known her, was nearly as talented as Chrom, and Laurent was more than a match for his mother in magical power. He furrowed his brow, trying to remember the name of the reclusive wyvern rider who Kellam had fathered. The man sure made an effort not to be noticed.
Frederick stepped around the chair Robin sat in, facing him. His hands curled around Robin's jaw. "Are you very busy?"
Robin grinned. "Not so busy that I can't relax." He followed the knight's guidance, leaning forward for a kiss that deepened quickly. Heat flowed down his body. Frederick had gotten more forward of late about what he wanted, and Robin loved it.
Tactics could wait. They broke apart just long enough for Robin to stand and move over to the cot. The towel dropped from Frederick's shoulders, and in between kisses Robin helped him remove his shirt, running his hands over the knight's body. He traced a scar that a particularly vicious Risen had given the man, then trailed his fingers lower to the knight's well muscled abdomen. Frederick shuddered, letting out a low gasping moan.
"Let me please you," the knight said, and Robin tilted his chin up as Frederick leaned forward to undo the clasp on his cloak. It fell to the floor, and Frederick connected their mouths, slipping his tongue in Robin's mouth while his fingers worked on buttons. He slid one hand beneath Robin's tunic.
"Robin." They both froze at the sound of Chrom's voice, but too late. "I wanted to see if—OH GODS!"
"Er, Chrom!
"My Lord!" Frederick took his hands off Robin so fast that a broken button fell to the floor.
"Uh…" Chrom's face was dark red. "I'm sorry!" He backed up, nearly falling over Robin's chair. "It can wait!" With that he turned and ran, the tent flap swishing with his passing.
Frederick stared after him, eyes wide. "I…do you think it was important?" he turned to Robin, face pale. "Should we…go after him?"
Robin bit his lip to keep from laughing. "No, Frederick." He kissed the other man's neck, and relished the change in breathing that he knew meant his lover appreciated it. "He did say it could wait, didn't he?"
The strategy meeting the next morning was rather strained. Chrom fumbled his words as he described the terrain, and wouldn't meet Robin's eyes throughout the entire discussion.
Finally, Robin had enough. "Chrom," he said. "I don't think you're totally focused here."
"I…" Chrom looked up, then blushed hot. "Oh Gods, this is awkward. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I've known you and Frederick…I mean, I know a lot of people are together now, and of course Sumia and I…what with all the things happening, I just didn't think…"
Robin smiled, shaking his head. "It's fine, Chrom. You were one of the first to know, and now you've seen more than most." He chuckled.
Chrom grit his teeth. "Er, right."
"Just do me a favor?"
"Make a point to knock before entering anyone's tent in the future. I think everyone will appreciate it."
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"I love shopping!" Nowi did a strange sort of hop skip as she trailed after Robin and Donnel. Nah rolled her eyes.
"Mother, could you please act your age?" she hissed. Robin stifled a laugh.
He wasn't as much a fan as Nowi, but he had to admit that leaving the camp and heading out among the people they were fighting to save was enjoyable. Men in woolens and cloaks and women in colorful dresses swirled around them, and vendors hawked wares from stalls laden with everything from steel weapons to candle wax.
"Lookie here, Nah, some fishin' line!" Donnel held it up, the vendor keeping a careful eye on him. "I kin teach you to fish if you'd like!"
"Sure thing, father." Nah's gaze flicked from stall to stall, settling on one laden with vegetables. "Ooh, tomatoes."
"Tomatoes!" Nowi shrieked. She headed over, smiling hugely. "I want some tomatoes!"
"Calm down, Mother," Nah said with a roll of her eyes.
Robin's attention was caught by the next stall over. The man was selling oils. Scented oil, candle oil, and an oil with a particular consistency he and Frederick needed.
As inconspicuously as he could, Robin pointed to the oil. The vendor nodded, and in moments he had pocketed the item and paid the man.
"Robin?" Nah gazed up at him with big eyes. He hadn't even noticed the girl approach. "What's that oil for?"
Oh Gods. "Um…" he looked around for help, but Donnel was still examining fishing line and Nowi…he met her eyes and immediately looked away. She would just make things worse, and probably be twice as curious as her daughter.
"Do you put it on food?" Nah asked.
Robin spluttered. "No, it's, um…" Damnit, coming up with an excuse shouldn't be this hard. Nah knew, as most people in camp did, that he and Frederick were together, but she didn't need to know specifics!
Nowi sighed as she approached. "C'mon, Nah, everyone knows what oil is for! It's for greasing up saddles and tent poles and things!"
Robin blinked. Saddles and tent poles?
"Oh." Nah nodded. "I see."
"Now Robin, can I have some tomatoes?" Nowi smiled sweetly.
Robin had to smirk, flipping her a few coins. "Sure."
"Go get some for me, Nah!" With a sigh, the younger manakete took the money and headed over to the tomato vendor.
"C'mon, Robin," Nowi said quietly with a beaming smile. "Give me some credit. I am 1000 years old, you know."
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Frederick tensed in his arms, drawing Robin out of a deep sleep. "What is it?" the tactician mumbled.
The interior was dark, as was the night outside. Frederick sat up, his body tense, and the movement drew Robin into full wakefulness. He kept silent, sitting up also, his heart pounding. Was the camp under attack?
As smooth as a snake, Frederick stepped off the bed and picked up his axe. Robin reached for the thunder tome he kept near his pillow.
"Show yourself!" Frederick's voice cracked like a whip through the dark.
"Ssssh!" A dark shape darted into the tent, hands up in the air. "It's just me!"
"Inigo?" Robin asked. Frederick lowered his axe, then remembered he wasn't wearing any pants and stepped backward toward the bed, covering himself with the sheets. His body radiated tension.
"Yes! Keep your voices down!"
"What are you doing skulking about our tent?" Frederick demanded. Robin grinned. Our tent. He liked the sound of that, even if Frederick did always wake up before sunrise to take care of Chrom's affairs in the morning.
"I…" Inigo scuffed his feet on the floor. "Can I, uh, borrowsomething?"
It took Robin a second to parse his words. "Borrow what?"
"Speak up!" Frederick demanded, ever the drill sergeant.
"Okay!" Inigo squeaked. "I want to borrow…you guys have oil, right?" Robin blinked, and Frederick turned to meet his eyes. "C'mon, you know what I mean. Oil. For, uh,"
"I get it," Robin said quickly. "Uh, I may not be the one to tell you this, but girls don't need-"
"It's not for a girl!" Inigo said. Silence reigned for a moment. "L-look, do you have it or not?"
Frederick sighed. "Robin, do we have extra?"
"A bit, yes." Robin reached behind the cot and grabbed a vial. He grinned as he handed it over. "Who's the lucky man, Inigo?" He thought back over who he had seen Inigo with, but couldn't come up with any guesses.
"Just…thank you! I'll pay you back!" Inigo ran from the tent.
"Hmph. I suppose he's anxious to use it," Robin said with a laugh.
"Gerome," Frederick said. "They are secretive about it, but when I patrol the camp late at night I have seen Gerome watching Inigo dance. Lately they have been…very close." Humor entered his voice. "Although Inigo will deny it, I'm sure."
"And I almost believed he really was girl crazy, too." Robin laughed. "Well, if he wants it kept secret I'll honor that."
Frederick sat next to him on the cot, his breath tickling Robin's ear. Robin turned, their mouths meeting, and he groaned when Frederick put his hands on him, stroking.
"We did have extra, right?" Frederick said.
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Robin sat in the dark, his head in his hands. Lucina's words swam in his mind, blocking out his awareness of the maps in front of him and the steadily dying candle.
"In the future, you killed my father. You were responsible."
Robin spread his hand in front of him, staring at the Mark of Grima that had been present since Chrom had found him. He had ignored it at first. He had no memory of who he was, and if he had been a Plegian follower of Grima, it no longer mattered. He was different now.
But he had betrayed Chrom. Validar now had the Fire Emblem. He was Validar's son, a disciple of Grima, and Gods, he had seen it. He had seen himself, murdering Chrom in his dreams. His stomach twisted, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
He should have let Lucina kill him. Chrom should not have stopped it.
Dim evening light flashed into the dark tent as the flap opened, and Frederick walked into the gloomy interior, the knight standing motionless by his side. Robin kept staring at his hand, flexing it open and closed a few times. He couldn't look at his lover. He had betrayed them all.
"Your candle is nearly out." Frederick's voice was soft.
Robin took a shuddering breath. "You should have left me. All those years ago, in the field.
"And doomed Chrom and the Shepherds to death at the hands of Gangrel?" Robin looked up at Frederick's form in the dark. The knight held out a candle in a dish, angling down to light it in the guttering flame of the one on Robin's desk. "I heard about what Lucina told you. But it changes nothing."
"Frederick, it changes everything!" Robin cried. "Gods, I-"
"Silence!" Frederick's voice lashed. "If you were truly a traitor, would you be speaking this way?"
Robin ground his teeth together. "It doesn't matter. If Validar can control me-"
"You are stronger than that!" Frederick glared, then his expression softened. "This is not the Robin I fell in love with."
The words knifed. "I- I know-"
Frederick put the newly lit candle on the table, kneeling down by Robin's chair to kiss him lightly. "That is not what I meant. You are strong. Validar won one battle. But you have led us through entire wars and won. You cannot let this beat you." He kissed him again, deeper. "I won't let it."
"F-Frederick…" Robin tilted his chin up, letting the knight kiss his neck.
"I serve Chrom. But I love you. Chrom will not have to kill you, I'll make sure of it." Frederick licked his collarbone, putting his hands on Robin's waist. "I trust you. We all do. You will find a way. If you cannot overpower Validar, you can fool him."
Robin closed his eyes, succumbing to his lovers touch. Frederick, strong, loyal Frederick, forgave him. As he was swept up in the familiar sensations of their lovemaking, worries about who he was and the failure today faded.
The next morning, he woke to light streaming through the walls of the tent and his lover by his side. He sat up immediately, heading to his desk and grabbing a quill.
If you cannot overpower Validar, you can fool him. Robin smiled at the memory of Frederick's words.
He had a plan.