A/N: This is a little epilogue that I wanted to do to round everything off. It's set after Sherlock's return (and he's told Molly 'everything') and before John's wedding, hope you enjoy! Thanks for all the lovely reviews and favourites/follows, I'm so glad you enjoyed this - it was fun to write :)


Sherlock turned his head to watch John as he sat down with his laptop, "What are you doing?"

"Typing up our latest case," John replied absently, turning his laptop on. "I might not have another chance before the wedding," he added, typing in his password.

"I have been meaning to speak to you about your blog," Sherlock said, sitting up.

John sighed heavily, "I had hoped that since Molly became your girlfriend-"

"Intimate companion," Sherlock corrected.

"Since Molly became your girlfriend," John repeated firmly, "you'd stop editing my blog."

"I have," Sherlock protested, "or rather, I will," he amended at John's surprised look. It was Sherlock's turn to sigh, "Apparently Molly would rather know the worst than imagine it, so you are free to blog about whatever you wish," he huffed, flopping back down on the couch. "You can even blog about Molly," he continued pulling his dressing gown tighter around him, "within reason," he stipulated with a warning glance. "I would prefer your other blog remained unpublished," he added absently, shifting into a more comfortable position.

John blinked, trying to process this latest development, "Other blog?"

Sherlock adjusted the cushion behind his head, "The one you've been using to record your observations about Molly and I," he glanced at John as he shifted again, "quite insightful really, considering you missed several key moments."


"Your powers of observation are improving," Sherlock told him, "but you still miss a few things," he added, before effectively ending the conversation as he turned his back on him.

John stared at his back for a few moments before resuming his typing, hardly believing his good luck and watching out of the corner of his eye as Sherlock continued to shift on the couch, obviously trying to get comfortable. He was about to comment on it when Molly came into the room, book in hand.

He returned her smile of greeting as he watched her sit down in the space Sherlock made for her on the couch. Turning back to his blog, John hid a smile as Sherlock settled back down, his head in Molly's lap and she started to read her book, absently twisting a lock of his hair.

He continued to type for a few more minutes in silence, before he realised that Sherlock was no longer thrashing about on the couch. Glancing across he was surprised to find that the consulting detective had fallen asleep, further evidence (if he needed any) of just what a good, calming influence Molly was in Sherlock's life.

John smothered a grin as he continued writing his blog, he would have to thank Molly for that later, but for now he would enjoy being able to write his blog in peace.