Voice of an Angel

A blonde haired teen had her eyes fixed on the ground as she strolled along the hallway, avoiding unnecessary eye contact as possible. She knew everywhere she go, her classmates would whisper insults behind her back. As always, she never let it affect her since she knows herself best and not one thing they said is true. She isn't mute, she just refused to talk. But of course they wouldn't know that, would they?

Lucy saw some of the girls extend their foot in front of her. She pretended she didn't see it and let herself trip. Laughter and chuckles escaped the lips of those who saw her pathetically fall in to her knees with her books scattered around her. She scrambled back to her feet and immediately gathered her books. She knew no one would bother to help a mute and stupid girl.

The blonde girl can't helped but inwardly rolled her eyes, pondering on how her classmates can still considered her stupid even though she managed to rank first in her batch in terms of academics. She has the faintest clue on why though. It must be because she can't speak. She just sighed at how stupid they are.

When she finally gathered most of her books, she stood up and began to walk again, as if nothing happened. She seriously don't mind this kind of bullying, must be because she's kind of used to it but not only that she must have considered this much more better than being manipulated and played at by the male population.

She has lots of experience with them. And each and every one of them had acted the same towards her. Even though she put all of her trust and love to them, they still manage to mercilessly take advantage of it.

Many only wanted her for fame, money, looks and brains. She knew that not one really loved her for her entire being. They only like her for what she have, not her herself.

Since she is the sole heir of Heartfilia Company, many had wanted her for her fame and money. So when she had naively thought that she had finally found the prince charming she is looking for, she fall madly heels in love with him. She thought that he is completely different from those greedy hungry money men, since her ex-boyfriend never had talked or cared that much about money and he says he really love her for who she is but oh how wrong she was. He was really after her money all along!

She manages to discover that fact when she overheard him talking to someone on his phone. Lucy could remember every cruel, bitter word he said at that time,

"Dude! I completely have already completely wrap her around my finger! Getting all of her money will be sooner that we thought!"

After knowing that harsh truth, she immediately went to her over-protective father and told him what happened. She cried in his muscular shoulders in deep sorrow that whole night. Never had she expected that she will be fooled and played around with just like that by a man.

After that incident, her trusts on men decreased a little.

It's a different story with her father though. She really loved him very much at the bottom of her heart despite him being strict and overprotective most of the time. But she knew that he only does it since he loved and cared for her that much and only wants the best for her daughter.

The second boyfriend Lucy have was quite different yet at the same time the same with her first boyfriend. The difference is that guy didn't seek her for her money but instead lusts over her hot curvaceous body. So they are quite the same in a way, both of them are quite greedy. Maybe the only reason she accepted that kind of rotten guy is that she stupidly thought that somehow their relationship could work out and maybe she can manage to change his ugly personality a bit.

But soon, her boyfriend got too far and had almost forced himself on her. Fortunately for the blonde, her dad ordered one of his men to stalk her that time so when they saw what her boyfriend is about to do they immediately sprang to action. After beating the crap out her boyfriend by her father's men, he was immediately sent to jail for attempt of harassing a young fine lady but then she learned that he was immediately bailed out two hours later.

Lucy forgot the fact that her boyfriend was some heir of a big successful company and that they can just pay the police some huge amount of money to bail their son out and probably hide this from the media too so that their son's unforgivable actions won't ruin their reputation.

Her third boyfriend was the worst of all them all. Just by recalling her experience with him can make her blood boil. He was the sole reason on why she have to hide her voice. He was the one who completely shatter her fragile heart.

'There's no use on thinking about the past now, it's all done. Nothing will change.' Lucy shook her head as she try to forget all those horrible bitter memories with her ex-boyfriends. Even though they are the sole reason for her distaste in men, they also were the one who helped her opened her eyes that fairy tales don't happen in real life like what happened in the movies she saw often when she was young.

The blonde haired girl continue to walk with her head down low, making the bangs that frame her face hide her expression. She then heard continuous stomping from behind her. She looked up and stared at the scene before her. She could see a lot of girls running and gathering at a certain someone.

She squinted her eyes from afar trying to get a clearer view of the person that's in the middle of that crowd. She could somehow make out a person with pink hair. But she still doesn't know whether it's a girl or a boy.

'Probably, it's a girl. There's no way it's a boy..' Lucy thought as she rolled her eyes, 'I mean, who on earth woul-'

She stopped suddenly, as her honey brown eyes meet with deep pool of onyx orbs. She could clearly see the smirked that went to his lips as he met eyes with her and she could just stare, wide eyes at him.

'..would fit a guy with pink hair.'

Author's note: Thank you for reading!