Thank you so much to those who have reviewed, followed or favorited this story!
The following is a guest review I would like to respond to:
A Reviewer: I thought this story might be interesting but instead it's too preachy. No 11-year-old talks like this, and the dialogue has very little personality attached to it, so the characters might as well be robots for all the difference it would make. I'm going to stop reading now.
AN: A response to "A Reviewer": I appreciate you taking a chance on my story in the first place. I wish I could ask for further clarification of your problems with the characters. The whole point of me writing is to gain experience and learn to put together an interesting story. I'm not sure what you meant my preachy, and it's not something I can work on without more input. As far as the non speech sections, I defend my flowery words by observing that if I see a child "marveling" at something that I'm still aware of their state of awe even if the child doesn't know the word marvel. If I'm wrong in assuming that this makes sense to my readers, perhaps those still reading can share their feelings with me on this. Just in case "A Reviewer" does check back in and sees this note - Perhaps before you give up on me or others in the future you could express your concerns at an earlier point. If after expressing your concerns you see that the story still will not suit your expectations, then by all means don't waste your time. We're all on Fanfiction for entertainment purposes after all.
Chapter 6
Severus sighed as he enjoyed the burn of the firewhiskey trailing down his throat. He slowly rotated the glass in his hand, watching the fire light glistening and refracting in the etchings of the crystal tumbler. Closing his eyes he rested his head against the tall back of his favorite chair and tried to organize his chaotic thoughts. What. A. Day. Rubbing a hand over his face he struggled to come to grips with the information he had been presented. It was not forming a pretty picture. He would check in on the boy again before retiring for the night to make sure Harry was not having trouble sleeping.
0o0o0 earlier 0o0o0
Severus left the staff table and proceeded to follow his house to their dorm. He wanted to observe the Potter boy on the way. What he had seen in the great hall concerned him. He had seen many new students awed by the splendor of the Hogwarts, or by the bounty of the welcoming feast, but Potter had seemed distinctly uncomfortable with his surroundings. Instead of beginning to eat like the rest of the students in the hall, Potter sat and gawped like he'd never been served a proper meal before. When he did finally begin to eat, he sat in a stiff, hunched position and constantly scanned the room like he expected to be attacked. Not many would have caught the quick action, but Severus easily spotted the moves that placed rolls and apples into the boy's pockets. He would bet money that Draco had caught it too.
Now following his Slytherins in the corridor he noticed once again that Potter had an uneasy look on his face as his head whipped to and fro, obviously searching for something. Suddenly the boy split from the group and Severus hastened his steps to discover what the boy was up to. He came upon the pitiful sound of retching and gave the boy a moment to finish up before approaching and laying his hand on a far too slender shoulder. The boy jolted as if he'd been struck and began speaking quickly, almost too quietly for Severus to hear. He was able to make out "I'm sorry" and "promise". Why would the child be apologizing for being ill? Most children his age would be in tears whining over being ill in such a manner. Severus had to fight to keep the rage he felt bottled and unexpressed when Potter-Harry he began referring to the child, asked about being punished. He felt the tendrils of hate flowing across his skin like water. He knew exactly what would cause a child to ask a question like that. He and Dumbledore would be having words shortly.
Once Harry was reunited with the other first year Slytherins, Severus cut off down a side corridor to enter his quarters. Harshly tossing a handful of floo powder in the fireplace he barked "Headmaster's Office!" He waited for a few moments before pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation. Albus had most likely not even returned from dinner yet. Well, at least there was something he could do for the boy immediately. Upon entering his private potions lab he walked over to a tall locked cabinet close to the door and ran the tip of his wand along the front to unlock it. This was where he kept a small supply of potions on hand for personal use or that of the students in his care. He slipped two vials into his robe and made his way to the Slytherin dorm.
He began by checking in with the first year girls. Pansy Parkinson was already starting a row with the Greengrass girl, Daphne, over who got the bed closest to the bathroom. It appeared as though Miss Davis and Miss Bulstrode were wisely pretending they had no idea what was going on and were silently unpacking their belongings. Warning the girls that house unity was of maximum importance and that arguments between housemates outside of the dorms would not be tolerated, Severus made his way to the first boys room. Seeing only Crabbe and Goyle inside he momentarily wondered if he should try to make the numbers more even, but after speaking with the boys he decided to leave things as they were, he got the impression they would rather like having a room to themselves.
Upon entering the second boys room his eyes landed on Harry who seemed to me marveling over the quality of his bedspread. Certainly Albus would not have left him in a situation where he could not be adequately provided for financially? A closer inspection showed worn trainers peeking out below his thankfully good quality school robe. Ah, the ever growing list of things to discover about the boy. Fantastic. Once he made sure they all knew to come to him with any concerns he requested Harry's presence in the hall.
Severus had to breathe through the twisting and clenching of his heart as he waited for the boy to look up. He knew all too well now what he would see as soon as the boy's gaze met his own. Seemingly in slow motion, he watched the curtain of silky fire fall back from the boys face, finally revealing the lightning bolt scar that proved the boy was indeed Harry Potter.
Until today Severus had known deep in his being that every glance wasted on the Potter spawn would remind him of the boy's arrogant, boorish father. But here in this awful, beautiful reality James was nowhere to be seen. No, the only thing Severus saw as looked once more upon the boy were the features that reminded him so much of Lily.
'I always thought I'd give anything to look into your eyes once more Lily, and now that I'm presented the opportunity I find that I can barely endure the pain.' He thought as he fought the burning that twisted and gnawed at his already mangled heart.
Clearing his throat and his mind, Severus retrieved the potions he had brought for Harry. Expecting only token bellyaching over having to "take his medicine" he was actually quite shocked when the boy refused them on the basis of not wanting Severus to "waste good potions" on him. Severus had so many red flags going off in his mind, he really had no idea where to start. But, experience had taught him to move slowly. He would gain much more information if he waited and built some trust between them. Having his Godson in the same dorm room certainly wouldn't hurt either.
Once he was assured the boy would use the potions, he made his way back to his quarters and sat down with a sigh. 'Lily, I am so afraid you son has not been treated well, but I need him to be able to confide in me. Please help me reach him.' Speaking with Albus would have to wait til the morning. Severus needed some liquid comfort if he was going to be able to sleep tonight.
Harry was suffocating.
The walls of his cupboard were creeping closer, restricting the already cramped proportions to frightening levels.
He screamed and pleaded, "Please! Please! Let me out!" He searched frantically for some way to get out before he was completely crushed by the ever closing walls. He clawed at the frame of the door, his fingers unable to breach the wooden surface.
His panting became more pronounced as his panic escalated yet again. He tried once more to plead with someone-anyone to release him before it was too late. "Please don't leave me in here! Please let me out!" Harry was sobbing now, sucking in deep breaths that didn't seem to contain enough oxygen.
Harry screamed as a set of hands clamped roughly on his shoulders and gave him a violent shake.
"Shhh, Harry. It's ok."
Frightened green eyes bore into the ice blue ones hovering close to his sweat soaked face. "Draco?"
"I heard you having a nightmare. I tried to speak to you so I wouldn't startle you too badly, but you wouldn't wake up. I didn't know what else to do other than give you a shake."
"Thanks Draco, sorry I woke you. It seemed so real."
"Where were you Harry?", the blonde asked as he sat down on the edge of Harry's bed.
"You were saying 'let me out' and you were clawing at your sheets", Draco said softly, indicating the bunched up bed linens.
"Oh, I um." Harry searched for something to tell the other boy. He would be absolutely humiliated for the truth to be known.
"Harry, its obvious you don't want to talk about it, but things like this are often reoccurring. If you can't work through whatever is causing the nightmares they will just keep coming. I'm here if you want to talk to me."
Harry stared unblinkingly into Draco's eyes trying to find any kind of trick, or insincerity, but only found a steady earnest gaze.
"You wanted to impress me on the train." Harry started speaking seemingly out of nowhere. Draco furrowed his brown in confusion, but gave a small nod to show he was following.
"What you don't realize is you are completely wasting your time. I'm not worth the effort."
"What are you talking about Potter? Of course I want to be friends with you. Have I don't something to make you feel otherwise?"
Harry breathed for just a few moments before working up his courage to just spit out what he knew would send Draco away in disgust.
"I was in my cupboard" He choked out as he turned his head away from the other boy.
He couldn't handle looking at the sneer he knew would be blooming after that revelation. However, Draco pressed on, obviously not understanding what Harry had so plainly told him.
"You were in your cupboard? What are you talking about?"
Harry closed his eyes. "I live in the cupboard under the stairs at my aunt and uncles house."
He waited for some indication of Draco's thoughts, but heard only silence. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see what Draco was doing and saw that the other boy was just sitting there staring at him looking like he was about to say something but was punched in the gut before forming the words.
Finally, after a prolonged silence Draco spoke. "Harry they should be locked up themselves for doing that to you. I mean, I know its the middle of the night and all, but I can't even think how to tell you how horrible and wrong that is. We'll have to talk about this more when we're both wide awake. Now, scoot over," He commanded.
"Huh?" Harry blurted out, thoroughly confused. He'd known that once the truth was exposed Draco, a boy from an obviously affluent family, would not want anything further to do with him. Instead, he had seemed upset on Harry's behalf and was...planning on sharing his bed?
"You heard me, budge over. I'm far to emotionally taxed by what you told me to sleep alone now", Draco replied flippantly.
Shrugging his shoulders Harry made room for Draco to climb in. He'd never shared space with anyone else before, though Dudley had slept with his parents after a nightmare. He did feel more removed from his nightmare now, but of course it was due to the distraction of having another body so close to him. The feeling was foreign to Harry and he was fighting the impulse to tense up and protect himself. Gradually after spending a few minutes listening to Draco's slow steady breathing next to him, Harry's muscles relaxed and drifted back to sleep. He was unaware when a tall figure slipped silently into the room and approached his bed.
Looking down at his Godson, whose eyes had opened as he approached the bed, he raised a questioning eyebrow at seeing the two boys in the same bed. "He had a nightmare Sev, it was pretty bad." the boy said quietly. "There's something else too, but I don't think he would want me to tell you." Severus reached down and rubbed a thumb across the blonde's forehead.
"It will be ok Draco. We will take care of him."