RowdyClara: I apologize for my extreme tardiness in updating this story! I've been busier than I thought I would be this summer, so I probably won't be updating as often as I'd like.

Thank you so much to those who have reviewed, favorited and followed! It means so much to us! ^.^

Thirty minutes passed quickly and the train screeched to a halt causing everybody to be jolted forward. This action woke Pete, who had fallen asleep. He heard the porter call, "Serenity, folks!"

Pete got up and went across the way to help Teddy carry Collins out, whom was still out of it from the day before; everybody started getting off the train.

When Mushy stood he became dizzy to go along with his upset stomach, which caused him to trip over his own two feet to get outside. Wish followed him. Rowdy couldn't help but smile at the scene, sick people, drunks, cowboys looking tired and unshaven, but what Rowdy smiled at were not really his friends actions and looks, but the looks of the townspeople.

They walked around the trail crew like they had a deadly sickness. The women made faces at Mushy, as he wiped his face on a bandana that Wish handed him. They scoffed at Pete and Teddy holding Collins up between them. Rowdy walked over to Gil who was making a count of everybody - the last thing he needed was to lose a man when they had only just arrived in town.

"Hey boss, I don't think the townspeople care too much for us," Rowdy said.

Gil finished his count and, finding every one present he began to walk to the hotel. Everyone followed him. "They'll get used to us. Right now we look like trail weary cowhands just comin' off a drunk…well some of us are," Gil said, looking back at Collins. "Anyhow, this is where we're gonna live. Once we get us a place and they start seein' out faces regular, they'll be a bit more friendly I'd say," Gil finished as he walked up to the hotel man at the desk. Rowdy stopped listening as Gil got them all rooms.

He walked back over to the door of the hotel, which was called, 'Serene Serenity Hotel'. He looked up and down the street. It wasn't a big place and there wasn't anything going on, just everyday living. People going in and out of the General Store, the blacksmith at work, the smell of his fire and the sound of his hammering could be smelled and heard all over town. Women walking down the street talking to each other, small children playing, and a quiet saloon.

'Peaceful'. That would be the word Gil would use and Pete and probably Wishbone too and they smile, Rowdy thought. But to Rowdy the scene was too peaceful, like his home before the Apaches attacked, or his little hometown before the war. He felt uneasy suddenly and didn't want to be there - he jumped when somebody touched his shoulder.

"Rowdy, it's just me, didn't mean to scare ya none. Your sharin' a room with the boss. He wanted me to give ya your key," Teddy said, handing the key to Rowdy.

"Oh thanks, Teddy." He said, sticking it in his pants' pocket.

"Sure is a nice quiet little place ain't it? We're gonna have a real good life here I think," Teddy said.

"Yeah, too quiet," Rowdy said and walked away from his friend, going up the stairs to his room. Teddy thought this odd and dwelled on it a moment before finding another of his drover friends, Toothless, and going to talk with him.

Wishbone, Pete and Gil stood watching the former trailhands as they went to clean up or go out to see the town. Gil mostly watched Rowdy as he went up the stairs. "There's something eatin' at that boy," Pete said.

"Oh he's just in a new place. He'll get over it as soon as we get a ranch," Wish said. The cook looked around for Mushy, who was resting in a chair.

"I don't know, Pete's right. There's somethin' goin' on in him, more an' he's sayin' too," Gil said. After a moment of thinking Pete spoke.

"Well boss, what's the plan? We're here now this is your rodeo, go to buckin'," He smiled. Gil smiled too.

"Well, tonight we'll rest and in the morning me and you, and you too Wish, will go over to the bank and talk to them about places for sale around here," Gil said.

"Ok, if you'll excuse me for now, I gotta go take care a' that boy over there," Wish said, shaking his head.

"Ok, tell Mushy I hope he feels better." Gil said.

"And for me too," Pete said.

"I will, good evening," Wish said, walking away.

Gil and Pete had supper together at the Daisy Cafe. Many of the men went to bed early, being worn out from the train ride and when Gil went to bed he found Rowdy already asleep in one of the two beds in their room. Gil smiled and covered him before lying down and falling off to sleep himself.

The next morning Gil woke with the sun and got dressed. Rowdy was on his stomach still asleep as Gil left to meet with Pete and Wishbone to have a little breakfast and then go over to the bank. The two men were down stairs in the lobby waiting for him.

"Mornin' ," Wish said.

""Mornin', Wish, Pete. How's Mushy feelin'?" The trail boss inquired as they walked out onto the street and crossed over to the café.

"Aw, he's doin' alright. Still a little woozy, but he'll be good as new later today," Wishbone said. He smiled proudly and added, "'Specially after having a dose of my famous tonic."

Pete made a face, unseen by the cook, and Gil couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

"I hope we find us a place quick , that hotel bed gave me a back almost worse than the trail," Pete said, rubbing his lower back as he sat down at the table they had chosen.

Gil and Wish laughed, but this caught a man's attention at the next table. He was a short man with a black suit on. He leaned over to Gil. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear, are you looking to buy a place here sir?" The man asked.

"Yes, I'm looking to buy a ranch here and settle down." Gil said.

"Well! I'm W.C. Hamit, the president of the Serenity bank," said, shaking Gil's hand.

Gil smiled. "We were just going to see you after breakfast . I've heard there are a few places around here," he said.

"That there is Mr..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Gil Favor. These are my friends, Pete Nolan and G.W. Wishbone." Gil said, motioning to them respectively. Mr. Hamit shook their hands as well.

"I'll tell you what , I'll show you the three places I have once your through here. I'll go right now and get a buckboard rented for the trip," Mr. Hamit said, standing up.

"Alright, that'll be fine," Gil said, smiling.

Gil didn't remember much of breakfast after that; his mind was on the day to come. As soon as they were done they walked outside and saw Mr. Hamit sitting in a buckboard waiting for them.

"Now get right in! The first place I'm going to show you is north of town, it has 300 acres of land with it and a nice house too," Mr. Hamit said.

Pete sat in the back beside Wishbone. He hoped Gil knew what the banker was talking about as they went along, because he didn't. And he bet Mr. Hamit didn't take a breath the whole way there. Upon arrival they saw that the house was a two story white with a wraparound porch.

"Colonel Pard Danridge used to live here. Built it after the war, he used to live in Jackson, Mississippi. The land is kinda hill-y and rocky, sort of like-

"Mountain land," Wishbone said, smiling.

"Yeah, just like that!" Mr. Hamit said, smiling.

"Yeah I noticed some of the hills as we came in," Gil said.

"Now, are you ready to see another?" Mr. Hamit asked.

"Sure." Gil said.

They rode on to the east to a ranch that had 300 acres and a long flat ranch house with a bunkhouse. "Now this place was built but never lived in - poor man that put it up died before he got the chance. Of course he turned out to be a horse thief in 5 states, but you know," Mr. Hamit said. It was getting late in the day.

"I saw this land is more rolling and flat, good grass land huh?" Pete asked.

"Oh yes! And has plenty of water like the last place. I know it's getting late in the day and close to supper, but I would like for you to see this last place today too," Mr. Hamit said.

"Alright, let's go." Gil said.

By the time they arrived at the place, which was to the south of Serenity, the sun was sinking low in the sky. The ranch house was a two story like the first place they'd seen with a front porch and green shutters.

"Now this land is different as you ride through it, it's a 600 acres. The further south you ride you get into hotter, dry land, and then there is some hill country and rolling flat grass lands as well,and water of course!" Mr. Hamit said.

"Well I'll tell you Mr. Hamit, these are some good ranches you've shown us today. Thank you. I'll let you know what I decide by the weekend ok?" Gil asked.

"That will be just fine, Mr. Favor, and I will keep in mind how much you want to spend." Mr. Hamit said.

Pete looked confused. 'Did they talk about money?' He thought. But they had been talking for hours so Pete guessed they did.

When the four men got back in town it was dark and the street lamps were lit. "Well gentlemen, it has been a good day, but I must be along. My wife will be sitting the table about now," Mr. Hamit said, tipping his hat before walking down the street.

"Well boss, did you like what you saw out there today?" Pete asked.

'Yeah I did, but right now I'm so tired I can hardly stand it. I'm gonna go on to bed." Gil said.

" 'Night boss," Wish said.

" 'Night," Gil said, walking across the street.

"Come on, Wish, let's find something to eat, I'm so hungry I could eat belt leather!" Pete said, as they too walked into the darkness.

Gil went into his and Rowdy's room to find Rowdy laying on his stomach snoring just as he'd left him that morning. 'I wonder if he even got up today?' Gil thought.

He lay down with a heavy mind. Which ranch would he pick? Only time would tell.