~I can't believe I got 13 reviews! I'm so happy! I was expecting none! So thanks to all who read and reviewed! Sorry for not updating in a while! I had a bad case writer's block!~

Disclaimer: I own no one.

Warnings: Slash, violence, and language.

Tai's POV:

Ugh! Matt is the only one who knows exactly how to get underneath my skin! Why does he disagree with me on everything! He's my boyfriend! He is supposed to be on my side! Once again I lost my temper and hit him. I do regret that. I really do. This will be the last time I will ever hurt him again. I swear. Every time it happens he looks so small and broken. It causes my heart to ache when I see him like that. And he just got up and walked away! I'm so stupid. How could I have done that?


I looked down at my Digimon, "What is it Agumon?"

"Shouldn't you go after him?"

I looked back up at the direction Matt and Gabumon disappeared.

"No, we both need some time to cool off."


I saw Angewomon and Angemon flying, carrying Kari and T.K. They landed beside us.

"Did you guys finish helping the Poyomon?" I asked them.

T.K. smiled, "Sure did," He looked around, "Where's Matt?"

My shoulders sunk, "We...sorta...got into a fight...and I may have punched him...and he kinda just walked off."

"Again? You two are in love Tai! You shouldn't be fighting all the time!"

My little sister was right. I hung my head in shame.

"Hey guys!" Sora called from Birdramon's leg. Joe and Ikkakumon following close behind on the ground.

"You guys done too?"

"Well sure. Nothing a little team work can't fix." Joe informed me.

"Don't forget about us!" Mimi said in squeaky voice as Togemon carried her on her gloved hand. Kabuterimon was holding Izzy as they flew into the air.

"We're back together again!" Sora smiled.

"Not quite," T.K. and Kari had their arms crossed as they glared at me, "Matt and my brother got into another fight and Matt wondered off."

"AGAIN?" Everyone and their Digimon asked.

I threw my hands up in the air, "Okay! I get it! Matt and me fight sometimes! So what? Couples fight!"

"Not as much as you two do." Sora commented.

"Everybody just shut up! I get..." I trailed off as there was sounds of explosions and Matt's screams.

"Matt is in trouble!" T.K. yelled.

We all ran towards the sounds.

Matt was holding an injured Gabumon as Shadowomon was getting ready to attack them.

"Agumon!" I screamed and my Digimon nodded as he understood what to do.

Soon Greymon, Angemon, Angewomon and Birdramon attacked that Digibitch all at once. Matt looked up surprised.

"Matt!" I shouted as I ran over to them and knelt down, "Are you guys okay?"

I glanced at his left cheek, there was a dark purple bruise forming. Guilt washed over me like the plague.

"We're fine." Matt said softly.

Nodding, I stood up and cheered for Greymon to beat the living hell out of the Digimon who was trying to hurt my boyfriend.

Matt got up and moved Gabumon off to the side under some trees to keep him away from anymore harm.

Shadowmon used her Nightmare Claw on Greymon, then Angemon and Angewom teamed up and attacked her at the same time, but she struck them down.

All of a sudden I heard Matt's screams of pain and I whipped around to see that Demidevimon had attacked him! He had gashes on his arms, and legs. His clothes were torn and there was blood seeping through his wounds.

"Matt!" No, no, no, no, this isn't happening! I rushed to him and gathered him up in my arms.

Gabumon tried to stand and see Matt, but he was just too weak.

"Oh my God, oh my God. Say something!"

"Everything hurts Tai."

"Oh man..." Think Tai think! What do we do?

"Tai, we need to get him out of here." T.K. said.

"He doesn't look so good!" Mimi squealed.

"Joe! You're training to be doctor! Do something!" I begged the oldest of us.

"What...Tai, he needs to go to a hospital!" Was his reply.

Matt was loosing consciences.

"Matt? Matt! Stay awake, stay with me babe! Please don't leave me!" I pleaded.

My tears fell upon his face. I feel so useless! Matt is hurt and I can't do a thing to help him! I couldn't loose him. Ugh! This is all my fault! If I hadn't started that stupid fight with him then he would have stayed with me instead of running off. I could have protected him! It can't end like this!

Matt and me are supposed to graduate high school, get an apartment together. I'm going to get a soccer scholarship while Matt goes on tour with his band. And then after a few years I'll retire from professional soccer and coach. Matt is going to stop touring and give guitar lessons. We're going to have lots of kids and then grow old together! It can't end like this!

"Mm sorry Tai." Matt slurred and fell limp in my arms.

"Matt! Matt wake up!" Tears were falling down my face as I held his body close to mine.

Our Digimon were all hurt and too weak to fight back anymore. They all layed scattered around.

"Oh no," Shadowomon said in fake sympthay voice, "Poor Matty! He looks pretty bad!"

"Shut up you bitch!" I growled.

"Tsk tsk Tai! Such fowl language! I'll have to teach you a lesson like young Matt! Until next time kids!" She vanished a puff of black smoke.

T.K. helped with Matt as we went back to our world. From there we took him to Joe's house.

"Dad!" Joe called as soon as he was through the door.

"Dad! We need help!"

Mr. Kido came running in from the bedroom, "Joe what is...What happened to Matt?"

"He was attacked by Demidevimon." Izzy told him.

"Hurry, lay him on the couch!" He rushed into a room and came back out with a small doctor's medical bag. He knelt down beside Matt and began cleaning his wounds.

"Will he...be okay?" Gabumon asked weakly.

Agumon and Palmon were holding Gabumon up. He was exhausted.

Mr. Kido looked at Gabumon with a small smile, "He should be just fine with a couple days rest."

He began working on bandaging Matt's cuts. When he was finished he called Mr. Ishida.

Matt and T.K.'s father rushed from the TV station to the Kido's home.

He ran to his eldest son and put a hand on his forehead and ran a hand through Matt's wild blonde hair.

"Will he be alright?"

"Just fine! He needs a lot of rest though."

Mr. Ishida looked at Mr. Kido, "Thank you for helping my son."

He stood and rested a hand on T.K.'s head, "What about you T.K.? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine dad."

The older man smiled, "Good. Now let's get your brother home."

T.K., Kari and I rode with them. The whole ride to the Ishida apartment I raked my fingers through Matt's hair. Thank God he will be okay.

At the Ishida home we tucked Matt into his bed. Kari called mom and told her what happened. She wouldn't let me stay. She said I had missed too much school and if I missed anymore then I might have to repeat the eleventh grade. So, she came and picked Kari and me up.

Beofre leaving I kissed Matt on the forehead.

"I promise I will be here right after school tomorrow. Gabumon take care of him for me."

Gabumon rested on the bed beside Matt.

"I always do...Except this time." He looked as though he was about to cry.

"Aw Gabumon, this isn't your fault. You did what could. Shadowomon is just too powerful. You hurt and tired." I patted head softly.

"Get some rest, buddy."

"Tai!" I heard mom yell.

I rolled my eyes, "Coming!"

I kissed Matt on the cheek before leaving the room.

~Short, again! But in the next chapter some good dramatic things are going to start happening and then the chapters from then on will be a lot longer! Please review my Darlings!~