A/N: So, Once upon a time a weird fangirl goes to Walmart and hears someone yell "PAUL" and she instantly thought, "Oh God, I so have to make a McHarrison Drabble with them at Wally World" c;
And what made me write this is that my internet was out at my dad's and I was seriously bored ._.

Well, Cheers!

"...Paul!" A deep yell echoed from the walls, quickly making it's way into the living room.

In the Kitchen in which the voice was heard, George stood, Fridge door open and eyes scanning the empty space with the exception of a slice of cheese, milk and an old cookie, a frown slowly crept upon his lips.

Paul's head slowly looked from the television in which he was watching intently. His large, doe like eyes looking at the door to the kitchen, raising a brow.

"Hmm?" he said a little bit loud.

A whimper was heard as he Paul then heard a slamming body along the ground.

With eyes slightly widened, Paul jumped up, "What-What?!"

"...There is nothing to eaaatttt" George whined, holding himself in a small ball among the ground, closing his eyes tightly.

Paul only stared, biting at his bottom lip to hold in a snicker, "Poor thing-"

"This is serious! I'm starviiiiinnng" Yet he still continued to gripe and whine.

Rolling his eyes, Paul crouched near the other as he laid his hand upon his side. He gave a light pat as he sighed.

"Oh, It's not like their is any shopping store in this town-" Paul let his lips poke out, glancing to the side.

George slowly opened one eye, a small smile appearing, "...Can we get Jelly-Babies...?"

With a smirk, Paul poked the other's nose.

"We'll see"


"But Paul! I wanna push the buggy-" George pouted, crossing his arms in a huff.

Paul stared at the other as if he was trying to see if he was joking, making a 'Are-You-Serious' face.

With a slight roll of the eyes, Paul slid the buddy near the other.

"One buggy for the wittle baby-joj" he mumbled, smirking a bit at his own words.

"And I'm a cute baby-" Smirk.

Two can play that game.


"Do take you're time, George. It's not like I want sleep-" Paul glanced at his wrist watch, noticing they had been grabbing snacks for a little over an hour.

"Oh c'mon, Paulie! The snacks are callin' me name and y'know it!" He said, grabbing at some gummy snacks, making a distasteful look.


"The hell eat's these, anyways? Blah, They taste like left out gummy bears-"

"I eat those, thank you very much" Paul grabbed at the snacks in George's hand, frowning in a pout like way, almost mocking George's pout earlier.

Snickering, they walked on, George's eyes quickly glancing at the last aisle they were yet to look at.


Bum sticking straight in the air, George had half of himself inside the drink shelf.

Dammit, The Barg's Root Beer seriously had to be way back there? And the last one?

Shaking his hiney a bit to emphasize his struggle more, George managed to knock over the bottle and grab at it.

Pulling himself out, a wide smile along his lips, he turned and was faced with a bright red faced Paul.

"I got the bottle!" He held the bottle in both his hands, as if he were a model, showing off a new item.

Paul only nodded, smiling weakly as he tried weakening his crimson red face.


"Paul? Paul? Pauliiiieeee" George blinked as he was standing in the middle of the game aisle, eyeing the area. He quickly walked around, peaking into the book aisle.

Shit, wasn't he just there?

"Paul" He poked his head inside the toy aisle.

"Paul" He poked his head inside the bathroom.

"Pauliiieee" He poked his head inside the dog aisle.

Walking to the middle of where the music CDs were and Movies, George found himself lost and bit freaked out.

And Damn, he took the buggy.

...His Jelly Babies.

"PAUL" He yelped, frowning.

He slouched as he made his way back to the food area, glancing from aisle to aisle.

There Paul stood inside...The Baby aisle?

"Aww, Look how cute"

A snicker escaped George.


Paul glanced up, eyes darting to the other's.

"Eh, Hello" He moved his hand away from the object in his hand, wiggling his fingers to indicate a wave.

"Why are you holding that baby Pjs?"

Blinking, Paul quickly hid the Pjs behind himself.

"Ehe, What Pjs?" he smiled weakly.

Rolling his eyes, George averted his eyes to the buggy.

"Nevermind that, Let's hurry, I'm hungry"




Slumping over, George groaned.

"We'd been already out if it weren't for yer hunger-"

"Hey! There was nothing in the fridge!"

"That's not the best reason to get at least two buggy full of junk" he mumbled, finally handing the clerk his credit card.
"The Jelly Babies and Lays were on sale-" he said, looking at his nails and hand.




"Can we get a burger" A baby smile was upon the younger of the two, leaning from the passenger's seat.

Slouching his shoulders right before he put the key in, glaring.

A puppy frown now.


Sigh, "Fine, Okay, For the Baby-Joj"




"Here, have your expensive burger" Grumbled Paul.

Pouting his lips out, taking his food, "What's gottin' yer panties in a wad?" he said, opening the box as he started on his burger.

"Really?" he glared as he drove on down the highway.

"Yush Relleh" He managed through a full mouth of bread and slop.

Rolling his eyes, Paul ignored.


"Ah, It's too quiet" George mumbled, poking the button of the radio.


"Damn, George" Paul slipped his finger to the volume, turning it to halfway.

George smiled lightly through a messy smile.


Glancing from the window and getting slightly bored, because the trip from Walmart to the apartment wasn't this fucking long, was it?

He looked Paul, remembering the baby Pjs.

"What was with those Pjs-" he mumbled, a questionable look upon his face.

Paul hesitated, his bottom lip being suck into his mouth as his teeth bit down into it.

"Paulie keepin' a secret, eh? Tell me, Tell me!" George balled his hands and placed his chin upon them as he leaned near Paul.

Smiling lightly as he still bit into his bottom lip, Paul shook his head, "Shut it, Geo-"


"Tell me, Paulie"

"It's stupid, really" He glanced at George with a weak smile.

Raising a brow, "It's like ya want a kid..or..some..thing.." The look that Paul gave George was of seriousness.




"Paulie wants a baby. Paulie wants a baby!" It was slightly in a sing song voice, Paul glaring at the man upon the couch as he carried in the groceries.



"Oh great, now a storm. I'd like a little help-"

"Oh yes, I'll help the Wanting father" A smirk appeared upon George's lips.

Growling, Paul quickly made his way down the stairs with slow George following.


"Paulie wants to be a daddy~" George cooed, leaning near him as Paul tried watching the television.

"Please...Just go eat some Jelly babies."

"Do you wanna a boy or Girl?"


"ah, The names!"


"Who ya gunna knock up, eh?"

He glared at George.

"She's gotta have the looks, ya need a cute baby. Like me, Baby-Joj"

Brow raised.

Realization hit George.

"I can be your baby!"

"George no, what?"

"Yes, I can be your baby and I'll dress up and I'll be all cute an-"

Pouncing the other along the couch, pinning George slightly, Paul glared down at the other.

Whimper struck through George.

"Wahhh" He faked a baby's voice, glancing up at him.

"..I wanna have a damn baby, Eh, Georgie?"

George's face turned red as he felt a leg placed between his legs.

"I'll get us both one..." he growled lightly.

"I-I, I didn't say I wanted a baby. I'm you-your baby, ain't I-I-I... Actually those Jelly Babies sound good at the mo-"

A mixture of a moan and gasp was heard as Paul pressed a fierce kiss upon George's lips.