Characters (My OCs)
1) Elitrix: EL-LEE-TRIX

2) Ina: EE-nah

3) Steelhard aka. Steeler

4) Star

5) Ignite

6) Lord Petorix (PEET-tore-REX)

7) Massacre

8) Bloodsniffer

9) Ursa (YUR-SA)

10) Tornglory

11) Gathroh (Gath {rythms with path}- ROW)

12) Tyga (TIE-gah)

(This is for future references)

1) oral blade: teeth

2) optic ridge: eye brow

3) pedes: foot
4) energon processor: stomach

6) carbonator (i got this one off from some wiki site for tf, but they didn't really give an exact definition, so i decided to give it a definition from my own wild imagination): lungs

7) spark (the most obvious one, but i figured i'd may as well put it on here since im making a full list of tf body parts): heart

8) armour: cloths ( i know its not body parts, but in this fanfic, armour is considered to being like cloths)

9) under armour: skin

10) energon circuit: vein

11) energon cable: artery

12) lubricant: blood & waste

13) coolant: sweat, spit, & tears

14) audio receptor: ear

15) glossa: tongue

16) optic slit: eye lids

17) prime processor: brain

18) oil: vomit

Star Legacy

Chapter One

Battle of Risks

Elitrix felt his spark jump and he longed to find out the truth. All of his life, ever since he was old enough, he had scoured the galaxy in search for his parents. His cousins and friends did too. Elitrix gazed fondly at his friends and cousins. The twins were his cousins, Ina and Steelhard. Then there was Star and Ignite, who were both his friends. Elitrix sighed. They were all searching for the parents and have been doing so for the past eleven years.

Eleven years of hopeless searching. And at the same time, trying to stop Lord Petorix. Petorix was the lord of Antitrons, who weren't Autobots nor Decepticons who wanted to lead Cybertron themselves but never really joined the war because their army wasn't large enough.

Elitrix knew who his parents were. Arcee had told them. He had known that his parents were Optimus Prime and Elita One. The parents of the twins were Ironhide and Chromia. Star's parents were Powerglide and Moonracer while Inferno and Firestar parented Ignite. But they didn't know what they looked like...And they didn't know where to find them.

Elitrix, Ina, Steelhard, Star, and Ignite were raised by Arcee, who was a lone fembot. Arcee was the aunt of Elitrix, Ina, and Steelhard and was very much like a protective mother to them all. She trained them into the very best warriors that she could and taught them right from wrong. But she had a duty to remain in her place to protect the Halla, which was a space stone that held more energy than even the Cube could hold. Arcee made it her prime duty to protect the Halla and for a time being, Elitrix and his friends did the same until their longing to find their blood parents became too great. And Arcee gave them a map and a small ship and sent them on their way. Elitrix, being the son of Prime, was gazed up to by his cousins and friends, which basically made it to where he had last say on whatever the group did.

Now, here he stood, gazing at the map on his office table. Elitrix tucked his chin in between his finger and thumb and his brow came together in a thoughtful frown. With his other hand, he traced a drawn out route with one finger all the way to the northern side of the galaxy and growled in frustration when he calculated the time and energy it'd require.

"I'll need a chunk of energon the size of a Decepticon ultra warship," Elitrix muttered. "And even if I could get my hands on such a precious supply, this ship is just too small to process that amount of fuel."

"Sooner or later, we'll need to find a new ship or some other means of transportation," said a voice, a voice that could only belong to Ina. Elitrix turned around to see his comrade standing in the doorway leaning against the wall and watching him with one of her rare, serious attitude.

"I know," Elitrix sighed, motioning for her to come in. Ina walked in, closing the door behind her (the small ship lacked much basic technology, such as automatic operating doors) and went to stand beside of Elitrix. Her cobalt optics examined the map in a fluid motion.

"We can always steal a miniature war ship from Petorix's control," she said thoughtfully. "The ones that he doesn't really care about. They are easy to steal energon from. Who says we just can't just take one?"

Elitrix nodded his head, feeling a longing to do just that. Not only would they be able to travel more efficiently but he knew that even the smallest warships had the better qualities than a small ship like this one. Warships were well known for their large map displayers and huge elite cannons and aurora blasters. Even small warships had one or two life ships and escape pods were always a necessity in any ship, despite that this ship didn't have any. "But, it's too risky."

Ina looked thoughtful for a moment. "Risk comes with everything that is done within a lifetime," she finally said and Elitrix felt slightly dumbfounded when he had to consciously admit that she was right.

"I still don't want to risk the lives of my friends," Elitrix insisted.

"And I don't want to risk losing none of my friends, but it's still something that has to be done," Ina pointed out. "I also don't want to screw up our secretive existence in enemy territory, or watch my twin get his head blown to bits while he's trying to operate a foreign ship. But-"

"I know, I know," Elitrix interrupted. "It's a job that has to be done...Now where are we going to find a small warship that Petorix doesn't care much for?"

Ina's gaze redirected back to the map and pointed at a small red dot in the center of the map. "Lord Petorix himself here until his army has recruited enough warriors to send out assaults on Autobots and Decepticons," she said. "Petorix is clever. He wants the nice, big, and new warships fresh and ready for hauling troops of fresh and might warriors to enemy locations. So of course he's going to keep the nice ones in close contact and keep them on a leash and the best way to do that is keep them in or near the city. So, no doubt all of the small, worthless warships will be used for patroling the borders and defending small energon warebases."

"Ina, how did you become a genius?" Elitrix asked after thinking about Ina's hypothesis.

Ina beamed and shrugged. "Pumps in my circuits, I suppose."

"Or it's natural," Elitrix said with a grin, realizing Steelhard had been peaking in the room. He felt a grin of mischief spread on his face."Too bad Steeler doesn't inherit it as much as you."

"Not true!" Steelhard bursted as he walked in the room in a boisterous strid. "Ina only got that so called genius from Arcee. If it weren't for her, Ina would be as functionless as an oiled bolt!"
"At least I can actually shoot a target," Ina said with a self-pride smile, reminding her brother of yesterday's shooting practice.

Elitrix rolled the map up together and replaced it in his drawer. "Come on you two," he said. "We've got a warship to steal."

"How in the name of the Halla are we going to steal a warship?" Star demanded. The boastful silver fembot sat was sitting at her spot of the dining table. Star was boastful and a smart aleck and often put the light in the ship, but it was Ignite who was really the glue that held them together. Ignite was friendly, outgoing, sweet, creative, and very supportive.

"Easy, Star," Steelhard said. Elitrix began explaining Ina's educated guess.

"But what if they're too strong to conquer?" Ignite asked.

"That's the risk," Elitrix said. "But, hopefully, we'll run into a warship and attack it when it's least expecting it. That should get us a good lead in the making."
"Okay, okay," Star said. "You guys say we're gonna steal a warship. Okay, fine. But where will we find one? We haven't seen a warship in two weeks."

"The same way how we always get a warship, Star," Elitrix answered. "And we're going to go to go near the border, where the warships always are."

"Okay, if you say so," Star said, giving Elitrix a quizzical look. "Where we gonna go after we get the new ship? I know this is why you wanna conquer a ship. You wanna go somewhere that this ship can't afford to go."

"Exactly," Elitrix grinned. "I'll tell you guys after the conquer."

"Found one!" Steelhard called, dragging every one's attention. Elitrix snapped his icy gaze from his own work and quickly went to join his cousin.

"Let's see it then," Star retorted as she went to join them with Ina at her side.

Ignite was busy oiling one of the ship's propellers. "I'll be there in just a minute!"

"See?" Steelhard said pointing. "It's a bit on the tiny end, but hey? It's better than nothing."

"And that's all we really need," Elitrix commented. "We don't have a whole crew or something."

"Agreed," Ina said. "Now lets get some coords on that ship. Time is ticking and we must hurry if we want to figure out what Elitrix has in store for us." She added, giving Elitrix a questioning look. Star and Steelhard did the same.

Elitrix grinned. "I'm staying firm with my decision. You guys aren't learning nothing until after the conquer."

"Okay, so what do we got?" asked Ignite as she walked in the control room.

"I tiny warship," Star replied. "And it's coordinates are..." She cocked an optic ridge at Steelhard.

"876,238," Steelhard said. "Don't rush me, Star! I only go as fast as I can!"

"Let's go!" Elitrix barked. "They're about a good 30 minutes away."