Dean cursed, as he couldn't get a hold of anyone. He called Gabriel with no answer. He didn't know where he was going exactly, he just knew that Topeka, Kansas was in his eyesight. He pushed on the gas pedal, accelerating the Impala down the highway. Dean was grateful for all the trips to Kansas in the summer that his family took. He meticulously remembered the way there in hopes that he would one-day return, since he loved it there. He never imagined he would be there to spend the possible last moments of the life of the person he loved.

Dean gripped the steering wheel tightly. He passed up the few cars that were on the highway. It was early in the morning, and he had about ten more hours to go of driving. Sooner or later he had to stop in order to not drain himself low and crash the car on the highway due to exhaustion. After three more hours of driving and crossing the borders out of North Carolina and Virginia, Dean stopped at a gas station in Lexington, Kentucky. He pulled the Impala into the gas station and parked her at a pump. It was around seven in the morning and Dean knew he had to call his mother to let her know he was okay and not in some ditch on the side of the road somewhere.

"Hey mom."

"Dean, honey. Where are you?" Mary soundly very worried for her son. "Are you stopping for gas? Have you heard anything about your friend?" She was surely playing out her part in the whole scheme. Dean sighed loudly, telling her he had heard nothing and was only in Lexington for gas and a bathroom break. "Eat and Drink something, Dean. And call me again when you stop next. You're father wasn't pleased that you left, but I calmed him down, so don't worry about him."

Dean sighed with relief. "Thanks mom, I'll call you later." Dean hung up and then quickly dialed up Gabriel, hoping for the guy to answer his phone. His wishes were answered when Gabriel picked up the line. "Gabriel, finally, how is Cas doing? Have you heard anything?" Dean ran into the building for the gas station and paid for his gas while grabbing a few other things for the long car trip ahead of him. He gave a short smile to the cashier and was on his way, while holding his phone closely to his ear. He climbed back into the impala, holding his phone between his shoulder and his ear as he turned the ignition.

"He's still in pretty bad shape." Gabriel lied, continuing his plan as, well, planned. "Where are you?" He asked.

Dean rolled out of the gas station and headed down the highway, keeping on track with his trek across the states to get to Kansas. "Lexington. At least ten more hours." Dean's heart sank at the sheer amount of time it would take him to get to Castiel's side. Please, Cas. Be okay when I get there. Dean hoped.

"Damn, okay. I tried getting a plane out there, but everything is all booked and I can't get there. You have to hurry, Dean." Gabriel was playing his part well. He was very good at tricking people, and even though it was cruel, the stunt was getting Dean to Kansas.

"Which hospital is he in?" Dean stepped on the gas, accelerating down the highway. "I don't know Topeka very well, only Lawrence." Dean cursed when he heard his phone bleep with the tone that signaled it was about to die. "Shit. Phone's dying, Gabe?"

"Uh- well- I have his address, you can go there. His mom should be there." Gabriel faltered slightly. He didn't know the names of any hospitals in the Topeka area and his plan was lacking research backup. "Yeah."

"Why wouldn't his mom be with him?" Dean slowed down. His phone bleeped again. "Gabriel, you better not be fucking with me." It took little time for Dean to catch on to it all.

"Just go to his house and someone will be there to get you to the hospital to see him." Gabriel said again. "His address is-"

"Dammit, Gabriel. I am not going to his house, that's a waste of time. Just tell me which damn hospital he is in!" Dean yelled into the phone, swerving slightly on the road. He slowed down and eventually came to a stop on the edge of the highway. When Gabriel stammered, Dean almost threw his phone. "Is Cas even in the hospital?" Dean asked seriously. Gabriel stayed silent. The gig was up.

"You're already a third of the way there..." Gabriel reminded Dean.

"You've got to be kidding me. He's fine? No car crash?" Dean punched the dashboard of the Impala. "Gabriel. When I get back I am going to kill you."

"Dean, just go see him." Gabriel whined. "Please, do it for all of us."

"You're dead, Novak. You got my mom involved too? She knows? What the hell, man?" It took everything in Dean to not throw his phone out of the window and run it over multiple times with his car. His phone bleeped again, almost out of battery. He took one last look at his cracked screen before snapping it shut and hanging up on Gabriel. He put the car in drive and made a U-turn on the highway, kicking up dust onto the asphalt and hightailing it back to Raleigh, North Carolina. He heard his phone buzz on his passenger seat and he ignored the message, most likely from Gabriel.

The highway was fairly clear for the early part of the morning. It was nearing nine thirty and Dean was a little less than half way back home. He passed colored cars and then passed a pick up truck, with rusted rims, and a haul that made Dean cease everything and finally think for a moment. In the back of the pick up, there were several camp chairs, and tents. Along with duffle bags and a bicycle. Right there, in front of him, was all the camping gear needed for a fun weekend. Memories of his own camping trip flooded back to him. The first time he bumped into the curious blue-eyed boy. Meeting Castiel. Saving Castiel. Kissing Castiel. Loving Castiel. Ultimately belonging to Castiel.

Dean pulled off onto the next exit and pulled into a grocery store parking lot. His breathing was heavy and he pressed his forehead to his steering wheel. "Dammit." Dean clenched his teeth and punched his dashboard once more. He left me. He's not worth it. Dean told himself over and over as he felt his jaw start to hurt form the pressure he put there. He slapped a hand on the steering wheel and pulled his head away, a red mark on his forehead. But he is worth it. God dammit, he is.

Dean heaved a long sigh and cleared his mind. "Topeka it is." Dean groaned, giving into his feelings was not something he had done lately. He looked at his phone for the time and it was nearing lunch. He figured with Cas not actually in danger, he could take the trip at his own pace. He stopped at the nearest food place he could find and relaxed there, while charging his phone and calling his mother to let her know he would be a while.

"That's great news that your friend is okay." Mary said chirpily into the phone. Dean rolled his eyes. His mother was clearly still playing her part. Dean could hear Sam in the background telling her to give it up, but Mary persisted. Dean rolled his eyes. "Take all the time you need, Dean.

"Thanks, Mom." Dean replied, munching on the small pile of food on the plate in from of him. "Hey mom…."

"Yes, honey?"

Dean cleared his throat and rolled his shoulder before he asked his mother, "h-how'd you know?" He was quiet. He didn't want the others around the room hearing his coming out conversation with his mom.

"The same way I know you like your sandwiches cut into triangles." Mary laughed into the phone and Dean was silent for a moment, trying to figure out the meaning behind his mother's words. Mary continued. "Mothers just know."

"You don't hate me?" Dean asked timidly, setting his money down on the table for his bill and leaving the restaurant.

"Dean, I could never hate you. You are perfect in my eyes. Now go and get to that nice, young man, I bet he thinks the same about you as well."

Dean got into his car and leaned against the steering wheel again. This time he was holding back the tears. "Mom, I love you so much." He managed to choke out between his sobs. "So much." Dean's hands shook with emotion as he held his phone to his ear.

"I love you two, Dean. Now get going. You don't want to miss out on the moments that count." Mary said goodbye to her son and ended the phone call. It took Dean a few minutes before he was able to compose himself and get on the road once more. Within a couple hours, Dean had crossed over the Indiana border, and quickly made his way through the sliver of that state into Illinois. It had been a full day of driving and exhaustion was getting to Dean after sleeping for no more than a few hours to last him through the day. The sun was starting to set and Dean could feel his concentration slipping. When he was in a car by himself, driving, there were no distractions to keep him up through the whole process.

"St. Louis... one hundred miles." Dean mumbled as he saw the large sign for the big city as he drove down the dark highway. He passed a lodging sign and food places as well and decided that was all he could do for the night. He would get to Topeka the next day. The nearest rest stop was a mile down the highway and Dean drove the Impala towards the back of the parking lot. He parked his baby and got out to stretch his legs. He winced when his side pulled his muscles and stretched his healing scar. The muscles underneath were still healing, but his skin was pretty much fine. He slowly lowered his stretched out arms and sighed. He leaned against the Impala and relaxed until his bladder screamed at him to take a piss. Dean ventured into the bathrooms of the rest stop, then returned to his car and crawled into the back seat, locked the doors, and stuffed his jacket under his head for support. He soon dozed off.

Sam woke up that morning and rolled over on his side. He slung his arm over the side of his bed and looked over. Dean wasn't back home yet, which meant he had gone through with going to Kansas. Sam was glad that things were getting settled and he didn't have to see his brother moping around anymore. Sam stretched in his bed and got up, heading downstairs, only to hear his parents fighting about something. He shyly crept into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Dean doesn't need to be driving that far in that car to see some friend." John barked out. He sat at the table with Mary, drinking a large mug of coffee that Sam knew was laced with some sort of alcohol. Sam peered over the small opening in the wall that showed the dining room. Mary was trying to explain, while still keeping her calm composure that Dean was merely, mending his relationship with his friend.

"John, Dean is becoming his own person. We have to let him be." Mary grabbed John's hand tenderly. "It's okay."

"It's not normal. Dean is too close to that Novak boy." John growled, taking his hand away. He pulled a flask from inside his pocket and splashed some strong, smelling, jack into the coffee. He gulped it down, and dropped his coffee cup to the table. "I won't be having one of those flaming homosexuals as a son." John growled. Mary sighed heavily, knowing over the years John had become less and less like he was when she first met him. The financial pressures of marriage, having a house, and having children had hardened the man.

"John Winchester. You love your son, do not be like this." Mary sounded stern. John got up from the table and grabbed his coat from the hooks near the door. "John, don't you dare leave this house without talking with me-" John left, slamming the door. Mary sighed, rubbing her eyes. Sam crept out from the kitchen and sat down at the table with his mother.

"Hey mom." Sam gave his mother a small smile. They sat in silence before Mary finished her morning coffee and got up from the table. She patted Sam on the shoulder before heading off down the hall. Sam twisted in his chair and watched his mom. "You okay, mom?"

Mary turned around. "Oh, I'm fine, sweetie. Don't worry about anything." She smiled, easing Sam's anxieties about his parents fighting. "Do you want to go to the store with me? We can pick out some things to make for dinner." Sam nodded enthusiastically.

Things were okay.

"Ah, dammit." Dean groaned in pain. He pulled himself up from the backseat, rubbing his sore neck and shivering from the early morning chill. He pulled his jacket on and stumbled out of the Impala. He shook the sleep out of his head and yawned. Dean searched the trunk for his bag of things and found that he did, in fact, bring his toothbrush with him in his rush to get on the road. "Yes." Dean whispered while motioning a satisfactory victory fist. He hurried into the bathroom of the rest stop before hopping in his car and making his way towards St. Louis and eventually getting to Topeka. After another full day of driving, this time not rushed. Castiel wasn't in immediate danger. Dean was going to take his time. Especially with each passing mile closer to Topeka, the more nervous Dean got.

"Shit, he doesn't want to see me."

"What am I doing?"

"What was the address again?"


Finally, with less than an hour's worth of driving left, Dean called Gabriel several times to check on the address, even though he had scribbled it down on his hand and Gabriel texted him it and gave him directions from map quest. Dean hung up and pulled off the highway. He had skipped lunch and his stomach was growling, wanting food, but Dean felt that food would not go well with his nerves. He passed up fast food restaurants and powered through his hunger. Thirty minutes later, Dean was on the lookout for the address scribbled on his hand and in text on his phone. He wasn't used to the driving in a fairly large city. In the distance Dean smiled at the rainbow house. He honked his horn when he passed it and then glared at the other side of the road where the hateful church that protested everything Dean stood for resided.

Dean continued down the main roads until he found his way to the right street. Then he slowed down, looking at each address. He didn't find Castiel's until he was at a large apartment complex. Dean pulled in and parked his car. "I am such a stalker." He groaned, stepping out of his car. He stared up the side of the building. "Wonder which one he lives in." Dean checked the address number and took a deep breath before stepping into the building. Before he was able to enter the actual lobby, he had to be let in by the buzzer. He found the number he was looking for and reluctantly pressed it. It rang a few times before picking up. Dean gulped, expecting Castiel's deep voice to answer, but it was a woman instead.


"Uh- Is this where Cas-Castiel Novak lives?" Dean asked, bracing a hand against the wall in front of the speaker. He felt like he was going to pass out form his nerves.

"Yes it is. May I ask who is buzzing?"

"Uh, this is D-Dean Winchester. Uh- I'm Cas' friend." Dean cleared his throat. He waited for a response.

"Come on up, dear!" The woman answered and the door buzzed open. He thought about it for a moment and then opened the door, heading down the hall and up three flights of stairs before finally getting to the correct apartment. He cleared his mind before knocking on the door. The door opened almost instantly. A short woman stood there, smiling at Dean.

Dean was taken back by how much she looked like Castiel. He dark hair was curling down the sides of her face and her eyes were just a blue. She was a stout woman, but in an adorable southern woman, way. "Hi there. You're a friend of Castiel's? He doesn't have many friends over these days." She waved him inside. "He's around here somewhere." Dean adored her small twang. She welcomed him inside with open arms, something he admired in his own mother.

"Uh- he didn't know I was coming." Dean admitted.

"Oh that's fine. He's been all cooped up lately. He needs a surprise every once in a while." She chirped, smiling from ear to ear. "Cassie, there's a handsome, young man here for you!" She turned towards Dean after calling out for her son. "It was Dean, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Dean replied.

"Oh call me Molly." She winked at Dean, eyeing him up and down. "You're a looker, you wouldn't happen to be that boy from North Carolina, would you?" Molly asked. She chatted on and on about the boy her son had met on a camping trip. Dean stopped breathing when he saw Castiel come out from what looked like a bedroom, rubbing his eyes and fixing his bed hair. He met eyes with Dean and they stood in silence all the while Molly kept talking with her southern twang. She then sensed the change in the air between the two boys. "Oh, excuse me. I forgot about that Chicken Parmesan I was cooking for dinner. Dean did you want to stay for din-"

"No." Castiel blurted out. He continued to stare at Dean, this time his bottom lip quivered. Dean knew he wasn't welcomed in the eyes of Castiel.

"Castiel. Manners!" Molly went over to her son and pinched his ear. Castiel cried out. "Now this young man is staying for dinner. Go solve you're problems while I set the table." She pulled Castiel by the ear over to Dean and shoved the two out the door and locked them out of the apartment. Dean and Castiel stood by the door. Castiel rubbed his ear and Dean averted his eyes.

"Uh, you're mom sure is-" Dean couldn't find a word to describe Molly. He just started laughing. He buckled over in a fit of laughter. Castiel stared at him and then smiled, a few laughs escaping his lips.

"Dean, why are you here?" Castiel finally asked. His smile faded. He leaned against the door and Dean stood straight. They looked at each other and Dean saw how Castiel had changed over the past month. Under his eyes looked like he hadn't slept a full night since he left. Castiel had let his facial hair grow out to consistent stubble.

"Well, long story." Dean sighed. "There was this whole thing with Gabriel and car crashes and-"

"My brother was in a car crash?" Castiel frantically asked, his blue eyes widening in fright.

"No! No! He said you were in one, and I rushed here." A blush rose to Dean's cheeks. He switched the weight on his feet and nudged against Castiel who was looking at him with nothing but love in his eyes.

"You rushed here?" He asked, looking up at Dean. His body was shaking and his hand itched to grab for Dean's.

"Uh, yeah." Dean lowered his head, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. "I almost went back home when I knew you were fine, but-" Dean stopped, realizing that his body was closer to Castiel's. They were close to touching, but neither one wanted to give into something they had lived without for the most part of the summer.

"You still came?"

"Yeah." Dean touched the sides of Castiel's hands with his fingertips. "I found you, Cas." Dean said, parting his lips so his sweet breath tickled Castiel's lips. He spread his hands over Castiel's and grabbed them tight. Then the distance between their lips disappeared. It was the first kiss they shared since before Castiel left and it was a bittersweet reunion. Dean melted, but Castiel pushed away.

"Dean, I-" Castiel's eyes were wide and confused.

"Cas." Dean let Castiel's hands slip from his own. "I came all this way to get you back. Please. Look, I'm fine." Dean waved his hand in the air. It was the same one that he had broken earlier that summer. He then reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled up, revealing the little, pink scar from his stab wound. "I'm fine."

"D-dean." Castiel's voice shook as he took a step back. Dean just wanted to kiss him again and make him realize that everything was fine. "I can't just-"

"I promised to teach you how to swim." Dean said softly, gazing into Castiel's eyes and calming him. He raised a hand to Castiel's cheek and rubbed his thumb over the scruff there. "I gotta make sure you don't drown out there." Dean smirked. Castiel rested a hand over Dean's and leaned into the touch. He then abruptly, took his hand away, but replaced the motion by wrapping his arms around Dean's waist and nuzzling his face into Dean's neck. He mumbled something that Dean couldn't make out. Dean just placed his arms around Castiel and squeezed him tightly, not letting go for a long time. They stood like that in front of the apartment door until the door opened and Molly stood there, admiring her son and his handsome companion.

"Dinner's ready, boys." She smiled. They pulled away from each other, faces red from embarrassment. Dean grasped Castiel's hand and they walked inside together. He sniffed the air and was drooling at the smell of fresh Chicken Parmesan and what smelled like garlic bread. He then realized that he hadn't eaten all day. Molly had sat down a plate and silverware for Dean and pulled out a chair for Dean. "It's rare that we have three people here eating. I'm glad I get to cook for more than the two of us. Cassie hasn't been eating much lately." She dished out hefty servings of noodles and chicken onto the boy's plates and little for herself. She set the bowl of garlic bread in the middle of the table and held her hands out for the boys to grab.

Dean looked from Castiel to Molly and then realized what was happening. "Oh." He grabbed both of their hands and they formed a circle. Dean lowered his head. Molly continued with grace and when it was done, she thanked Dean for joining them and it was food time. Dean dug in right away. He was so hungry. He even asked for seconds. After dinner, Molly retreated to her room to give the boys some more private time. Castiel brought Dean to his room and they sat down on the bed.

Dean looked around the room and noticed that a lot of things were in boxes. Dread filled him. "You're going off to college aren't you?" Dean opened up a box and saw his old shirt folded neatly on top of a bunch of pictures and books. The box was labeled "important things." Dean smiled, although the thought was sad. He picked the shirt up and rubbed the fabric between his fingers. He laughed. "I remember when we hastily grabbed clothes and switched shirts."

Castiel saw what Dean was holding and lowered his head in embarrassment. "I was going to give it back to you. I washed it and everything." Castiel took the shirt from Dean and folded it back up, setting it on the bed. "I was just- putting it there so I wouldn't lose it."

"Right." Dean smiled, leaning in and kissing Castiel again. "You can keep it." He smiled against Castiel's lips, while pulling at the shirt he was wearing. "You can have this one too." He said, pulling the shirt off over his head and throwing it to the ground. He pushed Castiel down to the bed and crawled overtop of him. Castiel squirmed and pushed against Dean's chest.

"Dean, my mom's room is next door. She'll hear." Castiel whispered. His voice got caught in his throat when Dean attacked his neck with kisses. "Dean." Dean nicked Castiel's bare skin with his teeth, forcing a moan out of Castiel's lips.

"I guess we will just have to be quiet." Dean kissed Castiel's jaw line and hushed his lover with a finger pressed against his lips. Castiel's eyelids heavily hooded his blue eyes as he breathed slowly, trying to calm himself down. It wasn't working well. He arched his back so that Dean could grab his shirt and discard it across the room. Castiel's honey colored skin drove Dean crazy. He trailed kisses down Castiel's chest and abdomen. His lips made there way to the waist of Castiel's shorts. Dean rubbed his hands up Castiel's calves and then started to undo the zipper and button of the front. Castiel wiggled out of his shorts, leaving his briefs behind, tight already on his growing bulge.

"Dean- the door. Lock it." Castiel breathed out, while palming his growth, wiggling on the bed. Dean kissed Castiel once more before climbing off the bed and quick stepping over to the door to turn the lock. He pulled at his own shorts, kicking them off when the fabric pooled at his feet. He reached inside of his brightly colored briefs and grabbed a hold of himself, working his flesh and letting his under garment slide down his legs for him to kick off like his shorts. He climbed back onto the bed, over top of Castiel and pressed against him. He rocked his hips into Castiel, causing the darker haired boy to moan out. He quickly covered his mouth, but Dean continued to rock his hips. "D-Dean-" Castiel whispered, pulling at his too tight underwear.

Dean slid his hand down the front of Castiel's briefs. He grabbed hold of Castiel's cock and pulled at the flesh. Castiel bucked his hips forward, pushing into Dean. Dean jerked Castiel in his hand until he was slick with pre-come. Dean pulled his hand out of Castiel's briefs and licked his fingers. Castiel bit his lip and wiggled out of his bottoms. He kicked them off and they flew onto a box in the corner of the room. Dean chuckled. He then lifted Castiel's bottom so that his knees locked right over his shoulders. Dean took Castiel into his mouth, slick and wet. His teeth grazed Castiel's cock and he received a hiss from his lover. Dean then paced himself, making sure he was getting Castiel hard and about to explode. Dean licked the slit of Castiel's cock; working the head a little more before he licked down to the base and then licked over Castiel's balls. He lifted Castiel higher, trying for something new this time around. Instead of the slicked up fingers Dean always used to prep Castiel, Dean licked along Castiel's bottom, spreading him wide and going deep inside with his tongue.

Castiel cried out from the pleasure. He tried to stifle his erotic moans, but he knew that it was hopeless and his mother probably wouldn't look at him the same after that night.

Dean commenced with his actions while Castiel grabbed chunks of Dean's light brown hair. His hips pushed and gave out with each time Dean's tongue entered him. He felt his pulse in his entire body as his heart pumped extra hard to accommodate everything that was going on. "Dean, please." Castiel's whole body was shaking and Dean pushed a finger inside, stretching Castiel a little more before he dropped Castiel's hips to the bed. "Hnnng." Castiel grabbed his cock and pumped while Dean whipped his head around the room, looking for something. "Dean- it's in- the lube- that box over there." Castiel pointed, with effort over to the same box titled "important things." Dean hopped off the bed, cock bouncing, and laughed as he rummaged through the box.

"Really, Cas? Important things?" Dean found the bottle and poured a generous amount on his hand, rubbing the liquid over his fingers.

"I have needs." Castiel breathed out. He licked his dry lips as Dean climbed back onto the bed. The mattress creaked underneath their weight. Dean squirted more lube out of the bottle and applied the amount to Castiel's stretched hole. Castiel moaned as the cool liquid started to heat up. He rolled his hips, waiting for Dean, but Dean sat back and watched Castiel squirm. "Dean. What are you doing?" Castiel asked, almost pleadingly.

"Watching." Dean smirked. He winked at his exposed lover. "I've missed your body. I'm admiring the view." Dean worked his cock in his wet lube covered hand. He could feel his muscles contracting as he came closer and closer to the edge. He kept it back as hard as he could. He wanted to be in sync in Castiel, and inside of him when it happened.


"Cas?" Dean answered mockingly.

Castiel's eyebrows furrowed. He glared at Dean, and hissed out, "Dean, get your dick in me before I change my mind." Castiel sat up, whimpering, but asserting himself towards Dean. Dean's grin was massive as he lunged towards Castiel, attacking him with kisses again, and pushing hard against Castiel's body. After a few moments of struggle to get the other to give in, Castiel pushed Dean onto his back hard. "I guess I will do all the work." Castiel raised himself over Dean's erect cock and then descended quickly, ramming himself hard onto Dean, filling himself up with pleasure.

Dean moaned. He grabbed Castiel's toned thighs and pulled at flesh, leaving red marks. He kept grabbing, trying to get a hold of anything to keep Castiel there with him forever. His hands traveled to Castiel's back. He clawed his nails down Castiel's skin, again leaving marks. "You're mine." He whispered soothingly towards Castiel. He sat up, still propping Castiel on his cock. They moved together, giving and taking. Dean held onto Castiel for dear life. He thrust inside Castiel and Castiel pushed down onto Dean in return. Their moans and yells were stifled, but still loud enough to most likely wake the surrounding apartments.

"Dean- Dean I'm sorry I left." Castiel cried out, ramming down onto Dean over and over. Their pace quickened, as each of them got closer to the climax of their actions. "Dean, I am so sorry." He wrapped his arms around Dean and held on, one more thrust and Dean shuddered. Dean released his load into Castiel while breathing hard against his lover's body.

"I-I forgive you." Dean softly said, kissing Castiel's forehead. He soon felt a warm wetness spread across his abdomen and chest. He looked down and Castiel had ejaculated all over him. Castiel frowned, wanting to say sorry, but Dean hushed him with another kiss. "Shhh, it's okay, Cas." Dean whispered, pulling out and laying down with Castiel on the bed. Dean sat up and grabbed the blanket that had bunched up at the end of the bed. He lied back down and covered the both of them.

"I love you, Dean." Castiel whispered, his eyelids falling heavily over his eyes. He blinked, trying to stay awake.

Dean smiled. "I love you too, Cas."

"Ten times more?" Castiel asked, hoping Dean would say the words he used to before their relationship hit the rocks.

Dean yawned and then grinned like a little kid. "Nah," He said. Castiel squinted at Dean, confused. Dean went on. "A hundred times more."

Castiel smiled, moving in closer to Dean. He laid his head on Dean's chest and shared his lover's warmth. Dean slung an arm over Castiel and held him close. They closed their eyes, content with life and all of its possibilities and fell asleep.

Over the next week, Dean stayed in Kansas at Castiel's home. He was fully accepted into the family by Molly, even though Dean and Castiel were pretty sure they were heard that night. Dean enjoyed the week with Castiel, but things were coming to an end. As the week progressed, Dean noticed Castiel packing and unpacking things. Finally, Dean needed to know. "Cas, when are you leaving for school?"

Castiel set his box of things down and sighed. "Dean- I don't want to have this conversation, please." He frowned, sitting next to Dean on the bed. Dean had to borrow some of Castiel clothing when he ran out a couple days into his unexpected trip to Kansas. Castiel leaned lazily against Dean's side. He stayed silent.

"It's soon isn't it?" Dean wasn't sure if he wanted the answer. He could feel Castiel nodding against his shoulder. "How soon?"

"Next Friday. I have to fly out."

"Fly?" Dean pulled away from Castiel. "Where are you going?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief that Castiel was going so far away that he had to fly there. Dean felt like he was losing Castiel all over again. Castiel mumbled incoherently. He looked around the room at all the boxes. It was going to be hell to ship everything out depending on how far Castiel was going.

"San Francisco." Castiel said quietly. Dean frowned. Across the country. Castiel was leaving for California all the while Dean was stuck on the East coast. "Dean, I meant to tell you, but this week has been perfect. I did not want to ruin it." Castiel let his head drop below his shoulders. He waited for Dean's response.

"I-I'll save up money. Visit you. You know-" Dean bit his lip. A trip to California was not going to be cheap. "Cas, I don't want to lose you." Dean cleared his throat. "Again." They stayed silent, staring at the floor of Castiel's bedroom. After a few minutes of contemplation, Dean looked up at Castiel, a sad smile on his freckled face. "I'll visit you for sur-"

"Come with me." Castiel blurted out. Dean shook his head, leaned back and looked at Castiel like he was crazy. Castiel's face showed that he was dead serious.

Dean's heart was racing. "Cas- I can't just-" Castiel leaned in and kissed Dean on the lips, giving it his all. Dean closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of love rise inside of him. He opened his eyes to see Castiel staring back at him.

"Will you come with me?"


Hey Guys! Thank you so much for reading Summer Heat's Gonna Drive You Crazy. It has been a blast writing this fic and I love all the comments and kudos you all give me. If you liked this story then wait for the next installment of the series, There's Just Something About Cas.

Look for the Sequel!

University Life's Gonna Be Insane

And a special thanks to my roomie, Ariel for being my beta.