Authors Note: Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou if you read the last drabble! i can't stop writing for this ship! I decided to put all my drabbled into one place, ENJOY (aparently theory PE is boring too)

The doctor and Clara stood, backs pressed against the TARDIS door,gasping for air. Saving worlds and running tended to cause breathlessness. They looked at each other and giggled, high pitched breathless jingles. "Lets never do that again, ever, ever" Clara said between gulps for air and shaking her head "never"
"I agree" The Doctor replied "I don't enjoy running from angry mobs on a good day" he was just as breathless
"Oh this wasn't a good day?" Clara's tone was of playful mock hurt. "Of course not" he replied sliding down to the floor. "have pity on me, I ran so hard my poor hearts couldn't keep up"

Clara slid down beside him "Oh, well think of me, I don't have the luxury of two hearts"

The Doctor laughed in response "Would you like a kiss to make it better?" he mocked

Clara suddenly pulled him in close.

A devious glint was in her eye. She was so close he could smell her perfume, could feel her breath on his face. His fast heart beats had nothing to do with exercise now.

Clara slowly pulled her head towards his

She stopped when there lips were millimetres apart

He swore he could feel hers brush against his as she whispered "I would need more than a kiss"