I've had this chapter half complete for so long and I forgot about it!

'~' sorry guys.

Harry couldnt even imagine getting up from his bed right now.

after two days of being shown around the island kingdom and bonding with his new family,today was the day he would be taken to Atlantica.

but he didnt want to move.

however someone else did. and with a mighty "CHARGE!" his beloved cousin Melody ran into his room and jumped on him.

letting out a big "oof!" he sat up and glared at her.

"why did you do that Mel? that was mean..." he pou-ahem,glared at her.

she grinned at him.

"because todays the day that you meet the fishy side of the family!" she laughed.

-ice ice baby yeah-

breakfast consisted of rolls and butter,bacon and eggs,and some fruit salad.

once the meal was done,Ariel and Harry went to the library to talk.

"so,Harry. I'm sure you're probably nervous about meeting my sisters." Ariel said as she sat on the couch next to her nephew.

"well,not so much that as becoming a king..." Harry said sheepishly.

"ha ha,dont worry about it. my sisters will help you whenever you need it."

"Ariel? Harry? its time to go!" Eric called from the hall.

Ariel smiled. "well,time to go meet the girls."

-I like trains-

Ariel,Melody and Harry swam through the ocean at a leisurely pace.

Harry was looking around excitedly.

Ariel and Melody were watching him with amused smiles as he darted all around them.

not to long after they left,only about two and a half hours,they saw the golden underwater city in all its glory.

-aaand IIIIII! will allwaays looove yooouuu!-

Melody and Harry looked over their shoulders when they heard someone call for them to wait up. Harry stuck close to Ariel' side,suddenly shy.

"hey Princess Ariel,Mel-mel." the teen boy around a year older than Melody said as he stopped in front of them and gave a small bow.

Ariel chuckled when Melody gave her guppy eyes (get it? puppy eyes? lol?)to be allowed to go play with her friends before swimming away with the boy while Ariel and Harry continued on their way to the castle.

Harry was used to stares for being the boy-who-lived,but this was intense. every where he looked there was someone staring at him either critically or in awe.

he could feel their stares on the back of his neck to.

after what felt like an eternity of swimming through the city,they finally made it to the castle.

as they entered the throne room a red lobster swam up to Ariel.

"Ariel! its good ta see you!" he said in an accent Harry had never heard before.

"you to Sebastian. I'm happy to see you" Ariel said as she hugged the crustacian.

"ah! you must be Prince Harry." the lobster,Sebastian,said when he turned to Harry.

"a-ahm. yeah." Harry said,not at all expecting a talking lobster.

"good good. your aunts will be waiting for you in the throne room. Ariel and I have something to talk about in private." Sebastian said with a wink at Ariel,which she laughingly returned.

"ok Harry,go along this corridor and turn right at the end,then go as far as you can and you'll be in the throne room." Ariel directed before she and Sebastain swam the way he and Ariel had come.

Harry watched her go before sighing and swimming the way she told him to go.

time to meet the family.

-just a normal line break-

Attina was pacing around the throne worriedly as she and her sisters waited for their nephew to arrive. she ocasionally had to shift her route to avoid Andrina's poking.

Alana was touching up her make-up with her compact and mirror while seated on the arm of the throne.

Adella was pou-I mean,waiting patiently for her nephew,who's very existance means her baby sister she didnt even know about got a man before she herself did,and no she was not pouting about that fact thank you very much.

Aquata was just laying on the floor,bored out of her mind.

Arista was messing with her hair while sitting on the arm across from Alana and muttering excitedly to herself about having a nephew at all.

Andrina was poking Attina every once in a while to make her pattern change.

as soon as Harry swam through the door,all the women froze looking at him.

Harry opened his mouth to say something and Arista let out a high pitched 'eek' and swam at him,hugging him with all her might.

-the end-

so,theres the aunts met. now to kill them off and put Harry on the throne ^v^

lol just kidding. happy two-but-technically-three-days-after-thanksgiving!