Chapter 1 - Kicked out.

A/N: You guys hate the Ayano x Chitose pairing that much? 20 views in 3 days? Well, anyway, enjoy the story. I don't own anything. Heck, I don't even have a family or a home you know. NOT a part of "Serial Stories". You could call this "Serial Stories 2", I guess?

I suppose every one of you does have a home. A place for you to return to, a place for you to rest, to eat. But do you ever wonder what is a definition of the word "home"? Let me tell you what it means. It is the place where you feel safe and happy. That's your home. This is a story of a girl who had been kicked out of her "home" by her own family, only to realize the place she belongs to is somewhere else. So, in the coldness of the winter, our story begins.

It was a cold night. As every one was drowning in their peaceful slumber, a family was fighting fiercely. But it wasn't any random family. It was the family of a blonde girl - Toshino Kyouko. The girl was shouting at her father, and it seemed like there was an argument between the two of them.

"Could you please stop spending time for those stupid things!?"

"No way! Not even on the edge of death!"

Her father was talking about her interest - manga and anime. She is an otaku - yes, she definitely is. However, her parents never cared much about that until that day when her mother suddenly asked her about the plans of the future. She just replied simply: "Being a mangaka!" with a bright voice. She didn't know that her truthful answer was the cause of this whole argument. Her parents wanted her to be a business-woman, to continue what her father had always been doing. But it went without the need to say that she disagreed. She had her own dreams, her own goals, her own liking, and she would not give up.

"Why should I look up to you? Someone that works all day, not spending a single moment to care about his own family!?"

Angered by the complains, Kyouko's father just screamed with a hint of sacarsm:

"Well, if you so unhappy then why don't you get out!? I built this home! If you are not happy with it, get the f*ck out!"

Any girl in this situation would calm herself down and let it go, but Kyouko is not that type. She spoke with a voice even more louder and more anger-filled compared to those of her father:

"I will!"

With that being said, she climbed upstairs and entered her room, packed everything - books, clothes, money into a big luggage and leave with an unhuman speed, not saying anything else. But as she started to walk down the streets, feeling coldness snuggling up in her arms and legs, she could not help but dropped her own body down to the ground, crying as she realized something.

'I don't have a place to go to...'

Despite how strong a girl are, a girl is still a girl. Not to mention the fact that Kyouko isn't a strong person. It was all a mask to help her deal with her own crippled family, which was one of the main reasons making to come over to her best friend - Yui -'s house very often. The other was, well, she enjoyed the time that she spent next to the brunette. However, under her tough mask was a very timid girl, under the usual goofy and carefree smile was a sensitive, mentally weak girl that would need comfort all the time. Nobody ever knew this. Her act was too good. After a few moments of crying, she lifted herself up and started walking again, not because she had calmed down, but rather due to the temperature of a winter night and sent chills running down her spine. Walking unconciously for a while, she sat down in front of a random apartment's door, hugging herself and slept, giving in to the tiredness. What she didn't notice was the name of the apartment...

Inside Yui's house, the girl was cleaning the mess of her dinner, preparing to sleep.

'Maybe I should play something...'

The girl was not sleepy at all, so she had no reason to rest early. Thinking about what she should do for a few moments, she grabbed the trash bag and walked towards the door. But as she twisted the door's knob, something pushed the door all the way in and a heavy object fall on Yui's legs, creating a "thud" sound. She recognized it at an instant.

'Is this...Kyouko?'

It definitely was Kyouko. The girl's face was pale with a few drop tears still staying on her cheeks, which is a stark contrast of the usual carefree, goofy blonde. However, unmistakeably, it was Kyouko, sleeping soundly. The scene shocked Yui for seconds, but then she knew exactly what she had to do. Ignoring the trash bag as she threw them hastily down the floor, she picked Kyouko and the girl's belongings up with two hands, carrying the girl bridal style as she ran quickly to her room. Since the brunette let her bedroom's door unlocked, she had no trouble getting inside the room. Slowly and getting laying the blonde down to the soft bed, Yui covered the girl with a thick blanket and stood beside the bed, watching silently. The blonde immidiately smiled as the the warmth filled her body and slowly opened her eyes. When Yui's face entered her vision, the smile on her lips was even brighter than before. She whispered softly, timidly, just like when they were just kids.


Hearing Kyouko's voice, the brunette's lips started to curve up as she blamed her bestfriend slightly:

" can joke in such times...Tell me what happened!"

As the words "what happened" traveled to the blonde's ears, tears started streaming down the girl's face once more as she told Yui about the fight she had with her family. Yui listened attentively until the very end. No doubt, the brunette was angry about the events too. Anyone would be when they heard parents chasing their own kids out of the house in the winter night simply because the child decided to go after his/her own dream. However, she knew better than anyone else that it's best to comfort her bestfriend for now. She quietly sat down on the bed - a very manner that befits the brunette kuddere's characteristics - and embrace the blonde lovingly as she asked softly:

"So, right now, you don't have any where to go to?"

Kyouko nodded sheepishly. The blonde would hestiate to show her true side to anyone but Yui. One could say Yui is the only one she feels safe to be with. And the blonde knew exactly why. She could say without doubt, without uncertainty that she's in love with her kuudere friend. But fear of a lot of things, Kyouko never had the enough courage to confess. She afraid of losing their friendship, their bond... But mostly, the girl afraid of losing Yui.

"Then, stay here. Live together with me!"


Kyouko could not help herself letting a surprise gasp escape her mouth. She distrusted her hearing sense for a second.


"Of course!"

"I am not bothering you?"

"No, you're not and never will!"

Normally, Yui would never say these kind of things in front of the goofy carefree otaku. However, the girl was beside her was not that girl. Yui found absolutely no trace of a carefree person in the blonde. Instead, it was the shy, timid, yet extra-ordinaryly sweet girl called Kyouko. So, the brunette had no problem letting those kind of chessy pick up lines out of her mouth. In fact, she wanted to tease her childhood friend for a little too. After a not-so-long while, Yui whispered happily at the blonde.

"Nee Kyouko... I just wish that you would always act like this..."

Kyouko was flustered at Yui words as she spoke, having completely no idea what Yui meant.

"...What do you mean...?"

Yui grin devilishly as she replied:

"Talking sweetly like this, snuggling into my arms like this..."

The teasing made Kyouko's face as red as a tomato. The girl sqeezed her eyes tight in embarrassment and she further snuggled into Yui's chest shyly, muttering sheepishly.

"...Shut up! I might as well as returning to normal tomorrow, ya' know?"

"Ehehe. Is that so? But I will be happier if you keep acting like this around me..."

Those words didn't have any ill-will in them. Yui was really happy. She was glad to be able to hold Kyouko like this. The act gave her a feeling that she was protecting the blonde. Kyouko blushed silently for a few moments, before replying softly and timidly.

"...If you say so...only around you, OK?"

Witnessing Kyouko's tsundere acts has something fresh to it which made Yui squealed, something never could be seen from the brunette.

"Ahhhh...You are so cuuuuuuutttteee!"

Yui tightened the hug around Kyouko's body, which made the girl really happy. Soon, tiredness had taken over the both of them. Kyouko felt the drowsiness that was pulling her eyelids down effectively. As she almost slipped into her peaceful slumber, she said something softly to her friend:

"Nee...Yui-chan...Can I sleep with you?"

Having Kyouko called her like the way she did in their childhood really brought sparks to Yui's heart. She used her hand to pressed the blonde's head to her soft chest.


Closing her eyes slowly, Yui also drowned in the peaceful sleep, wrapped with the warmth of her friend.

A/N:Damn, Tsun-Kyouko is so damn cute. They are definitely in love with each other. Even I myself can't wait for the next chapter! R&R please evertone and good day!