Author's Note: Thank you for choosing to read my fanfic. Please review, constructive criticism welcome. Check out the TV tropes page for Kamen Rider Vitaz and look at my deviantart page with the same name as me to see a picture of Kamen Rider Vitaz.

In the middle of a dark alley, three women were heading back to their dorm after hours of drinking and partying. They were constantly tripping on nothing and laughed at each other for no reason at all. One woman started vomiting but quickly went back to laughing with her friends despite vomiting every few minutes. Another one of the three women used her friends shoulder for support.

"What the hell is that guy's problem? Thinking he had a chance with us! " The woman using her friend shoulder for support laughed.

The vomiting girl lifted her head from the bucket. "We're too high-class women for men like that," the girl said before vomiting again.

"We don't need those stuck-up men to have fun! We're still young and sexy!" The woman who had her shoulder be used as support yelled lifting a empty wine bottle into the air.

The three young women yelled in agreement but went back to laughing quickly. The girl vomiting wanted to laugh with her friends but was too busy emptying her stomach into a bucket. In the middle of her nausea, the girl felt something large and sticky fall on her shoulder. The drunk girl took a moment to touch the mysterious substance on her shoulder and instantly found out what it was.

"Spiderwebs?" She whispered looking at the clump of spiderwebs sticking to her hand.

More clumps of spiderwebs fell on the girl so fast that she wasn't able to scream before a powerful creature pulled her into the sky with a rope made out of its web.

The other two drunk girls didn't notice their friend had been kidnapped until the one using her friend's shoulder took a glance behind her.

"Asami? Where are you, Asami?" The girl said looking around. The girl pulled on her friends sleeve.

"Where did she go?" Her friend said when she turned around.

The two called out for their friend but nobody responded. Noticing their friend had disappeared caused the two to come to their senses for a while. They searched for their friend but couldn't find her.

While they were separated, the creature who kidnapped their friend had trapped the drunk girl, who needed her friend's shoulder for support, in the same webs it used to kidnap Asami. The girl was dragged into the sky trying to scream for help.

The last girl noticed her other friend went missing almost immediately. She stood in the middle of the wet and dark alley, terrified and confused.

"Junko! Asami! You better not be messing with me!" The girl screamed.

The girl continued to scream at her missing friends until she noticed the shadowy figure standing just a few yards from her. The humanoid spider-like monster with six arms stared at the girl with six red eyes that glowed in the darkness.

The monster immediately started running after the girl the moment after she saw him. The girl started running away after she saw that the monster was definitely after her. She screamed for help until her lungs started to hurt but the girl continued to scream. Whatever was chasing her was making clicking sounds with its mouth, sounds that the girl heard better the closer the monster got to her. In less than a minute, the monster was less than a foot away from catching the last girl.

The monster yelled the moment it threw all six of its arms to capture the girl.

"Die, you evil witch!"

The roar of a motorcycle and the blinding lights that appeared from the vehicle stopped the monster. The monster screamed in pain as the sudden increase in light caused its six eyes pain. It blocked its eyes with its arms until the monster could make out the figure who saved the girl from being captured.

A mysterious being wearing a silver suit sat upon the silver motorcycle. Both the motorcycle and its mysterious rider had gold circuits running up their bodies with a huge V spelled on the man's chest with the golden circuits. Visible electricity ran through the circuits with a few sparks flying off the suit and motorcycle. The gold insect eyes on the rider's helmet stared directly at the monster, causing the creature to take a step back from the sudden feeling of dread the stare gave it. The mysterious rider got off his bike and tossed his silver and gold scarf aside. He continued to stare at the monster without taking another step forward.

The surviving girl ran up to the mysterious rider and stared at him with a little awe.

"Get out of here!" The mysterious rider ordered, his voice sounding like a mixture of a computerized voice and a normal young man's voice.

The drunk girl didn't move. "But my friends are…"

"Don't worry! I'll save them!" The mysterious rider assured the girl. "Hurry and get away from here!"

The surviving girl gave the mysterious rider a nod. She then started running as far as she could from them.

"That girl is my prey!" The monster screamed at the mysterious rider after the girl had escaped. "What the hell are you doing getting in my way?"

The mysterious rider threw his hand forward, pointing at the monster.

"Every human being is under my protection! Not a single life will die at the hands of a Virus as long as I call myself a Kamen Rider!" The mysterious rider proclaimed.

The monster clenched each one of its six hands. "You're a what!?" The monster yelled demanding an answer.

The mysterious rider took a step forward and threw his hand forward to point at the monster again.

"A Kamen Rider! One of the great heroes who protect this Earth!" He yelled pointing at himself with his thumb. " I am… "

The mysterious rider swung both of his arms down while taking another step forward. A powerful burst of electricity blasted out of the man's whole suit as he told the monster his name.

"Kamen Rider Vitaz!"


"And that's all I remember from that night," the surviving girl, whose name is Hana, said after finishing the story she told her other two friends in the coffee shop close to their college. "The rest is a bunch of drunken blurriness."

Her other two friends, a brown-haired girl named Aki who had a little bit of a overbite and another black-haired sleepy girl named Shiho who wore a thick blue sweater and tight jeans, simply stared at the girl after hearing her story.

"Hana, that story doesn't sound very believable," Aki said placing her chin on the palm of her hand. "I mean, a Kamen Rider? Really? Maybe you were hallucinating from all that beer you drank and thought the guy chasing you was a monster and the guy that saved you was one of those legendary Kamen Riders."

"But Junko and Asami both appeared at the police station in the morning," Hana argued.

"Maybe the guy who saved you scared the kidnapper away and he brought them to the closest police station," Aki told her.

"Yeah! That's what I told you!" Hana yelled. "Kamen Rider Vitaz defeated the monster and saved my friends!"

"But it could have been a normal, if somewhat stupidly heroic, guy who happened to be there at the right time, " Aki argued. "Besides, your story holds no credibility since when it happened, you were so drunk you could barely see straight."

Hana crossed her arms and pouted her lips. "I saw a Kamen Rider," she mumbled.

Aki ignored the pouting Hana and turned to her other friend Shiho, who hadn't spoken a word since they heard Hana's story. Shiho had fallen asleep where she sat during the time Aki and Hana were arguing. The young woman snored while her other two friends stared at her.

"Wake up, Shiho-san," Hana said snapping her fingers next to the sleeping girl's ears.

Shiho immediately sprang back into consciousness and looked at her surroundings in a hurry before remembering where she was and who she was with.

"Don't yell in my ears," Shiho mumbled.

Hana stared at Shiho, confused as to why she thought her friend had yelled in her ears.

"Shiho-san, that's the fifth time you fell asleep after drinking a whole cup of coffee," Aki pointed out looking at the empty cup Shiho held in her hand. "Are you getting any sleep at all?"

Shiho shook her head. "Not really," she answered picking up her second cup of coffee.

"If you can't sleep, then you should go see a doctor," Hana said sounding concerned.

Shiho took a sip from her coffee. "I'm sure it's just stress," she told them scratching the bandage on her right forearm.

Her two friends didn't believe her but they couldn't do anything else with the subject. Instead, the two girls went back to arguing whether or not Hana really met a superhero or if it was just an hallucination.

Shiho soon found herself drifting between being awake and asleep while her friends argued.

A handsome young man with a black ponytail walked alongside the iron-wrought gate built around the university. The young man watched the groups of student moving around the campus, his eyes studying the features of everyone that entered his line of sight. Not a single person caught his attention for more than a few seconds. None of them had what the young man was looking for.

Loud beeps coming from above made the young man look up to see a tiny and mechanical robot that resembled a eagle. The mechanical eagle beeped louder as it landed on the man's palm.

"Welcome back, Eagle," the young man said petting the robot's beak.

The young man noticed that the mechanical eagle held something in its beak. "What do you have?" He whispered as he pulled on the string in its beak, forcing the mechanical eagle to drop what it held onto his palm. The young man thanked the mechanical eagle, making it release a bunch of happy beeps, before he pushed the button on the top of its head. The mechanical eagle instantly reassembled itself into a smartphone that the young man pocketed.

"Now, what did my little friend bring me?" He said looking at his palm.

He pulled on the string until he recognized what it was.

"This spiderweb," he whispered. "It proves that Virus is here. "

The young man pocketed the spiderweb and took another look at the university. While he didn't expect to find anything, one student caught his eye. A young woman in a blue sweater who looked like she badly needed to have a good night's sleep. The girl gave off the same signals of the being he was looking for.

"The Virus came in contact with you," the young man said smiling.

The young man started to climb the fence but the moment his feet left the ground, whistles blew as two security guards appeared.

"What are you doing, boy!? You can't climb this fence!" One yelled grabbing the man's silver shirt.

"Get down right now!" The other yelled helping his fellow security guard pull the man off the fence.

The young man struggled with the two security guards trying to pull him down. After five minutes of flailing arms and legs, the two guards got him down and dragged him away.

"Miss Arai!"

Shiho's eye sprung wide open again after she heard her teacher yell. For a moment, she didn't know where she was until she remembered that her biology teacher had wanted to speak with her after class. She thought about hitting herself for almost falling asleep while her teacher was talking to her but decided against it.

"I wanted to talk to you about your recent drop in grades but I believe I can see the reason," her teacher said sitting at his desk, looking up at his student. "When was the last time you slept, Shiho-san?"

Shiho honestly couldn't remember the last time she actually slept longer than a few minutes. She's been living off caffeine and the times she almost fell asleep in order to function but she hasn't had a real night's sleep for over a week. Even before that, she's been having trouble falling asleep for weeks. The lack of sleep was severely affecting her studies and overall health but Shiho felt forced to keep going to class.

"Three days, Kuneo-sensei," she lied scratching her bandaged right forearm again.

Her teacher Kuneo tried to make eye contact with the girl but Shiho was unable to take her eyes off the floor.

"You should try to get some sleep before you do anything, Arai-san, " he sighed. " I know how much stress you're feeling right now but it'll only get worse if you don't get some sleep. You used to be one of my best students but your assignments lately are taking a big drop in quality. As your teacher, it is my duty to worry about your mental health if it gets in the way of your work-"

"I really don't want to talk about it," Shiho interrupted.

Her teacher stood up and patted Shiho's shoulder. "I understand if you don't want to talk but I'll need a promise that you'll do better on future assignments. "

Shiho nodded. "I'll do my best, Kuneo-sensei."

Shiho bowed to her teacher and hurried to leave the classroom. She slowly made her way across the school campus towards the student's dorms. A few times, she drifted off and almost walked into a wall. A male student had to help her a little while she walked to the dorms. Shiho forced herself to stay awake long enough to reach the girl's dorm and walk up the stairs to her room. She immediately dropped onto her bed the moment she entered her dorm room.

An hour later, Shiho still remained awake on her bed, drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness. She wasted a little time by reading the letters sent by her relatives but every word of encouragement in the letters made the girl bite her lower lip. She tossed the letters into the trash bin after another hour.

The sun began to set outside and Shiho still couldn't sleep.

Shiho's mind wandered off to times where she was able to sleep the moment she laid her head on her pillow. She never had as much stress back then as she did now. Her grades were great and her family was proud of her but that only added to the stress she felt. She knew her sleeping problems were connected to her stress but that wasn't the only reason.

"I'm so tired of everything…"

"Tired of everything? Is that possible?"

Shiho's eye sprang wide open again at the sound of a young man's voice. Her eyes moved around the room, searching for the source of the voice, until she saw the handsome young man sitting on her roommate's bed. The man's silver t-shirt glowed in the darkness of the room but Shiho's eyes were focused on his skin. His pale skin looked normal but if she looked close enough, she could see golden circuit-like veins underneath.

The two stared at each other for a whole minute.

It took a moment for Shiho to realize that her unexpected visitor was a boy trespassing in the girl's dorm.


The young man dove to cover her mouth with his hand. "Please, don't call the security," the man said ignoring the fact that she bit hard into his hand. "It was hard enough to escape that jail cell the first time. I really don't want to waste anymore energy dealing with the security again."

Shiho tried to speak but her voice was muffled by the young man's hand.

"Normal humans tell each other their names at their first meeting to make conversation easier," the young man told Shiho. "My name's Yukio Kikaido. When I remove my hand, will you tell me yours and not call security?"

Shiho was too tired to scream again so she nodded and the young man named Yukio removed his hand.

"Shiho Arai," she told him.

Yukio gave Shiho a smile after she told him her name.

The young man sat down on her roommate's bed. "I've been told it's against the rules for a male to be inside a girl's room without permission but I have to make an exception this time. I can feel the signal of a Virus coming from you."

"A virus? Shouldn't you solve that problem with a computer?" Shiho asked not hearing that Yukio came to her because he felt the signal of a Virus on her.

"Not that kind of virus," Yukio replied. "I mean the Virus that infects those who can't fight back against its influence."

"So the medicine definition of a virus?"

Yukio sighed. " No, not that one either, " he said shaking his head. " They're these humanoid monsters… "

Yukio stopped speaking the moment he felt the signal he was looking for. Shiho stared at him confused as he stood up and walked around the room.

"The Virus is activating," Yukio whispered.

Shiho wondered what he meant but the answer came immediately. Screaming came from outside the dorm, causing Yukio to run to the window of Shiho's room. Shiho was surprised to see Yukio get ready to jump out of the window.

"Wait! This is the third floor!" Shiho warned him.

Yukio ignored Shiho's warning and leaped out of her window. Shiho jumped to her feet and ran to her window. She saw the young man fall three stories into the grass but instead of breaking his legs, Yukio landed perfectly with no injuries and began running towards the screams.

"How in the…" she whispered watching him run away.

Curiosity overpowered her exhaustion and made Shiho hurry to leave her room and exit the building. She instantly saw the reason behind the screams she heard from before.

A massive spider's web was made around the front of the girl's dorm and several female students were stuck to the web. Every one of the girls trapped in the web were either screaming for help or trying to escape.

"You are all my prey, you soul-sucking leeches!" A menacing voice roared from above Shiho. "Once caught in my web, you will never leave unless I say so!"

"Don't worry, I'll get you free," Yukio assured one of the women trapped in the web.

Shiho turned her attention to Yukio and saw that he managed to rip apart the web around the women. He told the woman to run to safety before moving to the next girl trapped in the web. Shiho couldn't let him do it alone so she ran over to him and helped him free the trapped women.

"You should get away too," Yukio told her while moving on to the next trapped student with Shiho. "My scans show that you are sleep-deprived and in no condition to be moving at the moment."

"I don't care, I'm helping," Shiho responded.

"You! You are the friend of that witch who escaped!" The deep voice from before yelled.

Yukio pushed Shiho aside as a black humanoid spider-like monster with six arms came down from above and struck the ground where Shiho used to stand.

"Don't get in my way!" The monster yelled at Yukio grabbing his arm and tossing him into the wall of the girl's dorm.

Shiho ran over to Yukio the moment he fell out of the dorm wall and back to the ground. She looked for injuries but for a moment, she believed that he only got dirt on his clothes until she looked at the arm grabbed by the monster…

There was only a stump where Yukio's arm should be.

But Yukio wasn't bleeding red blood, instead he bled a silver liquid out of a wound with hundreds of wires sticking out of it. Sparks of electricity even fired out of his wound.

Shiho spun her head around to see that the monster was holding the still moving arm of Yukio's. The monster soon realized that he was holding an arm that still moved, making hand gestures. It immediately dropped Yukio's arm out of surprise. The two watched as the arm clawed its way back to Yukio.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm not human," Yukio told Shiho after grabbing his severed arm off the ground.

Shiho watched as the silver liquid oozing out of his wound turned into thousands of long thin strings that grabbed the severed arm and reattached it to his body in less than a minute.

"What the hell are you?" The monster screamed after seeing Yukio reattach his own arm.

Yukio chuckled at the monster's question. "I'm an android given life," he answered while taking out a large silver and gold smartphone.

The young man gestured Shiho to step back. "You may want to stand back for this," he warned her.

Shiho, still shocked from seeing Yukio's severed arm reattached itself, listened to his warning and took a few steps away from him. After seeing Shiho step away, Yukio swiped his finger across his phone's screen, turning it on. Over ten different icons set up as a wheel appeared on the silver screen after he turned it on. Yukio's finger spun the wheel until he found the icon of a belt, which he then pressed.

"Executing Driver App!" A computerized female's voice announced.

A metal belt with an empty slot big enough for his phone to fit in appeared around Yukio's waist.

"There you are, Shiho!"

Shiho kept her attention on Yukio as her friends Aki and Hana, in their pajamas, ran over to her. Both Aki and Hana checked Shiho for injuries but found nothing.

"We didn't find you in your room after that scream and we thought something had happened to you!" Aki said in a hurry after hugging Shiho.

"What's going on?" Hana asked taking a look at what Shiho was looking at.

Hana immediately noticed the huge spider-like monster and pulled on Aki's shirt. "That's the monster that tried to kidnap me!" She yelled pointing at the monster.

"So you were telling the truth," Aki whispered. She then noticed the strange man standing in front of the monster. "But who's that guy?"

Shiho and the others watched as Yukio placed his smartphone sideways into the empty slot of his belt. Sparks of electricity flew out of his phone as the icons on the screen begun to shake and flash brightly. The young man stretched out his arms as the electricity coming out of his phone grew stronger.

"Executing Vitaz App!"

Yukio swung his arms down, swiping the wheel of icons on his phone's screen.

"Henshin!" he yelled.

Yukio spun his whole body as a spinning wheel of electricity came out of his belt. The wheel spun in a perfect orb around the young man. Blasts of electricity struck his body, creating a shining silver suit over the young man. Golden circuits appeared in the fabric of his silver suit and with one last blast of electricity, a helmet with insect eyes was formed over Yukio's head. The transformation ended with the fully transformed Yukio tossing his silver and gold scarf aside, creating a powerful gust of wind that almost blew the three girls off their feet.

Aki and Hana were struck silent as they stared at the shining silver Kamen Rider that had just appeared in front of them.

"It's him! Kamen Rider Vitaz!" Hana screamed jumping out of joy of seeing the hero who saved her.

"Not you again!" The monster yelled terrified at the appearance of the one who defeated him before.

Yukio took a step forward and pointed at the monster. "I'll show you…" he said taking another step forward.

"What a Kamen Rider will do to monsters that hurt the innocent."

Yukio charged at the monster. When he got close to the monster, he threw a flurry of punches at the monster's hairy chest. Each punch that came in contact with the monster's skin sent a powerful burst of electricity into its body. The monster yelled in pain as electricity surged throughout its body. The monster tried to attack Yukio with its own fist while it was in pain but each punch was parried easily and returned with another punch of his own from the young man.

Yukio finished his beating by kicking the monster, sending it flying into its own web.

"You idiot! You can't fight me when I'm in my web!" The spider monster cackled as it scurried across its web, waiting for a chance to attack Yukio.

Yukio, instead of reacting like the monster wanted, chuckled at it. His right hand touched the screen of the phone on his belt, bringing up the wheel of icons. Yukio spun the wheel until he found the icon he wanted. With a simple tap of his finger, a computerized female's voice announced the name of the icon he picked.

"Executing Gun App!"

A blast of electricity exploded out of the phone and from the electricity, Yukio pulled out a silver and gold firearm that looked like a larger and thicker version of a pistol.

Yukio took the gun he created and aimed its barrel at the scurrying monster on its web. The monster tried to hit Yukio with a rope of its web but failed as he blasted the rope with a bullet of electricity. Yukio took the moment it was surprised to fire three more bullets at the monster, all three bullet hitting their target.

The monster screamed in pain as it fell to the ground, twitching from all the electricity surging through its huge body. It took enormous effort for the monster to get back to its feet but by then, Yukio was already preparing his final attack.

"Ready to charge," Yukio said leaning on his right leg and swinging his arms to his sides.

Yukio pressed another icon on his phone's screen, making the female voice announce his choice.

"Executing Overcharge App!"

Electricity exploded out of Yukio and the golden circuits in his suit glowed brightly as the electricity traveled through them to gather into his legs. Using the electricity that gathered into his legs, Yukio leapt into the sky, jumping higher than any nearby building. While he hung in the air for a few seconds, Yukio focused all of his electricity into his right foot as he began to fall back to the earth. He bent his left leg as the electricity coming out of his right foot increased in intensity and strength. His body fell down to the earth faster and faster until he was like a bolt of lightning about to strike the monster.

"Lightning Rider Kick!" Yukio screamed.

The monster screamed as Yukio's kick struck him in the chest. The force of his kick was so strong that it sent the monster soaring across the university's field, the lightning coming off its body burning the grass underneath its feet. It finally came to a stop quite a distance away from the others. For a few seconds, the monster stood, arcs of electricity still jumping across its hairy body, but quickly lost the strength in its legs. It fell to the ground and the moment it touched the earth, the monster exploded, creating an inferno of fire and lighting.

"He won!" Hana screamed jumping up and down.

"He's so strong," Aki whispered in awe of the fight she witnessed.

Shiho remained silent as she grabbed her throbbing and bandaged right forearm. She begun scratching the bandaged arm furiously but no matter how much she scratched, the intense itchy sensation wouldn't go away.

"It's time to cure the victim," Yukio said standing up and turning around to the cloud of black smoke rising out of the spot where the monster exploded.

Yukio, however, gasped when he saw that there was no body where he was sure the victim should have appeared. Instead, there stood a young woman in a floral print kimono with waist-long silky black hair and a beautiful face that exuded a noble nature. If one looked close enough at her pale skin, however, they would notice that she had the same circuit-like veins as Yukio.

"Maybe you should focus on that girl before you try to figure why I saved my Spider Virus," the woman said in a voice that matched her noble appearance.

"Yukino…" Yukio whispered as he stared at the young woman.

The young woman giggled after hearing Yukio say her name and lifted the closed fan she held in her hand and used it to point at Shiho. The woman soon disappeared in a gust of wind after she saw Yukio turn his head towards the girl.

"What's wrong, Shiho?" Hana yelled watching her friend tear at her right arm with her nails.

"Stop scratching your arm! You're bleeding!" Aki yelled trying to stop Shiho from scratching her arm but got pushed aside by her friend.

"I can't stop scratching!" Shiho cried continuing to claw at her arm.

Yukio hurried to Shiho's side and looked at her bloody bandaged right arm. He pried her left hand away from the right arm and used his free hand to rip off the bandages. Yukio cursed when he saw the bloody hives that hid underneath the bandages.

"What's wrong with her?" Aki asked Yukio.

"She's been infected," Yukio answered. "Her sleeping problems and hives on the right arm are the unique symptoms she developed after being injected with the nano-machines…"

"Injected? Injected with what?" Hana asked.

"The same Virus nano-machines that created that monster."

Shiho screamed and kicked Yukio with much more force than an exhausted woman like her should be able to. Yukio dropped the girl and she ran away from the three. She could feel something in her blood changing her body into something else. Her hearing became so sharp that she could hear only four words be spoken over the mass of sounds that plagued her ears.

"Bat Virus Corruption Start…"

To Be Continued…