After a few days of staying in Weston College, Margaery found it quite hard to make friends since she was afraid to talk. Her effeminate voice could give her away. Nonetheless, she tried her best to talk to some of her classmates. She carefully chose the boy who seem isolated from the rest of the class. He seemed quiet, and bookish with his blond locks and green eyes covered by reading glasses.

"Hey there. My name's Mar-, I mean Maximillian Mountbatten. Pleased to meet your acquaintance." Margaery held out her hand for the boy to shake it. But he seemed hesitant to do so, so she awkwardly pulled her hand back and looked at the gloomy boy before her.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude. I was just surprised that someone would approach someone like me. By the way my name's Morgan Howell" The boy stretched out his hand for Margaery to shake it. She shook it and started to make conversation with the seemingly gloomy boy.

"Hi Morgan, nice to meet you. Don't you think this school is just wonderful? There are so many things to see and so many people to meet. Such diverse personalities that exist in one place right?" Margaery rattled on about her interests and her excitement for entering school for the first time was obvious to her listener.

"You seem pretty excited about school huh? Meanwhile, I'm here sulking at the back of the classroom. Completely abhorring the thought of being stuck here until I graduate." Morgan spitefully said to Margaery with a pained expression on his face.

Just as Margaery was about to say something to Morgan, the school bell rang and it signaled the students to go and eat their lunch. The students hastily stood up, fixed their belongings and eagerly exited the classroom.

Margaery stood up and headed to the dining hall, but since she was a new student in the school she didn't know her way through it yet. A hooded figure just passed by her and saw the distraught look on her face and figured she was lost. So the figure decided to approach her and help address her concerns.

"So far how was your stay here?" the hooded figure asked the cross-dressing young girl. He walked beside her and led her through the maze-like halls of the university.

"Umm. I lost. Would you happen to know where the Violet Wolf dining hall is?" the girl shyly asked the hooded figure for directions. She actually felt a little bit of shame for being confused by the puzzling huge school.

"I am helping you, you know. We're already here." The cloaked figure said to the appalled student. Normally, he couldn't care less for people who were lost and confused but he helped this girl on a whim.

"Thank you so much…." The girl says but at the same time hints that she is questioning what his name is.

"Violet. We just met a while ago. I am the prefect to your dorm. Remember?" He nonchalantly says. He turned on his heel, not expecting to elicit a response from his dorm member. Margaery suddenly grabs his hand and he turns to her with a questioning look on his face.

"Where are you going? Isn't the dining hall this way?" Margaery asked looking perplexed as to why he was leaving.

"As prefects, we have the privilege to stay in the swan gazebo during break time. So can you please let go of my hand now?" He explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Well then, I guess I'll see you around Violet." The new student said with a sincere smile plastered on her lips.

"Okay…" He said looking intently at the new student's features. Everything about his features is so feminine. He has such soft features. The prefect realized he was staring for so long and shook away the thoughts. He hurriedly headed to the swan gazebo and started conceptualizing for his new artwork.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if the updates are slow, but I'm really thinking about the quality of my story and I just want to give it my best shot. Thank you to the people who read this.