This is another fanfiction that has Orochimaru and Sasuke non-con. I can't help that it's enjoyable to write, and based ont eh 4,000+ views I got on the last one, I think you guys must like it too ;) haha! We all suspected it, so I don't see why I can't write about it.

I don't own Naruto if you didn't know :) haha

It had been nearly three years since Sasuke Uchiha defected from his home to train with the Sannin who identified with serpents. The young man had grown strong through honing his skills with the older male; however, the Sannin's aid came at a steep price.

When the Uchiha had arrived several years ago, Orochimaru sexually violated him; a practice that could still be witnessed in the present. The experiences were pure torture for Sasuke, but after a period of time he began to comply in order to undergo the least amount of pain.

At the current time, Sasuke could be found sitting in a dull bedroom. He was lying on the thin cousin that was supposedly a mattress. He was completely exposed and covered in a mix of sweat from his master and himself; the result of his recent interaction with Orochimaru. As the broken Uchiha rested from today's session of suffering, he thought over the previous months he endured.

-flashback -

It was nearly a month after Sasuke had arrived at Orochimaru's underground lair. The training was rigorous, but the boy was still unhappy with his progress. He compared his own advancements with those of his former comrade, Naruto, and was displeased with the how his development had crawled when weighed against the other's.

Dissatisfied with this, Sasuke went to Orochimaru's personal quarters to discuss this matter. The boy, only thirteen at the time, entered the Sannin's room and saw his master analyzing some sort of scroll while seated behind a desk on the adjacent wall.

"What is it that you want, Sasuke?" The pale man looked up from his studies.

"I'm not accomplishing anything by being here," the younger scowled, "I came here to get stronger, but this is proving to be a waste."

Orochimaru thought over the child's words, "You have only been here for a month, my boy. Power cannot be notably gained in such a short time frame."

"It'll never be gained if you just sit around like this."

The Sannin placed his document on the surface before him and rose to his feet. He walked over to the glaring boy and placed a hand on Sasuke's petite shoulder. "So you want me to give you more attention, dear Sasuke?" Orochimaru purred.

The Uchiha was unsettled by the touch and gaze the snake focused on him, but continued to stare icily at the pale man. Before he was given an opportunity to reply, Orochimaru's serpentine tongue slithered down to his face. Sasuke pulled back from the creepy action of the older male but was restrained from recoiling by Orochimaru's firm hold on his shoulder.

Sasuke gripped the other's hand and attempted to pry him off. The Uchiha's strength was not enough to break the grasp Orochimaru had on him. "What are you doing? Let go!"

Instead of following the boy's orders, the snake man used his other hand to start tearing the Uchiha's shirt off. "What's the matter, Sasuke? I thought you wanted my attention." Orochimaru sneered.

The young boy was appalled by the words and actions of the Sannin. He tried to seize the hands that tugged his shirt away, but the effort to halt the limbs was pointless as the boy was inferior when it came to brute force.

After his torso was exposed, Sasuke felt the palms of Orochimaru roam down his chest to his shorts. The younger's confusion was turned to revulsion as he began to understand his master's objective. With Orochimaru's hands fixated on a different target, Sasuke saw his chance to run. Sensing his pupil's intent, Orochimaru spoke.

"I wouldn't try to flee if I were you."

Every muscle in the youth's body froze when Orochimaru's voice seeped into his mind. Sasuke commanded his body to move, but it did not respond as it was paralyzed with terror. A moment of pure horror came to Sasuke as the Sannin completed exposing his inexperienced body.

Orochimaru curled his lips into a foul grin upon seeing the young male's unclothed figure. The expression spread over his face caused Sasuke to involuntarily tremble. "You shouldn't let yourself become so frightened, my boy." The pale man emphasized that Sasuke was his possession through his words.

The doomed Uchiha did not respond to the statement; instead, he let his gaze fall to the ground. He did not want to look at the man who was placing his hands back onto his exposed body. In an instant, the boy was facing the opposite direction with Orochimaru pressing his still clothed figure into his backside. Though the elder remained in his attire, the firm arousal was obvious. The feeling of his master's covered erection pulsing against his lower back was repulsive to the Uchiha. He tried to evade the bulge on his rear, but was firmly held against Orochimaru.

Sasuke could not picture a worse feeling until the stimulated shaft was uncovered and held just outside his opening. The thick member slowly forced itself inside the youth's inflexible hole. As Sasuke felt the flesh stretch and rip through him, he cried out in agony. The pain was intense and only heightened as the organ continued further into him.

"Stop!" Sasuke screeched as Orochimaru withdrew and slammed in again. "Please, stop!" The boy begged. Orochimaru paused his thrusts; he pulled his student to the large bed in the room and pushed the boy onto his stomach in the center of the mattress. After positioning himself over top of the shivering Uchiha, he impaled his shaft in Sasuke again.

Sasuke did not attempt to hold back his screams as blood ran down his thighs. Orochimaru's pace increased rapidly as he approached the peak of his assault. The fast rate of thrusts caused the young victim's pain to rise; this was apparent by the shrieks of terror ripping out of his throat. When Sasuke thought he was about to black out from the torture, the Sannin stopped his motion.

The full weight of the man's body smashed Sasuke into the bed. He could barely breathe with his face being shoved against the mattress by Orochimaru's larger body. As he struggled to get air, Sasuke could feel warm liquid mix with the blood in his abused entrance. The semen from Orochimaru spilled down his thighs and blended with the crimson fluid on the sheets below.

Finally satisfied, along with realizing he was suffocating Sasuke, Orochimaru rolled to the side. The young boy pushed himself up and desperately gasped for oxygen. He breathing was ragged and labored for several minutes. The Sannin watched his pupil choke from his position several inches away. After finally regaining his breath, Sasuke began to get up and flee from Orochimaru, but before he could fully stand, the boy was pulled back onto the bedding.

His dull eyes met the illuminated orbs of his attacker. "It's rude to just run off." The Sannin informed Sasuke. The younger did not attempt to fight Orochimaru due to his fear of being forced into another affair. Sasuke closed his eyes and tried to will the prior event away, but his search for peace was met by something slinking up his cheek. His eyes shot open and caught sight of that repulsive tongue again. Sasuke used his arms to move away from the expanding muscle. He only managed to inch away before Orochimaru captured him in his arms. He was pulled on top of the Sannin and bound from movement by the elder's limbs. That disgusting tongue entered the boy's mouth and began to explore; before it got too far, it quickly retreated. Orochimaru removed his unnaturally long and flexible muscle the instant he noticed Sasuke's reaction to the intrusion. Mere seconds after he withdrew from the boy, the Uchiha vomited violently.

The repulsive fluid splattered onto Orochimaru and the surrounding linens. The snake pushed Sasuke, who continued to heave, to the side and called for Kabuto. The young man entered the room and was slightly disturbed at the sight. Seeing Sasuke unclothed and nearly passed out was not what bothered him since he expected no less from his lord; the bothersome view was Orochimaru covered in Sasuke's upheaval.

"I want you to take him to his room and clean up this mess," Orochimaru said motioning to the various liquids spread on the sheets, "I'm going to bathe."

-end flashback-

The last thing Sasuke could remember was Orochimaru stating his orders and then leaving the room. It seemed that he had blacked out after being wounded and exhausted. The days of illness caused from Orochimaru were long gone; since the Uchiha had been through years of this torment, the pain decreased and he managed to stomach the constant intrusions. The actual affairs continued to the present, however. Sasuke knew that this would come to a close soon, though. After all, the teen had gotten much stronger during his years with Orochimaru, and Orochimaru's body was beginning to reject him. This gave Sasuke the perfect opportunity to slay the snakeā€¦