I do not own Fairy Tail. Slightly AU. Gratsu, don't like, not my problem.
So I needed a break from school work, so I decided to write this. Yes, I know this chapter is long, no the chapters won't always be this long. Just wanted to get what happened when Gray was younger out of the way in one chapter. Side note, I'm messing with their ages in this, just so you know.
"Will you hurry up!"
Ur turned around at the sound of her nine year old son's irked voice. Her daughter Ultear, the oldest of her children at ten, was giving a smirk at the white haired boy, receiving a glare from him as she did. Lyon turned his gaze back at who he had spoken to. The youngest of her three children at age five jogged up to his older brother's side, raven hair swaying in the frigid air as he did so. Gray, as he was named, reached out and tried to take Lyon's hand in his, earning a glare as he did, though not as displeasing as the one Ultear had received. The white haired boy pulled his hand away from the younger, muttering something about not succumbing to Gray's wants. A tiny smile spread across Ur's lips. As much as Lyon tried to deny it, she knew how much he cared for Gray. He just didn't want to seem like a softy.
Gray gave a small pout at his brother rejecting him. He reached out again to take his brother's hand in his. Lyon gave him one more glare before shifting the bag he had been holding to his other hand and grabbing the raven's waiting hand. Ur gave the boys one last smile before turning back around to continue on the walk back home from the market. Ultear's and Lyon's typical bickering could be heard behind her, along with the shuffling of feet through the thick winter snow.
Lyon narrowed his eyes at the insult from his sister. "I am not."
Ultear smirked at succeeding at getting under her brother's skin. "You're a sucker too."
"Definitely NOT!"
A soft yawn escaped the raven haired boy holding onto Lyon's hand. Ultear's smirk turned into a triumphant grinning. "Three, two, on-"
Lyon felt a small tug on his sleeve as his sister count down at what they both knew what was about to happen. A curse escaped Lyon's mouth that if Ur had listened to their conversation long enough she would have hit him for it. "I'm not doing it, Gray."
Another tug.
"I'm not-"
Another tug.
Lyon gave up and looked down at his little brother. Gray was staring up at him with those dark blue orbs of his, silently pleading to his older brother. He reached his hands up, opening and closing his palms in a wanting motion. "I'm not carrying you." Lyon narrowed his eyes into slits at the small child. Gray added another lax yawn and stood on his tiptoes to get closer to Lyon's height. Lyon quickly looked away. He never could figure it out, but ever since he could remember Gray had always managed to get the white haired boy to give in to him.
"Fine." Lyon gritted through his teeth, earning a taunt laugh from Ultear. Lyon shoved the grocery bag he had been holding into his sister's arms before she could protest. He turned back to Gray and wrapped his arms firmly around the smaller boy. Gray spread his legs onto both sides of Lyon's hips and rested his head snuggly into the warmth of his brother's shoulder.
"Told you so."
Lyon gave his sister another glare. "Let's see you carry him, Miss Priss." Ultear stuck her tongue out at him and skipped forward to where their mother was walking ahead of them. "You're a real pain, you know." Lyon scolded the boy in his arms. All he got was a soft snore in response.
"Don't pretend you mind." Ur called back to him.
"I'm not a human bed!" Ur laughed at Lyon's complaint. Gray nestled his head closer to the crook of Lyon's neck. Lyon scrunched his nose up when he did, Gray's raven hairs tickling his nose. Lyon groaned in annoyance. "Why do I put up with you?" Gray moved his sleeping head a bit more and woke up long enough to peck his brother softly on his cheek before falling back asleep.
Ultear stood still for a moment, waiting for Lyon to catch up. "Looks like the kid loooves you."
"That's because he can't stand you." Lyon retorted.
"I disagree." Ur butted in. "He idolizes the both of you-"
Something flashed in the corner of her vision, catching her attention. Ur cocked her head in that direction and inspected the sight. Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes came upon a figure of a tall man in a dark red suit that rivaled the color of flames. She squinted slightly to make sure her eyes weren't tricking her. A curse unknowingly left her in disgust. "Bastard, what the hell is he doing here?"
Ultear looked up at her mom in curiosity. It was often her mom cussed in front of them. "Who's here?"
Ur glared at the man in the distance. A malicious leer spread across the man's face.
"Mom?" Ultear gazed inquisitively at Ur, the woman had yet to answer her. Ultear stared wide eyed at her mother when a low growl came from the woman's throat.
"Who's Igneel?"
Ur snapped out of her trance and looked back down at her children. Lyon was making his way up to her, Gray still cuddled securely in his arms. Ultear was giving her a scrutiny observation. Ur turned her head quickly back to where the man had been, subconsciously shifting into a defensive stance. Ur froze when she realized the man was no longer there, only a melted puddle of snow remained where he had stood.
Lyon studied his mother carefully. It wasn't often their mother shifted into her ice make position without warning, not unless they were training that is. "What's wrong?"
Ur didn't answer for a moment. "Nothing…" she murmured slowly. "It's just…nothing." Lyon and Ultear gave each other a question look, silently asking the other if they knew what was happening. "Let's get home." Ur straightened up suddenly.
Lyon gave his sister one last look before following his mother back down the snow path to their home. Even if they were supposed to know, the two of them weren't completely ignorant to the "business" their mother was involved in.
Gray shifted uneasily in his bed, a tremor running down his spine. He pulled the covers over his head, trying to block out the images of the nightmare that had awaken him. He risked a peek out from under his blankets that revealed pale moonlight shining through his bedroom window. He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself at knowing it must have been the middle of the night. Mommy's already asleep. He swallowed uneasily. She was acting so funny when we got home…I don't want to worry her. But that monster was really scary…
The raven snuck a quick glance at his door. He clenched his fists in determination and mustered the courage that only a terrified five year old could gather. He slipped out from under his covers, his feet lightly touching the wooden floorboards as not to make a sound. He shuffled silently across the floor, careful to avoid the parts he knew would creak under his weight. He turned the dulled doorknob and slinked around the door frame until he was in the hallway.
He tiptoed to the room one door down from his own. A squeak came from the knob when he turned it. He stood still for a moment, hoping the sound hadn't attracted any of the monsters hiding under his bed. When he heard nothing that resembled a behemoth moving towards him he continued opening the door the rest of the way. He slipped inside the room and reclosed the door with a near noiseless 'click.'
He shuffled his feet across the floor and up to the bed in the corner of the room. A white haired boy was sleeping comfortably under the covers, even if he didn't need the warmth from the cold. Gray stretched out a pale finger and poked the sleeping boy in side. Lyon stirred a bit in his sleep. The raven poked him again in the ribs and this time the white haired male's eyes fluttered open.
"Gray? What are you doing up?"
"I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?"
Lyon closed his eyes again. "Go bother mom or Ultear."
"But Ultear doesn't like it when I ask her, and mommy was acting different. Can I please sleep with you?"
Lyon let out low groan and cracked one of his eyes back open. "Aren't you too old for this?" The raven didn't answer, just stared at him with begging eyes. Lyon gritted his teeth. "Fine. But stay on that side of the be-"
The white haired male didn't even get the chance to finish. Gray was already climbing onto the bed and pulling the covers over himself. Small arms wrapped around Lyon in a cozy embrace and black, messy haired brushed against his chin as a head burrowed into the older male's chest. "I said stay on that side of the bed." Gray didn't move from his position of hugging Lyon. The older let out another groan, followed by gall thoughts. Either Gray had already fallen fast asleep as he sometimes did, or he was becoming very good at pretending in order to avoid commands.
Lyon tucked his blanket tightly around Gray. He rested his chin on top of the raven's head and closed his eyes. "You're lucky I put up with you…"
"Mornin' sunshine."
Ur cast her daughter a beaming smile as the last of her children entered the cramped kitchen for breakfast. Ultear, who was anything but a bundle of sunshine, plopped down on the seat across from her two brothers. "What are we doing today?"
"Hmm," Ultear flipped the pancake she was currently making and gave her three children a side glance. She bit her lip, considering how to reply. To be honest, she was still anxious about the day before. She even was overly panicked when she couldn't find Gray in his room this morning. It wasn't until she found him in Lyon's room that she realized she had been holding her breath. "I was thinking…we work on your offensive moves. If we have time we'll work on strengthening your defense."
Gray looked up from the picture he was currently scribbling. "Me too, mommy?"
Ur gave the small child a reluctant look. As much as it pained her to know that her innocent baby needed to learn how to fight, she had to accept she need to teach him. "Yes, you too. But only after we work on your ice shield." Gray gave her a toothy smile and went back to his coloring.
Lyon stabbed a fork into his breakfast, his stomach growling in desire for the fluffy flapjack in front of him. Ultear wrinkled her nose as her ravenous brother dug in like an animal in front of her. "Would you please act like a human being?"
Lyon glared at her, a snarl coming from him. "Not in the mood."
"What's up with you? Nine in the morning and you're already as fun as a forest fire."
"Gray woke me up in the middle of the night." The mentioned boy gave his brother a sweet look that could make butter melt.
"Why were you in Lyon's room?" Ur spoke up.
"I had scary dream."
Ur tried to keep the hurt from her expressions at knowing her son hadn't gone to her for comfort. "What was it about?"
"A big scary monster with green hair, he kind of looked like this." Gray pointed to the picture he was drawing.
Lyon looked over to the drawing he hadn't bothered to look at a moment ago. "Geez, Gray, where did you come up with a monster like that?"
The smaller boy shrugged. "I was looking in for crayons the other day in mommy's office. I didn't find any, but I found a picture of him in mommy's stuff."
Ur stiffened at the statement. She looked over to where Gray was sitting and looked at his picture, her face visibly becoming chalk white as she did. "Sweetie..." Ur swallowed uncomfortably. She hadn't meant for her youngest to stumble upon her research for the Deliora demon, much less for it to frighten him. "I'm sorry about that."
Gray blinked up at his mother, unsure what she meant. His dumfound expression turned into one of his heart winning smiles when he believed he figured out what she meant by her apology. "It's okay. I found the crayons after that."
Ur let out a long sigh. At least Gray wasn't as pessimistic as his siblings…yet.
"Definitely need to work on your ice shield…"
"Ugh!" Ultear collapsed on the floor, not even bothering with at least trying to make it to the couch. Lyon fell down beside her, every bone in his body ached from the day's training. Neither of them could remember the last time Ur had made them work that hard and for so long.
"Well, that was fun!"
Lyon and Ultear turned to glare at their cheerful mother. Eleven hours of brutal exercises, drills, and matches against each other and the woman hadn't even broken a sweat. Meanwhile all the three of the kids looked like they had tumbled down a mountainside. Mostly Ultear and Lyon, Gray had collapsed from physical exhaustion two hours ago. Ur sent the two a perky smile before taking the unconscious Gray she held in her arms to his room for the night.
Ur entered the small bedroom and laid the small boy down in his bed, tucking the covers around him gently. She ruffled his dark hair affectionately. To say she was proud of the boy's accomplishments today would be an understatement. Already at age five he was beginning to learn the ways of ice make magic like it was second nature. She had no doubt in her mind that all her child were beyond capable. But Gray was different. His appreciation for magic was so unique that it was obvious he would exceed in the field.
Gray shifted under her touch, leaning into it more. "Love you, mommy."
"I love you too." She bent down and kissed his forehead and listened to his even breathing for a few minutes before leaving.
"What the hell did you just say?!"
Ur heard Lyon's yelling before she was even in the living room. The snowy haired boy was giving his sister one of his icy glares. Ultear smirked at the younger boy. "You heard me. Your magic is crap. You'll never be half the mage I am."
"The hell I w-"
Ur sent her fist down on Lyon's head with a thump, a growl emitting from her throat. "Language." Lyon rubbed his now throbbing head but didn't retort. Ur shook her head. She never could understand how kids could go from tired angels to angry savages when they weren't being look after. "If you two have enough energy to bicker then maybe we should continue today's training."
Both of her children paled at the statement, a stream of promises that they wouldn't continue their bickering for the night. A few "I love you's" were reluctantly exchanged between the two to emphasis their agreement.
Ur gave the two a warm smile, letting them know she wouldn't force them into another session. Lyon plopped back down on the couch, Ultear following suit. "You know," Ultear started, not completely willing to let their verbal fight die just yet. "Speaking from experience, you have yet to become as sk-"
Lyon clamped one hand over Ultear's mouth, cutting her off. "Did you hear that?"
Ultear narrowed her eyes at him and began to peel his hand away. "Hear what?"
Lyon stayed silent, waiting for the sound he had just heard to reappear. Ur gave her son a curious look and listened along with him. Her heart dropped when an echoing sound broke the still silence. The sound was a mixture of a low rumble and a high screeching. Even if her children hadn't, she had heard that sound countless times in her life, it wasn't a sound to be easily forgotten. A dragon's roar, only meant one thing after all.
Lyon gazed out the window, searching for what was causing the sound. A hand gripped his shoulder and pulled him away. "Stay down." Ur's voice was harsh and command, her motherly voice gone. She latched onto Ultear's shoulders, looking the girl in her eyes. "I'm heading out. If I'm not back tomorrow morning you three head over to my friend's house. If anything happens get your little brother and get out."
Ur headed towards the door before either child could ask what was going on. She gave a quick "I love you" over her shoulder before the door closed behind her, leaving two very confused kids to gawk at each other.
"Where do you think mom went?"
Ultear looked over at Lyon, not sure how to answer the question. Finally she just shrugged. It was well past midnight and Ur had yet to return. They hadn't heard the sound that had appeared earlier since she left. The two have just been sitting in tense silence for the past few hours. "Do you think…she's okay?"
Lyon turned and stared in shock at his older sister. "What kind of question is that? Of course she's okay."
"I guess…" Ultear gave her brother a sad look before getting off the couch. "I going to check on Gray. Make sure he's still asleep."
Lyon watched as his sister slowly shuffled out of the room, leaving him alone. A long sigh came out of him. He rubbed his eyes lethargically. It wasn't like Ur to just take off like that. Usually she told them at least a few hours in advance when she was going off for her "job." Hell, he couldn't even recall a time that she looked as nervous as she did before she left. Lyon considered heading to bed for the night. By the looks of things Ur wasn't going to be back tonight.
Lyon pushed himself up from his seat only to be forced to the floor. A large explosion rang out in the air and the walls around him began to split in parts. All of a sudden flames licked the ceiling and danced across the floor. Lyon coughed as thick, black smoke filled the air.
"Ul-tear?" Lyon coughed out, frantically searching for her. "Where are you?!" Blinding flames hopped around the house, setting the building on fire faster than what it would have burned.
"In the hallway. Lyon, get outside."
"Get Gray!" Lyon stumbled towards the door. He faintly heard Ultear call out that she was trying. Lyon froze before the doorway, there was no way he was leaving before his sibilings could. A crashing followed by a high pitched scream pierced the air through the crackling flames. "Ultear! Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, but… Lyon the ceiling collapsed in the hallway. I can't get to Gray's room."
Lyon blinked, refusing to let the words sink in. "Ultear get out here now. We'll go around to the other side of the house."
Ultear slowly emerged from the hallway, her arms over her head to protect against the unforgiving flames. Lyon reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her away from the worst of the blaze and out the door.
Ultear started to gag on the thick smoke. "What," cough, "hap," cough, "pened?"
Lyon pushed his sister out into the snowy outside. Ultear stumbled a bit, dizzy from breathing too much smoke. "Stay here." Ultear gave a weak nod, she probably couldn't move even if she needed to. Lyon went the side of the house where the collapsed hallway wasn't in the way. Lyon coated his hand in ice and punched out the first window he found. He climbed through and into the already flame filled room. "Gray!" Lyon began calling out his brother's name in hopes the younger boy would figure out to follow his shouting. "GRAY!"
Gray stirred in his bed and coughs pooled from his throat. He cracked his eyes open and immediately wished he hadn't. He sat up, terror filling him. Flames were coming through his bedroom window and torching the walls. Pooping sounds were coming from the fire, adding screaming noise to his horror. Gray put his hands over his head and closed his eyes. "It's not real." He sobbed. "It's just a bad dream. It's just a bad dream. It's just-"
The raven's head snapped up at his name. Cold realization dawned on him. "It's not a dream…" He tumbled from his bed and backed up against the wall opposite the one on fire. He slid across the wall until he was close enough to the door. He hesitantly reached out and grabbed the doorknob. A scream ripped from his throat as he touched the burning metal and he jerked his hand back.
"Ly-Lyon." Gray shook, unable to control his fear. "He-help!"
"Gray, it's going to be okay. Just do as I tell you. We don't have much time before the roof collapses. Follow the sound of my voice."
"I can't get the door open. It's too hot."
"Try coating your hand in ice, I'm almost there, but you need to get out of there now."
Gray did as he was told. He held his damaged hand with his other and felt cold creep over the skin. He reached out to turn knob, feeling the ice melt on contact. Gray pushed the heavy door open and stumbled into the hall. His eye widened. The flames destroying his bedroom were nothing compared to outside the accommodation. It was like someone had painted the walls red, then proceeded to streak with black. The air was hazy with smoke, making it hard to breath.
"I'm over here!" Gray looked down to the end of the hallway. A short figure was making its way to him through the smoke. Gray let out a cry of relief and began to run towards him. "DON'T!"
Gray stopped a moment later part of the wall to his right gave out. A heap of rubble fell down on where Gray would have been had he continued. The raven took a step back, panicked at the barrier between him and his brother. "Lyon!"
"Just stay right there." Lyon cursed. The pile of rubble wasn't the problem; it was the wall of fire it brought with it. The white haired male brought his hands together, forming a sheet of ice over the blaze. Another swear left him as the flames merely engulfed the ice, melting it. These aren't normal flames, he thought darkly, not even when the ice melts is the water having an effect on it. What the hell is going on here?
Gray shifted from foot to foot, waiting for his brother to get him. The flames in front of his were getting higher and brighter, singeing the ceiling. A creaking sound came from above him. Gray looked up at the ceiling, seeing it begin to bulge downwards and cracks appear in it. "Lyon…"
"I've almost got you." The white haired boy tried forming another sheet of ice but the flames failed to respond.
Gray heard the creaking sound again followed by the sound of something snapping. The raven stopped thinking. He jumped forward, avoiding the ceiling that tried to fall on him. A scream came from him as his body tumbled through the flames on landed in the middle of the rubble. His body twisted in agony as the flames made their marks on his pale skin.
Something strong and firm wrapped around his body, pulling him away from the heart of the fire. Hands patted the flames left burning on his clothes, ending their reign. He felt someone picking him up and carrying him but he wasn't sure who. All he knew was the pain still attacking him. He felt his head slump forward and wet tears slid down his face. His skin was seared and severely damaged, adding to his misery. His head throbbed and he could feel his body trying to curl up on itself.
Ultear let out a breath she'd been holding when Lyon finally emerged from the inferno that used to be their home. Gray's head was slumped forward and he wasn't moving. Lyon laid the small boy down on the ground, and she was relieved to find Gray's chest wasn't as still as the rest of him. It rose and fell slowly, letting them know he was still breathing. Lyon took handfuls of snow from the ground and began to cover Gray with it, hoping the cold of the snow would help his burnt body. The raven stirred a little as the icy snow touched him, but didn't show any signs of reacting beyond that. Ultear kneeled down beside Gray and placed a cooling hand on his forehead. She gently stroked his hair, feeling the singed ends between her fingers.
Gray felt something cold toughing him, surrounding him. His body told him he was burning up but parts of him felt joyfully cool. He feebly opened his eyes. He could just barely make out the shape of Ultear and Lyon hovering over him. He turned his head to the side, feeling the cold snow against his cheek. He squinted as he saw something red in the distance. It wasn't fire though. A tall man in red suit stood off in the distance. A gleaming white smile stretched across his tan face.