Author's Note: Hi guys! This is my first fan-fic so I hope you guys enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I don't own the hunger games or its characters. All credit goes to Suzanne Collins.

P.S. If I made any mistakes; sorry!

Katniss's P.O.V

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I silently curse and pound my alarm until it silences.

Before I can drift off to sleep, I remember that Today's my first day of school.

I got kicked out my old school because I 'attempted to kill a teacher.' The arrow didn't even harm him, it harmed the apple in his hand.
The coach got me angry when he said," If you had more money, you would be able to make it to The Varsity Team." What he said got me angry, so I shot an arrow at his apple. I was immediately taken into the principal's office and accused of trying to kill Mr. Crane. The Principal bought the whole story and had me suspended. I was later told to visit an officer once a week, to make sure that I'm staying out of trouble.

Mom was pretty mad but later understood when I told her the story but she grew furious when all of the school's in district 4 didn't want to enroll me because of my "little stunt". That leads me to where I am now; in District 12, going to a school called, 'Mocking jay High' and visiting an officer once a week, near town.

Shaking my head, I get up, grab a towel and jump in the shower.

Once I'm out and completely dry, I slip on some dark, tight skinny jeans, with a grey V-neck shirt and my black combat boots.

I quickly brush my hair as I walk out the bathroom. As soon as my hair is untangled, I grab a hair tie, grab my school bag and head down the stairs while braiding my hair.

As I enter the kitchen, I see that Prim is sitting down at the table, eating pancakes.

"Morning," she smiles.

"Morning," I return a smile.

Instantly I feel guilty because this will be her first day at a new school because of me.

" Prim, I'm sorry you have to-" I begin to apologize but she cuts me off.

"Katniss, it's fine," she gives me a reassuring smile.

Knowing I can't fight with her, I grab a plate of pancakes and say," Okay."

"Just... this time can you try to behave yourself and make friends?" she asks while giving me a pleading look.

"I'll try." I murmur.

"Okay," she says happily and continues eating her pancakes." I'm glad we moved here, I hear the boys are really cute."

"So if the boys weren't cute, then you wouldn't be glad you moved?" I raise my brows and stuff pancakes in my mouth.

"No, I'd still be glad because I'd have you and mom," she smiles sweetly.

I smile and continue eating.

When I get done, I put my plate in the sink, kiss prim goodbye on the cheek, and leave the house.

Instantly, the warm air hits my face.

It's better than having hot humid air, I think to myself.

When I reach the school, the parking lot is packed with cars and students.

As I walk towards the grass, a group of girls point at me while they whisper to their friends.

I roll my eyes and head inside the building.

Stepping foot inside the school, I see seventeen year-olds chasing eachother, couples kissing against lockers, several people talking, Girls crowding around another's locker, and some people are just simply picking on others.

Welcome to Hell, I welcome myself.

When I reach the office, I see a woman with a bright orange wig and cake loads of make-up on.

"Why Hello, dear, how may I help you?" she asks in a weird accent.

"Um-I-err- I'm new to this school and I was wondering if I can have my schedule," I nervously say.

"Okay, and what might your name be?" she asks as she places her perfectly manicured hands on the keyboard.

"Katniss Everdeen," I answer.

"Okay," she says as she types my name into her computer.

She starts making clicking noises with her mouse and then prints three papers. She hands me the papers and says," This is your list of classes and that is your locker number and combination.

"Uh-Thanks." I say and try to give her a friendly smile.

"I'm Effie by the way. Welcome to Mockingjay High." She says in a cheerful voice. I catch her giving me a small wave before I turn around.

I roll my eyes, when I'm out of her view and quickly scan my schedule.

Katniss Everdeen

11th grade


Period 1-English- room 365

Period 2-Math-room 435

Period 3-P.E.-room 232

period 4-Science-room 198

Period 5-Lunch

Period 6-Free Period

Period 7-Home Economics- 256

Period 8-Music-100

I check to see what my locker is and see that its several numbers down. It seems to be next to a boy with bronze hair and sea green eyes.

I sigh and walk towards my locker.

The boy's flirt flirting with a girl in front of my locker.

I pass in between the two and quickly spin my combo until the locker opens.

"Hey," I hear a seductive voice, beside me.

I look over to find that it's the boy I just pushed out the way. I roll my eyes and start putting my bag away and get my books.

"What's your name sugar?" he winks at me.

"None of your business," I mutter.

"Well, my name's Finnick but for a special lady like you," he says and looks me up and down," you can call me Finnie."

I ignore him and get my last text book when I hear him say," You know if you ever want to... you know...hang out, you can always-"

"Fuck you," I glare at him. He gives me a small smirk before walking away.

I go back to my locker and grab my books and slam my locker shut.

Calm down, it's just some immature boy.

I walk to the restroom and quickly wash my face to try and relieve some anger.


When I walk into homeroom, all eyes are on me. I see the teacher is sitting in her desk with her hands intertwined.

Right before I introduce myself to her, the woman stands up and walks over to me.

I notice that she is staring at me coldly and says,"Katniss Everdeen."

I'm about to reply but she interrupts and speaks loud enough so the class can hear, as if trying to embarrass me." Just so you know, I do not allow weapons in my classroom, and I will not put up with such violent behavior. I read your file Ms. Everdeen and im not happy with it."

She walks back to her desk with a smirk on her face.

I can literally feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Now, you may take a seat wherever you like, but first I must scan you for anything that can harm yourself or my class." She says and points to a wall where there's a scanner for weapons." Please stand over there."

I walk towards the back of the classroom and find a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. His eyes quickly flit away when I meet his.

I scowl and continue walking towards the scanner.

She smirks evil-like and says," Class, if you're lucky, this is what a criminal looks like."

She motions for me to go in.

I roll my eyes and drop my books on an empty desk.

I go in the scanner and it starts to make a bunch of sounds.

Seconds later it beeps and shows that I'm weapon free.

"Well, I'm Mrs. Coin and please take a seat anywhere." she says and scribbles something in her note book.

I grab my stuff and take a seat on an empty desk.

I hope the rest of the day doesn't go as bad as the way it did right now.