Ok so this is the last chapter! Thank you all so much for all of your great reviews. I think you will enjoy this chapter.

SFogh- thanks for your advice :) You helped point me in the direction I wanted to go.

Wade shot up from the couch and ran to the door. He looked through the peep hole and sighed. "You have got to be kidding me." he whispered and pulled open the door

"Wade! It's great to see you." Jonah smiled and walked into the loft "I was wondering how long it would take you to show up."

Wade just stood there confused "Are you and Zoe..."

"Oh, God no! She does have a creepy neighbor that keeps asking her out though. So, I pretend to be her boyfriend"

"Oh ok, that's comforting" Wade snorted

"I guess, so where is she?"

"Zoe? At the hospital."

"Hmm, she was supposed to be off today. She has picked up a lot of extra shifts. You have seen her right?"

"Yeah, I went there first but she still had 8 hours left so she sent me here. Better than sending me back to the airport."

"She wouldn't do that. She's been waiting for you."

"How many people has she talked to about this?"

"She's a sharer" Jonah shrugged "It gets kind of annoying sometimes."

"I liked it."

"Well you're in love with her, I am not. What happened in the field anyway? That she won't really share."

"Really? Then what does she say?"

"I miss Wade. He loves me, can I take him back? Why hasn't he called me, it's only ever texts. Junk like that."

"So she shared some stuff. That I told her I loved her."

"Well yeah, but other than that no. You care to share?"

"Not really"

"Fine, I got to get going, shift starts in an hour. I'll see around I guess."

"Yeah I guess, hopefully not here though"

"Exactly, bring her home and keep her there. She's depressing with out you around."

They shook hands and Jonah left. Wade went and sat back down on the couch, he rested his head on the armrest and closed his eyes.

"Wade, my chief offered me a job in New York"

"Let me guess, you're going to take it?"

"Well, I don't know yet. What's keeping me here?" Wade just looked at her."Well, we're not together, I can't be with George nor do I really think I want to be anymore. He was just a dream."

"I don't want to hear about Tucker."

Zoe turned around and looked out into the field. "Why did you do it? Was I not enough for you?"


"You heard me."

Wade took a deep breath "You were...are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Please don't ever think that what I did had anything to do with you. You are amazing and beautiful and yeah a little crazy at times but that's what makes you so great. I was an idiot and was scared of what we had. The only person that has ever believed in me and supported me was my mom and she died. You getting me that sign and telling me that you believe in me scared the hell out of me. I couldn't lose someone else in my life that I cared about. If I didn't win that money and start the bar I figured you would leave because I wasn't good enough for you. Then I did lose and I forced myself to believe that you were going to leave. This is all on me and I have regretted it everyday since then. Please, please, please don't blame yourself."

Zoe just stood there in shock. "Oh my gosh, Wade" she reached across the fence and placed her hand on his. "I was never going anywhere. I wish you would have said something. That has always been our biggest issue. We don't communicate and we need to."

"I think I just communicated pretty well"

"You did, I just wish it would have come before we got into this mess."

"You're never going to be able to forgive me are you?"

"10 minutes ago, probably not. Now, I think I will but I need time."

"In New York?"


"Well then I will leave you with one more thing." He looked up at her and she looked up at him. "I love you Zoe Hart and I always will. I don't care if you leave and come back in a week, a month, a year or never. No matter what happens between us, just know that I love you"

Wade opened his eyes and sat up. He has had that dream many times since that conversation. He walked into the kitchen, took a beer out of the fridge and went back to the couch.

A few hours later Zoe came into the loft. The TV was on and there were two empty beer bottles on the coffee table. Wade was asleep on the couch, snoring quietly. Zoe smiled at the sight in front of her. She quietly walked over to him, sat on the coffee table, leaned over and kissed him.

Wade's eyes fluttered open and he smiled. "Hey Doc" he said sitting up

"Hi, sorry it's so late"

"No big deal. You're boyfriend stopped by."

"My what? Oh, Jonah? Crap I forgot to tell him I picked up the extra shift. How was that?" she asked and moved over to join him on the couch

"It was confusing at first. Especially him knocking at the door saying "hey baby" I almost tore him a new one."

Zoe laughed and put her hand on his knee "You really came all the way up here just for me?"

"Yep and I'm not leaving until you agree to come home."

"I can't just leave with you."

"I know and I don't expect you too. Your job isn't really one you can just up and leave."

"I could probably be home in a month."

"So you're coming home?"

She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip "Yeah"

Wade smiled, leaned over and kissed her. He started to lower her onto the couch when he stopped.

"What's wrong?" she asked

"You and Jonah never...ya know?"

"NO!" she screamed "Oh gosh, that's gross."

Wade laughed and stood up. He extended his hand and helped her up.

"You know, you look really hot in scrubs." he whispered as they made their way to the bedroom


He just shrugged "Oh and by the way, I've been looking for that shirt you stole for months." he pointed towards the pillow

"To bad"

I thought about going further with the story but I figured it was short and sweet. I really hope you enjoyed it and thanks again for the reviews. Would love to hear what you think about this chapter!