Yes, I know. I've been MIA for MONTHS. I'm so sorry. This summer started off slow and then things just went... BOOM. I had a very good friend pass away in June and I was MIA from life itself during that whole month. I started to come out of it around the 4th, but I went on vacation and work got busy... There just wasn't time. I finally sat back down to this in early September and started writing bits and pieces. I'm a little disappointed in myself with how this story is going. It's all fluff and I want action! But the story won't let me do that just yet. It's coming though... I promise! Anyways. This chapter is a little bit longer... To make up for my extended absence. Please enjoy it! It took a while to get here. I can't tell you when the next chapter will go up, but I hope it's soon. Thank you all for your patience!

Chapter 9

Caroline had just finished dressing for the night when she heard the "pop" of a champagne bottle coming from downstairs. It seemed as though Rebekah had decided to use the empty bar at Deveraux's to begin the festivities for the evening. Caroline looked herself over again in the mirror before turning to head downstairs. She met Sophie at the top of stairs. "I just hope that wasn't one of my bottles. Rebekah's going to pay for the bottle if it is."

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Caroline laughed lightly, "Besides, I wouldn't put it past Rebekah to bring something more 'top shelf'. Not that you don't have the good stuff, Sophie."

The witch smiled, "No, I understand. Only the very best for Rebekah Mikaelson. I'm still coming down to set some ground rules for the bar."

The two women made their way downstairs together to find Rebekah posted up behind the bar and Camille and Therese seated on the other side. "I heard that Sophie," Rebekah said by way of greeting, "And to answer your question, no it's not one of yours. Have some faith in me please? Only the best for us girls!"

"I wasn't too worried, but I never know with you."

"Well, lucky for you, you don't carry Perrier-Jouet. Otherwise, I'd be settling a tab with you right now."

"I'll make a mental note never to carry the stuff. But enough of that. Camille... Therese... Caroline," Sophie looked at each of the girls in turn, "No broken glasses and everything in the sink after you're done. And try not to drink me out of house and home. I ran through the numbers and can allow you three bottles of whatever you like from the stocks downstairs. Just put whatever's leftover into the respective bottles behind the bar."

Caroline gave Sophie a quick kiss on the cheek to show her thanks before going downstairs to the stockroom. "No whiskey or scotch!" Rebekah yelled from upstairs, "I get enough of that at home!"

It was easy enough to make a selection with that stipulation, so Caroline picked out a bottle of tequila (she knew of Rebekah's affinity for it, along with her own), vodka, and rum. The classics and easy enough to work with. When she got back to the bar, she noticed Sophie had moved to stand behind Therese and looked as though she was waiting for Caroline to return. Caroline made her way behind the bar to open them and put pourers on the three bottles. As she was doing this, Sophie put her hands on Therese's shoulders and begin to speak. The girl didn't seem to notice that Sophie was speaking. "I probably don't have to say this to any of you, but it will make me feel better knowing I did. Be careful, tonight. None of us need to get ourselves in trouble. I'd also like for Therese to continue to stay out of the know."

Sophie looked at Caroline last, "And you as well. Marcel knows you're here now and he knows you're at least under the protection of Rebekah. All I'm saying is, don't draw unnecessary attention to yourselves."

The girls nodded and Sophie removed her hands from Therese's shoulders, "Have fun tonight girls. Try to be home before dawn."

"We won't let you catch us sneaking in, Mom." Camille teased lightly.

Sophie gave the girls a pointed look before making her way upstairs to her room. At the sound of Sophie's door closing, Rebekah set four shot glasses on the bar and proceeded garnish the rims with salt and a slice of lime, before filling them full with tequila. "Shots, anyone?"

Significantly later that evening, Caroline found herself sitting in the VIP section of… She couldn't remember the name of the bar they were currently in. Rebekah had insisted they "browse", as she put it, for the best music and action that night. They'd visited so many bars, Caroline had lost track after leaving the sixth. They'd settled in their current position after Rebekah had deemed this "the place to be". The music was loud, the dancefloor was so crowded Caroline couldn't make out the difference between vampire and human. Not that it mattered. Therese was sitting next to Caroline, nursing a vodka soda and her sore feet. "I don't know how Rebekah does it," Therese said longingly, "She wears the highest heels and can traipse about in them all night. I can never last after three hours. What's her secret?"

Caroline and Camille exchanged a small glance. One of the many perks of vampirism, Caroline had found over the years, was the ability to wear high heels without sucuumbing to them. Camille has long since learned that comfortable heels or wedges were the only way to keep up with Rebekah.

"Some people are naturally gifted," Caroline said by way of explanation.

Therese sighed and went back to sipping her drink and scanning the bar. Rebekah, per usual, was in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by a bevy of males. She was pulsing to the beat of the music and had her head thrown back, clearing enjoying the attention and the moment. Several of the boys attempted to insert themselves closer to Rebekah's presence, but a five second stare and some choice words had many of them leaving the bar in a semi-confused state. Caroline laughed as the latest one made his way out of the bar, with the most confused and concerned expression on his face. Rebekah had removed herself from her circle of admirers and was pointedly watching him leave. After assuring herself that he wasn't coming back, Rebekah made her way back over to the booth where Caroline, Camille, and Therese were sitting. "What did you say to him?" Camille asked amusedly.

"He was getting handsy, so I told him his grandmother was very disappointed in his behavior and needed to talk to him right away."

The girls laughed out loud. "That was rather canny of you Rebekah," Therese said, "I don't know you do it. I can never make them leave me alone."

"I'm very skilled at persuasion," Rebekah smiled back. Suddenly, the smile disappeared from her face and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Caroline looked in the direction of Rebekah's gaze and saw that Marcel and a few of his lackeys had just entered the bar. Camille visibly tensed and turned back to Rebekah, "It won't do to leave. You knew it was likely to happen at some point."

"I know. It just complicates matters a bit." Rebekah said.

"Well, if he does come over, we can't just snub him. We'll have to be somewhat gracious," Camille noted.

"And that's where it gets complicated. Nik's not going to like this one bit."

"I'll handle Klaus," Caroline said, "If it comes to that. Cami's right, we can't just ignore him. And he's going to find us sooner rather than later."

At that moment, Marcel located the four of them and began to cut his way through the crowded bar towards them. Caroline couldn't help but notice how the easily crowd parted for him. She'd only ever seen one other person with the ability to disperse a crowd in that way. It was difficult to see Marcel's features in the darkness and flashing lights of the bar, but as he moved closer, Caroline could make out the crinkled eyes and slight, upward tilt of his mouth. Marcel looked as though he'd found Captain Morgan's long lost treasure. "Rebekah Mikaelson, what a pleasant surprise…"

"Good to see you as well, Marcel," Rebekah replied sweetly, "I trust you're not lost?"

"Lost!" Marcel laughed, "This is my city, why would I be lost?"

"This isn't your normal haunt, is all. I've never run into you here before."

"That's not to say I've never graced this place with my presence before. I thought a little change of scenery might be nice for a night like this. May we join you?"

Rebekah smiled sweetly and gestured to the booth, while Caroline and Camille glanced quickly at one another. The three of them quickly understood that Marcel had been following them for the better part of the night. Caroline wasn't sure how she felt about the self-appointed "King of New Orleans" following her, but for once, she was glad to have Rebekah Mikaelson on her side. Marcel sat himself in between Camille and Caroline, placing his arm along the back edge of the booth. Caroline could see Camille fighting an internal battle with herself to move away from him or stay put, so as to not cause any tension within the group. Rebekah had shifted herself closer to Therese, who was currently in conversation with one of Marcel's lackeys. Caroline thanked the stars for small miracles, like Sophie's vervain tea, but she hoped none of Marcel's companions would be stupid enough to try and compel Therese in front of her or Rebekah.


Caroline turned at the sound of her name from Marcel's lips.

"We've yet to become more acquainted. I'd hoped to run into you after our chance meeting the other week, but it seems our schedules have kept us busy. How are you liking New Orleans?"

"It's a nice change," Caroline said evenly, "I've never lived close to or in a large city before."

"And where are you from again?"

The lie Caroline had been rehearsing flew from her mouth evenly, "Charlottesville, Virginia. Born and raised. My father is a professor at UVA."

"And what brought you to the Big Easy?"

"It was time. I'd grown up a small town girl my whole life and spent 22 years basically living at home. I'd always wanted to travel the world and now I have the opportunity to do so. It was also going to become extremely difficult for me to remain in Charlottesville for an extended period of time, if you know what I mean."

Caroline looked pointedly at Marcel at this. If Marcel wanted to know who she was, then Caroline was very prepared to talk his ear off about her "history". She didn't take all those acting classes for her art requirement for nothing.

Marcel nodded his head and at his drink before turning back to her, "I do, which leads me to my next question. How did you find yourself in your current predicament?"

Caroline smiled at his wording. The different ways in which other vampires referred to being turned always amused her. She didn't think that anyone could overhear them through the din of the bar, but one could never be too sure.

"I met a boy in high school who was much older than me. I thought I was in love with him and had our whole lives planned out. Little did I know what was actually going to happen," Caroline laughed as she regaled Marcel with a slightly exaggerated version of how she was really turned. "He broke up with me right before Prom and I was so distraught I threw myself off a bridge. When I woke up, all the compelled memories came back together and I was able to piece together the memories he'd compelled me to forget. He'd been giving me his blood the entire time we were together while compelling me to forget the times he'd bit me. I knew I needed human blood to complete the transformation, he'd told me about his own transformation, and I knew I had a decision to make. I realized I didn't really want to die, and so I completed the transition. It was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself."

"And your parents? How did they take your transformation?"

"Now, here's where I rolled the lucky double sevens. My parents met while studying for their masters in mysticism, both of them are in over their heads on all this supernatural stuff. When I told them what happened, it was like their research had come to life for them. They were extremely accepting. The only disappointment they had was the realization that they'd never have grandchildren, I'm an only child you see, but they go over that quickly too. They also realized I needed to be integrated quickly back into my normal routine as though nothing had happened, so they taught me to feed and control my hunger and my father got in touch with one of his colleagues to secure a daylight ring for me. It really couldn't have worked out better for me."

"And how do you control yourself?" Marcel seemed most interested in this aspect of Caroline's persona.

"I was very conscious as a child of people's feelings and I never wanted people hurt or angry. I focused on how I would feel if I did hurt someone and I didn't like it, that helps keep me from feeding on actual people. I also regulate myself to a strict blood bag and animal blood diet, which controls my cravings. I was a little OCD in my humans days and this became a positive in my vampire life. I've never been out of control in my life."

"Caroline, I don't think I've ever met a more put-together vampire than yourself. Consider me impressed." Marcel raised his glass as though in toast to her.

Caroline raised her own and clinked it lightly against Marcel's, before taking a deep sip to steady herself. She'd never rattled off that much false information about herself, but she knew it's importance, and it wouldn't do to lose her cool after delivering what she thought was an Oscar worthy performance. As she sipped, Caroline briefly thought back to her actual transformation and inwardly wished it had gone as smoothly as the lies she'd just told Marcel. It didn't matter now, she thought to herself, everything worked out the way it was supposed to in the end and she couldn't fault herself for something that had happened so long .

All of a sudden, Rebekah jumped up from her seat, yanking back the vampire who had been talking to Therese. Just as suddenly, Marcel was up from his seat, hands spread wide and an easy grin on his face, but Caroline could see his eyes were hard. She hoped Rebekah knew what she was doing. "What seems to be the problem here?"

"Your friend here was about to ask my friend to do something she didn't want to do. And I'm not comfortable with that." Rebekah glared at both Marcel and his friend, James, as though daring them to talk about compulsion in front of two humans.

"Rebekah…" Therese said hesitantly, ever the pacifist, "I'm sure it's not that big of a…"

"Trust me, it is." Rebekah shot back. She drew eye level with James.

"Back off."

James stumbled backwards as Rebekah released him. His eyes were glazed over for a moment, before they cleared up and he looked at Marcel with a bewildered look on his face. "James, don't worry yourself about it. Go find another source of entertainment for the evening. It seems Rebekah's laid claim to this one already."

Marcel turned back to Rebekah and looked at her as though to size her up for a fight. The staredown between the Original and the King of the Quarter infused the air with palpable tension. Finally, it seemed as though Marcel made up his mind to let the matter rest and he sat down again, his charming smile back in place. Caroline had a feeling Marcel wasn't about to let that go so easily. Rebekah continued to stare at Marcel for a while longer, before sitting herself next to Therese again, this time noticeably closer to the girl. Some time passed before Therese got up to avail herself of the ladies room. Rebekah looked over a Cami and nodded her head in Therese's direction. Cami took the hint and took off after Therese before she melted into the crowd and away from Rebekah's watchful eye. After the two girls left, Rebekah turned back to Marcel, a hard set to her jaw. "You will stay away from Therese, both of them! They're human, Marcel, they know nothing, and they live here. I won't allow it."

Marcel laughed, one that told Caroline he was amused by Rebekah's demands, "You know Bex, when you say things like that, you're only throwing the gauntlet. You think I can resist a challenge?"

"They're my friends. I won't have you messing with them."

"Friends, you say? Why haven't I seen you with them recently?"

"I've been busy."

"Hardly. You barely showed an interest in either of those girls until just a couple weeks ago. Why, it conveniently coincided with Miss Caroline's arrival here. I would say that's more than coincidence."

"Caroline's a friend of a friend, of course I'm going to hang around with her more while she's here. And she works with both of them. We've become close by association."

Marcel looked at Rebekah closely. "I don't believe you for one second Rebekah Mikaelson. Don't forget. I know you and your family. You don't do things unless it benefits you. There's something going on. And I'm going to find out what it is."

And with that, Marcel swept away from their booth, lackeys in tow. Caroline looked over at Rebekah. The blonde was worrying her bottom lip. "What's going to happen now?"

"Nothing. I hope. Marcel will hopefully forget about the whole thing by tomorrow. I'm walking both of them home tonight. I don't want any nonsense. And James won't mess with me. He know better than that."

"Why do I have a feeling there's more to that statement?"

Rebekah laughed, "No wonder Nik likes you. You're perceptive. I always thought there was air underneath all that hair! Don't smack me…. You didn't like me either! Anyways, let's just say I made quite the entrance in New Orleans when I first came to town."

Caroline chuckled, she could only imagine the storm Rebekah stirred up. "So you're not worried at all?"

"I wouldn't say at all. Marcel doesn't like it when people stand up to him, but there's only so much he can do to me, so he doesn't like to take his chances. He also knows he'll piss Nik off royally if he does anything to me. I'm going to extend the umbrella of my protection to include those two. I'll mention what happened to tonight here to Nik and he'll be able to play it off to Marcel as some non-consequential demand by whiney me. Marcel won't do anything to upset Nik. Hopefully, that settles matters, but keep an eye out just in case."

Caroline nodded her assent and went back to sipping her drink. She couldn't shake the feeling though that this was only the start of something more.