Writer: I wonder why every time I write is sooo~ long! I'm going to type a little shorter now~ It's a challenge inside my mind~ Oh yeah, Thank you who reviews, fav., and follows :3.

Warning: wrong grammars and spelling

Disclaimer: Hetalia is not mine

previously in the last chapter or short summary: Prussia got tied up, and France has a new goal.

Note: This chapter is already edited by my awesome beta-reader name Kaori-Obitto sensei or -chan for short. Don't worry guys. I'm going to update soon 'cause I missed you all~ I've become so busy these days (Sighs). And I sprain my ankle! Kaori-chan already knows that 'cause I told her first :3. See you in chapter 6. I'll try my best to make you laugh like in chapter 3. Comedy is not my forte really. Since I wanted to make you guys laugh, I'll try my best to think about my plot (Winks). See you guys!

Chapter 5: Free at last, and another crazy Idea

Prussia Pov

I can't believe that I, the awesome Prussia, got tied up by my bruder and Japan! It was totally unawesome! Me, the awesome Prussia, never gives up escaping! And Ita-chan only watches me tied up! How cruel!

Today, I was sitting on the wooden chair, got tied up by the ropes, and also my feet! It was so unawesome! At least my bruder got better at tying ropes. I, the awesome Prussia, was quite awesome and proud teaching him how to tie an enemy, except he tied me as well. So totally unawesome! I stretched my arms, legs, and body to try how tight the rope is. Yup! Pretty tied up, but the awesome Prusia has a brilliant Idea!

"Come on West! Set me free! How about I treat you in the bar and buy you lots of cold beer for free!" I offered him with a smile on my face. My bruder's eyebrows twitched. Yeah, I know how to bribe and he can't decline the awesome beer! My bruder is in front of me with Japan by his side. Our clothes tatters, some cuts and bruises were adoring on our skin. I fight until the end. Sadly, I lose. At least I fight. Japan suddenly touches my bruder's shoulder while looking at him. My bruder look at him.

"You should not get tempted by the enemy's offer. Think about Italy's situation. We cannot let him suffer because we do this for our friend sake!" says Japan. Now he treated me as an enemy? Great. I look behind them and saw Italy...wait a minute. His not suffering at all! Italy is still daydreaming with his goofy smile while sitting on the chair. Suddenly, I heard my bruder's voice.

"I-I know..." replied Germany. I looked at him with a nervous look.

"C-come on! Let me free and have a nice peaceful chat." I said nervously. I was looking around trying to distract them. I have an awesome plan though. I really need to whistle with my fingers to do that and my companion will arrive immediately, if I do that. The two of them looked at me.

"Gomenasai, I cannot do that. Now, tell us whose the girl we needed." says Japan. Now, they started to interrogating me.

"If you don't answer, bruder. Punishment will awaits you." says Germany quite seriously. I know my unawesome bruder will do that. I gulped.

"Now...Let me think again" I said and laughed lamely. Think awesome Prussia. How should I...Oh, I'm stupid! I wanted to hit my head on the wall. Unluckily/luckily, I'm still tied up.

'I think I should whistle while using my mouth. So whose awesome? Me, Yeah me!' I thought and smirk. Japan and Germany saw my awesome smirk.

"Well? I already give you time, bruder. If you smirk, I know you remember something or think something stupid" says Germany.

"Hey!" I retorted. I know the window is close behind me. I wished I just jump outside the window earlier. Why I never think about that?

"Can you open the window behind me? I'm hot! Wait. I'm really hot." I said and grinned. You know how hot I am, right? My bruder just sighs. The two of them looked at each other and Japan nodded. As in on cue, Japan walk towards behind me and I heard the wind whisper. I already know it is open. I don't know how Japan and West communicate while looking each other. I think it was awesome though. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I know it's Japan. Perfect. When Japan was finally beside at Germany, I finally whistled. The two of them just look at me curiously. Suddenly, I heard my partner chirps and finally cuts the ropes immediately. Gilbird, my awesome companion, laid down on my awesome hair. The two of them were surprised. I carried the chair and throws at them to make more time, and then I ran very fast behind me .

"See you around sucker!" I said and I looked behind my back. I wished I never look behind me because they were coming faster than I thought. I looked in the front so that I can concentrate more.

"Don't let him escape!"


I jumped outside the window. Luckily, it was on the first floor. I ran very fast and I looked behind me again. I saw them that how quite far I am. I feel bad at escaping and not helping my bruder. But hey! If you're stuck in my situation tied up by my sibling with his/her friend, you wanted to escape, right? So, I shouted.

"CALL HUNGARY!" And now, I'm finally free!

Awesome Prussia PoV End~


France PoV

I took a sneak peak by the small crack of England's door. I saw him reading his weird books that has a dark cover with unknown language in front with small red letters. I frown.

'Don't worry, Angleterre! I will cure you with my power of love! See my beautiful love unto you. My beautiful voice, and my beautiful face! You will see and hear me in 24 hours!' I said inside my mind. At that, I burst the door quite open.

Lovely France PoV End~

And now, England's PoV start~!

I was reading with my spell book quite peaceful. No more stupid git France. Suddenly, someone opens my door quite loudly and I got startled by it. I looked who it is and I saw the Git I was talking about earlier.

"You bloody wanker! Knock on the door and asked my permission before you enter!" I shouted at him. Luckily, I don't sipping my tea. I still carried my spell book.

England's PoV End~

England looked at France with a death glare while France with a goofy face. France's aurora has flower with pink background floating in the air, while England has a dark aurora with lighting shooting out of his eyes while glaring at France.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in my home!?" England shouted again. France looked at him and smirked.

"Don't worry, Angleterre~ I'll cure you with the power of my love!"replied France

"What the bloody hell are you talking about!?" said England. He was annoyed and creeping him out.

"I feel hurt what you say. Me, your worry-wart kind of a brother was quite worried about you! You never drink my full supply medicine I give you in your last birthday! You're quite sick. So, I, Your brother will cure you filled with my loving love love!" said France. England is totally freak out right now. And then, France walks one step in England's room. England suddenly stood up quickly.

"Stay the bloody hell away from me!" shouts England.

'What's the bloody hell is wrong with him!?' thought England. Suddenly, France pick out the medicine inside his pocket, and it was a pill.

"Come now, Your loving big brother France will cure you!" He said and wink at him. France took two steps while England took several step until he was near his window.

"Don't be scared, Angleterre. This is for your own good. I'll take good care of you, oui?" comforts France and winks at him again. England is scared right now. He was now shivering. And then, he stood up straight, try to compost himself, and look at him with a smirk.

"I have two things to say for you." said England. Inside his mind, he was quite scared shitless. He was trying to be a gentleman in the end though.

"And that is?" asked France, curious.

"I don't know what the bloody hell is wrong with you and who gives you crazy Idea that I was sick, but not. You're a freaking psychopath, wine-freak, git, Idiot, a bloody wanker, and stay the bloody hell away from me!" said England calmly. At that, he opens his window and jump outside immediately. France was quite dumbfounded. He knows that a Nation can't die by jumping from the third floor. France shakes his head.

"You can't escape me, Angleterre. I will cure you no matter what because it's filled with my beauty of brotherly love." said France to no one. At that, he walks away and decided to use the exit instead. No way he will jump out the window.

To be continue~

Writer: I think this is short? I'm gonna type it shorter from now on~ Please review~