Okay... Time for part two! ...Maybe I'll meet the goal this time, and we can officially get on with chapter 3. Well, in any case, I'm not about to say much here this time, since it's just a continuation, I'll just save all of my comments for the end notes, and I'll answer whatever reviews in Chapter 3... ... ...So yeah, let's get on with it...

Though in saying that, I still have some notes- 1. After this goes up, I will being updating the previous chapters, simply due to the fact that I seemed to have made several errors.

2. I can't quite remember all that happened in the last chapter, so some things may end up being repeated, I apologize if that is the case.


3. Once again, thank you Bomb Ring for your continued support in this trial, and for putting up with my lazy self.

Chapter 1

Transfer Student

~Part Two~

It took a few moments for Tsukune to register what he had just been told. 'This was a school for monsters?' It was strange, the thought seemed ridiculous, however for some reason it was all too easy to accept. It was actually quite strange, despite the fact that this was the first time that he had ever heard of monsters existing, it didn't seem odd, it actually felt far more natural than it should have. With him feeling that way, the conversation continued just as it had been, with a constant grin settled on his face.

"Is that so? I hadn't been told that before entering here, how interesting!" Just as his expression remained the same, his voice did too, keeping an upbeat tone the entire time.

Though after saying this, a look of intrigue replaced Gin's welcoming expression, and he opened his mouth to speak, "So does that mean you were expecting to transfer to a human school?" His voice held a curious tone, which matched the look on his face quite well.

Tsukune nodded once before verbally answering his new friend, "I'm not sure if 'transferred would be the right word since I've always been schooled at home, but yeah I was expecting to be sent to a school for humans."

Gin looked at him for a moment before sighing, "Well, somehow you being homeschooled explains helluva lot about you, but if you ask me, you definitely got the better deal to be sent to a monster school. No point in being surrounded by filthy humans your first day out of the house." Tsukune raised an eyebrow, and then lifted his arm to his face so that he could smell himself... He thought he smelled clean enough, so the term 'filthy' was left as a mystery to him.

Gin either paid no mind to Tsukune sniffing himself or he just didn't notice, though either way worked for him, but before he could respond he let out a slight gasp as Gin roped his arm around his neck and whispered something to him, "So anyway, since it's getting so late, how about I give you some 'secret' introductions, what do you say?" His voice held a sly tone, and he awaited Tsukune's response.

However that didn't take long, the thought of meeting a potential new friend excited him to no end, and he instinctively nodded his head, not bothering to question what Gin meant by 'secret introductions'. Gin gave a wolfish grin as he continued to speak in a low tone, not wanting anyone else to hear him, "Good man, now here's the catch... We aren't allowed to get caught, and if we do, it's every man for himself, so make sure you run away... preferably in the opposite direction of me." Instead of nodding eagerly as he normally would have done, he just gave a questioning stare in return, causing Gin to sigh as he spoke again in an even lower voice, "We're going to the girl's dorm you idiot, do you not remember what I said earlier about males not being allowed over there?" He received a short nod, "Well it's even more strict at night time, therefore we. Are. Not. Allowed. To. Get. Caught. Got it?" He received another nod and a grin returned to his face, "Good, then off we go my accomplice in crime!" And with that they marched through the gates of the boy's dorm and began the trek to the one forbidden to males.

It was slightly disappointing that he wasn't going to be allowed to actually talk to them, but at the very least he would learn about potential new friends, but how simply learning about someone would help him, he didn't know yet.

Tsukune followed Gin behind the dorm, where a giant tree had grown. They climbed to a branch that was stretched out to the front of a window that wasn't blocked off by curtains. The look on Gin's face showed that he was satisfied with their current position, and Tsukune couldn't help but notice a bit of drool coming from his mouth as he reached into his pocket and took out what seemed to be a camera. What it would be used for, he couldn't imagine, but it also didn't matter, so he decided to leave it be.

Gin turned his head towards Tsukune, and opened his mouth to speak, "Okay, Tsukune, the first lady I shall show to you is somewhere right inside of that room, can you see her?" Tsukune quickly looked through the window, but the only thing he could make out from the dark room was a seemingly short girl with blue hair, and considering the lights were dim, he could only assume that she was getting ready to go to sleep.

He looked back towards Gin and shook his head, "Not really, all I can see is blue hair and dim lights." In response, Gin only scratched his head and sighed, obviously that wasn't what he wanted to hear.

"Well damn, that doesn't help my case very much... But anyway, the girl that is in there is Kurumu Kurono, she's extremely popular with the males students for obvious reasons, that you apparently can't see." Gin began to drift of into a daydream, but quickly returned to reality and continued to speak, "Well in any case, if you can't even see her, then it's a lost cause, it's time to move on to the next one." Tsukune slowly nodded, and followed Gin to a different branch, that led to a window that, unlike the last one, was brightened from the inside.

Once again, Gin asked if he could see anything, and once again he looked through the window to check. This time he made some form of progress as to what the girl looked like. He saw flowing pink hair, and smooth, a slightly pale skin, and around her neck, he saw a choker with a cross hanging off of it, or in other words a rosary. Though for some reason, he sensed something off about the accessory, but he didn't quite know what.

He wanted to think about it a bit more, before he realized that he needed to report to Gin, "Yes, I can clearly see a girl with pink hair and rosary, and her room is very clean." After saying that, Gin seemed to brighten up, and stretched to the side slightly, getting a better look on the inside, however with his current position, he couldn't see much more than her wall.

He clicked his tongue in an annoyed fashion and quickly looked over to Tsukune, "Hey, switch with me for a bit, alright?" A strange request to Tsukune, but seeing no reason to decline, he let Gin move to where he was just sat, and began to move to another branch whilst he waited for Gin to finish.

The curtains, like the previous rooms, were open, however the only light protruding from inside was about as bright candle. With this being the case, he obviously couldn't see in as well as the last one, but still more than the first room's. From the little that he could make out, Tsukune saw a girl sitting at her desk, presumably studying. He couldn't see much in the way of appearance, so he let his gaze drift to the side of her, where he saw something round. He was uncertain as to what it was, but then he noticed it move... And that it was moving towards him, or more like flying. That's when he noticed the bat wings on either side of it.

'...Wait, that's a freaking bat? How...odd?' Whilst he was thinking, Tsukune didn't notice that the 'bat' was already flying right at the window, looking directly at him.

They stared at each other for a few moments, however then the winged creature quickly turned around and began to yell, "M-m-mistress Kokoa, there is someone staring inside of your room! -Whee~" The voice was muffled, but Tsukune could make out enough to know that he needed to leave.

'And when can they speak? What the hell!' Were his only thoughts as he began to make his way to Gin, whom was currently sitting on a different level of the tree, however he then remembered what he had been told before he had been brought here, 'We are not allowed to be caught, and if we are, it's every man for himself, so make sure you run away... preferably in the opposite direction of me.' He hadn't bothered to question it then, so he didn't question it now, and decided to follow his orders, so instead of heading back up to where Gin was, Tsukune dropped to the ground, and quickly made a sprint for the wall. The moment he reached it, he bent his knees and made a high jump over it.

After landing successfully, he once again began to dash, this time towards the dorm. Luckily he didn't run into any trouble, or bump into anyone on the way, though he did notice a pale girl with purple hair hiding behind some bushes... As he has done many times before, he decided not to question it, though this time at the risk of disobeying his friend. He finally stopped running once he got to the gates of the boy's dorm, and he caught what surprisingly little breath he lost. After doing so, he decided to stick around the gate for a while, to wait for Gin.

He didn't expect to wait for too long, considering how quick he expected Gin to be, however despite his expectations, he ended up waiting around for a while. Only after about an hour and a half did Tsukune finally see Gin in the distance, trudging back, with ripped clothes, and a bruised face.

It took another five or so minutes for him to finally make it to the dorm, but when he saw Tsukune, his walking quickened, and his loud voice made it seem as though he had already healed, "You ass! What the hell did you leave me out there for!?" Though all he received was a questioning look, as he commonly seems to get.

"Eh, but didn't you tell me that if we were caught, to run? And, what exactly happened to you anyway?" Gin looked both defeated and depressed as he remembered the events of the ordeal.

He didn't want to speak of what happened back at the girl's dorm for the sake of his dignity, nor did he want to answer Tsukune in regards to his instructions, so instead he decided to just drop it and avoid the topic, "...Just forget it... Anyway, as I'm sure you're aware, I am tired as hell, so g'night, I'll see ya tomorrow." And with that, he made his way inside the dorm to rest.

It was slightly disappointing that he couldn't hear what had happened, but for the sake of his friend he decided that he wouldn't bring it up again.

He looked up at the sky, and saw the moon staring back at him, he was just now realizing how late it had gotten. Deciding to take up Gin's example, Tsukune walked into the dorm, and looked for his room number, which he had written down on a piece of paper before he left. After opening the door and walking in he realized that he had forgotten to ask for name of the pink haired girl, and to see if he knew the names of the girl that was hiding, and the one who owned the bat that spotted him. Though seeing as how he had probably already gone to bed, he decided to ask about them tomorrow...

'Tomorrow, the day I will finally get to go to school...' And with that thought in mind, he smiled as he lied down to go to sleep.

And... I'm ending that chapter there... It seems like a good enough place to stop, at least I think it is, regardless I need to get this damn chapter out, it has been too long. Sadly, I've yet to finish this transfer student business and I will have to go on with a part three, instead of getting to a actual new chapter... Something else that's sad is that I once again couldn't get everyone introduced... Though at least I got in the appearance of four of them, perhaps next time they can actually bloody meet Tsukune... But I wouldn't have high hopes... Oh yeah, speaking of the characters, I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but, Kokoa will indeed be in the same grade... I'm not sure how I'll explain that yet, but It'll either be because she is just slightly younger than Moka, but still old enough to be in their school, or she will have skipped a grade, like how Yukari skipped about a million. Don't like it? Then come at me bro!

Sorry for the wonky writing towards the end (And probably everywhere else.) I was having issues with my wording, and many other issues can arise from that, I will probably just redo it later, or be lazy and just do it after this story ends, so even if it suck it will probably get redone, unless you guys are cool with it. Ah, and I'm also sorry this chapter was short as well, however as I said before, I needed to get this chapter out so it was now or never...

I don't think there is anything left to say, and I don't have any questions, so I guess that's it. Leave a review or PM me if you have any suggestions for anything.

Thanks again Bomb Ring for your support and...
