A/N This is a little one shot I wrote for the ever lovely Concentration Maple-ation with her character Sylvia ( Sylvia belongs to her, I just like to write her into stories and draw pictures of her ^^; )

Anyways, I hope you ( and her of course!) enjoys this!

It was happening again. A glass shattered against the wall. A cigarette was being lit by shaking hands. Curse words were exchanged. A girl was crying. There were fists flying. A thud as a body hit the ground. Shoes were booting.

" You're a goddamn slut, Lola!"

" Johnny, baby, you're hurting him!" her tears were all in vain because Johnny looked so fed up and pissed. It was just another day, another boy, another fall out. When would it end? Sylvia wondered if ever.

Johnny crossed the tenant building, appearing back in the living room with a handful of clothes. HE tossed them next to Gord Vendome, who was sprawled out on the ground, having been found making out with Lola on Johnny's bunk.

" It wasn't what it looked like Johnny" Lola cried at his feet.

" Get out and go with your guy Lola, that preppy scum. I don't ever want to see you again. I thought that me lovin' you was enough. It's not, get out. Get out now. I'm DONE." He screamed in finality, his voice ringing through every room in the house, echoing back.

Everyone was silent as Peanut cleared his throat, helping her get her stuff, and pushing her to the door.

" Where will I go?" she wailed. " Johnny, baby, let's talk this over." Johnny didn't even look back as he slammed the door on her face.

" Get that scum oughtta here." Hal and Lucky were already on it.

" I can't believe it, Hal." Lucky was muttering as he kicked the door open with his boot.

Sylvia waited until everybody dispersed before she went to find Johnny, knowing how self destructive he got after one of those break ups. He was probably already drinking himself into oblivion.

Much to her surprise, he wasn't drinking. He was sitting on his bed, a cigarette in his hand, and a very sober expression on his face.

" Can I come in?" Sylvia asked from the door way.

Johnny's eyes flickered to hers, the soulful browns were filled with hard realization.

" Yeah, yea c'mon in. " He said patting the spot beside him on the bed. SHe put her arm around him comfortingly.

" Ya know, I knew this would happen eventually" He took a long drag before he continued, " I used to cry about it because Lola's all I know, all I knew. I just...I don't deserve that right?" He turned toward her seriously.

" Of course not Johnny, any girl would be happy to have you."

" You're just sayin' that."

" Nah, I'm serious."

" C'mon, any girl and a guy like me?"

" Yes Johnny!"

" Sylviaaaa, c'mon!"

It must have been the way he said her name that done her in. WHy did it make her so crazy? But, instantly every bit of her reserve was stripped away.

" I would."

The room grew quiet when neither of them spoke. He gave her a hard look before he edged closer, his eyes closing. The smell of smoke mixed with motor oil underneath a very distinctly masculine cologne.

Johnny, THE Johnny. Lola's Johnny.

" Johnny, Lola-" Syliva began but Johnny wouldn't have any of that.

He put his finger to her lips.

" I'm only gunna say it once Sylvia, I've known for a long time that Lola and I were over, that we both just didn't feel the same way about each other as we used to. Lola and I are done. Promise."

You didn't fight with Johnny Vincent, you just didn't. Something about the way he said it made her believe. IT was personally validated by the feel of his lips against hers.

How long had she wanted this? Long enough.

Staring up at him, his smile was typical Johnny, his voice took the edge off.

" Let's see how this works, alright? Who knows this maybe what I've been waiting for."