Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope this quick update doesn't give you all a heart attack after the long hiatus between chapters 1 and 2. Well since you all reviewed here is Chapter 3.

Disclaimer: As always I do not own the rights to the following characters. They are all the creation of ABC and Once Upon A Time.

Chapter 3: Gold's Plan

Snow's POV:

Well, just another day for an ordinary family right? WRONG! As much as I am a firm believer of the strange and unlikely, even I was shocked by the mysterious transformation. All of a sudden I felt selfish. How many times had I wished for this moment, the chance to see my daughter grow up, but not like this. As much as it pained me to lose, for my grandson I needed to get my daughter back. I walked beside my husband David down the cobblestone street towards Gold's pawn shop and only half listened to the conversation. Emma walked on David's left and held tightly to his hand watching in awe at the strange world she found herself. I glanced over at my daughter clinging to David and smirked to myself. 'Definitely a Daddy's girl' I thought to myself. We reached the corner of the street and Emma stepped off curb to cross the street. I was immediately pulled from my daze by a loud honk of a horn and David quickly pulled Emma onto the sidewalk. She looked over at me with a scared but confused look on her face.

"Mom, what was THAT?" she asked in a high pitched voice.

"That's a car Emma. They can be dangerous if you're not careful." I replied softly. I could see she was fine; maybe a little shaken. She bit her lid and cocked an eyebrow at me so I explained. "It's like a carriage except much faster and doesn't use horses."

"What a very strange place this is indeed." Emma said with a look of bewilderment.

"It sure is Sweetie." David said with a laugh. "It sure is."

"There it is!" Henry said suddenly pointing to the hanging wooden sign that identified Mr. Gold's shop. We approached the building and walked around the side to the back entrance. I knocked firmly on the door waiting for Mr. Gold to let us in.

"Now David, let me handle this okay?" I said turning to my husband. As usually David wasn't listening to me. I was about to say something else when the door opened.

"Good Morning Mary Margaret, David. To what do I owe the pleasure of this unannounced visit?" Gold said as he opened the door.

"You tell us." David snapped before I could say a word. He pulled Emma in front of him placing her between Mr. Gold and himself.

"Not really what I had in mind David." I said softly.

"Who is this girl?" Gold asked looking from David to me.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" David replied with a sly smile.

"What's your name Dearie?" Gold asked softly directing his attention to the blonde child before him.

"My name is Emma, Sir. I am the daughter of the Prince and Princess." Emma answered. The look of surprise on Gold's face was short but clearly visible. Gold looked up at me.

"How is this possible?" Gold asked puzzled for a moment. Then, as though he interpreted the discretion needed he turned to his grandson. "Henry why don't you take Miss Emma to meet Belle? She's in the kitchen doing some baking I believe." Henry nodded and led Emma through the house to find Belle.

"That was smooth Gold." David commented.

"Yes well I can see the child knows nothing amiss. Now, what is going on here and where is Emma? I mean older Emma, where is Miss Swan?!" Gold demanded.

"We were hoping you might be able to help us." I replied as the three of us took a seat in the sitting room. David and I explained to Mr. Gold the happenings of the previous evening.

"Hmm, so you have no idea how it happened at all? Peculiar, peculiar indeed. You were right to come to me. We need to keep this from Regina as long as possible, but she will find out eventually." Gold stood up and began to walk around the room talking more to himself than us. "And she knows nothing of this world, her 'memories' are of the Enchanted Forest you say?"

"Yes. She thinks were simply on a Summer Progress about the lands." I replied.

"Okay well first thing we need to do is see if Miss Swan is still present in the child's brain." Gold said.

"How do we do that?" I asked looking from David to Gold.

"It's going to be tricky... but before we involve magic, I need you two to look for a sign that your adult daughter is still in there. If we jump too quickly, the results would be catastrophic."

"So she has to stay in the body of a nine year old?" David said sharply.

"I'm afraid temporarily yes. If we act now and it turns out Miss Swan is too far suppressed in the brain, the child could die and in association so would Emma." Gold said gravely.

"So what do we do?" I demanded.

"Treat her like an amnesia patient. Pretend the child is your daughter and you need to refresh her memories, show her things that mean something for Miss Swan. If after a longer period of time Emma reacts as a nine year old should we will have to change paths. However, if she reacts in ways that a 29 year old woman would than I know our next step." Gold explained slowly.

"Will this work?" David asked quietly.

"Well," Gold said with a smirk. "Would you rather I tell you to take two aspirin and call me in the morning?"

Well there it is my pretties! Hope you liked it. I actually have some very interesting ideas about different paths this story can take. So have your input. READ AND REVIEW!