Bear with me guys, I'm getting into a regular posting routine soon now that we finally have the internet installed into our new house. I can't guarantee anything though beause I have the memory of a sieve.

Adorable Awkwardness

"As the Earthling's say, happy Valentine's day." Drift purred into Perceptor's audial.

Perceptor smiled bashfully and turned in Drift's arms. "Do you even know why they celebrate Valentine's Day?"

"Nope. But I heard a few say it today while giving gifts." Drift shrugged. "So inform me of this day then."

"It's when you . . . celebrate the love you have for another that isn't family." Perceptor explained.

"Doing what?" Drift smirked.

"Anything you want. Take them out. Spend the night in with them-"

But Perceptor's explanation was cut short when Drift pressed him into the wall. Drift's lips planted themselves on Perceptor's hungrily. Perceptor's hands twitched against the air, not knowing what to do with them. Drift released their lips and gripped his hands, planting them on his own hips.

"You're so adorable when you're like this." Drift mumbled against Perceptor's lips.

"I-just . . . never been with . . . anyone this far." Perceptor shrunk into himself, drawing his hands away.

"Hey. You're with me now. Just let yourself go." Drift mumbled before reattaching their lips together.

Perceptor's arms snaked around Drift's neck as their glossa wrapped around the other. Perceptor gave in completely to the mech in front of him. Drift's fingers ghosted against the transformation seams in Perceptor's hips. Perceptor arched into those devilish hands and moaned against his lips. Drift smirked and latched onto Perceptor's neck cables, mouthing and sucking at each one until he found a particularly sensitive one, making Perceptor gasp and tip his head back. A sudden flash made Perceptor squeak and push Drift away. Drift glared at Blaster, innocently holding a camera, ready to snap.

"I suggest you run before you lose your hands." Drift growled.

Blaster sped away, giggling to himself. Drift sighed, looking back at Perceptor, who had managed to sneak away. Drift looked around the room, frowning, before finding him in his berthroom that was attached to his lab by an extra door. Drift's shoulders sagged and headed into the room. Perceptor's shoulders shook as he paced around the room.

"This is what I mean when they tease me." Perceptor panicked. "He'll show Springer, who'll show Blurr and then Kup and they'll laugh at me and they'll never let us live it down."

Perceptor was cut off by a forceful kiss from Drift. Drift held the kiss, his hands clamped to Perceptor's cheeks, until Perceptor meekly relaxed into the kiss. Drift pulled away, brushing Perceptor's cheeks with his thumbs softly. Perceptor leaned into Drift's soft touch, keeping his optics closed tightly. Tears slowly slipped through his optics covers and he moved away. Or tried to. Drift pulled him in, being the stronger of the two and hugged him tightly.

"Tell me what's wrong." Drift demanded softly.

Perceptor shook his head at the demand, struggling to get loose. "Nothing's wrong."

"Percy, please," Drift pleaded, his grip slipping as his tone surprised Perceptor. "Please tell me, I want to help."

Perceptor stared at Drift before sighing. "Drift, it's just that I was brought up on my own. And when I did try to build friendships with others, they just . . . they just tossed me away."

"Well I'm not and neither are the others." Drift reassured. "Trust me. We can take this slow if you'd like, so you can learn from an expert."

"You do like to flatter yourself, don't you?" Perceptor glared, smirking.

Drift smiled widely. "And this is just the start of it."