
"Hey," Arizona said walking into the room where her entire family sat.

"Hey Zona." Nick said, "Did Cal tell you about the house, it's got almost everything you guys have on your dumb dream list."

"Yes, she told me we are going to look at it tomorrow afternoon." Arizona said rolling her eyes.

"Why are you waiting so long can't we go today?" Barbra asked

"Callie is preparing for Tim's surgery and she will do it early tomorrow," Arizona said, "and you will not come look at the house with us sorry mom but its going to just be me and Calliope."


"Probably because it's going to be their home mom its something they should do together." Tim came to his sister's defense.

"He has a point dear, you did have more of a hand in picking it out so far than Arizona." Daniel jumped in.

"Fine." Barbra pouted.

"Its not like you will never see it mom, I know once we get all moved in you guys will come visit."

"True." Daniel said

Arizona thought for a second about telling her family about her and Callie wanting kids, but she decided against it she knew if she mentioned it now her mom would never let it go.

"Heeey Zona, whatcha thinkin so hard about over there?" Tim asked.

"Huh? Um.. Nothing."

"Well that's a lie." Nick said

"Already getting cold feet about Cal?" Tim asked

"No never," Arizona said to her brother

"Then what is it because you have your freaking out face?" Tim asked

"You do you have the same face as that time Jessica asked you if she could move in with you and you ran from her." Nick added.

"You know what I don't miss you two now that I think about it."

"I'm gonna let this slide for now sis but know it will come back up later." Tim said

"Whatever Timmy." Arizona sat on the couch near his bed, "so excited to be cut open tomorrow?"

"O yes very ready, are you sure your girl won't brake me any further?"

"I'm sure didn't you hear Jacobson she is the best, he may have been super annoying but he was right about that."

"Who is Jacobson?" Nick asked

"O he was my doc in D.C. he wanted Callie." Tim said

"I'm sad I missed that Arizona's jealous face is funny."

"Hey, I don't have a jealous face." Arizona interjected

"Yes you do." Tim and Nick said at the same time.

"Although Arizona looked way more pissed when we talked about him than jealous."

"ooo did you catch him and Callie making out?" Nick teased Arizona visibly stiffened a little, "You did catch him and Callie making out?"

"Wow, why is she still here?" Tim asked

"I didn't catch them making out, she was looking at your scans she turned around and he kissed her she pushed him off right away, then I told him to leave." Arizona said

"How do you know that's how it happened?" Daniel now interested in the conversation.

"I saw it, I was standing in the doorway when it happened." Arizona said

"Man I wish I could have seen you yell at him."

"I didn't actually yell at him, I stayed very diplomatic, I needed him to clear you to fly. Even though that didn't really work out for me." Arizona said

"What? That's not you Zona you are the master of freaking out first asking questions later."

"There was no reason to freak out." Arizona said

"Really I've seen you slap someone for less." Tim said

"Maybe but I don't need to defend my relationship with Callie it's not going to ever change she isn't going to leave me for some random guy."

"Woah Arizona Robbins trusting someone." Nick said

"I do intend to make her my wife, that does require trust."

"I wasn't sure anyone had told you that part."

"And with that I'm going to go find my fiancé." Arizona walked out of the room.

Walking towards Callie's office she saw Mark, "Hey Mark do you know where Callie is?" She asked him.

"I don't, she apparently doesn't have time for me anymore."

"It's just been busy, things will calm down soon."

"Whatever you say, then she will be moving."

"It's not like you still can't come over."

"It wont be the same," Mark pouted.

"Hey guys." Callie said walking up to her fiancé and her best friend.

"Hey babe," Arizona smiled kissing her, "I was looking for you."

Mark just rolled his eyes and started to walk away, "Hey where are you going?" Arizona asked

"Back to work." Mark said

"Bye Mark." Callie said she was oblivious to his mood.

"Hey Mark, lets all go out tonight. Get Lexie or whoever and let's go to Joe's later." Arizona said knowing he wanted time with his friend but Callie wasn't even realizing it.

"What?" Callie asked

"Yeah lets go to Joes, We have barely left the hospital." Arizona said

"Not true we went out last night."

"That was different." Arizona smiled at the memory

"I guess if you really want we can go out tonight, I just figured you would want to spend your parents last night here with them."

"We can have dinner with and then go to Joes after."

"Come on Cal, your girl has a point." Mark said excited at the prospect of a night with his friend.

"Whatever you want to do Arizona."

"Psh," Mark said walking away.

"See you later Mark." Arizona called after him.

"So what was that about?" Callie asked her and Arizona walking to her office.

"He misses you," Arizona said

"He will get over it." Callie said kissing Arizona

"Maybe, have you told him we are engaged?" Arizona asked sitting in Callie's chair.

"No I haven't talked to him, other than him complaining about me not being around." Callie said leaning on her desk.

"Oh." Arizona said braking eye contact.

"Hey, no it's not that I haven't wanted to tell him it's just I've been busy, it doesn't mean I'm not super excited about this." Callie said

"Super?" Arizona laughed

"Yes, super." Callie said leaning down to kiss Arizona, "we can tell everyone tonight."

"Okay." Arizona smiled; Callie took her hands and pulled Arizona over to the couch in the room their lips connecting as Callie sat Arizona moved so she was startling her, Callie's hands immediately went straight to Arizona's ass pulling her body close.

"Humm… Did you lock the door?" Arizona asked as Callie begin to kiss her neck.

"I think so." Callie wasn't really sure but also didn't really care.

reattaching at the mouth, tongues colliding Arizona took Callie's bottom lip between her teeth biting softly.

"Mmmm." Callie moaned slipping her hands under Arizona's shirt.

"Hey, Callie do you know where Arizona…Gahh!" Daniel said turning around quickly

"Dad, what are you doing?" Arizona asked jumping from Callie's lap.

"Looking for you." He said as she tried to readjust her shirt.

Callie was just sitting there looking slightly mortified.

"Is that really what you use your office's for?" Daniel asked laughing a little.

"No." Arizona said still unable to make eye contact with him, "what do you need?"

"I wanted to know what you guys want for dinner, I was going to make a run."

"Whatever you get is fine."

"Cal?" he looked to Callie

"Ya… I um.. Whatever.." She said Arizona laughed at her.

"It's okay Callie." Daniel said leaving the room.

"So did you lock the door?" Arizona asked repositioning herself on Callie.

"I guess not, that was embarrassing."

"If he would have waited a few minuets it would have been worse." Arizona said kissing Callie again.

The door swung open again, "Really?" Daniel said

"Wow," Arizona said this time not moving off of Callie, "What do you need now?"

"Nothing just wanted to know if you wanted to go with me?" He asked his daughter.

"Sure." Arizona said kissing Callie before getting off and following her dad out of the room.

"You seem happy." Daniel said to his daughter.

"I am happy dad, really really happy."

"Good, I like seeing you like this, it's new." He smiled taking her hand, "although I could live without seeing you on top of her," he joked.

"Then maybe you should learn to knock."

"I didn't realize I had to in your work place."

"Neither of us are really working."

"So this house your looking at tomorrow, do you think it's the one?" He asked

"I don't know I haven't had time to look at the pictures, Callie love's it though so I'm pretty sure we are going to end up putting an offer on it tomorrow."

"You haven't even seen it yet."

"I know but the way she talks about it, its everything we want except the kitchen, but if she decides she needs it we can put in whatever she wants."

"Can you afford that?"

"Yes dad, I am the head of my department and one of the best pediatric surgeons in the country." She said, "Wanna tell me why you are so worried about my finances?"

"I just, I know Callie doesn't have to worry about money. I don't want you to get into something you can't afford because she doesn't have to look at a price tag."

"Dad, it has never been a problem with us, Callie does have a good amount of money in a trust fund, but she doesn't live off of it, actually she never touches it. If we get this house it will be our money not her fathers."

"Okay, I just want to make sure."

"I promise, and even if we did use the trust fund money, that house is going in both our names, we will both be protected."

"I know and I know that you and Callie are solid, I just want to make sure."

"I promise we have actually talked about these things dad, I know it looks like we are moving fast but we are not."

"Okay," Daniel said, "Good." He smiled, "So the boys brought up kids with her."

"I know we talked about it today, don't tell mom okay?"


"When we came up with the idea's for what we wanted in a house we decided we needed at least three rooms upstairs so that way babies wouldn't have to be that far away from us."

"but I thought you didn't want kids?" He said

"I didn't but that was before Calliope, I can't wait to raise a family with her. That's what we talked about today, she didn't realize how much I never wanted kids and she said that she didn't want to pressure me on the subject but its different dad I don't know how to explain it but when you know your safe with someone and you know they will be by your side no matter what kids are not such a scary idea."

"Don't rush that please." He said, "I would love to be a grandpa but I want you to be sure you want it first."

"I know we talked about it and we want to enjoy time being married before we jump into having kids." Arizona told her father, "Please don't worry so much about it, I'm really happy and I'm sure about all of this. Callie wouldn't let any of it happen unless she knew we were both sure."

"I'll always worry about you Zona you're my little girl. You will understand that when you have kids." He smiled pulling back up to the hospital.

They walked back to the boys' room, "We have food." Arizona said walking in putting the food on a one of the trays, "Tim you have an hour to eat."

"What why?"

"Because you can't eat before your surgery." Callie said

"So your saying tomorrow when Arizona and Nick are eating donuts I just have to sit here and watch?"

"Yes, but if they are nice they can wait until you are in surgery."

"We aren't." Both Arizona and Nick said.

"In about two hours I plan to ask for Cake." Nick said

"Nice." Arizona laughed, "me and Callie are going out tonight so you will have to torture him all by yourself."

"What your going out?" Barbra asked

"Yeah, just with some friends to the bar across the street."

"You two actually have friends?" Nick asked, "I wouldn't have guessed you talk to anyone outside of each other."

"Of course we have friends Nicky."

"Are you talking about that Mark guy?" He asked

"Yeah he will be there."

"He seemed like a tool."

"Watch it Nick." Arizona warned.

"He can be annoying, but he has been there for me though a lot, he is a good guy." Callie said.

"If you say so Cal." Nick said, he didn't like the way Mark had spoken to Arizona the one time he saw him.

"Its not your place Nick." Arizona said

"I know I'm just saying he was an ass to you."

"He is an ass, but he is just upset Callie is his person and she has been MIA dealing with stuff from this family so he gets to be upset that his best friend is not around." Arizona said, "If anyone understands that Nick its you."

"That's true Nick you can be an ass when you don't get undivided attention."

"That's different Zona is my family."

"And Mark is Callie's."

"Hey, can we not talk about me like I'm not here." Callie interjected.

"Sorry babe."

"It's fine," She smiled kissing Arizona, "and don't say dealing with this family like it's a burden we already talked about this love." Callie said

"You know what I mean though."

"Can we not do this now?" Callie said not wanting to fight with Arizona in front of her whole family.

A beat of awkward silence passed. "So you're looking at the house tomorrow?" Barbra said.

"Yes, we are." Callie answered, she was happy about it but still annoyed with Arizona, "from everything I've seen it looks perfect."

"Ya, I still haven't seen the pictures but it sounds like everything we want." Arizona was looking at her food not at the room she knew Callie was irritated with her.

"I um.. I need to go check something," Callie said getting up.

"What?" Arizona asked

"I need to make sure I assign Christina for Tim's surgery tomorrow I forgot to do that, and she is the best person to assist."

"O, okay." Arizona said knowing Callie was right but also knowing Callie wanted out of the awkwardness of the room.

"Someone is in trouble." Tim teased.

"Whatever." Arizona said

"She is mad at you Zona." Nick

"Shut up Nick you don't get to talk."

"Woah hey this isn't my fault."

"Yes it is I told you to leave the Mark thing alone."

"I'm not the one who insulted her you did that."

"I did not."

"You kind of did Arizona." Tim jumped in


"She wants to be here Arizona to help and to be with you, not with her friends. If she wanted to be with them she would. Stop second guessing her like that." Tim said.

"I'm not second guessing her I'm just saying she has done a lot for me lately, I don't want her to think I'm taking too much."

"She doesn't though," Nick added

"But she might."

"Your stupid if you think that will happen Arizona." Tim said, "She loves you that is clear let her be here for you don't push her away."

"I'm not pushing her away, she has been here, I'm engaged to her for crying out loud."

"Exactly act like it."

Arizona didn't say anything she just got up and left the room. She walked straight to Callie's office, "Hey." She said as she slowly opened the door, "did you find Christina?"

"Ya she is pissed I took her off cardio." Callie said leaning back in her chair.

"Calliope please don't be mad at me." Arizona said walking toward Callie.

"I'm not mad at you Arizona." Callie said

"You are too, or you're irritated with me."

"It just bothers me when you make it sound like me being around with your family is something I don't want to do."

"I just feel bad like I'm taking up all your time, that's not fair."

"You are my fiancé I want to spend my time with you, and if you are going through a tough time I want to do everything I can to make it better, I don't have to be here Arizona I choose to."

"I know, I'm sorry." Arizona said not really knowing what else to say.

Callie took Arizona into her arms, "I love you, and I want to be here, so please just accept that."

"Okay." Arizona smiled; as Callie leaned down to kiss her.

"Do we have to go to the bar tonight?" Callie asked, she really didn't want to go.

"Mark is looking forward to it, and I know you want to be with me but you also need to not cut out your friends."

"Uhh fine we can go but I lets not stay to long, just go say hi take a shot with Mark tell them we are engaged, and take another shot and leave." Callie said

"If that's what you want." Arizona said she knew that once Callie started hanging out with everyone she wouldn't want to leave so quickly.

"Do you want to see the pictures of the house?" Callie asked

"No, I know it will be amazing, I want to wait till I get to actually see it."

"Okay." Callie smiled, "Lets go get ready to go out."

A/N: Sorry I didn't get this out before Christmas but here is the update hope everyone has a fun safe New Year!