The Hunter and His Prey
Summary: Alternative Universe. Percy is rescued by Chaos from his step-father Gabe when he was 12 years old. He becomes Chaos' second, but what happens when he has to go undercover to Camp Half-Blood?
By Zero Capability
Chapter six – Introductions
Hunter's (Percy's) POV
We had been travelling for the rest of the day. I had missed lunch because of the manticore. I was tired and very hungry. I knew I couldn't keep going much longer.
'We're almost there.' Chirped Grover from slightly behind me. I didn't bother to reign in my strides; if he got too far behind I knew he could always run to catch up.
'It's just over the hill. Come on. I'll race you.' Grover shot off ahead of me. I raised a cool eyebrow as I watched him disappear over the hill. I followed him at a slower pace. This was going to be fun.
Third Person POV
(Aphrodite/Venus Cabin)
The Aphrodite/Venus children were all sitting in front of their cabin, talking (boys) and giggling (girls) amongst themselves.
Suddenly Silena stopped laughing and stared at the camp border. All the girls turned to face the same direction and gasped. At this point the boys had realised the girls had gone silent and turned around as well.
There, walking slowly, confidently behind a running Grover was a tall, dark, handsome stranger. The scar running down the right side of his face didn't detract from his features. He had just the right amount of muscle and the sleeveless shirt he wore showed his strong arms off. The group also saw the snake tattoo on his right arm.
His clothes also showed he had fashion. His sleeveless, black and red checkered shirt; black, figure hugging jeans; black converse with red accents. He had a black bag slung over one shoulder, and a sword at his side.
'Damn…he…is…fine.' Drew said, drawing the gazes of the rest of the cabin.
'Three guesses who's going to be hanging on his arm tonight.' Piper muttered quietly to Silena, rolling her eyes.
'Who needs three guesses?' Whispered Silena.
Meanwhile the rest of the girls were giggling again, and the boys, taking one glance at the scheming girls, decided they would rather not know, and hurriedly started talking to drown out the giggles and sighs.
(Ares/Mars Cabin)
The Ares/Mars Cabin were training in the arena. Clarisse was taking a short break with a couple of other kids – including Frank. She saw movement from the camp border and immediately looked over, slightly tensed and prepared to protect the camp.
What she saw wasn't an attack; it was a boy following an excited Grover. Her muscles relaxed as she watched them; sure the boy wasn't dangerous if Grover was with him.
Her mind suddenly caught onto the way the boy walked, the way he watched his surroundings – prepared for any eventuality. She saw the scar on his face – almost a testament that this boy had seen things that not many people did. She saw the warrior in this boy.
It was then that she realised that the whole of the Ares/Mars cabin had their attention focused on the boy. The boy's eyes found their way towards the children of war. They watched as his eyes took in their weapons, he nodded slightly – from warrior to warrior – before he carried on following Grover. That was when they caught a glimpse of the sword belted at his side.
They couldn't see the sword, but the scabbard was on show for all to see. It was elegantly finished - like a sword that wasn't used but shown off – however, all their eyes fastened on the signs that the sword was used. The small, thin scratches at the top of the scabbard, from the sword being pulled out in a hurry; the worn out belt that the sword was attached to, meaning it was worn a lot; the comfortable way the boy was carrying at his side, obviously having worn it a lot; the relaxed but ready grip the boy had on the handle, ready to pull it out at any sign of danger.
There was a bag resting against his back. Clarisse's eyes noticed the way it was only slung over one shoulder, the way a warrior would carry a bag precious to them, or containing something they were protecting.
A glinting chain around the boy warrior's neck pulled Frank's gaze to it. He looked at it curiously; the dog tags were reflecting the sun, making it hard for Frank to read the words, but he could just about make out the name.
'Perseus Jackson'.
(Hermes/Mercury Cabin)
Travis and Connor Stoll were tearing around the Camp. Chasing them were the rest of their cabin, including their best friend, Chris Rodriguez.
Each of their fellow cabin mates has multicoloured hair. Chris' was neon green, with turquoise highlights. Another's was hot pink with dark orange tips.
The brothers ran in the direction of the Big House, hoping that Chiron was there and they could hide nearby so their cabin mates couldn't do anything. After all, they couldn't do anything without getting in trouble no matter what the brothers had done.
As they sped round the corner of the last cabin (Zeus'), they collided with someone, falling to the ground.
The Stolls looked up to see a tall, broad boy standing above them. He offered his hands to the Stoll brothers and pulled them to their feet, when they accepted.
Suddenly they fell forwards, against the boy, when the rest of their cabin came bursting round the corner of the Zeus' cabin.
'Travis. Connor.' They yelled when they saw who they had bumped into. 'We're going to get you for this,'
A warm chuckle broke them from their thoughts of revenge, and they glanced towards the figure behind the Stolls, only to stare at him. They looked at him and saw a traveller – whether he had travelled spiritually or physically, they couldn't tell.
Chris also saw someone who lived for practical jokes behind the cold, closed of look in his eyes. It was the same light he always saw in the Stoll's eyes, whenever carrying out a prank or just planning one.
'Hey there,' Travis said.
'We didn't get your name.' Connor continued.
'Perseus Jackson. And I'm guessing you are Travis and Conner.' A slight smirk graced the features of the handsome young man.
'Yep, that's us.' Connor replied.
'We are the infamous Stoll brothers.'
'Where are you headed anyway?'
Perseus looked over to Grover, who was standing behind him, watching the conversation between the Stolls and Perseus. He jumped when Perseus coughed abruptly to get his attention.
'We were going to the Big House so I could introduce Perseus to the Director and Chiron.' Grover rocked on his feet, unnerved by Perseus' gaze.
'We'll take him!' The Stoll brothers chorused, grabbing Perseus' arms and dragging him away from the rest of their cabin, in the direction of the Big House.
(Demeter/Ceres Cabin)
Katie was out with her cabin in the strawberry fields, picking the fruit needed for tonight's dinner. It was a nice calming task that let her mind wander wherever it wanted to go.
Katie quickly looked up at the sun in the sky to check around what time it was and whether she should be finishing up and getting the fruit down to the nymphs. She started picking up her two baskets that she had filled and started walking down to the pond, where the nymphs lived.
As she came out from behind the Big House – the rest of her cabin mates just starting to pack up and make their way down – she saw the Stolls twins half bouncing towards her, or rather the Big House. There was a boy with them; he looked to be around the same age as the brothers. He was walking calmly towards the Big House, while Travis was walking backwards in front of him and Connor was walking next to him, occasionally interrupting whatever his brother was saying.
Katie walked over to them, intent on knowing what the Stoll bothers were doing, as they had never shown a new half-blood to the Big House before, and the boy they were showing around was a bit older then their usual 'recruits'.
'Connor! Travis!' Katie called, still waling towards them, waving a hand in the air.
Instantly the brothers turned around, saying simultaneously, 'We didn't do it!'
Katie laughed, before looking towards the boy standing there, smirking slightly at the Stolls reply.
'Are you going to introduce us, Connor?' She glanced towards Connor, one eyebrow raised.
'Of course. Katie, this is Perseus Jackson. Perseus, this is Katie Gardener.'
'Nice to meet you Perseus.' Katie smiled politely at the tall boy, holding out her hand to shake his.
'A pleasure, Miss Gardener.' Perseus gently took the hand offered and bowed to kiss it, eyes dancing in merriment.
Katie turned back to the Stoll brothers.
'Are you taking him to the Big House?'
'Yep, we were just on our way.' Travis bounced past her, while Conner grabbed Perseus' arm and dragged him along to follow Travis.
'I need to take the fruit down to the Nymphs, so I'll see you later.' Katie waved and walked off, the two baskets of fruit hung off her arms.
(The Big House)
Perseus looked around as the three boys entered the Big House.
'Right, we need to find Chiron.' Travis stopped and looked towards his brother.
'He'll be in the study, probably with Mr D.' Conner replied to his brother's unasked question.
'Okay, come on Perseus.' The brothers led Perseus to the door of the study and put their heads around the door.
'Travis, Conner, come in. You're not hiding from the rest of your cabin again are you?' Chiron narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
'No.' The Stolls chorused, slightly too innocently. They entered the room, pulling in Perseus by the arms they had grasped.
'We found a new camper.' Conner said, gesturing towards Perseus.
'Name's Perseus Jackson.' Travis introduced.
Chiron walked closer to Perseus, his hooves clacking on the wooden floors.
'Ah this is the one that Grover was talking about. I was just about to get a camper to go and find you as Grover had lost you.'
'I was fine sir. Bumped into Travis and Conner while I was following Grover, and they brought me here.'
'So Philip Johnson's here?' Mr D. butted into their conversation.
'Perseus Jackson actually sir.' Perseus glanced over to Mr D. before turning back towards Chiron. 'Is there anywhere I can dump my stuff?'
'Yes, Conner, Travis, why don't you show Perseus to the Hermes cabin and get him a bed?'
'Yes sir!' The brothers mock saluted before turning round, grabbing Perseus' arms and dragging him back out the door.