AN: I know it's probably not a good idea to have two stories going at the same time. But, I can't resist! I hope you enjoy this story,lets just say it's going to be quite different compared to the other stories on this site. Please read and review!
The day was dull, just like a classic English day. The stormy clouds in the sky threatened the chance of rain. Rose hurried along the crowded street. Her annoyance increased every time someone darted in front of her, or when a complete idiot decided to take their sweet ass time whilst walking.
She was incredibly late for her coffee/ lunch date with her friend Sydney. Although, the coffee was mainly for Rose's benefit since Sydney was a health nut- always checking the dreaded calorie numbers.
Her ultimate goal was not to piss Sydney off even further. The whole coffee/lunch date was an act of reconciliation. Rose was desperate not to face Sydney's wrath- again. Especially after the first time she witnessed it for, accidently, nearly setting Sydney's bible on fire during cooking was something she did not want to experience all over again.
An object grabbed Rose's attention in a nearby store's window display. She stopped to further investigate. It was book, a book with a picture of a silhouette of a man and woman facing away from each other; the background consisted of a sun set. The title 'Get You' titled horizontally across the top of the book. However, that wasn't what caught her attention. Her breath hitched at the name of the author: A. Voda.
Could it be?
Inspired by curiosity Rose entered the store. She made a beeline straight to where the books were displayed on a stand. She studied the book further hoping that it would reveal its secrets. Memories bombarded her thoughts of her old life, her old adventures, and her old unresolved heartache.
Her hands move towards to book and grip both sides before spinning the book around to read the blurb.
"That was entirely stupid! However, some forms of brilliance do occur in stupidity."
My world blew apart at the sight of her: her fierceness, her determination, her strength. My breath was taken away from me. To know her would be my right. To love her would be my fall.
Rose's eyes widened at the extract from the book. Alarm bells were ringing in her head, warning her not to even consider buying the book and read it. Not to cause more unnecessary pain. Not to break her heart- again. The temptation was too great.
She repressed her mind's blabbering and proceeded to the till to pay for the book. Behind the till stood an old man wearing round glasses flicking through a worn book. Rose cleared her throat to gain the man's awareness. He peered over the rim of glasses before placing a bookmark between the pages; setting it down next to the till. He gestured for the book in her hand. Compliantly Rose handed him the book.
He checked the price of the book and pressed the buttons on the machine. The total cost reaching £6.99. He looked at the title and placed the book in a small carrier bag; handed the bag to her.
"This book has been highly popular with the female population. I have a feeling it's going to be a best seller," he remarked.
"Can't imagine why."
"Yeah, all women are suckers for a good romance."
"I'm not."
He stared at her thoughtfully. "Oh really, then why did you buy the book?"
Rose gazed at the bag as if she could see the book in its glory and sighed softly.
"Maybe something about it reminded me of the good in love."
Rose could see Sydney sipping at her bottle water through the café's window. Here goes nothing! The door bell clanged as she opened the door and strolled up to Sydney.
"Hey Sydney," said Rose breathlessly.
Sydney stayed quiet and sipped more of her drink. Rose sat down on the seat opposite Sydney; she knew Sydney wouldn't start the conversation.
"The silent treatment, really? I'm trying here to make it up to you here. I know I'm late and I'm sorry for that. People are pain in the back sides particularly when they walk slowly! If you should know I bought a book and I'm going to read it," finished Rose and turned her head away.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of Sydney's eyebrows raise. Rose cheered inside knowing that she had gained her friend's interest. Rose wasn't known for reading books, partying and getting drunk- yeah. Reading books? A no, no for her! Some people were surprised at how Rose and Sydney were even friends due to their lack of similarities; in a way that made the friendship all that more interesting. Besides, Rose helped introduce Sydney to her now current boyfriend Adrian Ivashkov.
So, Sydney kind of owed her. Her friend screwed the bottle's lid back and on; placed it down on the table gently. Sydney looked deep in thought on how she was going to approach the subject.
"A book?" Sydney said slowly with a hint of scepticism.
Rose twisted her head around to face Sydney and acted surprised. "What is this? No more silent treatment!"
Sydney rolled her eyes at the response. "Can I see this book?"
Rose bit her lip. She was unsure of what Sydney would say; Sydney was a straight, no nonsense talker. You could say Rose was afraid of the outcome that would occur. Hesitantly, Rose bent down towards her bag and got the carrier bag holding the book and passed it to an eager Sydney.
Rose contently stared at her friend trying to read her facial expression. Sydney looked dumbstruck the moment she pulled the book out of the carrier bag. A sorrowful expression was placed on her face.
"Oh Rose," Sydney sighed and handed the book towards her.
Rose looked down. "Yeah," she quietly mumbled.
Sydney shook her head in disbelief. "What on earth possessed you to buy the book?"
"I don't know."
"I think you do, you're just afraid to admit it."
Rose glared at Sydney defiantly. "It's just a book!"
"Yeah and I'm secretly related to the Queen of England!" Sydney's voice lowered to a whisper when she noticed customers and workers alike glancing at them. "It's more than just a book and you know it. Why? Why did you buy the book? It's only going to cause you more pain."
"I know."
Sydney leant forward and clasped her hand over Rose's. "I'm here for you, you know. Whenever you need to talk or even cry. I will always be there, always."
Rose gave a gentle smile. "How's Adrian? Still smoking and drinking?"
Sydney moved to lean back on her chair, she knew that this conversation was over- for now if she could help it. Their previous discussion was forgotten just like the book.
Rose couldn't help but feel great the moment she placed her bag on the ground; and lied down on the sofa. Her feet were sore after wearing heels for nearly a day. Wearing heels should be a sport! She heard her bag all fall down off the table. Groaning she stood up and made her way to her fallen possessions.
She saw the carrier bag. I forgot I had you. Bending on her knees she grasped the bag and took the book out. Fortunately, it was not damaged by the fall. She decided to the read the book; she would go nuts if she didn't read it. I'll deal with the consequences later.
Rose sat down on the sofa and turned to the first page. There was a comment from the author.
For the one, who I never fought for.
Oh boy. Taking a deep breath she plucked the courage to go onto the next page.
Chapter One
I see her.