It's time...

Last Chapter! Thanks to everyone that took the time to read it!.


Jethro watches as David leaves with his new Wife, Nina, a Dancer and sighs as he turns to watch Mackay leave with her new Husband, Mark, an Actor. His wings slump as the new grown-up kids leave and he gazes up at the sky (We are nearing the end) with that knowledge in mind, he walks up to his now old Lover and wraps his arms around him while cringing at the creaking noise as he curls his wings around them both
"It's soon...isn't it?"
He nods and nuzzles his neck "Are you afraid?"
Tony smirks as he leans back "No...I'm kinda looking forward to it, I have lived a full life...I've watched my Daughter grow up and children of her own...along with watching my GrandChildren grow up" he sighs "I'm not stupid you know"
Jethro frowns and pulls back, so Tony can turn to look him in the eyes "What do you mean?"
He smirks and leans forward to kiss him "I should have died at six...when Fred attacked me"
A growl resonates through his chest at the mention of that mans name and he curls his wings tighter around him "I couldn't let you die Tony...I just had to stop it"
Tony nods and takes his face into his hands before gently kissing him "Come...lets go to bed"
He nods and slowly follows him but pauses and looks up into the sky "She's waiting for you Tony..."
A smile crosses his face "I know...let me sort things out and say my goodbyes before we leave"
Jethro frowns "We? I'm not going with you Tony...I have no Soul...I shall just fade into nothingness"
Tony rolls his eyes and shakes his head "You are stupid sometimes you know"
He frowns and goes to speak, only to be muffled my a hand over his mouth before being tugged upstairs for a couple of rounds of sex before they fall asleep curled up around one another.

(A Month Later)

Jethro stretches out his wings as he waits for Tony to leave the meeting with his Lawyers and sighs as he heads into the Garden for a peaceful walk. He spots a bench and takes a seat but turns as he senses someone take a seat next to him before narrowing his eyes "What do you want?"
The winged man shrugs "Told you before...I want to hand over Tonys Soul" he looks into the ice blues "And yours"
Jethro frowns "Mine...? I don't have a Soul...I'm not real"
The man laughs and flutters his white feathers "You are stupid sometimes!"
He growls and pushes away the instinct to change forms "That's twice now that I have been called stupid!"
He shrugs "You are though...Shannon gave you Life and in doing were given a Soul"
Jethro quietens and slumps his wings in confusion "I-I have a Soul?" at the nod, he bites his bottom lip "So...I can go with Tony? I won't just evaporate?"
The man frowns "That is where it becomes difficult...both Bosses want you to belong to themselves...not each other"
He sighs as he glances at his hands "Is that why we are waiting? As they fight over me?"
The winged man stands "Yup...however they have now made their minds up and shall allow you to chose the time to"
He frowns "Where do I belong?"
The man smirks "You'll find out...when the time comes"
Jethro sighs and nods before watching him go...

Tony spots his Lover sitting on his own on a bench and shakes his head as he heads over "Jethro? You ok?" with that he places a hand on his shoulder and cringes at the coldness he feels "Jethro? You're cold"
He blinks and shivers as he snaps out of his thoughts. He looks up "It's time Tony"
Tony smirks and gently helps him up "About time really...any longer and I would have died of boredom!"
Jethro rolls his eyes and kisses his cheek "Sorry to have kept you's my Soul they were arguing about"
He sighs and glances up into the dying sky "Lets head to our spot...and go under the stars" at the look of worry, he shakes his head "It's ok...I've 'arranged' for us to be found you know"
He nods and stretches out his wings before tugging Tony into his arms as he takes flight to their spot.


He lowers them both to the ground and rolls his eyes as he spots the hidden basket "You wanted it to be today?"
Tony smirks as he kisses his cheek before heading over and taking out a blanket. He lays it over the grass and takes a seat "Come Jethro"
Jethro nods and flutters his wings before heading over. He takes a seat next to him and smiles as he is gently kissed
"I love fixed my broken heart when I lost Shannon" he glances up at the sky, gazing at the full moon and smiles as he shifts to sit inbetween his Lovers legs. A smile crosses his face as he takes out another blanket and wraps them both in it before gazing at the sky.
Jethro smiles and curls his wings around them both as he enjoys the peace and tranquillity of the moment.

Tony sighs and takes out the special item which he has kept safe all these years and gazes at it "Is it time?"
He nods and leans back, tugging him against his chest as he curls his silver wings tighter around them both "It shall be peaceful...just close your eyes and sleep" he leans down and kisses the gray hair "You shall wake up with Shannon"
A soft smile crosses his face and he lets out a long breath before closing his eyes and drifting off.
Jethro gazes up into the sky as he hums a soft forgotten tune as he holds Tony close...listening to the way his heartrate slows...before stopping altogether. A soft smile crosses his face and he goes to close his own eyes but pauses as he spots the slightly singed feather within Tonys grasp and smiles as he remembers their first kiss "I can't believe you kept it...for all these years..." he smiles and kisses the top of his head before allowing himself to drift off into the next world, knowing instantly that he shall awaken go Tony and the sky and looking down at loved ones while meeting old friends of the Past.

He started as a Soldier for Heaven and Hell...but ended up as a Lover with a Soul, that shall spend the rest of eternity with the man who stole his heart all those years ago...