Chapter 6 (Filler flashback chapter): Withered

Note: Each segment separated by a line represent a time skip. Sorry for the rather rough filler chapter, Seika's weird behavior will be explained in 2 chapter.

"... second year, from the second string and my position is shooting guard..."

Unlike most of the other first years at the try-out, Hanamiya paid little attention to the seniors' introductions, the third years will be graduating by the time he takes over the club, and the second years were deemed too obdurate. Given the rigid age-centric hierarchy Kirisaki Daichi basketball club was instilled with, he did not expect the seniors to swallow up their pride and happily take an underclassman's orders. He was already planning their annihilation in his mind, but for the time being, he will feign fidelity to their rules as he lays in wait for the perfect opportunity.

Sharp brown eyes scanned the people around him, a few striking first years caught his attention. With his charisma, there was no doubt he could turn like-minded players to his side, the only material he lacked now was a good distraction.

Sometimes, fame isn't necessarily a good thing, especially when it comes with a cheesy nickname like 'Bad Boy'. From the moment Hanamiya stepped into the court, the seniors have been stealing shifty gazes at him. The crownless king could see that he was attracting unwanted attention; he needed a cover, something that can divert the upperclassmen's attention from the infamy he gained in middle school.

"Miura-san." The coach urged the manager to step forward, and the girl obeyed rather grudgingly. Her arms crossed in front of her torso in a loose self-embrace, Hanamiya recognised it as a sign of insecurity and vulnerability.

"Miura Seika. Second year, I am the manager of the club." Unlike what her body language had revealed, her voice was modulated and supple. Hanamiya could tell that she was used to dealing with crude high school boys, she knew well that she had to make a firm first impression. Hanamiya watched as her eyes addressed the audience one at a time, until the grey eyes landed on him.

Her mask of composure melted away in a split second. Maybe it was the natural instincts of a coward; she recognised the predator in him. He watched the fear stir in her eyes with amusement. She was like a deer in headlight, unable tear herself away from his gaze. Seika was finally brought out of her daze when the coach cleared his throat, she sniffled sheepishly and ended her introduction with a hasty "I look forward to working with you".

Seika took a quick bow and stepped back into position, another second year immediately took her spot, but Hanamiya's eyes trailed after the manager.

With a spark of creativity, Hanamiya had formulated his perfect disguise.

Seika shifted the weight in her arms, a box full of plastic files and wrinkled papers she had collected for the summer boot camp. She mentally chided herself for not having systematically organised the contents when she still had a chance to, but it was all too late for regrets. As she tried to balance the weight, one careless tinker was all it took to send all the materials flying off like freed caged birds. With a soft sigh, Seika set the cardboard box by her feet and started collecting the papers manually.

"Here." Seika looked up as a black file was placed into the box by her side. Her bewildered gaping was reciprocated by a sly smile.

"Hanamiya-kun." She swallowed nervously as she greeted the junior. It has been almost a whole semester since the year ones have been initiated in the club, but she still couldn't shake the unease that churns in her stomach whenever he approached her. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." He replied smoothly with a teasing undertone. Hanamiya crouched down beside the brown box, invading into Seika's comfort zone, her eyes were glued on him as she watched he rearrange the contents that was left in the box. His long, bony fingers moved gracefully as he worked through the files, his nails were kept, much neater the usual rowdy basketball playing high school she has met. His eyelashes were dark and lengthy, up not to an extent that curtails his masculinity, and his intense black brows made his gleaming amber eyes stand out in contrast.

"Something wrong?" His smirked sent Seika into a blinking frenzy as she averted her gaze. She mumbled something inaudible and returned to fumble with the pages dispersed across the clubroom. Seika aligned the gathered papers against the wooden flooring and found a hand, stretched in waiting. Seika handed Hanamiya the documents, his fingers brushed against hers as he received them. Even such minimal skin contact was enough to make her heartbeats accelerate.

"Arrange the files like this," Hanamiya slotted the pages amongst the vertically arranged files, fitting all the materials tidily into the box. "See, much neater now."

Unlike Hanamiya, Seika have not noticed the third year by the door until the senior whistled suggestively. "Dude, just get a room."

The intruder gave them a teasing laughter as Seika hastily picked up the box and excused herself.

"She is purposely avoiding me, isn't she." Hanamiya sighed exaggeratedly as he chatted up the senior. The third year followed Hanamiya's gaze to the manager, who was hastily meandering through sweaty high school basketballers to get away from them.

"Still haven't given up on her?" The senior gave a light-hearted chuckle. "Miura is quite the looker, but isn't she a little boring?"

"Boring?" Hanamiya echoed, feigned ire seeping into his tone.

"I don't mean it that way." Completely caught up in Hanamiya's deception, the senior explained apologetically. "Isn't she a little too… conserved? Didn't expect the famed uncrowned king to have such bland taste."

"Just don't get too distracted alright?" The third year gave a Hanamiya a friendly pat on the back and returned to his duties.

His cover was effective like he had predicted.

No one would suspect a thing with his act of the infatuated fool. Once the senior has gotten of ear-shot, Hanamiya snorted condescendingly.

"Don't worry, soon you will wish it's boring."

Just a little more he will have complete control over the club. His webs were in place. Trust, team spirit, the very values Kirisaki Daichi's basketball team was built on was slowly crumbling away. The corner of Hanamiya curled smugly; he could almost taste his impending victory.

Thanks to his boot camp roommate's loud snoring, Hanamiya woke in the awkward hours of early morning. Unable to get back to sleep, Hanamiya had gone for a drink in the dining halls. As he made his way back in the unlit hallway, a shivering figure caught his eye. The girl was dressed in a thin cotton shirt and a pair of loose shorts, her brown strands draped over her knees in her crouching figure.


Her head tilted up in his direction, tears that were clinging onto her bottom lashes glittered in the faint light. There was no sign of recognition in her eyes, as if she was blinded by terror. Hanamiya could tell that she was badly frightened by something or someone, it wasn't he who induced such fear in her.

That ticked him off.

He felt an urge to rip the fear right out of her being. Something was dominated her mind more than he did, there was no need to know what was haunting her, all it mattered was that he wasn't the terror imbued in her mind. Seika was only a cover-up to his plans, she was a tool, but his pride wouldn't allow anything to steal away his prey.

Hanamiya brushed his fingers through the dark chocolate hair, trailing down her temple with an airy touch, barely keeping contact with the smooth skin of her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Seika's lips trembled as she apologised profusely to the hallucinations she had brought out from her nightmare.

"Shhh." He whispered by her ear. "It's alright now."

He chased away the shadows of her nightmare with his wispy spell and brought her back into reality. In the heat of the moment, Seika buried her head into his shoulder. As soon as sense came back to her, Seika pulled away with flushed cheeks, she turned to face the schemer with a certain heat in her eyes.

He watched the deep grey of her irises melted into the black of her pupils as they dilated, he could foresee that her new-found affection for him wouldn't last long, because soon he will dispose her with the rest of those trash.

"Manager, get me the-" His commands ricochet off the walls that bounded the empty corner of the room. Hanamiya clicked his tongue in irritation; it has became a habit, to call out for her for the most mundane tasks. She wasn't a particularly handy tool, but he kept her around as a lackey, even after she had outlived her use as a disguise to him.

The spring breeze carried a faint scent of freshly mowed grass through the opened windows, reminding Hanamiya that everything had changed. The ashen winter had made way for the pastel scenery that spring brought, and Hanamiya had stepped into his sophomore year. Just as he had anticipated, the basketball team is now completely under his control. He was the coach, the captain and his words were law. Hanamiya cast a glance at the wooden desk that sat at the corner of the clubroom, and contemplated to get it thrown out, it was just another piece of trash that has lost its purpose.

The table was just like its owner, trash that had outlived its purpose, gone along with the withering sakura.