Disclaimer: I do not own 'Pokemon' and the cover image used. I only edited it but I do own the story plot used here.
A B.D Vega Storyline
Chapter One: Uh-oh!
He was always strutting around the whole school with that Flygon of his as if he was some king.
Girls practically throw themselves at him in hopes of becoming the girlfriend of the well-known Pokemon Coordinator in the whole Hoenn region that is Andrew Hayden despite the fact that he was a notorious playboy. No male had the guts to go against him lest they suffer the severe consequences and all the teachers cower from him in fear of losing their jobs thus making him do whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases and with whomever he pleases.
Studying in a University where the best of the best (and when I say the best I mean the best) Coordinators go to and being the elite one amongst all of them plus winning various contests in different regions without having a single loss in his record it's no wonder Andrew Hayden could act like he owned the place. The school won't just let him go regardless of the reputation he has seeing as he was someone who gave glory and fame to our school and losing someone like him is like trading your high-leveled Gyarados for a level one Magikarp and nobody wants that.
Everyone saw him as the handsome genius, the prince of all Pokemon contests, the boy who has captured the whole region with his contest skills and good looks-, but to me, he was just some arrogant, self-centered, evil and conniving jerk who had nothing better to do every day but be a show-off his entire life.
I know what he does, I see what he does and other people just turn a blind eye from it all because no one had the courage to step up to him. He was no prince but just some good for nothing bully. If you so much as stand in his way he'll make sure that the whole entire student body comes after you and that you'll regret it for the rest of your life- tormenting you until you leave this school.
I remember that time, it was spring back then and I was walking by the school gardens and saw a freshman training his Azurill. The freshman ordered his Azurill to cast a Water Spout that accidentally wet Drew when he was passing by to pluck a rose from one of the bushes nearby and no matter how much that freshman begged for forgiveness Drew did not acknowledge it and instead did the unspeakable. Drew released his Roserade and ordered it to cast a strong solar beam towards the weak Azurill and Azurill being a water type that attack proved to be super effective causing the tiny blue Pokemon to faint. The freshman cried and cried and that bastard just smirked and walked away. The following day, I found out that that freshman dropped out of school.
In the end, I was the weak one. I didn't even budge from my spot and instead watched helplessly as Drew bullied the poor boy. I didn't even tell the teachers, I mean what help could I get from doing that if they would practically tremble as soon as Drew's name was mentioned? Therefore, I stayed silent, like what every coward would do.
I mean, what could someone like me do? Who was I in this school where the greatest coordinators attend? I'm just May Maple. Someone who was only allowed to enroll here because of my father being a gym leader in Petalburg City. I had no right to act anyway I wanted to and because of that, people would question my entry in the first place. Yes, I have contest experience and won in some contests around the Hoenn Region before but that's nothing compared to what the people studied here accomplished.
Thus, in my second year here in Rosewood University I am up until now- friendless and have no thoughts whatsoever in making friends with any of those spoiled brats and instead prefer being in the shadows and avoiding any trouble as much as possible especially if it has something to do with a certain green-haired boy. As long as I graduate without messing with him I can finally travel by myself and just forget all the awful memories I have witnessed in this school.
Cherry Blossom Tree, 4:10 pm
"Excuse me Miss, but if you sleep here any longer you're going to be late for your class." I automatically opened my eyes at the sound of the voice that was obviously pertaining to me as I lay comfortably on the grassy ground under a cherry blossom tree. It was a miracle he found me since this was a special place I like to stay when I want to find some peace and quiet or when I just want to take an afternoon nap without any disturbances because it was far from the usual hang outs students go to. I shifted to a sitting position and stretched my arms following it with a soft yawn.
"Thank you but no worries, my teacher is out for the day so he made the last subject a free time before we could go home." I said as I leaned against the trunk casually with both my arms cradling my head still not looking the student at the face.
"If you say so, then can I ask you to leave instead? This is my Sceptile's favorite spot you see and I don't think it'll like you being here." He said so politely making my eye twitch in slight irritation, who did this pal think he was? As far as I know he isn't Drew so that means I had every right to stay here as he did.
"Look here buddy, there's this word call share and if you're Sceptile doesn't like it then that's your problem because I like it here and I sure ain't leavi-," I stopped midway from my rant as I stared the boy straight in the face and realized whom I was talking to.
There, standing coolly in front of me with his white cap swaying by the wind and the golden badge stuck on his shirt that gleamed as the sunray hits it indicating he was part of the elite class was none other than Brendan Birch. The Brendan Birch. Being second to Drew when it comes to skill and popularity and rivaling him when it comes to looks he was also very well-known in this school and was that green-haired jerk's best friend seeing as they are always seen together.
Realization hit me.
Oh no! How could I be so stupid! How could I not notice that the boy standing before me all along was Brendan Birch! He's going to kill me for sure! I bet right now he's planning to use those super strong Pokemon in his arsenal to blast me to oblivion. Oh, for the love of Arceus, save me from my impending death!
Calm down May, calm down. I told myself inside my head.
Think about it. From the rumors I heard Brendan was kinder, more collected, mysterious and calm not to mention a happy go lucky type of person compared to Drew who would deal with things head on with his stuck-up attitude so he might spare you-, might. Then again, they are only rumors so there is no assurance that they are real. For all I know Brendan could be more of a bully then Drew ever was and just hid behind that serene mask of his. Oh, Latios, Latias, Zapdos, Moltres and all the legendary Pokemon out there… Please, SAVE ME!
I tried to make a run for it but thought that if I ran away from him today I would face his wrath tomorrow so it was much better I deal with it right here, right now. I did what every sane person would think of to do in situations like these and that was-, to beg for forgiveness like crazy.
"Sorry! Sorry! Forgive me! I'll treat your Sceptile some pokeblock! I'll shine your ribbons for you, I'll give you a massage I'll do anything just don't use any hyper or solarbeam on me to blast me to bits!" I said frantically and kept bowing as if my backbone would break anytime soon.
"Blast you to bits?" He spoke and I looked towards him, "Interesting suggestion but that's illegal." He added with a smirk.
"So you won't blast me to bits?" I asked for reassurance.
He inhaled and exhaled softly letting out a soft chuckle and I watched as his whole body relaxed. He did not bother to answer my question and instead walked pass by me sitting nonchalantly on my previous spot copying my previous position. How could he make sitting under a tree look so cool as if it were in some movie? That's Brendan Birch for you.
"I'll allow you to stay here just for today but make sure I don't catch you again next time."
I felt a nerve pop in my head, he may be Brendan Birch but there's absolutely no way I am letting him take away the only spot where I can find tranquility away from those noisy people that talked about nothing but boys, and other nonsense things.
I mustered all the courage I had and wished Jirachi for luck because I will need lots of it for what I was about to say next, "I'm sorry, you may be Brendan Birch but I'm afraid you can't stop me from coming here."
He just gave me a smile that did not reach his eyes, "Let me tell you something miss, this area belongs to me since I was the one who asked the school to build a cherry blossom tree here and also because I did that for my Sceptile and every student knows that. So far, you are the only person besides Drew to hang around here without my permission. So I guess you can say I have every right to stay here."
My eyes widened, asked the school to place a huge tree within the campus? Oh May Maple you have done it now. I made a huge mistake trying to argue with this person. If what he is saying is true then that meant he was that influential towards the school and if I tried to oppose him it's like welcoming eternal suffering into my life. Well what did I expect, he was Brendan freaking Birch after all so I shouldn't be surprised.
I sighed sadly in utter defeat and grabbed my bag pack, "I see, sorry then." No point fighting over it now, if he owned the area then I had no right. I turned around and looked at my watch, it read 4:20 I still had ten minutes to spare before they announce that classes are over and maybe I could use the remaining time to look for another quiet place to relieve my stress. I hope I could find one and even if I do find one, it will not be quite the same like when I stay here by the cherry blossom tree.
I started walking away when he suddenly said something that made me stop and turn around, "I guess I can make one more exception."
I raised one brow at him, "Excuse me?"
He stood up and walked towards me with both his arms tucked coolly inside his jean pockets, "You're the first girl to ever answer back to me like that and you're interesting so it's a shame not to keep you around if I want some entertainment. Feel free to come here anytime you want, as long as you don't bother my Sceptile alright?" He said as he gazed into my eyes with those dark orbs of his that were no doubt mesmerizing, I could now see why girls fall for him easily, this person was just so beautiful it was hard to resist.
"I… Thank you." I mumbled softly and mentally cursed as I felt my face heating up from his intense gaze.
"No problemo, I have to get going now since classes are over. See you around then um…?" He looked at me as if waiting for me to say something, "Oh! Right, I'm May." I blurted out, gods this was so embarrassing…
"Right. See you around then May." He said as he grabbed his bag.
"Wait a minute…" I said and he looked my way, "Yes?" "
"Um, if you are from the elite class then that means you were supposed to have classes right now… Right? Did you uh… skip?"
He quickly pressed his face so close to mine that if he went closer we could have… Ugh, I don't even want to think about it, it's bad for my heart.
"Ssh," he said with his finger on his mouth as if telling me to be quiet, "This'll be our little secret alright May? My parents, especially my dad will kill me if they ever found out I skipped a class. I mean how couldn't I? Professor Ivy gives the most boring lectures of all time!" He grimaced, "And if you dare blurt it out then it's goodbye cherry blossom tree for you."
"Yes sir!" I nodded; his face was too close for comfort it made me nervous but in a very good way.
He nodded as well, a satisfied expression on his face. "Alright, then that's settled then. I really have to be going. That impatient grass-head hates it when I show up late. See ya!" he said with a wide grin displaying his perfectly aligned and pearly white teeth. I then watched as he made a quick dash towards the school gates and disappeared from my sight.
Brendan Birch was indeed a mysterious person. One moment he can act like a cool and mature adult the next he's like a cheerful kid.
From the happenings that occurred today, I concluded three things.
One was that the rumors were true about Brendan and that even if he did second to Drew in everything in my eyes he was so much better than Drew in every way. Not to mention kinder.
Second, coming to school wouldn't be a waste after all if I will be able to see him every day.
And third, I told myself that I would never have any interest towards a guy here in Rosewood University and if I did, I promised myself that I would do 50 push-ups and not eat my mom's delicious dinner for one day. However, the sudden beating of my heart and the way my face would flush when he so much as looks at me only meant one thing.
I sighed, I'm sooo shallow, and for someone like me who proclaimed to my family that I would never marry until I meet my prince charming on a dashing Rapidash or Arcanine… Falling for a person whom I just talked to for the first time and showed slight kindness towards me would have made my brother Max laugh till his stomach hurt.
Oh, I can already imagine him teasing me till morning saying I'm so easy to get or I wouldn't grow up to be an old granny with only Skitties as company after all and every other joke that brain of him could think of.
Darn it; guess I won't be having any of mom's cooking today. Stupid Brendan Birch.
May's Room, 9:30 pm
"WHAT? NO WAY? HAHAHA! Love at first sight? Pffft! HAHAHAHA! That's classic! And with BRENDAN BIRCH? WAHAHAHA!" Max's loud laughs echoed throughout the house the moment he heard my story and I blushed from embarrassment as he went on and on about my love life making me wish I didn't tell him in the first place and just kept it to myself. Why did I have a brother? And an idiotic one at that? Sigh.
"One more joke and I'll kick you out of my room!" I threatened but he just let out another series of laughter as he mocked me by imitating kissy kiss sounds, "May and Brendan sitting on a tree-,"
I finally stopped him by throwing one of my Torchic pillows on my bed straight into his face, "I already told you, it's not like that! It's only a small crush! Sheesh, don't make it such a big deal." Max looked at me disbelievingly, "Yeah, whatever you say but I still don't believe you."
I huffed, "It's only admiration alright?"
Max jumped off my bed and eyed me, "Admiration huh? C'mon sis, you have never felt any admiration towards any guy before except dad. Who knows, he might be the one."
"Ugh, I have no idea how that mind of yours works…"
"He might be the one~" Max said jokingly while wagging his eyebrows.
"Goodnight Max." I answered hoping it will make him go away from my room. "He might be the one-," I grabbed another pillow from my head and aimed it at him but this time he saw it coming and side-stepped to dodge it while sticking out his tongue playfully, "I said, GOODNIGHT MAX! So get out of my room already!"
"Gooooodnight then May… Birch." He laughed as he exited my room in a hurry to dodge the textbook coming from him; I had enough of pillows so maybe throwing him something harder would teach that brat a lesson.
Max stuck his head back in, "Aim better next time. Night, sis." was all he said as he closed the door leaving me finally alone.
"Ugh, annoying brothers." I muttered as I picked up my pillows and textbook from the floor and returning them to where they belonged.
No matter how irritating my brother was, he did have one thing right though-, I never felt any admiration towards any guy before who wasn't dad, actually this is the first time I even took an interest in one in the first place. I think the reason was because compared to other guys in school he was the only one that looked remotely normal to talk to and someone you could actually have a decent conversation with. He wasn't like the others who talked about how to hook-up with hot girls and go show off their Pokemon just to start a conversation. Moreover, for some strange reason, it was as if I saw him before when I was a child but then again, that couldn't possibly be him and must only be some slight resemblance.
I tucked myself comfortably on my bed and turned off my Jigglypuff lampshade that was on top of my small brown cabinet positioned next to my bedside wishing that sleep would finally engulf me.
I just couldn't wait to go to school tomorrow.
And no, Brendan Birch isn't the reason.
Alright, screw that. Who am I kidding? He was solely the reason I was this pumped up to attend that University for the first time…
Really, where's sleep when you need it…
Cherry Blossom Tree, 6:30 am
Waking up earlier than expected and arriving at school earlier than usual without even fixing myself up, making lame excuses to the guard just to let me inside and rushing immediately to this certain location made it very obvious that I wanted to see him so early in the morning. But he was from the elite class and those guys can come anytime they want, heck they can even skip school if they wanted to and I don't even know his schedule and even if he does come here frequently that doesn't mean he's here right now. Who knows if he'll even come today seeing as I only found out yesterday that he actually hangs around this place, let alone owns it. And I've been hanging around here since my first year! Due to my silly excitement, I completely forgot about those factors. And since I have already arrived here I still had 30 minutes to spare before classes start. 30 minutes of utter boredom.
I walked towards my usual spot, disappointment written all over my face as I saw that Brendan wasn't around after all. Why would he go to school so early in the morning just to waste his time staying under a tree anyways? Just because he's named after one doesn't mean he has to devote his time to every tree… Oh what the hell am I thinking…
I slumped down on the grassy ground and let out a loud sigh before lying down and closing my eyes, "WHY ISN'T HE HERE!" I shouted out loud.
"Who isn't here?" I heard a soft voice say and recognized immediately whom it belonged to. I stood faster than my Pokemon doing Agility and quickly straightened myself out hoping I looked at least presentable when I was in front of him.
"Oh, hey!" I said nervously as I saw Brendan standing in front of me with his Sceptile tagging along behind him.
"Could it be you were referring to me?" He asked pointing to himself.
I blushed but shook my head and crossed my arms, "You wish? I was talking about someone else." I lied.
He just shrugged and tossed his bag aside as he lied down under the tree closing his eyes and spreading his arms and legs in a carefree way while his Sceptile jumped from branch to branch and rested casually at it's favorite spot, "You're here early." He said with a yawn and as I looked at the dark circles under his eyes, he evidently hadn't had enough sleep last night.
"I always come here early," I lied again but he saw right through it, "I don't believe you." He said as he opened one eye to look at me.
"What about you? You're here early." I said turning back the question at him, "See, that's why I don't believe you, because if you did come here everyday then you should know that I always hang around here around these times." He closed both his eyes again.
I reddened from embarrassment and sat down next to his lying form, arms crossed again and a pout present on my face. That explains why I never saw him here before because I usually hang around here during lunch breaks and we only met yesterday because he skipped his class.
"So, about-," I started to make conversation to change topic but he quickly cut me off, "Ssh, be quiet for now, I'm trying to sleep."
"Sorry…" I whispered softly and he only replied with a charming smile that made my heart go pitter-patter as I watched him sleep peacefully in this early morning.
Few minutes have passed and I spent them by watching him sleep. He looked so innocent, so at peace that if I were any of his rabid fan girls I would have done all kinds of things to him right now seeing him in this vulnerable state. However, his Sceptile was wide awake, guarding him so if it sensed any danger it would do anything to protect its master.
Never in my life have I felt any interest towards any guy before because I thought it would be too troublesome since some of my friends in my old school would do lots of dumb stuff when it came to love but after meeting Brendan it gave me a whole new perspective. The tingling feeling you feel when you have someone you like may not be so bad after all.
I looked down on his sleeping form and smiled, "Like an angel." I murmured so softly as not to wake him and laid down next to him and compared to yesterday, sleep came faster than I had hoped.
Ring, Ring, Ring
My eyes snapped open at the sound of the last school bell indicating that class was about to start, I looked at my watch and it read 6:58. "Shit." I cursed out loud and grabbed my bag in a hurry and remembered that Brendan was still here but when I looked he was already gone.
"Why didn't he wake me up…?" I wondered and that's when I felt a piece of paper stuck on my forehead, I removed it and there written in black bold letters read,
"Better get going sleepy-head, you were sleeping so deeply and talking about Candy it would be rude to wake you up so I went ahead oh yeah I'm no angel alright.^_^"
My eyes widened and the words Like an Angel. Like an Angel. Like an Angel. Replayed like a mantra in my head. Great, not only did he hear me but he also must've seen how hilarious I look like when I sleep muttering Candy… So much for my cool act up until now.
"Please stand for the opening ceremony…" I heard the principle announcing for the morning assembly and from here to my classroom- if ever there was some miracle, I still might make it as long as I run for my life like a thousand Beedrills were chasing me. My 'Brendan' problem would have to wait. For now, I really should be concentrating on getting to class. My first ever late and all because of Brendan Birch.
Classroom Hallway, 7:10 am
I ran and ran and ran.
Just a little more and I might actually make it.
I took a sharp turn at a corner and bumped into somebody rather violently and the impact made us both fall on the ground with a loud thud. I didn't bother to look at whoever it was and just grabbed my bag not even shouting a single apology as I stood up and ran like my life depended on it. Besides, I'm sure that person would understand that I was awfully late and nothing can be scarier than arriving tardy on Professor Walter's class.
That girl.
She had the nerve to bump into me without so much as a single apology? Did she even realize who it was she bumped into? I'll make her pay and maybe then she would learn her place- and manners at that. What a way to start my morning. Tsk.
"Drew, what are you doing on the floor in the middle of the hallway?" I looked towards where Brendan stood as he gave me a cheery smile like he always did. And even if that smile did irritate me to no end he still was the only person whom I consider a friend.
"Nothing," I said and lifted myself up and straightened myself out before grabbing my bag pack on the ground.
"Reaaally?" He eyed me skeptically.
"Say Brendan," I said with a smirk and flip of my hair as a plan suddenly hatched from my mind.
"How about a little show for today?" I said.
Brendan looked at my evil expression and sighed, "Who is it now?"
"I don't know yet but I'm going to find out. And you, my friend, are going to help me."
Brendan just shook his head disapprovingly but decided to play along with his friend's antics since he really had nothing better to do anyways, "Fine."
No way, this was impossible.
That person couldn't possibly do something like this…Right? I just know he wouldn't. He was different than the rest right? He was not like the others… He was different. He had to be.
But he was his bestfriend. And like the saying goes, birds of the same feather flock together.
I just wouldn't believe it, no way… Please, don't let it be him.
"C'mon Brendan show that loser her manners!" The class cheered.
And that was all the proof I needed to know that it was indeed him, I lifted my head and stared straight into his dark orbs.
This story has been going on inside my head for quite a while now. I hope you liked it!